Watching as Jiang Xiaobai struggled with all her might, Ye Moxuan stepped forward and whispered something into the staff member’s ear. However, the staff member could only look helplessly at Jiang Xiaobai and said, “We’re deeply sorry. We understand your feelings very well, but nobody can enter the scene right now. As for the people inside, we’re trying our best to rescue them from the fire.”

Despite the assurance from the staff member, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t see what was going on inside. All she could do was wait in place anxiously while biting her lower lip in anger.

What a dumb*ss Xiao Su is. Does he think of himself as a hero? How can he just dive inside regardless of his safety when the fire is so intense? Well, the couple are already long gone, but he hasn’t come out yet. How could he think of acting as a hero in such a situation? What a stupid idiot!

Jiang Xiaobai kept scolding Xiao Su in her mind, but she hoped deep down inside that he would come out as soon as possible. He must be alright. He must be alright!

She held her palms together while praying incessantly. Since she could neither do anything nor go inside, she could only pray that he was safe and sound.

She waited for what seemed like an eternity before Xiao Su finally came out. However, he was rescued out of the fire with only a tinge of consciousness left; Jiang Xiaobai dashed toward him the instant she saw his figure.

“Xiao Su!”

Xiao Su heard someone calling his name before Jiang Xiaobai’s face appeared before his eyes. As he had come out later, his injuries were much more serious than that of Han Qing and the rest. Not only were there many burns on his body, even some of his hair was burned off. Part of his clothes were torn open, exposing the bright red flesh underneath.

Jiang Xiaobai could no longer hold back her tears after taking a glance at his wounds. She scolded Xiao Su right away at the top of her voice, “You *sshole! Why did you run inside like that? Didn’t you know that it was a huge fire? Did you even think about the consequences of running inside like that? Did you even stop to think about me?”

Her last question startled Xiao Su for a moment before a look of apology flashed across his eyes. However, it was quickly overtaken by other emotions.

Jiang Xiaobai noticed how Xiao Su’s lips quivered; it looked like he wanted to ask her a question. In reality, she knew what he wanted to ask without listening to him, but she was unwilling to answer that since she felt uncomfortable right now. Therefore, she turned her head away without saying anything.

In the end, however, she could no longer bear Xiao Su’s overly passionate gaze. Turning back to look at him, she bit her lower lip as hard as she could before answering, “She’s fine. I saw her coming out with the groom just now, and they were rushed to the hospital.”

After all, Xiao Su had gone inside the fire because of Yan’s sake; he could never ease up without confirming Yan’s safety, which was why he had managed to retain his consciousness until now. Deep in her heart, Jiang Xiaobai felt extremely uncomfortable because she was well aware of this fact. She did not want to tell him at first, but on second thought, she felt that it was wrong to keep him awake like this when he was so badly injured. Therefore, she decided it would be better to let him rest as quickly as possible before he was rushed to the hospital.

Just as she had expected, the look of worry in Xiao Su’s eyes vanished as soon as he heard Jiang Xiaobai. With that, he soon lost consciousness and fainted.

Jiang Xiaobai watched in a daze as Xiao Su was loaded into the ambulance. After being in a trance-like state for quite a while, she followed him into the rig.

She stayed by Xiao Su’s side as his family member. Knowing nothing about first-aid and being unable to help, she could only look on as the paramedics beside her tried to rescue him.

Her eyes began burning when she saw the extensive burns on Xiao Su’s body, but she fought back her tears as hard as possible. Turning her head away, she stopped looking at Xiao Su.

She thought of the fire just now, which was as ferocious as a havoc-wreaking monster. Anyone else would have instinctively ran away under such circumstances, yet Xiao Su plunged into the flames right away—that was because the woman he loved was inside.

Jiang Xiaobai was unusually silent as she lowered her eyes while thinking to herself, If the person who had been trapped in the fire was me today, would Xiao Su have plunged inside recklessly as well? Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

In reality, she already knew the answer—Xiao Su wouldn’t possibly do that for her.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were unbearably sore; she wanted to cry, but she thought it would be too contrived for her to do so. In the end, she could only take a deep breath and blink back her tears.

Just forget it—let’s put everything else behind at this moment. The proper thing to do right now is to accompany him to the hospital for treatment and wait until he wakes up.

Meanwhile, Ye Moxuan and Song An stayed at the scene of the fire and arranged for the guests to be evacuated.

All the guests had been attending the wedding banquet merrily at first; little did they expect such an incident to happen right there. Consequently, the guests began discussing among themselves immediately.

“Why would a fire break out all of a sudden? Isn’t this place a hotel? Why is the hotel’s security measures so bad?”

“I heard that it was the bride who got burned. Could this be an act of revenge by a love rival? I can’t help feeling that the fire isn’t as simple as it seems.”

“The way I see it, this must be an act of revenge; the hotel’s security measures can’t possibly be so bad that no one realized when the big fire broke out. Furthermore, the fire was so serious that even the firefighters had to be dispatched. I would certainly not believe that nobody pulled strings behind this.”

“I was looking forward to attending the wedding banquet today, but it looks like the wedding is now cancelled.”

The guests chattered among themselves for a while before they said goodbye to Ye Moxuan and left the scene.

Song An, who had been looking after Little Sprout all this while, walked up to Ye Moxuan after the situation had settled down. She asked him, “How’s the situation over there? Are Yan and Han Qing injured?”

“They only suffered minor injuries and have been rushed to the hospital for treatment, so that shouldn’t be much of a problem,” answered Ye Moxuan, who then pondered for a while as though he was thinking about something.

Song An stared at him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” Ye Moxuan came to his senses and gave a slight cough. Then, he continued, “Let’s go to the hospital to take a look after we’re done here.”

“You should go to the hospital first. It would be inconvenient to take Little Sprout there, so I’ll catch up with you later after making the arrangements.”

Ye Moxuan was actually thinking about Xiao Su just now. After all, the latter’s wounds were more serious than that of Han Qing and Yan. He hoped that all of them would be fine.

Meanwhile, Yan lost consciousness after she escaped from the fire. Feeling extremely nervous after she had fainted, Han Qing stubbornly refused to let the paramedics treat the numerous burns on his body. Instead, he continued to stay by Yan’s side until she was rushed into the emergency room; only then did he finally collapse.

Not long after that, another person was rushed into the emergency room, and Jiang Xiaobai waited outside alone with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Several patients around her couldn’t help but discuss among themselves when they witnessed such a situation.

“What’s going on today? Why are there so many emergency patients? Besides, all of them look quite seriously injured.”

They wanted to ask Jiang Xiaobai about it, but they refrained from doing so when they noticed her reddened eyes.

Jiang Xiaobai stood outside the emergency room while struggling to hold back her tears. When Han Muzi and Little Bean saw the way she looked, they walked toward her and asked, “Are you Xiao Su’s friend?”

Hearing Han Muzi’s voice, Jiang Xiaobai looked up at the two of them with a pair of tired-looking eyes. Then, she nodded and replied softly with a simple ‘Uh-huh.’

Han Muzi tugged at Little Bean as they sat down beside Jiang Xiaobai. Then, she said, “Don’t be too worried. Now that he’s in the hospital, he’ll certainly turn the corner.”

Han Muzi did not know why she felt an urge to comfort Jiang Xiaobai, but she wanted to come over and talk to the latter when she saw Jiang Xiaobai standing there alone. She wasn’t like Han Muzi, who had Little Bean keeping her company.

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