Making my way across the executive floor, I smooth down the front of my skirt. Needing the added confidence boost for my meeting with Cheryl this morning, I chose an outfit that I always feel great in. The baby blue wrap dress is simple but flattering on my curves. The V neck doesn’t plunge too far, but it’s enough to make me feel sexy. I even took the extra effort to straighten my hair, so it’s laying in a glossy sheet over my shoulders. Paired with a little more jewelry than I’d normally wear, and suede ankle boots, I feel ready to face just about anything.

Rounding the corner, I spot Vincent. He’s standing next to Brent’s desk, where they appear to be deep in discussion. In profile, Vincent looks just as hot as ever. His dark hair swept back. His stubble highlighting the firm lines of his jaw. His dark lashes making it damn near impossible to look away from his nearly black eyes.

I can’t decide if he looks best like this. Perfectly tailored suit. Shirt buttoned. Hair in place. Or how he looked this weekend. Worn jeans hugging his drool-worthy ass. T-shirt stretched over his broad shoulders. Hair mussed.

The truth is Vincent looks hot as fuck no matter what he’s wearing. Or not wearing.

Vincent is still speaking but Brent must notice the movement of my approach. His attention turns to me and he gives me a slow once over.

“Hey there, beautiful. You look extra delicious today. Did you come all the way up here just to see me?” Brent asks, doing his best to keep a shit-eating grin off his face.

Vincent’s head whips up. He gives me the same once over, but – when Vincent does it – it feels like he’s doing more than just undressing me with his eyes. It’s as if I can feel his hands peeling my clothes away, caressing the skin beneath.

I close those thoughts down, not wanting to waste this golden opportunity to mess with him.

Flicking my hair over my shoulder, I give Brent my best seductive smile. “Awe, thanks sugar. I have to chat with Mr. Mazzanti, but I’ll be sure to save some time for you afterward.”

I swear I hear Vincent growl before he snaps at Brent. “Hold my fucking calls.”

Brent loses his fight against his grin as he mouths Sugar to me, raising his eyebrows. I ignore him. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Hi.” I smile at Vincent.

He watches me for a moment before he rolls his eyes, clearly realizing that we’re trying to rile him up. But that doesn’t stop him from gripping my wrist and pulling me into his office. The action reminding me of the over-the-top demanding Vincent that I know well.

He removes his suit jacket before taking a seat behind his desk. I’m not exactly sure why he asked me to come up here, but he doesn’t make me wait long.

Vincent lets out a deep sigh, then starts talking. “I know this might not be the most appropriate thing to discuss at the office, but I wanted to thank you for this weekend.”

He’s so serious that I resist the scoff that tries to escape my throat. Most of my memories in this office are far more inappropriate than a mere personal discussion.  

I cross my legs and lean forward in my chair. “You don’t need to thank me. Not again.”

“I do.” He argues. “You didn’t owe me anything. You could have left me begging outside your door. And in case I haven’t made it clear, I’m sorry for how I treated you that morning in my apartment. I had no right to take my issues out on you. I just…” He breaks off.

“I know. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t matter because it does. You made me feel like… like one of many. Your words were harsh, and you hurt me.” Vincent looks stricken. I was planning to drag this out more, but for both our sakes, I decide to put him out of his misery. “I forgive you.”

He shakes his head. “Sasha.”

I hold up my hand. “I do. If you hadn’t come over with Annie, I probably wouldn’t have. Hell, I probably wouldn’t be talking to you at all. But I saw a different side of you this weekend, and think I get it. It doesn’t make how you acted towards me okay, but I do understand. You were trying to keep what we were doing separate from Annie. I can respect that. And I can forgive you. Just don’t ever treat me like that again. My compassion and empathy have limits.”

Vincent’s exhale is audible. “You’re right. About all of it.” He scrubs a hand down his face. “Annie is the best thing in my life. She was also the biggest shock.”

I hold my breath, not wanting to do anything that might stop him. Since my talk about mothers with Annie, my desire to know more has only grown. But I knew I’d have to wait for Vincent to tell me on his own time.

Vincent leans back in his chair and looks out the window. “I worked out of the Miami offices for the last couple years of my 20’s. There was a group of us that would go out about once a month. Just Angelo and some other guys from work. We always ended up at the same club. There was this girl. She was a bartender. She was nice.” He shrugs. “Honestly, I didn’t know her that well. Renee was just there. She was convenient. And hooking up just became part of the routine. She knew what it was. I’m sure she was sleeping with other people, hell she might have even had a boyfriend. I didn’t care. I didn’t know her last name and she didn’t know mine. I didn’t want her knowing who I really was. I always paid in cash. I wasn’t looking for a relationship.

“Then some things changed in the business, and I moved to New York. I didn’t tell her. There was no goodbye. There was no need for one. And I didn’t think about her again. Not until she showed up in my building a year later.”

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