Offside Hearts (Love and Hockey Book 1)
Offside Hearts: Chapter 24

Noah’s hands grip my thighs, my arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, and his lips find mine as we enter his bedroom. I don’t really get a chance to look around, but I get an impression of an open, comfortable looking space with a king-sized bed up against one wall and large windows taking up most of another wall.

Then Noah lays me down on the bed, and I sink into the soft mattress.

He follows me down, lifting me a little and helping me scoot upward so that we’re in the middle of the bed, and managing to do it without ever breaking our kiss.

It’s like he won’t stop kissing me for anything.

Like he can’t bear to.

Every time our mouths separate a little, we both gasp for breath and then dive right back in, teeth and lips and tongues all joining in. He tugs my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down gently before soothing the sting away with his tongue, and I whimper as he settles between the cradle of my legs, his body solid and warm above mine.

“I’m so fucking glad you came,” he murmurs.

“Me too,” I whisper between kisses. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since the game started.”

“Yeah?” He pulls back a little, looking pleased.

“Are you kidding me? Yes,” I say fervently, and he groans and kisses me harder.

We roll on the bed, and I end up on top for a while, grinding my hips against his as he sits up and presses his lips to my throat, working his way over the sensitive skin. I tilt my head back, rocking against him, and he shudders beneath me.

In a flash, he switches our positions again, settling me on my back once more as he reaches for my dress.

“I’ve gotta get you out of this,” he murmurs. “I need to feel you. I want your skin beneath my hands. Everywhere.”

He sits back on his heels between my legs, grabbing the hem of my dress and sliding it upward. The fabric is stretchy enough that it slides easily over my hips, and I shift my weight and arch my back to help him, then sit up a little to let him pull it all the way off.

I’m not wearing a bra. It didn’t go with the dress, and to be honest, I wanted as little as possible between me and Noah. I give my past self a mental high-five for that decision when Noah’s jaw drops open a little, his blue eyes glazing over with lust as he takes in my nearly naked body.

With the dress gone, all I have left on are my locket and a pair of lacy panties, and his gaze drifts downward and then back up, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.

“It should be fucking illegal to look as good as you do,” he says thickly, and I smile, even though my heart is racing.

“Is this your way of saying you want to handcuff me?” I tease, and he chokes on his next breath.

He surges forward, kissing me and laying me back on the bed at the same time, one hand braced by my head while the other squeezes and gropes at my breasts.

“Goddamn, that mouth of yours,” he growls against my lips. “I want to fuck it again. See my cock disappear between those pretty little lips that say such dirty little things. But first, I have to taste you. You don’t understand, Sunflower, I’ve been fucking dreaming of the way you taste. I need more.”

His words make me whimper, and I spread my legs wider. I’m nowhere near as anxious about him going down on me as I was the first time, because he’s made it abundantly clear how much he likes it.

Noah works his way downward like he’s determined not to miss a single stop on the way, taking several minutes to torture my breasts with his teeth and tongue before moving on. He scrapes his teeth over the undersides of my breasts and then trails them over my ribs before drawing a line down the middle of my stomach with his tongue.

My pussy is already anticipating his arrival, my clit starting to throb as I shift my hips, unable to keep still.

But he draws it out even more, diverting course just when I think he’s going to move lower and pressing little kisses to each of my hip bones instead.

“Noah…” I whine, my inner thighs clenching as arousal builds inside me.

“What? Do you need something, Sunflower?” he asks innocently, finally moving downward—but bypassing my pussy and going for my inner thigh instead. “What do you need?”

“You know what I need,” I breathe, my legs moving restlessly on the bed.

“Yeah, baby girl, I think I do.” He nips at my thigh. “But I want to hear you say it.”

He tilts his head to look up at me, and the glint in his eye is wicked and possessive. I bite my lip as we have a mini staring contest, but it doesn’t take long for me to fold.

“I want you to go down on me,” I whisper. “Please.”

His smile is fucking heart stopping. Heat burns in his expression as he grips my thighs, spreading them wide enough that I feel the stretch in my muscles. Then he drops his head and drags his nose up the line of my panty-covered pussy. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I’ve never had a guy smell me like that before, and maybe it should be embarrassing—but the look on his face is one of such raw desire that it just turns me on. He bites his lip, lifting his head as he ghosts his fingers over the delicate, lacy fabric of my panties.

