Offside Hearts (Love and Hockey Book 1)
Offside Hearts: Chapter 42

I’m in ecstasy.

I think I might have a bit of maple syrup in my hair, but I don’t even care, because what Noah is doing with his tongue feels so fucking good.

“There you go, baby,” he croons from between my thighs. “Soak my face.”

“Oh god. Oh my god!

I scrabble for something to hold on to, grabbing the edges of the table as he wraps my legs tighter around his head. We were in the middle of breakfast this morning when I started teasing him for how much he likes the noises of appreciation I make when I eat. Our banter turned flirty and loaded with innuendo, and the next thing I knew, he was shoving our plates to one side, yanking me up from my chair, and laying me out on the table so that he could devour me.

I writhe in his hold, rocking my hips against his face as he keeps a tight grip on my thighs. His tongue is relentless, hot and wet and right where he knows it drives me crazy.

He mutters against my skin, something about what a good fucking girl I am, but the words are muffled as he starts to thrust his tongue in and out of me. My back arches as pleasure lances through me, and I come hard on his face, shaking from head to toe.

A pleased hum vibrates against my pussy, and he keeps tongue-fucking me as the pleasure slowly starts to ebb away. Only after I go completely limp on the table does he look up, his blue gaze meeting mine. He presses a kiss to the inside of each thigh before carefully unwinding my legs from his shoulders.

“Hop off,” he tells me in the bossy tone of voice that usually means I’m really going to like what happens next. “Get off the table, stand up, and turn around. Then bend over.”

Normally, he’d probably lift me off the table himself, but I know he’s still supposed to be taking it easy on the shoulder he tweaked a few nights ago. It’s been improving steadily, but I’ve been adamant about not letting him overuse it.

I lick my lips, standing up on wobbly legs and following his directions, turning around and letting my upper body rest on the kitchen table. It’s at the perfect height so that I’m bent almost exactly at a right angle, and I can feel Noah staring at my bare ass. There’s a rustle of clothing as he undresses behind me, and then he drags his cock through my wet folds.

All I’ve got on is his jersey, and even as he teases me with the piercing in his cock, I can feel his other hand trailing over the name and number on the back. He groans, as if just the sight of me like this might be enough to make him come without ever even pressing inside me.

“I thought there couldn’t be anything sexier than seeing you wearing my jersey,” he murmurs roughly. “But I was wrong. Fucking you while you’re wearing my jersey is even better.”

“Then fuck me already,” I gasp, shifting my hips to try to get him to slide inside.

He spanks my ass lightly, making my pussy clench, but his voice is full of approval as he murmurs, “You need me, baby girl? You need me right here?”

His cock slides in a couple of inches as he speaks, and I nod fervently. “Yes. Yes, right there. Please, fuck me.”

“Since you asked so nicely…” He chuckles, the sound rough. “I’d love to, baby.”

Then he thrusts all the way inside, making me cling to the table all over again as sensations barrel through me. I press my cheek against the cool, smooth surface, my heart racing as he starts off with a few slower strokes to make sure I’m warmed up and ready for him. Then he starts to fuck me in earnest, his hips slapping against my ass with each thrust. My own hips dig into the edge of the table a little, but the discomfort is more than made up for by the pleasure cascading through my veins.

I’m about to beg Noah to go harder when my phone rings on the table a few feet away from my head. The sound of the ringtone makes my eyes pop open, and I curse under my breath, whimpering at the interruption.


Noah pauses, buried inside me. “What’s up?”

“I’m expecting a call from Sarah. She’s supposed to let me know if my provisional contract is going to be extended to full time.”

“Want me to check if it’s her?”

“Could you? I’m sorry. I just don’t want to miss it if it is.” I clench around him, making him grunt. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

A deep chuckle pours from his lips, and he leans over, keeping one hand on my hip as he reaches for the phone. I’m expecting him to either tell me it’s Sarah or put it down, but he doesn’t do either of those things. He makes a strange noise in his throat, and out of the corner of my eye, I see him swiping across the screen to answer the call.

What the hell?

I gasp, twisting my neck as much as I can to look up at him. “What are you—?”


A voice coming through my phone’s speaker cuts me off, and I recognize it immediately. Philip. I haven’t talked to my ex in over a year, and my jaw drops in shock at the fact that he’s calling me now.

“Umm…” I say intelligently, rendered completely speechless by my surprise—and by the way Noah chooses this moment to grind his hips against my ass, pressing his cock even deeper inside me.

“I know it’s been a while since we spoke,” Philip says, laughing awkwardly. “But I heard from a friend that you’re working with the Denver Aces now, and I just wanted to call and congratulate you. And, uh… well, I was wondering if you know if they have any openings in the legal department. I’m looking for a new job, and I thought maybe you could put in a good word for me.”

I blink, staring over my shoulder at the phone in Noah’s hand. What the actual fuck?

Before I have a chance to say anything, Noah brings the phone a little closer to his face. It’s on speaker, so he’s been able to hear everything Philip just said as well as I did, and there’s an angry glint to his eyes.

