Thursday night can’t come soon enough. After spending the day at work in between training members and working with both Nico and Leo, excitement thrills me when the clock strikes 4:15 p.m. and not only am I done for the day, but Alaric just stepped into a twelve-hour shift.

Twelve hours uninterrupted with my forever girl.

I was so quick to decline having drinks with Nico after work and practically sped home on my Harley. Once inside my house, I had a quick shower and slid on black jeans and a black button-down shirt. Which leads me to where I am right now, slipping on black leather cowboy boots with an embroidered paisley pattern. I bought them yesterday specifically for tonight, and because I liked the pattern… paisley.

I’m meeting Paisley at her front door in ten minutes—5:00 p.m.

Rubbing my dark stubble, I rake a hand through my slightly wavy black hair and push back the longish sides behind my ears. The other night after I sneaked into Paisley’s bedroom window and we had that intense chat, in conversation she mentioned how good I’d pull off a sexy man bun if I continued growing out my hair a little. I never thought about it until that night, and ever since I can’t get the thought out of my mind…

Especially not after how good it felt when Paisley’s fingers tugged on the ends of my hair as I fucked her so goddamn hard after. We fucked so recklessly, I had to keep my hand covered over her mouth to mute her loud moans from being heard by her father, Alaric, across the hall when we both came apart. I left a couple hours later in the middle of the night, despite her kisses to make me stay. As much as I wanted to, I knew that if I stayed with Paisley after sex I’d sleep beside her until the sun came up and didn’t want to risk Alaric hearing me if I left at that hour.

Once I was in my own bed, I kept on running my fingers through my hair, feeling her taste on my tongue, and I caved and said to myself, fuck it, I’m growing a man bun for her. I’ll be one of those tattooed guys riding around on a Harley with a man bun for her. I can already see my mom and Nonna laughing in my face because of it… But being in love with Paisley, it does crazy things to me, crazy things I so desperately need to survive.

Even now as I slip my wallet into my jeans back pocket, the memories return, filling me with desire. I like Paisley’s idea. It’s definitely worth a shot.

Grabbing my car keys, I begin typing Paisley a text as I step out of my bedroom and down the flight of stairs. Once I’m in the living room, I hit send and take a seat in my burgundy upholstered velvet armchair, my fingers continuously drumming over the dark shoebox on the coffee table beside me.

SAINT: You probably don’t want to wear a sundress tonight…

Paisley’s response comes in seconds.

PAISLEY: Sure, because going around naked on date night is ideal… What is it you’re hiding, Mr. Lisconti? 😉

Just the thought of Paisley naked anywhere has my blood pumping hard in arousal.

I’m smirking as I type back.

SAINT: As much as I want you naked, I should clarify what I meant. Definitely wear clothes, baby, just perhaps not a sundress and jeans or shorts instead, or something of that kind… It’ll all make sense when we get to where we’re going.

PAISLEY: Ooo, got it. Do I get a clue as to where we’re going?

SAINT: Hmm, okay. One clue.

Resting my feet on the coffee table, I lock my ankles and take a photo of my paisley leather cowboy boots. I send it to her and type…

SAINT: Hope you make a good Sherlock Holmes… This is all you’re getting, babydoll. 😉

PAISLEY: Oh wow… Uh, a rodeo?

SAINT: We don’t live in Montana, baby.

PAISLEY: True. Another clue?

SAINT: Okay… I’ve got your boots covered too, so I’ll give you them when I come to your front door.

PAISLEY: No sundresses… No shoes… You sure you want me to walk out like this? 😉

I chuckle. That is until a photo comes through of Paisley in just a red lacy thong and my jaw hits the floor. Holy fuck. She looks so goddamn sexy with her hair in a French braid and that sultry lip bite. It’s so suggestive and fuck.

Paisley knows exactly what she’s doing to me in this picture. It must be taken in front of the large wall standing mirror in her bedroom, and my semi-hard cock twitches at the sight of her beautiful figure, crossed long legs, creamy ample breasts, and hard pink nipples, begging me to be sucked.

