Omega Mine
Chapter 13

Josie woke with a pained moan, the sound of banging on the metal cell door echoing in her head. What?

Someone was here again? Despite her best efforts not to, she trembled in fear, the stench of it filling her shared prison.

Her eyes popped open in surprise as she heard a deep inhale from the corner of the room, followed by a ragged groan that washed away her fear in an instant, making room for something far more pleasurable. She whipped her head toward the noise, ignoring the aches and pains in her body as she locked on a pair of glowing red eyes fixated on her in the darkness.

“I thought I knew your scent from the traces I’d caught earlier, but–” Grayson inhaled, taking a shuddering breath. “You smell better than I’d imagined,” he whispered gutturally, his voice a combination of feral hunger and lust that left her reeling. Her body responded to that deep cadence, desire pooling low in her belly before she heard him inhale again, his eyes closing as he released a heated groan.

“Omega,” Grayson crooned. Her breath caught, cheeks flushing, and her heart skipped a beat before it picked up a hard, eager rhythm. The way he said her designation sent sparks of lust shooting through her entire body before focusing on her core.

Her womb contracted almost painfully, the first warning sign that her heat was imminent.

Shit! Grayson had scented her, and now it was only a matter of minutes before she would lose herself to the overpowering urge for sex.

It’s so intense, she thought, writhing on the bed like a damned cat in…well, heat. She didn’t remember her last heat being this bad; usually she kept herself locked away for a few days, a whimpering mess until the need to procreate passed. Even then, it was never truly painful. But this? It was like she was being warmed from the inside out, a fire spreading that she couldn’t contain or put out.

She sucked in a deep breath as another cramp hit her, stronger than the last. She took another breath, drawing Grayson’s heady scent into her lungs, and nearly threw herself at him, demanding he bend her over and see to all of her needs.

Aside from the desire that was creating an inferno of lust inside of her, another urge became difficult to resist; nesting.

She wanted to roll around on his bed, or better yet, to find whatever cloth she could and make a shelter to sleep and fuck in. God, what would their mixed scents be like in a nest she made just for them? A mixture of musk and sweetness, she was sure of it. Combined with his arousal and cum, it would be perfect.

Josie shuddered. She wanted to get drunk on that scent, to live in it forever, and she hadn’t even experienced it yet.

“I can smell how wet your cunt is from here, Josephine,” Grayson growled.

She whimpered in need, the small sound beckoning him to come to her and claim what was his. There was absolutely no doubt that he would. He was an Alpha, and ruthless. Males like him took what they wanted, and she was his mate.

Fuck, she needed him to fill her. Her arousal dripped from her pussy, slick coating her thighs as her body prepared for him.

The banging on the door grew louder and Grayson snarled, the scent of his dark desire and anger floating over her. He didn’t want them to be interrupted, and the way she was feeling? She didn’t want to be interrupted either.

Josie had heard that going into a mating heat was a hellish experience, but at least there would be a few perks. No longer would she be a dormant Omega; she’d have enhanced senses and rapid healing. Hopefully, she’d heal quickly as her heat spread, and the pain would go away before too long.

But even then, as her desire grew, her pain became less. She wasn’t sure if she was already healing, or if her other needs were drowning everything else out.

“Seven!” a guard shouted through the door, rapping on the metal once more. “This is your last warning! Come out without any problems or you’ll get tasered again. It’s time for your next match!”

Match? They were going to take him away from her? What if he got hurt? What if he died? The thought left her hollowed out, stealing some of her arousal in an instant.

“No,” she exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears. “Don’t go–” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“If I don’t cooperate, they’ll kill me,” Grayson bit out, stepping from the corner of the room. Already, Josie could see him and everything around him more clearly, as if her eyes were distinguishing shadows from objects with little issue.

He was breathing hard, his muscled chest rising and falling rapidly, accentuating his chiseled features and olive skin. He watched her intently, and the scent of his lust grew, almost matching her own. Her gaze wandered over him, taking in every glorious detail until it dipped to his groin. His dick was hard. Long and thick, with precum coating his tip. Tempting her like a treat.

Josie’s mouth watered, and she shifted from the bed, falling off of it in her haste to reach him. She landed on the ground with a pained groan.

Grayson was on her then, scooping her up and quickly depositing her back onto the bed. He released her as if she’d burned him, but she still managed to swipe her tongue over his chest, trying and failing to tease his nipple. Even his skin tasted sexy, and she moaned.

Her hand snapped to his cock, fingers too short to wrap fully around him. She didn’t mean to touch him there, but she couldn’t help herself. Her body was demanding she mate him.

Grayson hissed out a breath when she stroked him, pumping his cock like her life depended on it. “Dammit,” he groaned. “You have to stop, Josephine.”