“I can answer that question for you, Phil,” he says smoothly. “The answer is no. The Aces are not currently looking for a small-dicked, selfish asshole to join the legal team.”

There’s a sputtering sound on the other end of the line, and Philip coughs. “I’m sorry, who is this?”

“Noah Blake. Margo’s boyfriend. Clearly, you’re not much of an Aces fan, or you would’ve known that. What’s more, I highly suggest you lose this number, because if you call Margo again, you and I are going to have a problem.”

“I… uh, Margo, I—”

Noah pulls out of me suddenly, setting the phone down on the table beside my head. He lifts me up and flips me over, then drives back into me, making an involuntary moan spill from my lips.

“You’re welcome to stay on the call if you’d like to hear what Margo sounds like when she comes,” Noah tells Philip, his thumb finding my clit as he leans over me. “I don’t expect it’s a sound you’re familiar with.”


Whatever else Philip does or doesn’t say is lost on me, because Noah starts to fuck me again, driving into me like he’s got a point to prove—which I guess he does. His thumb circles my clit as the piercing in his cock hits something deep inside me.

My body, already worked up to the edge before the call came through, responds to his touch immediately.

I moan again, my toes curling as I wrap my legs around his back, and Noah grunts, dropping his head to kiss me, hot and possessive.

He makes me come—not once, but three times—before he finally spills inside me.

I’m quivering, my cunt rippling around him, his jersey plastered to my sweaty skin. He kisses me one last time, tugging my bottom lip between his teeth before murmuring, “Love you, Sunflower.”

“Love you back,” I pant.

As he straightens, I glance over at the phone beside my head. The screen is dark, the call ended. I have no idea if Philip hung up right away, or if he actually listened as Noah made me fall apart over and over.

And honestly?

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The food is cold, and I’m a mess, so Noah whips up some eggs while I take a quick shower, and then we sit down for a redo of breakfast.

I can still feel him between my legs, and despite the fact that I flush when I think about what Philip may or may not have heard on the phone, I sort of like that Noah put him in his place. I have no desire to have my ex in my life in any way, and I’m pretty sure Noah’s little chat with him will achieve the desired result. Philip definitely won’t be calling me again.

We’re finishing up breakfast 2.0 when my phone rings again. I grab for it, expecting it to be Sarah for sure this time. But it’s Heather instead. I answer right away, and from the moment I press the phone to my ear, I can tell she’s crying.

What the fuck?

Panic grips me like a vice, and I sit up straighter. “Heather, what is it? Are you okay? Where are you?”

Noah clearly picks up on my distress, because he frowns at me from across the table, his brows furrowing with worry.

“I’m fine… I’m fine,” Heather says, and even though the words come out between sobs, I can’t help but feel like she’s telling the truth. Her voice sounds strained, but not in a sad way. Then she laughs through her tears and adds, “No, actually, I’m more than fine. I’m amazing.”

Some of my panic disappears, but I’m still on edge. “What’s going on?”

“It’s the shelter,” she tells me. “New Horizons. We were going to have to close our doors this week, but when I went in to have a meeting with the other manager this morning, she told me they’d received a huge anonymous donation.”

“What?” I blink. “A donation? From who?”

“I asked myself the same thing,” Heather admits. “But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there was only one person I knew who had that kind of money, and who could just wire it over on a whim.”


She laughs. “Who do you think?”

It takes me a second longer than it should, but then the realization hits me, and my jaw drops. I stare at Noah, who now has a hint of a smile pulling at the side of his mouth.

“Heather, I—I have to call you back.” I hang up and set down my phone, never breaking eye contact with the man in front of me. “Did you give an anonymous donation to the shelter where Heather works?”

He nods. “Yeah.”

“When? How?” I shake my head, still trying to put everything together in my mushy, post-sex brain. “And why didn’t you tell me?”

He lifts one shoulder, looking almost shy about it. “I wanted it to be a surprise. The other night at dinner, Heather said something about how nice it was to have fun for a change, since everything at the shelter has been so stressful. I remembered her saying they might have to close their doors when we were at your brother’s birthday party, and I wanted to make sure that wouldn’t happen.”

A lump forms in my throat. “Oh my god, Noah, that’s… that’s amazing.”

“It’s really not a big deal,” he says sincerely. “I had the money, and I knew this was important.”

I get up and walk over to the other side of the table, then crawl onto his lap. His arms wrap around me right away, his hands firm and warm against my back as I gaze down at him.

“It is a big deal. To me. And to Heather, and to all those other women that this donation is going to help.” Tears form in the corners of my eyes, and I don’t even try to stop them. Resting my forearms on his shoulders, I slide my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Thank you so much,” I whisper.

Adoration shines in Noah’s eyes. Leaving one hand on my back, he lifts the other to gently brush my tears away, the pads of his fingers rough against my skin. “Anything for you, Sunflower.”

I have no more words. I don’t know how to express everything I’m feeling, because what I’m feeling is all new to me. I have never loved someone as much as I love Noah, and in this moment, I’m overwhelmed by how powerful my affection for him truly is.

My love for him could power cities.

It could move oceans and rip open black holes—and yet somehow, it’s all contained inside a single heart.

Inside my heart.

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