
Inside the CEO’s office, Magnus sat on the couch with his legs crossed, looking as comfortable as if he were in his own home. 

Kristin, who was at the side, had a complicated expression. 

‘Last night was the craziest experience I have ever had in my life. 

However, I don’t regret it! 

Because I hate Shawn. 

Giving my body to such a scum will be worse than giving it to a stranger! 

Compared to Shawn, the man in front of me is at least more pleasant to look at and doesn’t make me feel disgusted.’ 

Just as these thoughts were flashing through her mind, she heard the sound of a door opening. 

The office door was pushed open by someone. 

A middle–aged man with a strained expression entered hurriedly. It was none other than Hovalt Group’s CEO, Martin Thompson. 

“Dad,” Kristin called out. 

Kristin’s eyes focused on her father, and she began to feel uneasy in her heart. 

Martin didn’t respond. His gaze was fixed directly on Magnus. 

“You are Benedict’s pupil!” stated Martin. 

“That’s right,” said Magnus as he nodded. 

Martin looked him up and down before asking, “Did you come here today because of your marriage agreement with Kristin?” 

His arrogant attitude instantly made Magnus feel annoyed. 

However, out of politeness, he admitted, “Yes, I’ve indeed come here for this matter.” 

Martin pondered the situation for a moment, then slowly said, “Years ago, when the Thompson family faced a crisis, your master stepped in to help. Afterward, my father, in order to repay this kindness, made a marriage agreement with him, promising Kristin to you.” 

Magnus nodded and said, “It seems to be that way.” 

The text message Magnus received from Benedict earlier said roughly the same thing as what Martin was saying now. 

Kristin, who was nearby, widened her eyes. 

“So this guy really is my fiancé! But if Dad knew about this, why did he let me get engaged to Shawn?” thought Kristin. 

“Young man, let me ask you something,” said Martín suddenly. “Ask yourself honestly. Do you think you’re worthy of our Kristin?” 

Magnus pursed his lips and was about to say something when Martin suddenly changed his tone and forcefully interrupted, “To be honest with you, my father is no longer here. Neither Kristin nor I will acknowledge this marriage.” 

He sighed and added, “However, we, the Thompson family, are ultimately indebted to your master. As compensation, I can offer you a fortune that will ensure a worry–free life for the rest of your days.” 

“Is that so?” sneered Magnus. He then asked, “So, how much money do you plan to compensate me?” 

Martin hesitated for a moment, then extended a hand and said, “1million dollars.” 

Dad!Kristin exclaimed. 

Martin interrupted, “You don’t have to say anything. I’ll handle this matter!” 

“Hmm. InterestingMagnus laughed. 

“Actually, I came here today to break off the engagement with your daughter. But, well… I’ve changed my mind now,” said Magnus with a playful tone. Martin sneered, “Young man, I advise you not to be shameless when I’m already being nice to you.” 

You know very well in your heart who has no shame here. As the saying goes, gratitude is the best of virtues while ingratitude is the worst of vices. When the Thompson family was in trouble, it was my master who helped you, and it was your father who willingly promised his granddaughter to me! But what did you do? You went back on your words.” Magnus accused without hesitation. 


Martin was left speechless after being criticized. 

Magnus turned his head and looked at Kristin before asking, “You know everything about this matter now, so I’m asking you, do you want to marry that useless person?” 

He needed to find out about Kristin’s thoughts on this matter. 



Chapter 4 

“I definitely don’t want to marry that loser!” Kristin blurted. 

She originally wanted to add something else. 

However, Magnus didn’t give her a chance and assertively said, “All right. That’s all I needed to hear from you.” 

“You scoundrel!” shouted Martin. 

Faced with Magnus‘ assertiveness, Martin’s face turned red with anger. “Please leave this place immediately.” 

“Dad!” Kristin blurted out. “Why do you insist on making me marry that scumbag when you clearly know I hate that kind of person the most?” 

After she said that, tears welled up in her eyes. 

“Kristin, please don’t blame me on this. You know the company’s situation very well. Right now, apart from the Zinn family, no one can help us,” Martin explained helplessly with a sigh. 

Kristin’s face was full of grievance as she firmly said, “So what if we go bankrupt? It’s not a big deal! I won’t marry Shawn even if I die!” 

“Are you trying to anger me to death?” asked Martin as he expressed his disappointment in her. 

“What a disgrace to men!” scolded Magnus, who was standing nearby, suddenly. 

Upon hearing this, Martin’s face turned cold and he shouted, “What did you just say?“. 

Magnus bluntly scolded, “I said you’ve lost your dignity as a man! As a father, you don’t care at all about your daughter’s happiness. How is what you’re doing any different from trading your daughter for benefits?” 