My mind goes crazy with all the positions I want to fuck her in right in front of that mirror. Paisley’s becoming more and more confident as the days go by, and her boldness… I want to spank her for how much it turns me on.

I can’t be quick enough to stand up, collect the shoebox in my hands, and reply to her.

SAINT: Fuck me, babydoll. You’re so gorgeous I can’t even take it. I’m coming over. Right. This. Second.

PAISLEY: Looking forward, cowboy!

SAINT: Say that again and I’ll spank you.

PAISLEY: As if that’s even a punishment at this point… Cowboy!! 😉

I’m at Paisley’s front door in heartbeats, knocking only once before the door swings open in seconds, revealing the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. Paisley grins over at me, so much desire pooling in her eyes as she assertively stands with her hands on either side of the doorframe, her confidence, pretty breasts, and lace red panties making my cock harder by the second.

Paisley’s eyes drop to my leather cowboy boots and she smirks. The way she keeps her head low yet glances at me through her lashes is so sensual. Thick sexual darkness clouds them, making my heart skip a beat at how sexy she is.

Paisley bites her lip in pure seduction. “Are we going to be riding something, Mr.?”

I don’t miss the way Paisley’s gaze lands on my crotch through my jeans at the word ‘riding’. I swear to God she sees just how strained my hard cock is against the denim fabric. It’s throbbing, aching to be pulled out and stroked fast.

“Get inside so the neighbors don’t see those gorgeous tits of yours,” I growl, stepping forward as she takes one step back. I shut the front door behind me and am quick to drop the shoebox near her feet, between us. “Or else the only thing you’ll be riding right now is my thick cock, babydoll.”

“Hmmm, that’s so hot…”

“I’ll show you fucking hot.”

Paisley grins, and I can already tell it is by how sexually frustrated I am right now. I want to begin date night so fucking badly, but seeing her like this tonight… it makes me want to take her right here in this hallway until she’s screaming out my name like I’m the God she’s praising.

I gulp down and cross my arms over my chest, telling myself I need to stop thinking about how addictive sex is with her. Nodding down toward the shoebox, I smile at the perfect deflection. “I bought you something for tonight. Why don’t you try them on, baby?”

Cowboy boots won’t turn me on.

It feels as though Paisley knows exactly what I’m doing by deflecting the conversation by the beautiful, smug smirk on her lips when she nods. Instead of leaning forward to pick up the shoebox, she steps around it until she’s standing in the gap between it and me, her back facing me. There’s not even an inch of room between us, and it all disappears as Paisley bends down. The view of her ass up in the air with that scrap of red lace sexily rushing down her hips and disappearing between her peachy cheeks as it presses up against my erection has me breathing harder.


Said it once, I’ll say it again. This woman will be the death of me. The pure death.

Paisley slows for a second before circling her hips and grinding against me softly, rousing me up. I’m left to hiss out at just how much it aches with how hard I am. Paisley opens the shoebox and sets the lid down on the hardwood floor. I know the exact second she sees the glossy red thigh-high leather cowboy boots with thick tall heels and a striking floral pattern because she gasps and stands up, spinning around to face me just as I was about to spank her ass. She grins up at me, waving the boots in her hands as if I didn’t just feel the warmth of her pussy through her lace panties against me seconds ago.

“I love them! They’re gorgeous! Thank you for being thoughtful!”

“My pleasure. I thought you’d love them. Is the size all right?”

“Yes, eight. They seem perfect!”

“Good. Slip ’em on.”

Paisley does and they look stunning on her. Seeing her with nothing else on but those tight glossy red floral thigh-high boots and lacy G-string… Dio, cowboy boots just turned me on.

Her gaze darkens, dripping in desire that I love as she backs up down the hallway before strutting to me as if she’s on the runway in her new boots, her tits bouncing around. Paisley comes to a halt in front of me, smiling as she does a full spin and my eyes hungrily roam her body with a grin.

“So, how do I look?”

