The rabbit incident deeply traumatized Yan and Han Muzi. After the people from the logistics office had left, Yan mopped the place where the box had been placed a few times, yet she still felt uncomfortable. “Why is the smell of blood in this room still so pungent?”

Hearing that, Han Muzi frowned and then got up to open all the windows in the house. The cool night breeze drifted into the house, dispelling the bloody smell left by the dead rabbit just now. However, Yan felt that it was not enough. After thinking about it, she took out a bottle of perfume directly from her bag and sprayed it on every corner of the room.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Han Muzi said, “Why don’t you go take a bath? I’ll clean up, and then we can go out for dinner.”

Yan asked, “Go out at this hour? It’s already dark. Won’t it be quite dangerous?” She still felt fearful after that incident.

Han Muzi thought for a while and agreed that it might be a bit dangerous to go out, so she said, “Forget it, let’s cook some noodles at home.”

The two of them went back to their respective rooms to wash up. After that, they went downstairs to cook some noodles.

Little Bean was ordered to return to his room by Han Muzi, so he didn’t see anything and didn’t know what had happened. He was also quite hungry now. Since Han Muzi had cooked some noodles, he happily wolfed them down.

There were three people at the dinner table, but he was the only one who had a good appetite. Han Muzi and Yan sat opposite each other, but they didn’t even pick up their chopsticks. I… don’t feel like eating.

Having witnessed the bloody scene just now, they had no appetite at all when they saw the noodles in the bowl.

Yan glanced at Han Muzi and blinked. “D-Don’t you want to eat?”

Han Muzi raised her head and looked at her. “What about you?”

Yan smiled. “I don’t feel like eating.”

Han Muzi also smiled, but she did not answer.

Little Bean raised his head from his bowl and looked at them curiously. “Mommy, Aunt Yan, what’s wrong?”

Han Muzi caressed the back of Little Bean’s head gently. “Little Bean, finish your food quickly so that you can watch TV afterward. Then, you should prepare to take a shower and sleep.”

“But Mommy, aren’t you hungry?”

Han Muzi smiled slightly and said gently, “I’m not hungry now. You eat first. Aunt Yan and I will eat later when we’re hungry.”

“Okay.” Little Bean nodded and then continued to eat his noodles.

This time, he quickly finished his food and put down his chopsticks. “Mommy, I’m full now, but I don’t want to watch TV tonight. Can I use your laptop, mommy?”

“Of course. Go ahead and use it, but remember not to go to bed too late.”

“Good night, Mommy and Aunt Yan.”

Both of them watched him go up the stairs and disappear into his room before retracting their gazes. Sighing, Yan looked at the noodles in front of her and touched her stomach.

Rumble, rumble! “I’m so hungry but I can’t eat. What should I do?”

Han Muzi’s stomach rumbled as well. After all, she hadn’t eaten anything all day, so she was quite hungry as well.

After thinking about it, Han Muzi picked up her chopsticks and smiled. “Come on, take your chopsticks. Let’s dig in.”

The corners of Yan’s mouth twitched several times. “You’re not serious, are you? You have the appetite?”

“Even if you don’t have the appetite, you still have to eat it!” Han Muzi took the noodles and stuffed it in her mouth while trying hard not to think about the scene just now. Yan watched Han Muzi eat. Initially, she thought Han Muzi would feel nauseous halfway through her noodles, but the latter managed to finish all her noodles.

After successfully filling her stomach, Han Muzi tidied up her bowl and chopsticks and got up. “I’m so full already, so I’ll go rest first. You have to find a way yourself.” With that, she turned around and left Yan, who called her a traitor.

After she went back to her room upstairs, she went into the bathroom immediately and retched.

Although she could pretend to eat the noodles as if nothing had happened, she still couldn’t get past that internally. Han Muzi vomited in the bathroom for a long time before she felt well again. After all the vomiting, she felt extremely tired. While leaning against the wall, she looked at her pale self in the mirror. Who was doing these things secretly? They had already received a dead rabbit today. What would happen tomorrow?

Perhaps she should consider sending Little Bean to Han Qing’s place first so that he could take care of him for some time. But if this was the case, Han Qing would know about this incident. If that happened, she could not be independent anymore.

However, if she didn’t send Little Bean away, what if he witnesses a similar situation one day? He was still so young, and she did not want her child to be traumatized by the sight of something like that.

Meanwhile, after Little Bean took Han Muzi’s laptop back to his room, he went to his bed and laid the laptop on his lap. His tender and soft hands pressed away on the keyboard.

Soon, he retrieved the surveillance video from the neighborhood, and then he held his chin in his small hand and stared at the situation on the screen intently.

Although his mother didn’t allow him to look at it just now, he used his hidden binoculars to take a peek at the situation below when he went upstairs. After all, it must have been a very scary thing to make his mother’s face turn pale like that. On top of that, she forbade him to look at it as an attempt to protect him. That was why she didn’t want him to look at it.

However, the more she was like this, the more he wanted to know what it was so that he could solve it. He thought that his mother had been working too hard. He didn’t want her to protect him all the time.

After Little Bean had downloaded the video, he took out the photo of the dead rabbit and did a backup. Then, he selected someone’s email and sent it over directly.

Hmph. He couldn’t let his father be busy with other mundane stuff. A scenario like this where his mother was targeted must be dealt with immediately.

Beep! Only one lamp was lit in the study room at night, but Ye Moxuan, who was supposed to be working, was sitting in front of the computer watching the replay.

Since the Han family’s live broadcast of the banquet that day, Ye Moxuan had asked people to edit the live video. All the scenes with Han Muzi in it were cut together into a video. After receiving it, Ye Moxuan clicked open the video and smiled. Then, he sat in front of the computer and watched it repeatedly.

He installed some cameras in the dressing room as well, so the video of him dancing with Han Muzi was also recorded. Ye Moxuan kept watching this section repeatedly.

Suddenly, there was a new notification from his email.

His mailbox usually consisted of work mail, and he didn’t bother looking at it in the middle of the night. Thinking of this, he frowned and ignored the notification at the lower right corner and continued watching the video. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

However, when Little Bean saw that Ye Moxuan hadn’t read the email for a long time even though he had been online the entire time, his cheeks puffed up angrily.

“Hmph! Naughty daddy! He doesn’t even read emails during the night.”

After thinking about it, his fingers started typing away furiously on the keyboard again. “Let me see what you are doing!”

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