"Who is Xaiden?" I heard Chrissy demanding an answer, as my sons name comes from her mouth o growl at her, I didn't like her one bit saying my baby boys name.

"It's her son" I shot back to face the Alpha once again and stared at him, like seriously did he have to blurt it out to the fucking whole world to hear. I groan and tune back into the conversation going on around me.

"How old?" the old Alpha asked.

"where is he?" Anthony asked straight after the Alpha, I didn't have time to answer before more questions were fired at me.

"Who's the father?" Dontae questions.

"you have a child?" Chrissy hisses in anger.

"Is this why he’s so strong?" Andrews ask me.

"You slept around like a whore to get a child?" Chrissy now received another threatening growl from me.

"When can I meet him?" excitement was bouncing across Anthony face, he loves kids and has always wanted one of his own.

"WHO IS HIS FATHER?" Dontae yells, everyone in the room bows there heads, even the queen. I stare straight at him.

"you do not need to know." I tell him as I told my arms across my chest. "you will tell me, so I can gut him like a fucking fish.” He demands once again.

"He is my son, now as for the other questions

He's five years old.” I received a threatening growl from the Alpha king. I ignore him.

"he’s in training like all five year old children are.

yes he is strong and you can't meet him until training has ended.

As for who his father is, that is no one’s business but my own. Xaiden is my son." I stare at them all and watch how all but one drops there head down at my threat. My wolf was showing and not liking how they where taking an interest in our young pup. She was on high alert for any danger against our pup.

"How could you lay with another?" Dontae took a step forward, I refused to back down. His mate grabs his arm to try and stop him, but his wolf was in full control now and not very happy.

"How could you?" I demanded back, he took another step forward, his mate still attached to his arm. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

"I slept with my mate?" he hissed through clenched teeth, as though that answers everything.

"and I lost mine." came my tartly reply and again he took a step closer, he tried to shake of his mate but she had a death grip on him, which made me grin at them both. I couldn't help but role them both up at this very moment.

"You walked out on me Lilly, not the other way around.” his voice was starting to rise once again.

"Baby calm down, she's not worth you stressing over.” his mate grabs his face and makes him stare at her, it took a lot of effort on her behalf to make him break eye contact with me.

"yeah baby, listen to you home wrecking whore." I laugh out loud, his head shot back towards me, I was glade we had changed the attention off my son.

"you will not call your queen a whore.” came his reply, I shrug at him and lean back against the sink.

"She ain't no queen of mine." this made her angry.

"I am your queen and you will listen to me you little slut, your son is an abomination and you both should be locked up.” the bitch yelled as she let go of her mate and stalked across the room towards me.

"Bitch please, you don't scare me, just remember your only second best.” my words hit there mark, everyone in the room snorted and that made her angrier. She launched herself at me, I had prepared myself foe this.

just as she went to hit me, I moved to the side and slammed my knee into her guts.

"Ah you bitch." I didn't reply and just dodged her swings, I swung a left hook and connected with her right eye, she screamed so I punched her in the nose with my right hook. Blood ran out of her nose, strong arms wrap around my waist and I watch as Anthony grabbed Chrissy to lead her out of the room, but she wasn't finished yelling at me just yet. "your son shouldn't have you as his mother." She screamed out at me and that's all it took for me to see red. I broke away from the arms around my waist and tackled her to the floor. with my hands around her throat I slammed her head against the floor, not caring about the yelling going on around me. Chrissy clawed at my hands but still I wouldn't let her go, I was out for her blood. with one hand still on her throat I used my other to repeatedly punch into her face.

"Someone so something, her wolf is going into protective kill mode.” I her my cousin screaming out behind me, but still it didn't stop me. Once again strong arms grab a hold of me, I hiss at them to let me go, but they grabbed hold tighter.

"If you fucking so much as touch my son, I'll fucking guy you like a pig and feed you to the rouge demons as a god damn peace offering.” I scream out as Anthony picks her up and heads out the door quickly. "we need to calm her wolf." Alpha Andrews tells everyone, I shoot a look at him and watch as he cringes away in fear.

"I don't have the sedative with me." I look over at the beta, my cousin's mate and frown at him

"Damn it boy bow your head before her wolf takes it as a threat and kills you. Mulan get her attention." The old Alpha yells out at them all. I feel Dontae pull me closer to his chest and growls at them all. for some reason his growl makes me purr in delight.

"Shit we all need to leave, now the Alpha wolf is taking over and trying to protect his mate. this will not turn out good for any of us if we approach the girl.” once again the old Alpha talks. just then the front door opens revealing Anthony and I lost control when I saw the car out the front leaving with a bloody Chrissy in the back. I fought with Dontae to get free and hissed at him when he tightened his grip on me like a damn snake.

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