“Is that even a question?” I chuckle, pulling her flush to my chest with my hands by her lower back. “You look beautiful. So utterly beautiful. You know exactly what you’re doing to me, wildflower.”

Paisley blushes. “So, you’re saying we have some time before you whisk us away to that rodeo?”

I laugh. “It’s not a rodeo.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do, but I’ll put you out of your misery and say we’re going to a ranch just under thirty minutes away. It’s a great escape with horse riding, scenic views, a campfire… the whole lot.”

“Oh, that’s incredible!”

“Also, the answer is yes…” I teasingly brush my lips over hers. “We have time before it.”

“Time for you to fuck me hard.”

My heart flutters in my chest, a little taken aback by what she just said. It turns me the fuck on because I never expected words so dirty to come out of the mouth of a woman so sweet.

I glance between her eyes. “Yeah?”

“Mmhmm. All you’ve got to do is tell me.” Paisley stands on her tippy toes, her warm lips curling into a smirk before they press against my ear and she whispers so damn seductively, “Tell me how you want me, Santo.”

Dear God.

I suck in a breath because Lord knows there’s no saving my soul from the beauty that is Paisley Reign. She’s so damn special, like a piece of poetry I want to preserve forever. Like the one she wrote for me that I haven’t stopped looking at and remembering since.

“I want you to sit your pretty ass on the edge of your bed. Legs spread. Eyes on me. Your vibrator in your hands waiting for my next instructions.”

Her eyes widen. “My… my vibrator? How do you even remember I said I have one?”

“Because that’s the type of thing a man’s never bound to forget, babygirl. I want to see your vibrator, the one you come hard around when you think of me. Want to see it slipping in and out of you as I fuck you with it, as you moan out my name, as you beg me for my cock instead. I know you want to, baby. I know underneath you really are a sex freak, just like me.” My fingers wrap around the lace of her panties and teasingly tug on them. “I want these off.” Then I reach down and graze her thigh-high boots. “I want these to stay on at all times… Hai capito? Do you understand, tesoro?”

Paisley nods eagerly with a lip bite, her hard nipples rubbing over my dress shirt already driving me crazy. “How do you say ‘I understand’ in Italian?”

Ho capito.”

Ho capito, Santo.”

I smile down at her in complete awe. “Good girl.”

Paisley grins.

I love the way she threads her fingers through mine and doesn’t let go of my hooded gaze once as she leads me down the hallway, through her living room, and upstairs. Once inside her bedroom, I close the door behind us and lean against it. I watch as Paisley slips off her panties and the red scrap of lace hits the hardwood floors in sync with my next heartbeat. She’s quick to pull out the pink vibrator from her nightstand and sit on the edge of her queen-sized bed, setting the vibrator down on the covers as she spreads her legs out so I can see her glistening pussy just like I instructed her.

Oh God. So beautiful.

Warm afternoon sunshine floods through her bedroom, illuminating the white, dusty pink and rose gold accents in her bedroom and letting the sexy red thigh-high boots she has on really pop. I step closer to her and fall to my knees, positioned right between her spread thighs.

A growl escapes me when I cup Paisley’s face, my thumb brushing extra slowly across her plump, pink-colored lips as they part, and her hot breath arouses me more. There’s a scarlet blush across her cheeks and it has me smiling to see my wildflower so turned on, yet still the slightest bit bashful.

“Why are you blushing, baby?”

“Well, I never expected my vibrator to make a feature like this…”

I chuckle. “Why? You don’t have any fantasies about it?”

Her eyes darken. “Quite the opposite…”

“Then let’s make those fantasies come true.”

Paisley bites her lip as I pick up her smooth vibrator and inhale a deep breath of it. “God, it smells like you,” I moan. My tongue slowly runs the length of the toy with a satisfied groan as my cock twitches in my jeans. “It tastes like you too. So sweet. So you.”

Paisley leans back on her forearms with a hum, but when she attempts to press her thighs together, I spread her legs apart farther, holding them down on the bed in possession.

