Notice Me, Darling! by Cheap Treasure ( Natalie Shepherd )
Notice Me, Darling! by Cheap Treasure ( Natalie Shepherd )

Notice Me, Darling! by Cheap Treasure ( Natalie Shepherd )

39Chapters 825Views 3Bookmarked Ongoing Status



Notice Me, Darling! by Cheap Treasure ( Natalie Shepherd ) In the third year of her marriage, Natalie Shepherd decides to screw it all and flee from her husband while pregnant.But why does Henry Chase keep pestering her right after she serves him the divorce papers?

When Natalie goes to the restaurant for a nice meal, Henry stares at her from the table next to hers. He’s the judge of the competition she participates in, and he keeps staring at her with a small smile on his face the whole time.But Henry loses his cool instantly when Natalie’s about to mingle with other young and handsome men.”That’s enough, Natalie! Come home this instant! It’s time to change our baby’s diapers!”

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