After Mickey told me it was Liam, I was beyond mad. How could he, my own brother telling Kyle that I'm dead. When class was over it was lunch, awesome time to go kick my idiot of a brothers ass.

I stormed into the cafeteria, I noticed that everyone was staring at me but right now I couldn't give a shit. I spotted Liam by one of the tables with my brothers and their mates, when I got over there I immediately took hold of Liams ear and started to walk off with him yelling at me to release his ear. I dragged him outside, let go of his ear and slapped him. "What the hell Sky, why the f*ck would you do that!" He yelled at me. "Why would you f*cking tell Kyle I was dead, and why did you lie to me!" I yelled at him getting even more angry.

When I said those words he calmed down, he looked away and I could see regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I was so mad at him for rejecting you and when he called thinking he had the audacity to actually speak with you, infuriated me even more and I knew if I had said no, he would've come here, but you needed time and... ugh I know I made a mistake and I regret it but I was just trying to look out for you!" He said while starting to tear up.

After listening to what he said I understood he did what he did I could forgive but it doesn't mean I wasn't still mad at him

"Just answer this one question Liam what would you have done if Kyle had hurt himself?" He didn't answer, and I knew he couldn't. I gave him a hug and told him that I forgive him but that he wasn't off the hook but he has to go apologise to Kyle.

After that the bell had rung, I groaned in my head thinking that I didn't even get to eat lunch. I started making my way towards Advanced English. When I entered the door I was engulfed in a bear hug. Once I was released I saw who it was, it was Dylan, I squealed and hugged him again. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I missed you Dylan! "I said to him while still hugging. "I missed you to Sky!" He said. "Well I hope you missed me Sky?" I heard a girl ask, I looked over Dylan shoulder to see Chloe. "Of course I missed you!" I yelled while releasing Dylan and running to her giving her a huge hug.

Then I remembered Dylan said he had a surprise for me, I turned to him "So where's the big surprise Dylan!" He started smiling like a huge goof ball. He walked over to Chloe and they held hands and looked at each other with so much passion and love.

I suddenly got the message."OMG you guys are mates aren't you!" I yelled, I knew both of them were looking forward to finding their mates and they make the perfect match."I'm so happy for you guys!" I squealed while hugging them again.

After the big surprise we sat down at a table and just catched up on everything, I told them about Liam with Kyle, how I'm gonna forgive Kyle, and blah blah blah, they also met Ben and Jordan cause they were also in this class.

I didn't tell them about the Moon Goddess thing because I couldn't just tell them right now but I definitely will tell them. After the period ended I made my way to my locker to get my next classes books, after that I made my towards Advanced Math. One of the classes I didn't have with anyone of my friends, which sucked.

When I entered the class I instantly knew someone in here that I didn't dislike, Kyle. He was looking down at his notebook but his head instantly shot up when I was in the class. We locked eyes and it felt like it was just me and him in the room, I was pulled back to reality when the teacher called my name.

"Aah... Ms.Maine it's a pleasure to finally meet you, I have heard from other teachers that you are really intelligent, well welcome to Advanced Math. I must warn you it will not be easy. Okay there is an open seat next to Mr.Black over there and he will be your partner when we have partner assignments, you don't mind Mr.Black right?" The teacher went on, then asked Kyle. Kyle just shook his head as if his words were going to defy him. The teacher then told me to go sit down.

Once I sat down I stared straight ahead scared to look at Kyle. I could feel his eyes locked onto the side of my head. While the teacher started talking I couldn't seem to pay attention then suddenly I felt a hot breath against my hear. "I missed you Sky and I'm so sorry for being the douche I was and...”

