Now, We Burn
Now, We Burn

Now, We Burn

18Chapters 212Views 6Bookmarked Ongoing Status



Fire, destruction, death. Anger, fear, sorrow. Dragons. It has been fifteen years since the government, bent on constructing weapons of war, created mutant beasts known as dragons; it has been fifteen years since the dragons escaped the laboratory and turned the world as we know it into an apocalyptic wasteland where each day is a struggle for survival. For Eliza and Ember Roan, this is no exception. Living in a scorched world filled with violent gangs, fight rings, murderers, and the knowledge that they could die at any moment, the girls survive in any way they can. When their dad goes missing and they are captured by Thane, a ruthless gang leader, their already-crumbling world starts to fall apart. Above all else, the Roan sisters must keep the gang from finding out their deadly secret -- the two dragons they are fostering.

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