“Brat, it’s not your place to make judgmental comments in front of me!” said Martin. He retorted aggrievedly, “Since Kristin was born into our family, if she were to marry, she could only marry someone of her own class, so it’s absolutely impossible for her to marry a poor wretch like you!” 

“Dad, I won’t marry Shawn. I’d rather die than marry him!” protested Kristin with all her heart. 

However, Martin was very determined as he said, “You have to marry him whether you want to or not!” 

Although he knew it was unfair to his daughter, he really had no choice. 

If she didn’t marry into the Zinn family, his company would definitely go bankrupt! 

Magnus walked up to Kristin and reached out to wipe the tears from her face. “Stop crying. Let me handle this.” 

Kristin shuddered inwardly. 

For some unknown reason, this short phrase soothed her mind and put her at ease. 

It seemed as if this man would shield her even if the sky were to collapse. 

“Brat, for Benedict’s sake, I won’t be rude to you. Now, please leave immediately,” Martin ordered Magnus to leave once again. 

Magnus sneered, “It’s not me who should leave; it’s you!” 

Upon hearing this, Martin’s pupils suddenly constricted. 

Magnus didn’t pay any attention to him, but instead calmly took out his phone and dialed a number. 

The phone connected quickly. 

“Lucifer the Great!” called out the other person. 

“Acquire Yiefmery Hovalt Group’s stocks with all your might on my behalf,” ordered Magnus. 

Although Magnus spoke Uprian, both Martin and Kristin could understand him. 

“Brat, what are you up to?” asked Martin while frowning. 

Magnus hung up the phone and sneered, “You’ll find out soon enough!” 

Martin stared at him intently. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. 

Only two minutes had passed, and a huge turn of events took place. 

“Ms. Thompson, something’s wrong…” said Alexa Jones, Kristin’s secretary, who pushed the door open and entered. 

Martin asked urgently, “What’s going on?” 

Only then did Alexa notice Martin was there. She immediately reported, “Mr. Thompson, there’s an International financial group targeting our stocks on 

the stock market!” 

“An international financial group!” Martin repeated internally. 

Martin swallowed hard, staring at Magnus in disbelief. 


The office door was pushed open once again. 



Chapter 4 

Another assistant rushed in and said, “Ms. Thompson, it’s terrible. Our stock price has been plummeting, and many investors have been selling their shares!” 

Kristin looked at Magnus with a horrified expression on her face. 

“This guy… With just a single phone call, he could command an international financial group!” she thought in shock. 


Inside the CEO’s office, Magnus sat on the couch with his legs crossed, looking as comfortable as if he were in his own home. 

Kristin, who was at the side, had a complicated expression. 

‘Last night was the craziest experience I have ever had in my life. 

However, I don’t regret it! 

Because I hate Shawn. 

Giving my body to such a scum will be worse than giving it to a stranger! 

Compared to Shawn, the man in front of me is at least more pleasant to look at and doesn’t make me feel disgusted.’ 

Just as these thoughts were flashing through her mind, she heard the sound of a door opening. 

The office door was pushed open by someone. 

A middle–aged man with a strained expression entered hurriedly. It was none other than Hovalt Group’s CEO, Martin Thompson. 

“Dad,” Kristin called out. 

Kristin’s eyes focused on her father, and she began to feel uneasy in her heart. 

Martin didn’t respond. His gaze was fixed directly on Magnus. 

“You are Benedict’s pupil!” stated Martin. 

“That’s right,” said Magnus as he nodded. 

Martin looked him up and down before asking, “Did you come here today because of your marriage agreement with Kristin?” 

His arrogant attitude instantly made Magnus feel annoyed. 

However, out of politeness, he admitted, “Yes, I’ve indeed come here for this matter.” 

Martin pondered the situation for a moment, then slowly said, “Years ago, when the Thompson family faced a crisis, your master stepped in to help. Afterward, my father, in order to repay this kindness, made a marriage agreement with him, promising Kristin to you.” 

Magnus nodded and said, “It seems to be that way.” 

The text message Magnus received from Benedict earlier said roughly the same thing as what Martin was saying now. 

Kristin, who was nearby, widened her eyes. 

“So this guy really is my fiancé! But if Dad knew about this, why did he let me get engaged to Shawn?” thought Kristin. 

“Young man, let me ask you something,” said Martín suddenly. “Ask yourself honestly. Do you think you’re worthy of our Kristin?” 

Magnus pursed his lips and was about to say something when Martin suddenly changed his tone and forcefully interrupted, “To be honest with you, my father is no longer here. Neither Kristin nor I will acknowledge this marriage.” 

He sighed and added, “However, we, the Thompson family, are ultimately indebted to your master. As compensation, I can offer you a fortune that will ensure a worry–free life for the rest of your days.” 

“Is that so?” sneered Magnus. He then asked, “So, how much money do you plan to compensate me?” 