“What brand are these?” he murmurs.

“Uh…” The question surprises me so much that it takes me a second to answer. “They’re La Perla.”

“Do they still make this style?”

“Yeah. I think so.”

He smiles. A second later, a ripping sound fills the air as he grabs the lacy fabric and tears through it, shredding it off my body. The fabric snaps against my skin a little as it gives way, and he tugs the scraps away from me and tosses them to the floor.

“I’ll buy you five new pairs,” he promises as I gape at him.

Then he buries his face between my legs. My jaw, which was hanging open in shock, falls open even wider as a naked cry pours from my lips.

Noah doesn’t start slow this time, and there’s nothing muted at all about the sensations that shoot through me as he clamps his mouth down over my pussy and devours me. His tongue finds my clit and doesn’t let up, and he slides a finger inside me, fucking me with it as he eats me out.

The burst of sensation is so strong that I almost tip over into an orgasm immediately, and that realization shocks me so much that the climax slips away.

But just like before, Noah doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.

He keeps going, sliding a second finger into me, and the warm, wet pressure against my clit makes me whimper softly.

“You taste better than I remembered,” he groans, his voice vibrating against me. “How is that possible?”

“I don’t…” I close my eyes, breathing in and out. “I don’t know.”

“Don’t rush yourself, Sunflower.” He stops for just a second, squeezing my thighs. “I’m not in a hurry. We’ve got all night.”

That gentle reminder is all it takes for me to relax, and the stupid lingering worries about not being able to finish fast enough start to melt away. I let myself just enjoy it, squirming beneath him and letting out little noises and words of encouragement when he does something that feels particularly amazing.

It actually doesn’t take long at all for me to get close again now that I’m no longer thinking about it, and maybe Noah can tell, because the strokes of his tongue get faster.

When I come, I cry out his name, my back arching off the bed.

My heart races, thudding heavily against my ribs as pleasure spreads through me in a powerful rush. It rolls on for several long moments and then finally starts to subside, and I melt against the covers on his bed, blinking blearily at him.

“Hey, no fair,” I say breathlessly. “You didn’t even take off your clothes yet.”

“I’m getting to that.” He grins. “But I’ve gotta admit, there’s something so fucking sexy about having you naked on my bed while I’m still dressed.”

My clit throbs at the heat in his voice, and a second later, he gives me what I want, pulling off his shirt and getting rid of his pants. He shucks his boxer briefs last, and my breath catches as my gaze drops to his pierced cock. He’s even bigger than I remembered, if that’s possible, and although I’ve already had him in my mouth, I’m still a bit daunted by the idea of him fucking me with that thing.

I want it though.

I really fucking want it.

“God, Sunflower…” He groans, dragging my focus up to his face. “You keep looking at me like that, and I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

I grin, lying back on the bed and spreading my legs in invitation. “Walking is overrated anyway.”

He smirks, but the heat in his eyes is enough to burn me alive as he grabs a condom from a little drawer in the nightstand and tosses it down on the mattress beside me. Then he settles between my legs again, and this time, there’s nothing at all between us. It’s just his body and mine, skin to skin, and the first brush of his chest against my nipples makes me whimper softly.

“You feel so fucking good,” he murmurs, echoing my thoughts. He mouths at my throat and shoulders, nipping and licking and kissing me as one hand rests on my hip, his cock hot and heavy against my thigh.

“Noah,” I whimper, my eyelids drooping.

“Say that again.”

I blink. “What?”

He reaches down between us, fisting his dick and sliding the tip against my clit. I can feel the smooth metal of the piercing, slick with my arousal and his precum, and I moan as he circles it around my sensitive nub.

“Say my name again,” he murmurs. “Tell me who you want to fuck you. Who you want to have inside you.”

“You.” He’s already pushing me toward another orgasm, and it’s hard to think straight. “Noah. Fuck, Noah. I want you.”

His nostrils flare wide as he drags in a breath, and he keeps teasing me with the head of his cock until I’m squirming and panting beneath him. When he finally reaches for the condom and tears it open with his teeth, he keeps his eyes on me the entire time. I can’t look away from him either. His dark brown hair is tousled and perfectly messy, every single muscle in his torso, shoulders, and legs on full display, and as he kneels between my legs to roll the condom on, I can feel wetness sliding down my inner thighs.

