Of Magic And Men
Chapter Fourteen

Before they could realize what was going on, they were surrounded. Fields of enemies just seemed to appear around them. As if once cloaked with invisibility, they were just suddenly there. Between Silicont and the duo stood a darkly cloaked figure who had also appeared with the hordes. Peter stepped forward as the figure spoke. “How is your mother doing Peter? Is she well?” Peter was confused, he recognized the voice but just couldn’t place it. “Who are you and how do you know about my mother?” The figure just laughed in response, removing his hood, Peter could see where he knew the voice from. This Person sold him the medicine for his mother, the medicine that she had choked on, the medicine that he had given his mother time after time to try and make her better. The medicine he was cluing into that smelled of corruption. He had given his mother liquefied corruption! He was wide eyed and dumbfounded, it was because of this person his mother was dead. “I see you remember me Peter, it was so easy and you were so gullible, anything to help your mommy dearest, right?” “Peter, how do you know this man?” Alaya stepped forward and placed her hand on Peters shoulder. “They sold me the medicine for my mother, they killed my mother!” Peter yelled, taking half a step forward he placed his hand on the hilt of his blade. “ah ah ah” the man wagged his finger at peter. He pulled a dagger from beneath his cloak and put it to Siliconts neck. “Take one more step and your parents won’t be the only ones I take from you.” “Peter this is the serpentinian that I told you about before, this man killed your father.” Peter whipped his head around to look at Alaya. He was confused and angry, the man looked like an average human man. With shoulder length, straight black hair and a pale complexion, he may look a little odd but didn’t look like he was a pile of snakes. He turned back to face the serpentinian and that’s when he spotted it, small rippling movements under his skin like something was crawling around. Peter grimaced at the thought, not wanted to aggravate the situation though, he didn’t say anything. “Peter, listen to me, this man can use illusion magic, these are not real enemies. There is only one person here.” Silicont spoke into peters mind. Peter looked around at the creatures surrounding them, they looked so real. Focusing on one creature at a time though he could see small shimmers of light, Silicont was right, this was a bluff. Peter felt relieved but also knew he had to come up with a plan, he had to find a way to distract this man long enough so Silicont could be saved. Dropping his hand off of his sword and lowering his head, peter spoke. “Alright you got us, we submit, we won’t put up a fight.” “Peter, what are you doing he’s going to kill us, we need to fight back.” Alaya said, not know peter had a plan. “No Alaya, this is where it ends, Maybe if I offer myself he will let you and Silicont live,” looking back at Alaya, peter winked making sure the sepentinian couldn’t see, Alaya winked back in understanding. “Yes, that’s a good boy, drop your weapons and come here.” said the man. Peter removed his sword and dagger from his belt as well as his bow and quiver from his back, placing each item on the ground beside him. However the man was unaware of one weapon peter could not drop. Walking calmly over to the man he raised his hands in the air showing that he was not going to fight. “So I’m curious of the name of the man that bested us.” Peter questioned trying to distract the man. “I am Skai of serpents, and I serve the one true lord of darkness.” Skai looked proud at his comment, Peter saw an opportunity to get him to keep talking. “Skai, who is the one true lord of darkness? I’m not familiar with this world. Skai Pointed his dagger at peter. “The one who will rule this land and kill all your little friends, Morgan.” Peter knew it was now or never charging the electricity in his hands he ran forward and grabbed skais out-stretched arm. Skai had no chance to respond he was quickly clumped to the ground in an unnatural pose. Peter was amazed that taking him down was so easy, until he saw movement at his feet. Hundreds of black snakes started pouring out of skais mouth, deflating his human form like it was a balloon. The snakes slithered away into the tall grass, this was not the last they would see of him, thought peter. He then turned his attention to Silicont, untying him as fast as he could. Alaya rushed over with peters weapons in hand and started helping untie their friend. Soon Silicont was untied and standing again however his wing was still injured. Very carefully peter broke the tip off of the arrow and pulled the shaft backward out of his friends wing. With the arrow removed Alaya started to cast a healing spell to speed Siliconts recovery. “That was very clever Peter, but how were you able to cast lightning without magic?” Silicont asked. “Elathor gave us the power of her breath weapon. She Passed away.” Alaya answered for peter. Silicont lowered his head in sadness. “Did you know her well, Silicont?” peter asked. “Yes I did, we were good friends long before the war started. It’s sad to hear of her passing, but I am glad to know she did not die alone.” The trio stood in the field, healing Silicont until his wound closed properly. For the longest time they stood without speaking, each remembering the people they had lost. Eventually Alaya broke the silence. “Silicont, you were sent out here to give us an idea of Morgans plan, did you find anything useful?” “Yes, Morgans forces are on the move and transporting massive amounts of liquefied corruption. It looks like he also is positioning units around his castle, he knows we’re coming, a direct assault would not be the best option right now.” “He’s kidnapped my father, how are we supposed to get him back if he has guards all over the place?” Alaya questioned. “Is there anyway to stealth our way in, because right now that seems like our only option?” Peter suggested. They needed to sneak in undetected but how? Peter looked down at the skin suit that had held Skai, he had an idea.

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