Ocean Song Beneath the Waves
*UPDATED* Chapter 16: Lady Delmara

She stands silently, waiting to hear what answer he would give. She doesn’t understand why but there’s an innate worry for the answer he would give. It fills her being and only increases when she notices him staring directly into her eyes after a moment of observing her.

He crosses his arms over his broad chest as the scowl on his face eases up some. “You are a fearless, stubborn, and infuriating girl who is quick to defy me. Never have I met a woman who would openly glare at and challenge me until you came barging into my life,” he says with a sigh.

Serena has to sit and contemplate on whether or not that should be a good thing.

“You are slightly less annoying than most women.” And with that, he leaves her there alone in the dark.

“Well, I suppose that is good?” She questions unsurely. She takes one last look at the portrait of the late queen before leaving the hallway.

Meanwhile, Rodion is aimlessly wandering through the halls. Clearly, he’s lost.

A tired sigh slips past his lips. A map would be very useful right about now...

He’s spent all this time looking around for her, but only having been here a week, he still doesn’t know his way around. The place is too damn big to remember where anything the hell is!

“Then again, it would also be great if she were to stop disappearing,” he says with a sigh—keeping his eyes open for a particular blonde mermaid with a unique tail color.

She had disappeared soon after breakfast without nary a word as to where she was going. Usually he wouldn’t mind being without his sister as there wasn’t much for him to worry about but it’s a whole different scenario down here where anything is possible and now they have to contend with a psychotic merman hell-bent on subjugating the world through a crazed thirst for power.

Rodion, being so caught up in his thoughts, failed to notice the Lady Delmara swimming towards him from the other end of the hallway.

“Pardon me,” she says softly causing Rodion to stop before he collided with her.

He stares at her for a brief moment before preparing to set off in search of his sister once more.

“Please wait!” He stops when she cries out and turns to her impatiently.

“Delmara was it? What business have you with me?” Dammit. Why am I talking like this? He lips twist into a small frown while Lady Delmara stares at him with an awestruck gaze.

After all it is the first bit of attention she’s received from a handsome man in days. The Prince hardly gives her the time of day and she’s been consistently failing in all her attempts to win his heart.

Prince aside, there’s still at least one other handsome male roaming about the palace and she’s glad to have been fortunate enough to happen across him. “Do forgive me but I find myself curious,” she begins—playing with a random lock of hair whilst staring at him with an adoring gaze. “That girl I met earlier was your sister, yes?” she asks trying to prolong her original question in order to ease him into her desired answers.

“Yes, what of it?” Rodion asks with a bit of annoyance. The only reason he’s roaming about is to find said sister, not waste time talking to some stuck up noble.

“I was merely curious is all,” she states casually.

Rodion rolls his eyes and begins to swim off resulting in a shocked expression that crosses her face briefly before it evaporates into a determination to speak with him; so with this in mind, she hurries after him.

“Why are you following me?” he questions a bit harshly but it doesn’t seem to faze Lady Delmara since she’s known much worse when it came to the Prince’s personality.

Her lovely face takes on a bit of a more annoyed look at the lack of kindness expressed by both the Prince and this strange merman. “I have yet to quell my curiosity. I wish to know if what I heard was true.”

Rodion doesn’t even spare her a sideways glance as his eyes flit about the hall in search of his sister, the only thing of any kind of importance.

“Are you and your sister truly humans who have been granted tails?” She asks at last seeing as Rodion didn’t appear to take pleasure in her beating around the bush.

“Why do you wish—wanna know?” It is clear that he’s becoming quite fed up with this conversation but something inside him is telling him not to offend this mermaid otherwise he’ll land himself in a world of trouble.

“It is simple curiosity, I assure you.”

“Well if that’s all then I have places to be.” And with that, he swims off down the hall and leaves Lady Delmara behind in a huff.

“What is with these men? I am Lady Delmara Aquilus, the most beautiful mermaid in Aquaria! I had men falling at my fins for but a chance to glimpse me!” she rants in irritation her hands balling into fists whilst flicking her tail about in anger. “Why is it that I can get any man I so choose except the ones I desire most?! Prince Oceanus has naught but a cold heart and that Rodion has not even the tiniest desire to be in my presence!” she growls out angrily; releasing a frustrated groan, effectively startling a few passing servants.

It is in the midst of her fit that her father calls out to her. “Calm yourself my dear. It is unbecoming of a lady to lose her temper over such small matters.” At the sound of the voice, Lady Delmara regains her composure and turns to the newcomer with a pleasant smile.

“Ah, father! Forgive me my outburst. I find that I grow frustrated in my efforts to win the Prince,” she says tiredly.

Lord Aquilus pats her shoulder soothingly. “Patience my lovely. There is not a doubt in my mind that you will succeed.”