When his cock is fully sheathed, he fists himself at the base, leaning over me as he guides himself between my legs.

“You have to—” He stops, gritting his teeth as his broad head nudges at my entrance. “You have to tell me if it’s too much, okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

I nod, my pulse racing. “I will.”

He shifts his hips forward, and I feel the stretch immediately. He’s both long and thick, and I make a little noise in my throat as my body works to accommodate him.

“Fuck, you feel incredible,” he breathes, his chest heaving. “So tight.”

He presses a few more inches inside, and I do my best to relax and let him in, tilting my hips a little to give him a better angle.

He smiles, drawing out a bit and pushing in deeper. “There you go. Such a good girl.”

My eyes widen as his words hit something low inside me, making me shudder as heat pools in my belly. No one has ever called me that before, and the reaction in my body is visceral. My pussy clenches around him in response to the praise, like it’s trying to prove how much it wants his cock by dragging it deeper inside, and Noah grunts as he feels it.

“Fuck.” His eyes narrow a little as he meets my gaze. “You liked that, didn’t you? You like me calling you a good girl?”

A shiver passes through me. I nod, because I really fucking do. “Yes.”

His smile is a slow burn, and he leans back a little, hooking one of my legs under the knee while his other hand goes to my pussy. The pad of his thumb finds my clit, working it as he thrusts shallowly a few times. He’s only halfway in, but it’s enough to make my eyes roll back.

“I’m glad you like it.” He presses in a bit deeper. “Because you really are a good…” His thumb moves faster. “…fucking…” He uses his grip on my leg to pull me in to meet his next stroke. “…girl.”

My toes curl, my body bucking against his, and I come hard, bearing down on his cock. His thumb keeps moving, relentless and undeniable, and the orgasm rolls through me like a train picking up speed. I throw my head back and cry out as it peaks, aware of Noah thrusting deeper, filling me up even more. It’s so much, overwhelming and almost painful, but the discomfort is eased by the waves of pleasure crashing through me.

When the climax finally ends, I look up to find Noah watching me with something like awe. He’s dragged his thumb away from my clit and is gripping both of my legs under the knees now, and I realize that he’s all the way inside me, buried to the hilt.

“Look at that, baby,” he rasps. “Look how fucking perfect you are. How well you take me.”

My gaze drops down to the place where we’re joined together, and heat curls in my stomach. Noah doesn’t move, freezing for a long moment as his nostrils flare with a sharp inhale. I squirm against him, desperate for more friction, and his hands tighten around my legs.

“Hold on. I just… need a second,” he grits out. “You feel too fucking good, Sunflower. I’m about to lose it, and I want to make this last.”

He looks almost tortured, as if it’s taking every scrap of self-control he has not to come right now. That thought makes me shiver, and even though I’m dying for more, I stay still, staring up at his face as he slowly draws out and then slides all the way back in. I swear I can feel him everywhere as he starts to fuck me in steady strokes, and as my body adjusts to the stretch, a new kind of need fills me.

“Harder,” I gasp out.

Doubt crosses his features. “Are you sure?”

“Fuck. Yes. I’ll tell you if it hurts, just… don’t stop.”

He makes a strangled noise in his throat before wrapping my legs around his waist and draping his upper body over mine. He gives me just what I was begging for, powerful snaps of his hips driving him deep inside my pussy with every thrust. The bed beneath us is too sturdy and well-made to rock under our weight, but I can feel myself practically sliding up the mattress as he fucks me like he’s finally done holding back.

“Yes,” I whimper. “Oh god, that’s good. Please…”

My nails rake down his back, making him groan against my lips as he drops his head to kiss me. When I reach his ass, I dig my fingers into the firm muscles, urging him on. His ass is like fucking steel, and feeling it flex beneath my hands sends heat spiraling through me.

Noah stops moving suddenly, burying himself deep and pausing there. He kisses me again, grinding against me, then pulls out, leaving me breathless and empty.

Before I can complain about it, his hands are on my hips, lifting me up and turning me over.

He deposits me on all fours near the top of the mattress and then wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me upright so that my back is flush to his chest. His cock is trapped between us, throbbing between my ass cheeks as he molds and squeezes my breasts.

His skin is hot against mine, and I can feel the heavy pounding of his heart against my back as his lips brush my ear.

“Grab the headboard,” he murmurs. “And hold on.”

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