“No taking the edge off yet, Paisley.”

“Please, Saint,” she pleads. “I need to feel you.”

“Play with your tits for me first, baby.”

Smiling, Paisley molds her ample breasts. The way her thumbs brush over her erect nipples makes me want to suck on them so badly. I grin back, my gaze hungrily lowering to where I know she needs me the most. It’s so hot watching her so aroused.

“God. You’re so goddamn wet for me, babydoll.”

“Yesss, touch me,” Paisley begs, her glistening pussy throbbing in appreciation, and I want nothing more than to have her clenched around me when she comes hard. Knowing I need to see her orgasm before that, I switch on the vibrator and the soft buzz echoes between us, mixing with my heartbeat and accompanying my cock’s every pulse.

“You’re driving me fucking crazy, Paisley. I’m so goddamn hard for you.”

She moans as I press the toy over her clit before I lower it down her warm pussy and slide it inside of her. She gets wetter by the second as I begin to glide it in and out of her. The fact that I’m fucking her with her own toy and the constant vibration it gives drives me absolutely insane.

“Yes, keep doing that,” Paisley pants, the beautiful blush on her cheeks deepening. She rakes a hand through my hair, tugging on the ends, and can barely hold herself up with just one forearm as I thrust the toy in and out of her faster and faster, her body shaking with every movement.

Hearing how wet she is… Her pretty pink pussy glistening… Watching her arousal drip down her sex and disappear through her ass cheeks… fuck.

“Look at us, Pais. Look at me fucking your pretty pussy with your vibrator. I swear to God I’ll remember this for the rest of my life. So good. You’re such a bad girl letting me play with you like this, aren’t you?”

“Yes, so bad for you.” She grins, a moan then taking over as she tips her head back and her mouth parts to shape a big O. I rub my free hand up her smooth inner thighs, the flash of her red boots making me so crazy as I lean forward toward her pussy. Still fucking her with the toy, I continuously flick my tongue fast up and down her swollen clit, spreading her arousal with every move. Her grip on my hair tightens when she cries out, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep doing that again and I’m going to come all over your face, Saint.”

Damn right you are, baby.

I wickedly smirk against her pussy in appreciation, feeling my cock pulse hard as precum drips down my length in my boxer briefs at the way Paisley quivers under my touch. It’s evident with how badly she’s holding off coming by how hard she’s breathing and the way she’s clenching around the vibrator. She wants this to last, but I have other plans as my jaw tenses with just how fast my tongue is working her clit, and every inch of her body gives in to desire as she screams out my name and begins to orgasm intensely, her body convulsing around the toy and my tongue as she finishes.

Slipping out the vibrator, I replace the sensation and drive my tongue into her pussy, swirling it around and letting Paisley ride out her orgasm on it. She does until she settles down and her pants begin to soften, her sweet taste sending me to heaven.

I love her taste.

It’s then when she wraps her legs around my neck, burying my face right between her legs, and it gives me so much pleasure the way I allow her to use me however she likes when my tongue starts moving like crazy inside her.

“Oh my God, Saint! Yes, yes, yesss!”

I slide my hands beneath her ass, squeezing her cheeks tight as Paisley rides my face and I passionately make love to her pussy with my mouth, edging her close to another orgasm just as electrifying. To see Paisley on her bed riddled up by pleasure because of the second climax I brought her to… it makes me want to reward her with my cock deep throating her mouth. But we have time, all the time in the world to explore each other sexually because right now I just need to feel my cock in her warm pussy, gripping it like a vice in nothing but pleasure.

I need her.

I need to reward her for being such a good girl. Right. Now.

“That was incredible.” Paisley’s legs slip from my neck as she lies on her bed completely spent with the biggest grin on her face. “You’re something else, Santo Lisconti.”

Smoldering, I throw her a wink. “Could say the same about you too, wildflower.”

You’re something else, Paisley Reign.

She smirks and eyes my clothes. “Uh, you’re a little overdressed, don’t you think?”

