"Mummy, can we go out side please.” Xaiden begs with his puppy eyes. I had just made him sausage rolls and fruit for breakfast, the pore kid ate them like they where going out of fashion.

"Xaiden sweetheart you have to let your food settle first, how's about you watch a movie for half an hour and then I'll take you on a run.” Hoping he would take the compromise, a big grin forms on his face. Quickly he jumps down of the seat and runs off.

"Thanks mum." He calls out making me chuckle at him.

Finally I sit down and eat my own breakfast.

"Hey Lilliana," a kiss is placed on my head, I smile at my mate who is now sitting beside me stealing some sausage rolls off my plate.

"Hey Xander, there's more in the oven if you want some." I tell him as I move my plate away, he chuckles but gets up and grabs a plate full. Xander sits beside me and then pulls me into his lap.

"Eat little flower.” He tells me as he munches on his own food, I laugh but do as I'm told and eat my food. Once I'm done I lean back into his chest.

"Little man wants to go for a run later, will you join us." I ask him softly, his hand is placed under my chin and moves my head up to look at him. I notice a big smile on his face and his eyes are purple and bright with excitement reminding me of my son when he's happy.

"I would be honored to join both of you on a run.” He kisses me softly, I wind my arms around his neck and pull him closer. His hands grab my hips and lift me so I'm now straddling his waist.

I kiss my way down his jaw to his neck where my mark now lays, with a flick of my tongue across his mark now has him moaning.

"Later tonight, I'm marking you as mine so no whore will touch you." I growl out in his ear, felt his grip on my waist tighten a tad as he pulls me flush against him.

"Only if I get to do the same my little mate.” He tells me with a nip to my ear, I moan out loud and then bite my lip to keep the rest in my chest.

Before Xander realised what I was doing I jumped up off his lap and ran into the lounge room where Xaiden was watching a cartoon.

"What are you watching sweetheart?" I ask me baby boy as I sit beside him on the sofa.

"Its super hero's" he answers without looking at me. I watch him closely as his eyes light up and a look of amazement crosses his face. I couldn't help but smile at him, he was perfection in my eyes no matter what. We watched the rest of the show before getting up and heading to the front door where I helped him put his shoes on.

"Are you two ready?" I hear Xander ask and slowly look up at him, I bite my tongue to hold back a moan. He was in shorts and no top, showing off his chest and abs. I so badly wanted to run my hands over him.

"I'm ready daddy." I look down at our son who is smiling up at his father.

"Come on boys, let's go" with that I run out the door.

“Not fair mummy you cheated" I hear Xaiden yell out while Xander growls. I laugh as they both try to catch up. I run through the tree line sticking to the path, the boys not far behind me.

Suddenly a weird smell hits me and I growl out stopping in my steps. I new the scent and new very well it was only going to bring more trouble into my life.

"Babe are you okay?" Xander ask as he stops beside me, I stare at him and quickly notice he has Xaiden on his shoulders.

"Yeah I'm good, let's get back to the house” I reply with a weak smile. "Let's beat mummy" Xaiden giggles, both boys quickly turn and run the other way.

"Tell your boss if he doesn't leave my lot alone I will kill you all.” I say out loud knowing the hidden figure could hear me. With that I chase after my boys heading back to the house.

When I came to the back yard I saw both of them laying down on the grass.

"Really, you two both tired already?" I mock them with my arms crossed.

"We bet you back mummy" I smile down at my tired boy who rolls on top of his fathers chest.

"Well I guess I better get you a prize for winning.” I sigh dramatically, Xaiden jumps up and screams out quickly giving me a hug before running off inside. I shake my head at him and go to follow. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

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