Obsessed (Wild Mountain Scots, #1)
Obsessed: Chapter 41

In the car next to me, Isla fidgeted, messing with her seat straps and drumming her hands on her legs. We’d paid a visit to see Casey, Lochie meeting with his rescue team, and were now heading back to ours for dinner.

Our pattern of living as a family had been easily found.

At the end of December, Casey had delivered her baby, and we’d visited multiple times, taking food for them and getting baby cuddles from tiny, month-old Callie.

It made me broodier than ever, but the desperate drive I’d had as a single woman had been replaced by a softer need. I wanted a little time with Lochie and Isla first. Nearly six months ago, they’d arrived in the cottage next door, and I’d fallen in love with both of them, wholeheartedly and completely.

Lochie had asked me to wait for an important question.

Whatever he offered me, I’d say yes.

We pulled up outside of the house, and Isla undid her restraints and shot out of the car. She rounded to my side and opened my door before I could reach the handle.

“Hurry up,” she demanded.

“What’s the rush?” I asked.

Isla made an off noise and grabbed my hand. All afternoon, she’d been clock-watching.

An anxious thought took root in my mind.

This was it. Wasn’t it?

I peered through the dark and frosty January evening. Candles glowed in the cottage.

“Oh God,” I uttered.

Isla laughed and dragged me. She hammered on the cottage door then opened it and darted in.

Right to her father’s side.

In a smart shirt, Lochie knelt on the floor, waiting on me. In his hand was a small box. Around, more candles glowed, casting warm light over flowers on the table and my handsome man. I’d never witnessed a scene more beautiful.

I closed the door and leaned against it, my heart hammering.

Isla beamed at us both and cleared her throat. “Da has something to ask ye. For both of us.”

Tears sprang into my eyes, and I swiped them away, not wanting to miss a second.

Lochie smiled and beckoned me closer, then opened the box to expose a gold ring studded with three diamonds. Simple, beautiful, and perfect.

“Caitriona, from the first moment I saw ye, I knew ye were extraordinary. Ye took two lost souls in me and my lass and made us a home. Both of us love ye. Both of us want to keep ye. Marry me, please. Become my wife and Isla’s ma. Make us the happiest family that ever lived.”

“Say yes!” Isla cheered. “Please, please, please.”

My heart swelled, overbrimming with more love than I could believe existed. “God, yes! Of course I will. I love ye both, too.”

I half fell into Lochie’s arms, bringing Isla into the mix. She squeezed us tight then danced around the living room, ecstatic in her joy.

Lochie stared at me. He took the ring from the box and slid it onto my finger. Then he kissed me.

“Ew,” Isla yelled. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I loved her so much, but right now, I only had eyes for her da, and my hunger for him grew. Later, when his—no, our—little lass slept, I’d show him how much this meant.

Lochie kissed me again softly, then stood and glanced out of the window.

“Right,” he said to Isla. “Grab your bag.”

I glanced between them. “Where are we going?”

A horn sounded outside, and Lochie grinned.

“That’s your ma. Isla’s having a sleepover at theirs tonight.”


My pulse picked up, and I hugged Isla on autopilot then waved to Ma from the door. She beamed but didn’t come in, instead sweeping Isla into her car.

Thank heck, because I had a huge man to tackle to the floor and prove my love to.

But Lochie had his own idea. The moment he closed the door, he turned and grabbed me, and threw me over his shoulder.

I choked on a laugh, the upside-down hallway showing me where he was taking me. Then I landed on our bed and lifted my gaze to find Lochie dragging off his shirt, shedding buttons in the process.

“Whoa, someone’s in a hurry.” I beamed.

“Clothes off,” he ordered.

I shivered at his dark tone and stripped in seconds. Then he knelt on the bed between my legs and covered my body with his. Already hard, his dick throbbed against my core.


In the past month, we’d slept together every night, but neither of us had mentioned birth control. Or stopping using it. I knew he was giving me a chance to adjust to the idea of us becoming a family.

I was already so rich with love.

Lochie kissed me, our words lost to our lips and the passion that swept over us like a forest fire. One kiss led to more and, in a minute, we were clasping each other, want and need building to a crescendo. His bare skin grazed mine.

My core was slick and wet, ready for him.

Then Lochie slowed and pressed his forehead to my cheek. “Fiancée,” he muttered.

I chuckled and sucked in a breath. “Ye like that?”

“Wife will be better. Do I get to call ye beautiful now?”

I burst out in a laugh. Months ago, I’d asked him not to, but how things had changed.

“Aye,” I murmured. “Can we get married soon?”

“Whenever ye like, my beautiful lass. I need to ask ye something.” He glanced down between us, to his dick so close to my entrance.

“No more condoms,” I said for him. “I already have you and Isla. You’ve given me everything I could ever need. But if we had a baby, too…”

Unleashed, Lochie surged and filled me, the stretch so right. I moaned, and he notched his head to my shoulder, pausing for a second before withdrawing to thrust again.

“That will be perfect,” he uttered. “You’re perfect. All mine.”

Those were the last words either of us said for a long while. With the house empty, we made the most of our privacy, loving each other and taking our time to show exactly how much. From our bed to the shower and back again, it was late by the time we made it to the kitchen for food.

Deliciously sore, I hugged my arms around Lochie’s t-shirt that I’d claimed, and watched him warm up then serve a meal he’d made.

Tomorrow, we’d surprise Isla by getting her a puppy. One day, we’d hopefully add to our family even more.

I’d never expected him, but Lochie was truly my other half. For so long, I’d been alone, and I’d thought myself happy.

How far I’d come.

Happiness was a grumpy, growling mountain man, made for me and perfectly mine.

And I, Caitriona McRae, was well and truly obsessed.

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