I awoke with the sound of my phone ringing from somewhere in the house. I jumped up and bolted out of my room and straight for the lounge room where I found my phone on the coffee table. Not thinking any more about it, I picked up my phone and answered the call.

"Hello" I say a little breathless as I had just ran from my bed room without being fully awake first.

"thank god you finally answered, look we kind of have a. problem at the pack house.” I frown at my cousin's words and why this would effect me in any way considering I'm not part of their pack.

"what is it Lany?" I ask her in a board tone.

"he’s vanished and no one can find him." she was starting to panic as she spoke leaving me confused.

“Lany calm down and tell me who has vanished." I try to calm her through the phone. I make my way to the kitchen and the front door catches my attention before I can move towards the kitchen any further. stopping I turn to see a new white door has been placed where my old broken one once was.

"the king has vanished." I heard my cousin say through the phone, great just what we need, a vanishing werewolf king. I groan at the thought and once again start my way towards the kitchen again.

"how the hell does a werewolf king just up an vanish Mulan?" I question her, 1 was completely confused with how he could vanish without the Alphas all knowing.

"We don't know, but even the queen can't find him and she's starting to panic over it." I couldn't help the grow! from releasing as I made my coffee.

"And what the hell do you want me to do about it?" I demand harshly, how could she expect me to do anything when this isn't my problem. He isn't my problem anymore.

"You have the best tracking in the...” before she could finish her sentence, I butted in.

"I'm not a pack member," my voice was flat as I tell her this.

"look if he doesn't come back by lunch time, then I'll help you, but until then please don't bother me okay Mulan?" I heard her sigh but then she agreed and hung up. I finished making my coffee and then sat down at my table. Damn it now how am I meant to concentrate when my wolf is now worried about the stupid missing king.

"why do you look like you've just lost something?" Dontae's deep voice cuts through my thoughts, making me groan in annoyance at him, I close my eyes and hold my mug tighter.

"why are you here!"l ask with my own question as I sip my own coffee. I hear a chair scrape and then him taking a seat.

"We still have to talk.” came his simple reply, I open my eyes and stare at him. he looks like he hasn't slept all night.

"Why don't you go annoy your mate instead of me." he was really starting to piss me off now. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I am with my mate." he smirks as he says this and I give him a glare to show he was now on my last nerve.

"What do you want Dontae? by the way your queen is worried sick that your not at home. Better hurry up before she fucks another Alpha dry.” I smirk when he growls at my comment on his mate.

"unlike you, she is faithful.” he hissed out through clenched teeth, his words made me smile.

"I got no one to be faithful to, so why not have fun. it never stopped you from doing it.” I didn't have time to move before he grabs my arm and pulls me across the table.

"Shit." I tell as he slams my body into the table and then pins my arms to the sides with his body flushed against my own.

"Your mine Lilly, no one elses.” his wolf is now showing through as his nose skims my neck.

Crap Crap, I need to get out of here and fast.

I thought of a quick escape route. I felt him stop where his mark once laid, but now there was nothing there.

"you weren't lying when you said my mark had vanished." he grumbled into my shoulder, his lips suck on my now clear neck. I held back a moan of pleasure and stopped my body from reacting to his touch. "get off me Dontae, your no longer mine so I don't have to listen to you." I managed to free my hands, I placed them on his chest and push. But because of his strength he didn't budge one bit.

"Damn Stupid werewolf king and his strength.” I mumble as I throw my head back against the table completely fed up now. Dontae chuckles. "I wonder if you still have my mark." I watch the mischief look in his eyes travel to just under my breast area.

You see with Alphas and the king they have to mark there mates twice. once on the neck in front of there packs and then once when your mated in private they claim you in a place of there liking.

"fuck you Dontae, that mark vanished after you fucked Chrissy." this time I found extra strength and pushed him away. Quickly I got up off the table an moved as far away from him as I could.

"you and I both know that my mark will not vanish." Cocky little shit, must have been doing some reading. He takes a seat once again without breaking eye contact

"go home Dontae, there's nothing for you here." slowly I make my way to the door not taking my eyes off him as I did so.

"I need a heir."l stopped dead in my tracks and glare at him.

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