When Fang Tangtang returned, Jiang Xiaobai had gotten up and was shelling sunflower seeds. Glancing at Fang Tangtang, she teased her, “Did you and your crush start a relationship?”

Fang Tangtang’s face flushed red at her words. “What nonsense are you saying? How can things move so quickly? Besides, though I worship him, I see myself in the role of his mother, okay?”

“Is that so?” Jiang Xiaobai raised her brows. “Don’t you lust after his body?”

“Who is lusting after his body? That’s blasphemy toward my crush! How could I possibly lust after his body?” Fang Tangtang defended herself righteously. After defending herself, she sullenly continued, “Although it’s blasphemy, there are times when I can’t help but think… if only I got the chance to jump him…”

“That’s enough. Is it so hard to admit that you want to be his girlfriend? You just want to sleep with him!”

“Jiang Xiaobai!”

Jiang Xiaobai ignored her and continued shelling the sunflowers seeds. Fang Tangtang glared at her, feeling angry. Then, she snorted and thought in her heart, Just you wait and see what I have in store for you.

When Xiao Su arrived, he gave another call to Fang Tangtang. After receiving the call, she immediately ran outside secretly. Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know how much time had passed as she lay back down on the sofa and patted her stomach in satisfaction. Then, she heard a set of steady footsteps and thought to herself, Fang Tangtang couldn’t have brought her crush over, could she? Thus, she decided to open her eyes and sit up to keep up her appearance. However, the moment she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face.

Xiao Su! She was frozen to the spot in shock. She was so shocked she even forgot to get up and just stared blankly at him. Am I dreaming? Why am I seeing Xiao Su here? This is Fang Tangtang’s house. There’s no reason for him to be here!

Without waiting for her to react, Xiao Su, who was standing in front of her, bent down and swept her up in a princess carry. When she came into contact with the warmth of his skin, she belatedly came back to her senses. I’m not dreaming! The Xiao Su in front of my eyes is real! Then, she reflexively grabbed his collar. “Why are you here?”

The moment the question left her lips, her gaze landed on Fang Tangtang, who was standing not too far away. Thinking back on the furtive way she had answered the phone just now, coupled with the way she avoided Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze right now, she immediately understood what had happened. It seemed like the phone call Fang Tangtang had received just now wasn’t from her crush but from Xiao Su. No wonder she ran out to answer the phone! As the thought crossed her mind, she spat out, “You traitor!”

Fang Tangtang grinned and said, “Don’t get mad at me. I’m doing this for you, okay?” After saying that, she enthusiastically winked at her. The sight of it made Jiang Xiaobai boiling mad, and she fiercely yelled at Xiao Su, “Put me down!”

“Let’s talk after we get back.” Then, Xiao Su carried her against her wishes and strode outside. Meanwhile, Fang Tangtang waved at them from behind. “Take care on the road!”

Traitor! Traitor! Jiang Xiaobai bitterly chastised Fang Tangtang in her heart for betraying her. She even vowed that, in the future, she would refuse to accompany Fang Tangtang to the hotel to meet her crush. After that, she gave up. Still, Xiao Su’s actions had astonished her. Wasn’t he at a loss for words during our conversation this morning? Why would he forcibly carry me off just like that? Just who does he think he is?

At this point, it was useless to blame Fang Tangtang. Thus, she turned her anger toward him. “Xiao Su, I’m warning you. Put me down this instant; do you hear me? I’m not willing to go back with you! Do you know that your actions right now are akin to coercion? Put me down!”

Still, no matter what she said, he did not release her from his grip. The whole time, his lower jaw was clenched tightly. Thus, she became so furious that she headbutted him in the chin. The blow from her headbutt was heavy and it caused him to pause mid-step from the pain. At the same time, she struggled to get out of his grasp, and he significantly tightened his grip on her. “Didn’t I say we’ll talk when we get back?”

“There’s no need to!” Jiang Xiaobai kicked wildly as she aggressively struggled in his arms. “I’ve made my stance clear this morning. At the time, you couldn’t deny it. So what is there to say now? Anyway, it doesn’t matter even if you regret it now. I don’t want to hear a thing from you! Put me down right now! It’s still not too late for you to leave right now! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my temper! Then—”

“Then what?” Xiao Su said, staring calmly into her eyes. Their gazes met, and she was stunned by his direct gaze. Then, she huffily continued, “You’ll die a miserable death.”

“Okay.” Afterward, he held her more securely. “Then, let’s head back. After we get back, you can kill me however you like.”

“Hey!” she yelled. She was stuffed into the car, and he forcibly fastened the seatbelt around her. Just as she hatched a plan to unfasten her seatbelt and escape before he could circle over to the driver’s seat, he gave her a warning, “If you escape, I will go to your mother and tell her that you slept with me, then refused to take responsibility for your actions.”

Hearing those words, she was confused and widened her eyes to stare at him incredulously. Is this something a person should be saying? What does he mean by me refusing to take responsibility after I slept with him? “Aren’t you mistaking something? Isn’t the woman the one at loss in this situation? What do you mean by I slept with you and refused to take responsibility? Don’t you think it should be the other way around—you slept with me and refused to take responsibility?”

“I’ll take responsibility for it.” He answered smoothly, staring at her intently. “I’ve considered it; I want to take responsibility.”

“Get lost! I don’t need you to take responsibility! You are not worthy.”

“Fine. You don’t need me to take responsibility, and I don’t match up to you. But, I need you to. You slept with me. That was my first time. In the past, I’ve never had a girlfriend, and nor did I have any sexual relations with somebody else. So, you need to take responsibility for me.”

I’d really want to slice his head open and see what is going on in that head of his! She glared at him wordlessly. Has he changed his tactics?

While she was deep in her thoughts, he had circled over and gotten into the driver’s seat. Then, he locked the doors and fastened his seatbelt. Then, she hastily took the chance to state, “Did your mother say something to you that made you think you have to take responsibility for me? Xiao Su, I’m a modern girl. Are you aware that I’m not bothered by this? Can’t we just treat this as an accidental one-night-stand between two consenting adults? Even if it wasn’t you, I could have had a one-night-stand with someone else. This is how I live my life, so you don’t need to—” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Before she could finish her sentence, Xiao Su suddenly cut across her words. “What do you mean by this is how you live your life? Last night was clearly your fir—” After the incident, he found bloodstains while cleaning up. Then, he instantly came to a realization. However, it was still embarrassing to say it out loud.

Jiang Xiaobai did not expect him to bring this topic up so suddenly. In her panic, the things she blurted out were full of loopholes. So, she felt embarrassed. Still, she quickly got her emotions under control. Folding her legs, she sneered as she tucked her messy hair to the back of her head, “So what? I’ve said it before; I’m not bothered by it. It doesn’t matter whether it was my first or my tenth time. To me, it’s all the same.”

“You don’t need to provoke me by saying all that. That’s not the kind of person you are.”

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