I strip out of my clothes and boots in half a second. Paisley hungrily gazes at my raging erection when I slip off my boxer briefs last, the head beaded in precum and so damn ready for her. Paisley’s sweet jasmine scent consumes me, making this even more real as I lick her sweet taste from my lips and climb up on the bed on top of her, adoring the way she’s looking up at me with so much love as we share a grin.

“Better now?” I chuckle.

“Much better.” Paisley giggles, caressing down my bare chest and then lower to trace my hard abs. A squeal escapes her when I grip her hips and spin her around to her stomach before she can reach my cock, knowing I’ll explode the second she touches me. I need to be inside her when I come. I’ve never been this fucking close without a single stroke, suck, or thrust.

I spank her ass and murmur in her ear, “I want you on your hands and knees facing the mirror with your ass up, tits down, and eyes on your reflection. You have two seconds, baby.”


Paisley doesn’t even take a second to submit to me as we readjust to face the large wall standing mirror on the right side of her bedroom. It reveals a perfect view of us on her bed.

A perfect view of Paisley beautifully bent over and me kneeling behind her, ready for it.

A perfect view of her lovely, flustered face, those perfect red thigh-high boots, and gorgeous ass, which I squeeze and spank before meeting her gaze in the mirror.

“You sent me that gorgeous picture of yourself by this mirror.” I smirk. “You gave me an idea and now I can’t get it out of my head.”

“So don’t. Give in to it instead.” Paisley’s already looking at me through the mirror with such allure, her honey browns darkening even deeper when we share the most beautiful grin as she purrs, “Ruin me, Santo.”

Hearing her say my real name at a time like this has me gripping my thick cock and a moan escapes us both at the exact same time as I teasingly glide it over her warm sex, making it glisten more. So hot. Aroused heat flows through my veins and, knowing I can’t tease this any longer, I hold Paisley’s stare in the mirror and fully slip into her greedy pussy with three hard thrusts.

“I’ll ruin you good, wildflower. Ruin you until you’re mine.”

“I already am yours.”

Forever,” I growl. “I’m going to fuck you into forever. You want that too, babydoll?”

We’ve never fucked this way before, especially not in front of a mirror, so seeing Paisley bent over like this, those sexy boots on and her pussy already clenching around my cock… it has me giving in to every desire. Growling, I grip her ass and begin pounding into her so recklessly my every frantic heartbeat goes in rhythm with her relentless moans. “Oh, God, yes! I want that. I want forever with you. Fuck, Santo!”

“I love it when you say my name like that.”

“Santo… Oh, Santooo!”

“Oh, yes. Just like that, babydoll. Scream it.”

Paisley and I aren’t only fucking so damn passionately, we’re giving one another each other with no limits. And that’s exactly what I do. I fuck her with every single thing I have and grind my hips, each pump in and out of her becoming deeper and faster with each grunt that escapes me.

So good.

I’m so fast her hands give way and slip. Her cheek presses against the bouncing bedcovers. It’s so sexy the way Paisley turns her head and continues to watch us in the mirror, her eyes sparkling in desire as she leans up on her forearms instead and bites her clenched right fist to mute how loud she is, but her muffled noises only have me losing it more.

“Such a bad girl, watching a thirty-six-year-old man fuck your eighteen-year-old pussy like this. So dirty.” I spank her ass with a smirk and tell her how much of a good girl she is as I watch us in the mirror with hooded eyes. “You feel so good against my cock. Made for me, Paisley. Your pussy was fucking made for me.”

“Yes, I want you to be my first and last. Ohhh!”

“I’ll be anything you like, baby, any fucking thing.” A couple of curse words slip from my mouth in Italian. “Cazzo, you’re making me lose control, the way you’re looking at me… Dio.”

“I’m so close, Saint,” she moans.

“Me too, wildflower, hold on for me.”

