It's been three weeks since I ran to this small town to hide from my ex mate. I found a little two bedroom house with a wooden fence around it. it was cute and old style, perfect for my baby boy. My wolf had been strange these last few days, telling me something was different. I could feel my body changing but took no notice of it.

I woke up with my phone ringing, I grab it and answer it.

"Hello" I try to rub the sleep from my eyes as I speak.

"Hey Lilliana, how was your night?" My mother's cheery voice comes through the phone making me smile.

"Good ma, I just have a head ache at the moment, how is Xaiden?" I missed my baby boy so much, sadness hit my suddenly and tears run down my face.

"He's doing really well.” I sniff at her words, my body was being stupid. "Are you ok Lilly?" she ask in a worried voice, this for some strange reason made me cry harder.

"I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment ma, I'm crying for no reason at everything and my damn head hurts.” I complain with a groan and lay back on my bed.

"Owe goddess Lilly no." she started to cry on the other end which made me cry more. if I was thinking straight I'd say it was fucking humiliating. "What's wrong with me ma?" I ask once the tears had settled down. "Lilly sweetheart, it sounds like your pregnant again."and I'm completely fucked now, was it possible? did our goddess hate me that much? what the hell do I do now.

"I can't be.” it come out in a whisper as I stare at my roof with horror written all over my face.

"You did have unprotected sex with the king when you marked him my dear.” Thank you mother for reminding me of what I did a few weeks back. I growl in frustration at my own stupidness.

"What do I do mother?" I was at a loss, I felt like a child who couldn't think without help from there parents.

"You have two choices Liliana, you either stay where you are and hope you can live through this pregnancy without your mate or you can go back to him and make a bargain.” I new deep down she was worried I wouldn't survive this pregnancy. when I feel pregnant with Xaiden I had to be closely monitored as I got sick a lot and when I went into labour I almost died. if he wasn't for a friend having Dontae's blood close by then yes I would have died.

Your mates blood can help you heal and it's what helped me survive. Could I really do that again? could I leave my son to defend for himself without me? No I will not do that to my baby boy, he is my world and will make an excellent big brother.

I sigh as I know what it is I have to do.

"Thank you mum, I'll call you back later okay, give my baby boy a kiss for me. I Love You all.” I heard her say love you before hanging up on me. with a deep breath in I stand up and walk to my cupboard grabbing my jeans and a singlet top, I quickly get changed. I put my hair up and head towards the kitchen to make a cup of train the hopes to calm my racing heart. I sit at my bench with a cup in one hand and my phone in the other.

"man up and make the call.” I tell myself, finally I get the courage to make the call

Ring, my heart beats faster.

Ring, my hands start to sweat.

Ring, my brain starts to race.

Ring, there not going to answer. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Ring, I'm over reacting.

"Hello, this is beta Anthony, how can I help you?" and my heart Calma down at the voice of the beta.

"So formal with your words my dear beta.” I say sarcastically, I hear a slight grow! from him.

"Lilly is that you?" he questions in a stunned voice, I laugh softly at him. "the one and only my dear." I reply.

"Damn it women where have you been? your mate has half the kingdom out looking for you. And I'm getting no sleep.” he whined like a baby.

"Where is he?" I demand a little harshly.

"he just stepped out, but will be back soon."came the beats quick reply, I sigh and them make my next move.

"Tell him to call me back as it's important or else I will be the one to hunt him down and cut off his balls.” I hear him gulp loudly over the phone.

"yes my Queen, I'll tell him."his words are soft as he speaks.

"And Anthony, thank you."before he could reply I hung up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then back to my room where I start to pack my few little things that I did manage to buy over the three weeks of being here.

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