the day had come to end this all, I stood back as I watch Xander talk to the crowd of people. The old king had managed to get four hundred wolves to help fight, Xander had five hundred Lycans behind him. And the girls convinced one hundred and twenty of there people.

Allin all I thought we had a good number of mixed people to help. Xander split the group's into ten lots with a hundred in each group. each group had a leader.

Anthony had his own group and headed off to a section.

The old king had one group and they all stood off near the vehicles. Xander group stood near the tree line waiting for orders.

Max Xander's second had his group waiting behind his king's.

Xander, Third Samuel stood off to the left with his group.

Stan, an enforcer stood to the right of the tree line. behind him was Mitch who was watching Xander for orders.

I watched everyone closely as they all watched the Lycan hybrid king talking. each group had two witches to help hide there presents. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

the girls and I where one group on our own, Sasha was to transport us to the field where I could confront the rogue king. if I couldn't get him to see to reason then the others would step out to fight.

"Lilly it's time to go." I look up at Bree and smile.

"Okay let's go." I walk closer to my group, everyone was already holding hands and waiting for me. I grab Georgia and Molly's hands to form a circle. we all close outlet eyes as Sasha speaks a few words in a foreign language.

I feely feet leave the earth, my body felt as though it was floating through the clouds.

With a hard thud we are all being planted to the ground once again. I quickly open my eyes and stare around the field.

"It's nice of you to join us." I look to the right to see the rogue king staring back at me with a grin on his face, it made me want to wipe the look off his face.

"I'm so glade your already here, save me a search party.” I call back sarcastically, the girls goggle behind me.

"You know why I'm here so let's get it over with." I sigh as though I'm already borde with this talk. I was just hoping to distract him while the hunting group friends Dontae and his mate.

"you want your mate back..." I cut him off from that sentence.

"He's not my mate now." came my sharp reply, he lost that privilege when my second baby died and no mater what happens here today I could never forgive him for it.

"Well I'll trade you the werewolf king for your sweet self.” I laughed at his trade, I may be a little slow, but I sure as hell ain't stupid like he thinks.

"Try again rogue." I demand as I fold my arms at my chest and watch him closely. his red eyes shine brighter.

"that is my deal take it or I'll just take you in the end." I roll my eyes at him.

"Why would I go with you for a shitty trade?" I was watching and hoping he would mess up or at least get angry. And I was right, his anger showed all over his face, he takes two steps in my direction and I stay put to show him I'm not scared.

"You come willing or I take what is mine.” he growls out, I say nothing as we have a stare off with each other.

"Fine, the hard way it is then.” with that said twenty of his men came at us full speed, I grab a knife out of my side pocket and throw it at the closet male. He falls to the ground with a thud, the others don't stop for their fallen brother.

the girls all fan out at my side as where all being tackled. I use the momentum to flip the male so he lands on the ground with myself on top, I quickly slam my claws into his chest and pull out his heart.

I hear the girls fighting off there own opponents. Another male tried to kick my ribs, I block his kick with my hands and then send my own leg out to trip him up. I jump up and slam my foot down on his face, the sound of broken bones and screams is all I can hear from him.

it went quiet, I turn around to see the girls had finished off the rest of the men, we all turn back to the rogue who is now beyond angry. "Next move Rogue.” I hiss out at him, he suddenly laughs like a mad man at us but no one says a word or moves a muscle.

"Take them." he yells out. I groan when I see hundreds of men walk out of the tree lines behind there king. not one single women was there on the field and I knew exactly why.

"Better send everyone the heads up." I tell Lee who nods and thens sends the rest of our groups the message. I knew this was a battle where many would not return home today, but we all new the repercussions for going onto this battle.

I hear the group yell out as they all came charging at us full speed, suddenly they all stop as we hear running foot steps. with a quick look over my shoulder I see the rest of our groups running out of the tree lines behind us.

everyone on both side start racing towards us, I brace myself as five males make a bee line straight for me. I send a kick to the first male and receive a punch to the chest from another. I growl at him and send a kick to his throat, moving my body to the left I smash my knee into the others chest. someone grab my hair and pulls harshly backwards. swinging my elbow back in connects with his nose with a loud crack, I don't stop as another takes his place and throws a fist at my stomach. biting back the pain, I take up my anger and start to kick and punch whatever got in my way.

I made my way through the throng of people looking for the one target I wanted to kill.

finally I found him slashing his sword through one man's throat, I cringe but sigh when I notice it wasn't some close I knew.

"Rogue." scream loudly, he turns and smile at me.

"I knew you'd come for me." he cackles and I shake my head at his madness.

"your rule is coming to an end." I growl out at him, my hands shift into half wolf with very long claws, my jaw shifts to allow room for sharp rows of teeth. my body was in a half shift, his face changes to awe as he watches me closely.

"I knew you where special and now you will be by my side, even if I have to chain you to me." I growl out in hatred and lower my body slightly.

"Bring it." my words came out slightly muffled from my teeth filled mouth, I bare my teeth at him in a challenge. He took it and came charging at me with his blade swinging. I sucked at then swing my claws at his thigh, he hisses and then elbows my face. instantly I taste blood but keep going swinging my claws at his waist and another set at his face. he blocked the hit to his face just in time but I felt my claws slicing through his torso like butter, he groans and tries to send a kick at my chest. I move gracefully out of his reach, his sword came at my face with fast movements making me step back, I blocked each move. a force behind me sent my body crashing towards the rogue, he was quick I stab my left shoulder. something wraps around my chest restricting my arms to my sides.

The king soon has me in his grip with my back to his chest.

my head is forced upwards with his fingers digging into my jaw. I lock eyes with bright purple ones and start to thrash in the rogue's grip.

"I'l make you a deal, you chose who lives and who dies today." he whispers in my ear, my eyes watch every movement in front of me, two bodies both on there knees with blood covering them both. I couldn't comprehend what the rogue had said, my jaw dropped when I saw a little body laying still on the ground just behind the two men.

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