I throw my head back and shut my eyes from the ecstasy I feel fucking her so hard into submission. Paisley’s mine and my God how her body is letting me know it with how responsive she is to me. I reopen my eyes and glance at myself in the mirror. At my abs coated in perspiration, tensing tighter with every thrust. At Paisley’s eyes, which almost roll back in pleasure. At my vaunted V-cut that slams against her ass again and again and again. And I know I’m so close to coming, so close to reaching the other side with her.

Mi stai facendo impazzire,” I moan out. “Mi stai facendo impazzire e lo adoro. Adoro vederti così. Adoro vederci così insiemeTi adoro.”

The pleasure only intensifies between us as Paisley grinds her hips back to meet my thrusts and slide on my cock. My cock is pulsing like crazy, begging for me to fill her with everything I have.

“I love it when you speak Italian to me. Translate what you just said,” Paisley pants.

She looks so sexy losing control beneath me like this. So sexy I trail her spine and take a hold of her French braid, wrapping the hair around my hand before I sexily tug it, and subsequently her head tips back too. I can’t stop showing her the beast I am when I go wild, waves of passion fueling me.

“You’re making me go crazy,” I start with the translation. “You’re making me go so crazy and I adore it. Adore seeing you like this. Adore seeing us like this together.” I roughly pull her hair again, this time real back until she’s forced to look up at me from behind, upside-down, and I growl, “Adore you.”

Then, I lean forward so she can see me better and I give her an intense upside-down kiss, still pumping into her fast while tugging her hair. My body continues to rock against hers and I feel her pussy start to clench around me as intense moans escape her throat mid-kiss. We kiss hard, breathlessly, so sensual and filthy with our tongues craving every single taste. I kiss her until my breaths become hers and hers mine.

Letting go of my grip on her hair, Paisley’s face lowers so our gazes meet in the mirror again. Her face is so flustered from how crazy we’re fucking, but that’s what being in love with Paisley does to me. It ruins me whole, and I never want this feeling to grow old.

“I adore you too, Santo.” She smiles through the moans. “I adore you. I adore you. I adore you.”

Grinning, I lower on top of her more and my dark stubbled jaw grazes against her smooth cheek as our faces press together. Honey brown and ocean blue is all I see as I wrap my large hand around her throat and my other hand wraps around her waist, holding her body up as we watch ourselves seconds from losing control completely.

Breathing in her jasmine scent mixed with my masculine blend, desire grows insatiable. My heart warms because this moment couldn’t be more perfect as I hold her close, kiss her cheek, and murmur something that I’ve been holding onto for a little while now. Something so meaningful and true. Something she needs to know because I can’t live my life without her.

“I love you, Paisley,” I murmur softly. “I love you so fucking much. More than I’ve ever loved anything else in my whole entire life. I love you to death. To the moon. To every ocean.”

“I love you, Santo.” I’ll never forget the pure affection in Paisley’s eyes as they glaze over in happy tears, and she grins so beautifully I melt. “To death. To the moon. To the oceans. Forever.”

“I love you more, my forever girl.”

We’re falling, falling, fallen and both begin moaning in pleasure as an earth-shattering orgasm ripples through Paisley, her entire body going wild in my hold as she comes so intensely around my pulsing cock. Her orgasm offsets my own and I explode, filling her hard with every drop of my warm cum while softly chanting a chorus of ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’.

As our pants return to normal breaths, I slowly pull out of her pussy and the second we collapse on the bed, I lie on my back and tenderly roll her to my side. Paisley’s warm left hand rests on my chest, listening to the thumps of my heart as it beats wildly for her.

Her striking eyes meet mine and I hold her close with my arms around her waist, my fingers slowly caressing her skin. The grin we share never falls. There’s so much warmth in my chest at the way Paisley’s looking up at me with pure joy, pure admiration, pure trust. So beautifully poetic it heals every single one of my flaws and has me kissing away all of hers.

“Whoa,” Paisley murmurs, that breathtaking grin turning to a giggle. “Your heart is beating so fast.”

