My hidden mate
Bonus - The one who is marked

(Another him - Asher)

Mariana is in a coma for 4 days now. We’re still in the castle, me in a guest room and her in the medical wing. Selina told me it’s positive that she is still breathing but her heart stopped for 25 minutes on the first night... Logan fought me and I let him kick my ass. I totally deserved it. What I am going to do if she dies. I will never forgive myself. I feel so stupid staying angry with her for so long! And knowing that she could die without knowing how I love her and I forgive her is killing me. The worst is I can’t even see her as her family had forbidden it.

Someone knocks at my door. I don’t reply, I just want to be alone. To stay in my misery. Angelina doesn’t care as she still enters my room.

“Let’s go! Logan and his parents are busy. If you want to see Mari it’s now!” She says and she doesn’t have to tell me twice. In a second I’m dressed and walking toward the medical wing.

The doctor looks at us with disapproval but when Angelina looks at him with disapproval too, he just bows his head and leaves.

“Go! I will let you know if someone comes.” She says when we are in front of Mariana’s room.

“Thank you!” I reply before going into the room.

She looks so pale and fragile. Goddess, what did I do?

“I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me! I can’t live without you. I love you with all my heart.” I beg, taking her hand and kissing it.

“You can’t leave me!” I whisper.

I’m trying to memorize all the small details of her face and her smell, just in case it’s the last time. Someone taps my shoulder, it’s Lana. I’m collapsing in her arms and cry.

“What am I going to do? Seeing her like that is worse than death. I can’t live without her.” I tell her.

“Have faith in her! She’s strong and she loves you. You’re the only man she has ever loved. If there is only one mark she would accept, it’s yours.” She replies.

“Then why is she so pale? Why is she not waking up?” I ask.

“I don’t know but I believe in her.” She says looking at her.

“Sorry to interrupt but you have to go. Olivia, you’re here! Good! teleport him, please!“ Angelina says entering the room.

*************************************************** * ************************************************** ** **********************

(Another Her - Mariana)

All I can feel is pain... Breathing, thinking, or trying to remember is too painful. And that sorrow and shame I feel deep inside me... That sadness never leaving me. Why should I wake up when I feel so miserable? I can hear voices from far away but I don’t want to listen to them. I’m in endless darkness and I just want for it to end.

I don’t know how I’m being in this state and I don’t care. I just want for my misery to end. Something is weird through... The sadness and shame seem to not be mine. It’s like it’s coming from outside, from someone else... I can feel people around me, touching me, speaking to me but it doesn’t matter. Nothing and no one can help me, unfortunately. Time is so slow...

Someone new is in my room and something is different this time. That person is taking my hand. Why is it different this time?

“I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me! I can’t live without you. I love you with all my heart.” He says with sorrow.

I know that voice! It’s a sweet melody... A light in my darkness. Who is that? Why is he so in pain? Why do I care about it this time? Why do I feel like we are sharing the same pain? Now I want to remember. Now I want to understand what is happening. I feel so helpless!

“You can’t leave me!” He whispers.

He keeps my hands in his but doesn’t say anything else. Someone else is here now but I didn’t hear the door. He lets go of my hand and I hear him cry. I wish I could take his pain away. I don’t want him sad and crying. I want him to be happy. Please be happy!

“What Am I going to do? Seeing her like that is worse than death. I can’t live without her.” He says with a shaky voice.

“Have faith in her! She’s strong and she loves you. You’re the only man she has never loved. If there is only one mark she would accept, it’s yours.” A woman replies.

“Then why is she so pale? Why is she not waiting up?”He asks.

“I don’t know but I believe in her.” She replies.

“Sorry to interrupt but you have to go. Olivia, you’re here! Good! teleport him, please!” Another woman says.