Martin hesitated for a moment, then extended a hand and said, “1million dollars.” 

Dad!Kristin exclaimed. 

Martin interrupted, “You don’t have to say anything. I’ll handle this matter!” 

“Hmm. InterestingMagnus laughed. 

“Actually, I came here today to break off the engagement with your daughter. But, well… I’ve changed my mind now,” said Magnus with a playful tone. Martin sneered, “Young man, I advise you not to be shameless when I’m already being nice to you.” 

You know very well in your heart who has no shame here. As the saying goes, gratitude is the best of virtues while ingratitude is the worst of vices. When the Thompson family was in trouble, it was my master who helped you, and it was your father who willingly promised his granddaughter to me! But what did you do? You went back on your words.” Magnus accused without hesitation. 


Martin was left speechless after being criticized. 

Magnus turned his head and looked at Kristin before asking, “You know everything about this matter now, so I’m asking you, do you want to marry that useless person?” 

He needed to find out about Kristin’s thoughts on this matter. 



Chapter 4 

“I definitely don’t want to marry that loser!” Kristin blurted. 

She originally wanted to add something else. 

However, Magnus didn’t give her a chance and assertively said, “All right. That’s all I needed to hear from you.” 

“You scoundrel!” shouted Martin. 

Faced with Magnus‘ assertiveness, Martin’s face turned red with anger. “Please leave this place immediately.” 

“Dad!” Kristin blurted out. “Why do you insist on making me marry that scumbag when you clearly know I hate that kind of person the most?” 

After she said that, tears welled up in her eyes. 

“Kristin, please don’t blame me on this. You know the company’s situation very well. Right now, apart from the Zinn family, no one can help us,” Martin explained helplessly with a sigh. 

Kristin’s face was full of grievance as she firmly said, “So what if we go bankrupt? It’s not a big deal! I won’t marry Shawn even if I die!” 

“Are you trying to anger me to death?” asked Martin as he expressed his disappointment in her. 

“What a disgrace to men!” scolded Magnus, who was standing nearby, suddenly. 

Upon hearing this, Martin’s face turned cold and he shouted, “What did you just say?“. 

Magnus bluntly scolded, “I said you’ve lost your dignity as a man! As a father, you don’t care at all about your daughter’s happiness. How is what you’re doing any different from trading your daughter for benefits?” 

“Brat, it’s not your place to make judgmental comments in front of me!” said Martin. He retorted aggrievedly, “Since Kristin was born into our family, if she were to marry, she could only marry someone of her own class, so it’s absolutely impossible for her to marry a poor wretch like you!” 

“Dad, I won’t marry Shawn. I’d rather die than marry him!” protested Kristin with all her heart. 

However, Martin was very determined as he said, “You have to marry him whether you want to or not!” 

Although he knew it was unfair to his daughter, he really had no choice. 

If she didn’t marry into the Zinn family, his company would definitely go bankrupt! 

Magnus walked up to Kristin and reached out to wipe the tears from her face. “Stop crying. Let me handle this.” 

Kristin shuddered inwardly. 

For some unknown reason, this short phrase soothed her mind and put her at ease. 

It seemed as if this man would shield her even if the sky were to collapse. 

“Brat, for Benedict’s sake, I won’t be rude to you. Now, please leave immediately,” Martin ordered Magnus to leave once again. 

Magnus sneered, “It’s not me who should leave; it’s you!” 

Upon hearing this, Martin’s pupils suddenly constricted. 

Magnus didn’t pay any attention to him, but instead calmly took out his phone and dialed a number. 

The phone connected quickly. 

“Lucifer the Great!” called out the other person. 

“Acquire Yiefmery Hovalt Group’s stocks with all your might on my behalf,” ordered Magnus. 

Although Magnus spoke Uprian, both Martin and Kristin could understand him. 

“Brat, what are you up to?” asked Martin while frowning. 

Magnus hung up the phone and sneered, “You’ll find out soon enough!” 

Martin stared at him intently. He suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. 

Only two minutes had passed, and a huge turn of events took place. 

“Ms. Thompson, something’s wrong…” said Alexa Jones, Kristin’s secretary, who pushed the door open and entered. 

Martin asked urgently, “What’s going on?” 

Only then did Alexa notice Martin was there. She immediately reported, “Mr. Thompson, there’s an International financial group targeting our stocks on  Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

the stock market!” 

“An international financial group!” Martin repeated internally. 

Martin swallowed hard, staring at Magnus in disbelief. 


The office door was pushed open once again. 



Chapter 4 

Another assistant rushed in and said, “Ms. Thompson, it’s terrible. Our stock price has been plummeting, and many investors have been selling their shares!” 

Kristin looked at Magnus with a horrified expression on her face. 

“This guy… With just a single phone call, he could command an international financial group!” she thought in shock. 

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