“Loving you makes it do that. Loving you is the reason I’m still breathing because now I know this is what it feels like to really be alive. To be crazy in love. To love a wildflower. You are my reason, Paisley Reign. You are the reason it’s still beating. Only you.”

When Paisley reaches up and crashes her lips on mine with a kiss so sensual and intimate, I feel her heartbeat against mine and know that our hearts have been racing so wildly in harmony this entire time.

Because this kiss tells me that I’m her reason too.

Because she and I are made for each other, and fate is real.

Because she’s the only remedy to my skipped heartbeats, my dying breaths, my endless I love yous.


“Out of all the places in the world, I never expected a date night at a ranch!” I smile as Saint accelerates up the Westside Freeway on Interstate 5. “You’re very unexpected. You know that, Mr. Lisconti?”

Saint smirks over at me from the driver’s seat, bringing our laced hands to his mouth to softly kiss my skin. “Well, what can I say… Expect the unexpected with me, baby.”

“I’m starting to believe that. First Stanford, then a beach house, now cowboy boots… What’s next? Are you going to tell me that you’re actually reuniting your band with your cousin, Enrico, and are actually beginning the first leg of your sellout world tour soon?”

“You know I can arrange that, if you like.” He winks.

I tip my head back in laughter against the leather headrest. “You totally would, though!”

“Anything for you, Pais.”

“What was the name of your band? I can’t believe I didn’t ask you before!”

Saint chuckles as his eyes return to the highway. “Come to think of it, we didn’t even have one.”

“Well, there’s always time.”

We both burst out into laughter, and it just feels so nice to be this content. Like nothing can ever stop us. I smile to myself at the ’90s chill rap playing on the speakers low, loving that it’s so Saint.

According to the navigation on his Maserati’s touch control screen, we’re only thirteen minutes away from the ranch now. I’ve never been to a ranch before in my life and am thoroughly thrilled about what’s to come. Saint’s been so excited about it and honestly can’t stop telling me how good I look in the beautiful red leather thigh-high cowboy boots he bought me, the same ones I’m still wearing. I’m beginning to think they’re definitely a kink for him, especially considering Saint made me keep them on whilst we fucked.

Gosh, that sex… it was something else.

“Turns out my Italian professional boxer boyfriend is a sweetheart, huh?”

Better add former to that title, baby.”

“You’re still a professional to me. You’re very… Ahem, let’s just say athletic.”

Saint’s blue eyes land on me for a moment and darken. “Non dirmi queste cose mentre guido. Don’t tell me these things when I’m driving.”

I smirk. “Want me to deflect the conversation?”

“Please do.”

“Okay. When are you going to show me one of your fights?”

Saint’s gaze returns to the highway with a smile. “You haven’t searched one up? Not like your stunt with Stanford University or the Olympics, huh?”

“Nope.” I giggle. “I’m waiting for the green light from you with this one. Will you show me a few of your boxing matches tonight when we come back from the ranch?”

He’s silent for a moment before he lets out a soft sigh. “You really want to see me all roughed up and tough?”

“I want to see the Saint Lisconti the world saw before me, yes. I’ve seen everything that you are, every single piece. Your past life as a professional boxer is the only missing piece.”

Saint glances over at me with one hand on the wheel and even after all this time, those warm eyes seep right into my soul. Eyes so blue I’m forced to do nothing else but drown in waves of him. Nothing else but him.

Our extended stare is so sweet and passionate, the most real thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life as Saint squeezes our intertwined hands and grins.

“Then, we’ll watch a few of my boxing matches.” His dimples are so deep and oh so beautifully carved. I just want to slowly trace them for a lifetime. “I love you, wildflower.”

“Love you forever, my blue-eyed boy.” I grin back. Squeezing his hand back tighter, I lean across the car’s console and quickly peck his soft lips. “You know I always will. Always.”

Everything is perfect.

Every single little thing. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

The brief kiss.

The sparkle in Saint’s ocean blues.


Everything except the sudden deafening sound of a car horn, wheels screeching, and the bright white light that slaughters the music, our hope, and my greatest love with it too…

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