Olivia... Pff, I will never get used to this name. For me, she always will be Lana. Apparently, I’m not the only one who doesn’t get used to it, Logan told me Asher is still calling her Lana too. Wait! Logan my brother and Asher my mate. Ex-mate? Mate? I’m not sure. Asher, it was Asher. Now I remembered, he has bitten me on my shoulder. Did he mark me? But he said he didn’t forgive me. Was that really a mark? Because he didn’t bite where a mate is supposed to... Wait but he is a Lycan now so maybe it’s a mark... This is so confusing!

If he really marked me, does that mean he’s taking me as his mate? Is that what I want? Do I really want to be his mate? Stupid question! I have a crush on him for as far as I can remember but that silly boy only saw me as his best friend’s little sister and Lana was the only female he cared for. I love him so much. The last months without him made me realize that I love him enough to let him go, for his happiness to come before mine. Suddenly something stirs in me, what’s that? The bips I hear is now going faster.

“What’s going on? Why is her heart beating faster?” Logan asks.

“Because she made her choice! She is accepting his mark.” Angelina replies.

“Thank goddess! So she will be fine?” he asks again.

“Yes, she will just need time to adapt to her... new her.” She says.

“Good, I will let my parents know. They will be so relieved! Thank you, my angel!” Logan says. He kisses my forehead and leaves.

“Pfff, If I knew bringing Asher here was the solution I would have done it earlier!” Angelina mutters before leaving too.

I’m furious! My parents forbade me to see Asher! As if I’m going to listen to them. They asked the doctor to attach me to my bed and to give me a tranquilizer. I heard them even if they were speaking out of my room. The doctor made a mistake in the doses of the tranquilizer because I’m already awake and the ties were also easy to break.

I’m going out of my room but unfortunately, I met the doctor. He smiles at me: ” Your mate is sleeping in the princess Selina apartment in the north wing. I’m sure you can follow his smell.”

“Thank you?” I reply more like it’s a question. Why is he helping me, against my parents’ wills?

“Never come between a Lycan and his mate. You are becoming a Lycan but until you mark him and you mate, you’re still in transition. It can be confusing. Call me if it’s too confusing.” He explains giving me his card. I nod.

I’m easily following his scent. When I open his door, I’m expecting to be asleep but he’s up and as soon as he sees me, I’m in his arms. He’s half-naked and Goddess I’m enjoying the view!

“Mariana! Finally, you’re awake! I’m so sorry for what I did to you! I shouldn’t have marked you without your consent.” He says and I can feel how guilty he’s feeling.

I was still thinking that he would never mark a few days ago so I really don’t mind he marked me like this! I mean I’m bearing his mark now! His Lycan’s mark, which means there is no turning back! He’s mine, really mine!

“Does that mean you forgave me?” I ask him.

" I was stupid to keep resentment against you so long. I wish I’d realized that before I almost killed you. The last 4 days without you was hell. I thought about all the things I didn’t tell you because I was too proud and too hurt. I know it will not be easy and we still have to work on our issues but I love you Mariana. You’re the only one for me. Well if you still want me, of course. I will understand if you don’t after abandoning you when you lost your wolf because of my rejection and I almost killed you. But if you give me a chance, I will prove to you that I’m also the only one for you.” He replies.

Oh, I already know there is no one else for me. It always has been him.

“Please, say something. Your silence is killing me.” He begs when I don’t reply.

I look at his eyes and then at his shoulder and before he can understand what I’m doing I’m biting him. I hear him gasp in surprise but soon a feeling of satisfaction is vibrating through our bond. What? I’m still me! He took me by surprise, I have to take him by surprise too.

“Mine! You’re mine!” I tell him, putting my forehead on his.

“Yours!” He confirms before kissing me.

He puts me in bed with him.

“Sleep, mate. I can feel how sore you’re still are. We will speak tomorrow.” He orders me.

“Goodnight!” He says when he sees that I’m not protesting.

“I love you, Asher!” I whisper and I’m overwhelmed with the satisfaction he’s feeling.

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