I walked around the woods for an hour before I managed to get a scent. I followed it to the clearing. Many rogue’s had either died or left, thankfully we didn't lose many on our side.

I sigh from relief as my eyes connect with my father's, his eyes go wide from surprise. withing seconds he was running towards me at full speed.

My father's large arms wrap around my shoulders and holds me close to his chest. I could feel his body shake as his tears fall onto my head. gently I pat his back.

"It's okay dad, I'm fine now." I tell him only to receive a tighter hold around my body.

"we thought you where dead, the boys went after you." he tells me in one full breath.

"How did you escape?" he ask, slowly pulling back away from me so he can see my face.

"The Angles saved me." I was still surprised by this even while admitting it to my father.

"Come my dear, everyone is waiting for the king's as we speak.” I'm pulled into the middle of the field where a group of large people where standing. everyone looks up as we near, so many mouths fall open from surprise or shocked I'm not completely sure which one.

"Owe my god, your back.” Sasha soon burst into tears as she hugs me tightly from my left side.

"Don't you ever do that again.” Bree hugs my right side while scolding me.

"You are so not leaving my sight women." Arrow comes up from behind me and joins in the hug. they all started squeezing me as if I was about to disappear again.

"Mummy." Xaiden screams loudly, I turn to the right to see him running full speed at me, the girls let me go just as he threw himself at me. we both fall backwards onto the ground laughing and crying. I hold him close as I kiss his crying face.

"My baby boy." I coo in his ear and then hug him closer almost squeezing the life out of him.

"I knew you would come back to me " he whispers in my neck, I laugh at him.

" will always come back to you my baby boy, your my miracle.” I tell him, my father stands close by and then offers me a hand up. I'm gently pulled to my feet with Xaiden still attached to my chest.

"What happened to the rogue king?" someone asked from behind us. I didn't get a chance to reply as my father growls in warning.

"You will wait until the king's arrive before you get your answers." I smile and shake my head at him for being so protective over me.

"Let's go sit somewhere my baby." I tell Xaiden who still has his head in my neck. I walk us both to a big tree and then sit down in its shade. everyone else sits down with us as just stares at me like they've never seen me before. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A loud howl comes from the woods and I smile when I recognise who it was.

"Daddy's coming.” Xaiden giggles on my shoulder, everyone else burst into fits of laughter, I roll my eyes at them all.

"Your going to have to dominate makes fighting over you now.” Arrow says with a giggle, I groan at her words. just the thought of having to deal with those two males gave me a head ache.

"Do you think it's to late to run.” I mumble under my breath, my father's chuckles.

"It's definitely to late.” I frown at him as he grins as he looks behind us. "definitely to late to run little flower.” Xander purrs as he pulls me up into his arms and then spins me around. lips crash on my own bolting any response I had. I melt into his body and hold his cheeks as I kiss him back. a growl behind us makes us both pull apart but Xander keeps his arms wrapped around my waist. I turn to see an angry Dontae staring at me. I growl at him and show I'm just as angry, his eyes lower as he bows his head.

"I'm sorry for everything Lil!" he admits in a low voice.

"I had no control of my mind or body." I nod as I realise he was just as trapped as the rest of us. The bitch used a pretty strong spell on him for five years.

"look Donny, things happened and unfortunately we can't change any of it. But I'm afraid nothing will be as it once was, to much has happened in the five years." his head drops more, I new my words would hurt him but it was true and none of us could change it.

"Could you ever forgive me?" it was like he was begging for me to forgive, I sigh as I look into his eyes

"I already did, your my first love Donny. you changed my life when we found out we where mates. I was beyond happy, and then the best thing happened. but things changed our future and all we can do is move on." a tear falls from his eyes as he stares at me.

"I will always love you but now is the time to make new beginnings.” I tell him, a small smile crawls onto his face.

"Your where always a smart women, you new how to drive me crazy and make me happy all at the same time.” we all laugh.

"if I could change the past I would, but remember I will always love you first.” his admission makes his brother growl at him, I rest my head back on Xander's chest.

"Watch it little brother."Xander warns and again we fall into laughter. Xander licks my neck in a show of ownership and I groan along with Dontae.

"I get it brother she's now yours." Dontae looks at his brother with a soft smile, I was. glade he was taking this all so well even if he did look a little defeated about it all.

"So how did you escape?" he ask, so I told them all about the whole and then about the angels coming to take us for judgement. Chrissy and Carson now spending there life in hell pleasing the underworld. I also told them about my afterlife being planned.

No one said a word while I spoke, but the minute I stopped they all started to speak.

"was the angels hot?" Kelly ask with a cheeky glint in her eyes.

"they sure where!" I admit, Xander bites my ear in warning.

"Watch it little mate.” I giggle at him.

"so there both gone for good now?" Dontae has a relieved look on his face.

"Yep never to bother us again.” everyone sighs.

"Let's go home at relax " I tell them all, everyone nods and then stands in groups with a witch. within seconds where in Xander's castle, Xaiden fast asleep on my shoulder. everyone moves towards there rooms to have a shower.

I lay our boy on the bed and then head for the shower. Xander follows close behind like a lost puppy. we climb into the shower together and he pulls me into his chest where his lips find mine. it soon got heated and my body was wrapped around his waist while his cock was burried deep inside my hole.

we both start to moan as he takes me fast and hard against the wall. once we where finished we cleaned up and then climbed out of the shower, I grab a loose dress and quickly get changed. Xander pulls on track pants and a singlet. together we head back down stairs where family and close friends are already waiting for us with big smiles on there faces.

"want a cuppa?” my mother ask me with a grin on her face, I smile back and nod my head.

"Have fun did we?" Xander father ask with a wink. I blush deep red at the thought of them knowing what we got up to.

"Of course, I had to show my women she's loved now didn't I." And I groan and burry my head in my hands. why do males always talk like that? it's so not what I want to hear today.

my mother places a cup in front of me and I thank her.

"So when am I getting more grand babies?" she ask out of the blue, I choke on my hot chocolate.

"Mother." I groan and give her a glare.

"Where trying." I stare at Xander who smirks down at me, I give him a glare.

"Keep pushing and all you'll be getting is your hand.” I growl at him, the cheek grins at me while everyone else laughs at him.

"You know from the looks of her I'd say your already succeeded " we all turn to look at Dontae who is smiling at us.

"Why's that brother?" Xander ask him, I close my eyes not really wanting to hear this.

"She's already holding her stomach in a protective way and her hormones keep spiking.” I growl at him in annoyance, everyone goes quiet, I open my eyes to see them all staring at me.

"Well I'll be damned, it's true.” my mother squeals at this news along with the rest of the females. Xander places me on his lap and rubs my belly with love.

"A new life for a new beginning.” Xander says in my neck I nod and then look at Dontae who has a big smile on his face. I new from this moment on we would be friends and I would help him move on and be happy. he would always be a part of my life and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not his first mate now, but I'll make sure he finds his true second no matter what.


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