However, Lady Delmara’s lips fall into a deep frown. She crosses her arms. “But if I cannot get him to love me then that impedes upon my chances at being queen! I shall hardly have any power at all if I do not have favor with him!” She protests with a whine while her father smiles at her secretively. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“You have naught to worry about my lovely jewel. You shall be a powerful queen. More powerful than even Amphitrite.”

Lady Delmara’s eyes widen for but a brief moment before a radiant smile lights up her features. True, to speak in such a way of one comparable to that of a god is considered almost blasphemous but Lady Delmara cares little. At the end of the day, naught matters but the crown that shall sit upon her head and the subjects she shall rule and command.

“I see you are with your lovely daughter today.”

Lord Aquilus and Lady Delmara immediately turn their gazes to a figure shrouded in darkness as they bow to the two.

“Delmara, please go on. I would like to speak to our guest in private.”

“Of course father,” Lady Delmara says in a regal tone before swimming off down the hall.

“Now what brings you here Shadow Weaver?” Lord Aquilus asks in a tone void of emotion.

“My Lord has become aware of the presence of humans here,” they say.

Lord Aquilus stares at them blankly. “Indeed they are here but I am quite certain that is not what you came to speak to me about,” Lord Aquilus says in an accusing tone as the Shadow Weaver chuckles in amusement.

“You are quite sharp my Lord but it is as you say. I come bearing a message from my Lord.”

At this, Lord Aquilus stands up just the tiniest bit straighter—giving over his full attention to the Shadow Weaver.

“The stones are now actively seeking out their respective bearers. Since you are here, my Lord wishes for you to keep an eye upon Aquaria’s stone, the stone of Aquarius.”

Lord Aqilus’s eyes widen. It is common knowledge that the warriors perished in the Millennium War centuries ago but never did he expect for the stones to become active now, so many years later. Like everyone else, he thought that the stones would remain dormant and so they were forgotten by all except the royal families of the kingdoms they hale from, until now that is. Though there is the one remaining question.

“What of the other stones? Why is Aquarius the main priority?” One would think that the stone of Aries would be of greater concern or even the stone of Pisces, so why Aquarius?

His question doesn’t go unanswered as the Shadow Weaver lifts their face a bit just enough to see dark skin. “Because Aquarius’s stone has begun to resonate. Its bearer is near but we know not who it is or where they could be,” they say in annoyance before continuing. “Which is why it is important that Delmara ascends to the throne as Queen of Aquaria.

“With her authority she can order the execution of the bearer should they surface or she can even have the stone sent away, in which case we will take the stone before it ever reaches its destination.”

Lord Aquilus nods his head in understanding—appearing thoughtful for but a moment.

“Aquarius should not be too much of a problem but stones like that of Pisces are harder to get to,” Lord Aquilus says thoughtfully. He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes.

“Vilmaris is a difficult kingdom to infiltrate. It is protected by Sirens and surrounded by the Great Protectors but we need not worry.”

Lord Aquilus takes on a confused expression at the Shadow Weaver’s confident words. “And why is that?”

“Because unlike the other stones, the stone of Pisces is the only one to remain dormant. Pisces has always been mysterious and fickle which has made itself quite the nuisance,” says the Shadow Weaver with annoyance in their tone. “For all we know the stone could be concealing any indication of its bearer being present in the ocean but as of right now, we are quite certain that it is, indeed, dormant.”

“Then I suppose that is good for the time being. For now I shall do as asked of me and watch over the stone. I shall notify you should something occur.”

“Very well. I shall take my leave now. I have stayed too long and my master calls to me.” The Shadow Weaver bows once more before disappearing into a cloud of black mist leaving Lord Aquilus to dwell upon his thoughts in the silence of the empty corridor...

Nothing changes. No matter how much he stares or how much he sings it’s always the same. The waves lap at the shore bringing and taking things as it does. Its blue surface taunts him and ignites a deep seated hatred within him only until he reminds himself that no matter how angry he is with it, it’s still just a body of water with no heart or soul but he needs something to blame, something to hate. The ocean is just the most logical choice since it is the reason that half his family is gone.

“There are other things I should be doing right now,” Caspian says in referral to what that lifeguard had told them a week ago.

Apparently this isn’t the first time this has happened considering when he began to research the subject, dozens upon dozens of names came up in his research. All were missing and none were found. The police told him that they were all unsolved cases, as is his sister’s, brother’s and father’s. They’ve made no more effort to find them and probably wouldn’t put in the tiniest amount of effort should someone else go missing. Something is seriously wrong with today’s law enforcement. He thinks incredulously as he turns to head home but just as he begins walking, something darts by in the corner of his eye but he never saw what it was. “A dog maybe?” He wonders aloud before continuing on his way.

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