I could tell if I didn't do anything he would continue to ramble on, so I pressed my finger against his lips. "It's okay Kyle I forgave you already once I heard how you changed after I left and how you regretted it, you can thank Dylan for that. I may have forgiven you but it's not like I'm gonna run into your arms I want you to prove yourself in front of me and lastly, I'm sorry Liam told you I was dead, I don't know what I would've done if you were gone." I said on the brink of tears,

I looked at him and saw happiness and awe pass through his eyes and a smile that reached all the way to his eyes. "First of all Sky, thank you for forgiving me, even though I don't deserve it and I will do everything in my power to prove to you that I have changed for the better and as for your brother I don't blame him I could see where he was coming from." He said all of that and it warmed up my heart.

For the whole period we just talked about how our lives had been through the year. I don't even know how, but we ended up holding hands towards the end.

When the bell rang Kyle asked me what was my last period and I told him gym, funny enough he also had gym with me. When we got to the change rooms, doors we went our separate ways.

I walked into the girls locker room and was hit with so much perfume. I was about to go change when I was shoved into a couple of lockers, I looked to see who it's was. It was Vanessa, the biggest pack and school slut, if you want to use a nice term for her.

She had, of course, bleached blonde hair and her face was caked with makeup, she had her little barbie group behind her while smirking at me. "Well, well, well look what we have here girls it's the ugly little b*tch that died and came back, if only you stayed dead!" She sneered at me, while the idiots behind her were giggling.

"Nice to see you to slut, oops I mean Vanessa, let me guess while I was away you got a new STD or do you still have the usual ones?"l said with a smirk while hers turned into a scowl. "Listen here b*tch stay away from Kyle, he's mine, not yours!" Does she get that I'm his mate and not her. "Believe what you want wh*ore" I said while still smirking. I could swear there was actual smoke coming out of her ears."You think your so high and mighty, well I have news for you b*tch your not the f*cking Moon Goddess!" she sneered at me, after she said that I burst into a fit of laughter, if only she knew.

Ha, she would be so scared most likely. While I was laughing I noticed she got even more angry, she was about to hit me when I caught her hand pushed it away and gave her a round house kick towards the temple, but not hard enough to knock her out, just to make her not try and hit me again.She fell onto the floor and started to sob, I felt a little bit sorry for her but only a little." suggest you don't try that again, okay, good!" I said, then walked off to get get changed.

When I was done changing, I headed out towards the gym. The gym clothes were so slutty, it was a very tight shirt and booty shorts, seriously I hate dressing like this. When I got into the gym there were mostly guys because all the girls were “freshening up’ as they put it.

I spotted Mickey, Jordan and Scott by the bleachers, I started to make my way over there while noticing lust full stares most of the guys were giving me. One actaully squeezed my ass. Oh, hell no! No one touches my ass! I could see out of the corner of my eye Kyle was looking at the human boy while shaking, so I knew his wolf was trying to come out.

I turned around and faced the boy, he had a disgusting seductive smile on his face. He had jet black hair, forest green eyes and a nice body but he wasn't my type and plus he was an assh*le."Did you like touching my ass, baby?" I asked with my best seductive look. I walked towards him and put my hands on his chest, he smirked down at me.

"I did very much and might I say its a fine one at that" he whispered in my ear but most people could hear him and he knew it."How bout we get out of here and go have some fun?" he asked me, thinking im easy, huh, no way in hell is that happening.

"Really, well your not gonna use junior after this for a while" I said loud enough for everyone to hear. He gave me a confused look and before he could respond I kicked him in his crotch, grabbed hold of his hand and flipped him over and then pinned him to the floor.

"Anyone else want to touch my ass!" I yelled at all the guys while getting up from the other one. They all shook their head no, I smirked at them and walked back to my friends and giving them high fives, babies I thought to myself, while shaking my head.

I was relieved to see Kyle had calmed down, which was good, we did not need to be exposed because of this, even though I could just hypnotise them but that would reveal my powers and we all don't need that right now.

After gym I headed home cause I had a lot of homework. I finished it around 8, had some dinner with the family, chatted and headed off to bed. I curled up in my bed but before I fell into a deep sleep I heard a howl. It was a how! filled with happiness and excitment, for some odd reason I knew it was Kyle and then I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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