I look up and stare at Xander, who didn't say a word through out the whole story, his expression stayed the same as I spoke about the past. "You almost died?" He finally ask me, I nod as I watch him closely. "And this Angel, who is he?" He seemed confused as he ask.

"His name is Gabriel.” I answer softly.

"What did he give you?" He seemed to have a heap of questions on the tip of his tongue.

"His blood." He jumps out of his seat, anger crosses his face.

"And you let him do it.?" He demands and starts to pace the floor in anger.

"He saved my life.” I reply, my frustration was starting to peak, I couldn't understand why he would react this way. Shouldn't he be happy that my life got saved. That our son got to keep his mother!

"I owe him everything, if he hadn't saved me I wouldn't have found the other girls, nor would I have been able to see my son grow.” A growl slips out from my frustrations. We both glare at each other, I still couldn't understand why he would react like this.

"Do you know what it means to accept blood from an angel?” He yells out, making me cross my arms at my chest.

"It means I am bound to him, it means if either one of us are in danger the other can feel it, it means my blood is part angel.” He stared at me for a long second before finally speaking.

"Why did you not tell me this before hand.” I watch as he starts to pace the floor, I keep quiet while he's deep in his thoughts.

"How often do you see this angel?” He suddenly ask.

"We haven't been in contact since that day,” I admit truthfully, I hadn't even thought of Gabriel, he only saved me because I saved him. After that it wasn't needed for us to be around each other.

"How can you not keep in contact? Your bond is like that of a mates!" He groans out loud, now I understood what had made him go off so bad, he thought the bond was like that of a mates. I shook my head at him.

"You know your really stupid right?” This makes him stare at me like I've just gone crazy.

"And how am I stupid exactly?” Slowly he takes three steps forward

"1 was blessed by the angels, meaning I'm not mated to one in any type of form. He gave me blood but never received mine in return.” His jaw dropped open, again I shake my head at his behaviour. Not giving him a chance to say anything as I walk out of the lounge room and head for the back door. My anger was starting to boil at how he had got so angry with me for no reason, did he not listen at all to my story or the fact the rouge demon king was the one after me. "Ahhhhhhhhhh" I scream out my frustration at the same time swinging my right fist at a tree. A loud crack sounds through out the yard, I look at the the tree and notice a large dent is now in it. Closing my eyes I breathe in deeply and then let it out, doing this twice more to steady myself.

"You know all males tend to act like dicks when they think there competing with another person male?” I turn around to see Bree behind me with a small smile on her face.

"Men are just dicks full stop my dear friend.” I complain, she laughs and then quickly pulls me in for a hug.

"Look forget him for now and let's think more of what to do about this rouge demon king!" Pulling away from my friend I look at her and instantly notice how concerned she suddenly is.

"What's concerning you most Bree?" I ask her softly, she looks down to the ground as though she’s to worries to say anything.

"He's going to take you, you know?" I knew what she meant but didn't say anything.

"Once he realises your blessed with Gabriel he will use you for so many things.” Now was my turn to look at the ground as her words rang true in my head. I knew that if things go bad then it's not going to be for me at the end of it. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I'l have to become bait if we want to lure him out of hiding.” I knew it would have to be the first thing to start our plan.

"A trap of some sorts and lots of man power." Bree stares at me and her hand starts to tap at her chipln in a thinking mode.

"I need the right location away from so many people.” Suddenly the perfect place popped into my mind and a sly smile creeps onto my face.

"Should I be worried with that face your pulling?” She ask with a raised brow, I start to cackle softly at her words.

"Maybe." This makes her laugh with a shake of her head.

"I have the perfect location, now for the trap and the rest of the plan to be formed." Her eyes widen, I grab her hand and start to drag her back into the house with me, almost at a run as we bolt up the stairs. I notice some of the others and quickly usher them into the library. Soon enough everyone including Xander has now entered the library.

"Care to explain why where all here?” Georgia ask, I smile at her as I lean forwards on a table.

"Remember the purple valley fields?" I ask, some stare at me with frowns and others look completely confused on why I'm suddenly asking about fields.

"It's where we found that strange witch lady.” Arrow finally answers, I not my head.

"What about it?" She ask.

"What does that one place have?" I ask them again hoping someone else had court on to where I'm going with all of this.

"A creepy ass woods around it" Sal shivers in disgust at the very thought.

"A trap is what your thinking. Unless your a witch you can't get in or out very easily.” I nod at Bree as she has finally realised where I'm going with all of this.

"Exactly, the woods on the out skirts are full of deadly moving plants and animals. No one can get in without either being eaten of badly terrified.” All mouths drop as they all finally realised what I'm on about.

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