She only stroked him harder, wanting to pull every drop of cum from him until she was sated. He thrust his hips, urging her on before he cursed under his breath, snatching her hand from his length with a firm squeeze. He dropped it a moment later.

“Enough, Omega.”

“I need you,” Josie panted, the passion in her voice unmistakable.

He growled in response, followed by a gentle hum that sounded strangely like a purr. It soothed her immediately, and she calmed on the bed, trembling.

“I’ll be back for you as soon as I can,” he promised darkly, palming the top of her head. His fingers sifted through her hair until he was holding the back of her neck in a firm grip. “Rest until I return.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand. The heat… it’s intense. I won’t be able to control myself and everything will hurt. It hurts already.” Without intending to, her hand trailed down her stomach, fingers aiming for her clit.

Maybe if she made herself orgasm, she could relax. Though, usually that kind of stimulation without an Alpha to ease the ache would only make things worse. But Josie didn’t care, not right then when her heat was reaching an unbearable level.

Grayson snarled again, pulling her hand away before she reached her aching pussy.

“Will that help?”

“I doubt it,” she moaned forlornly, twisting her wrist until he reluctantly released her.

“Then wait for me,” he ordered harshly, his pupils flaring as he took in another deep inhale. His jaw clenched, hands forming into tight fists as he watched her. “Your wounds are healing,” he told her, his brow furrowing. “Almost right before my eyes. Why weren’t you healing before now?”

“You’re the reason. Only my mate will trigger a heat like this. And when you do, it’ll make me more like you and a Beta. Stronger senses,” she gasped, wincing from a sharp cramp before continuing breathlessly. “I’ll be able to heal faster. To feel deeper. Oh God, Grayson. I need to feel you inside me. Please,” she begged, spreading her legs in invitation.

His eyes roamed down her body before fixating between her thighs. “Fuck,” he breathed, his voice thick with a need she felt everywhere. He looked away, running a hand down his face. “What do you need that I can help with right now?”

The pounding on the door grew incessant, but miraculously, they both tuned it out.

“Blankets. Or shirts. Towels. I don’t care, I need cloth,” she whined, writhing on the thin mattress again.

He spun around, moving to one side of the cell and grabbing the towels Jameson had brought yesterday, as well as a few pairs of dirty jeans. Part of her wanted to hiss at the material when he held it out to her, and shred it in front of him for bringing her something unclean. But then she caught his scent on the clothing, ripping the jeans from his hand like he was offering her a juicy steak and she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

Moving from the bed, Josie went to the darkest corner of the cell, placing her items on the ground. Kneeling with a small wince as her ribs protested the movement, she began fluffing the towels in a nice pile, laying the jeans in a half circle around it. She fluffed those too, as much as she was able, until she was certain that it was just right.

“What are you doing?” he asked curiously, sliding on his last remaining pair of jeans. She eyed them angrily, thinking he should have handed those over as well.

Logically, she knew that was crazy. He couldn’t just go out there and fight completely naked. But logic wasn’t with her right now. Desire and need were.

“Omegas nest during a heat. It makes us feel safe.” She shuddered as a wave of desire burned her womb, demanding she find a willing male and fuck until she was pregnant.

Squeezing her eyes shut as she knelt in the center of her nest, Josie took a deep breath.

“You need more cloth?” he asked quietly from behind her.

She hummed in answer, rocking back and forth in an attempt to help ease some of the cramping that had begun.

Grayson huffed, moving toward the door and banging on it, letting the guards outside know he was ready.

“When I’m done ripping the head from my opponent’s shoulders, I’ll be back. With more cloth. And I’ll ease you, Josephine.”

She pried her eyes open, moving her gaze from her nest and to her mate. “You’ll be careful?”

Grayson narrowed his eyes, scoffing. “Don’t insult me. I’ve never lost a fight, and I don’t intend to do so now that I know you’ll be waiting for me. I’m going to fuck you until neither of us can walk, and fill you with enough cum that you’ll be dripping for days after.”

Oh, shit.

Keys jangled from the hall before the cell door was unlocked, the silhouette of the guard filling the room.

“Seven,” the guard greeted, disdain evident in his voice. “Do we have a problem that Commander Ortega needs to know about?”

Grayson growled, the sound filling the cell and echoing down the hallway. “Mention his name again and I’ll rip out your throat.” Without another word, he stepped from the cell, the door slamming shut behind him.

Feeling his departure like a physical wound, Josie whined, sinking into her nest as she began to shake. Her teeth chattered as the heat gave way to an icy sensation, almost as if Grayson had taken all of the warmth with him, leaving her empty.

How long would he be gone?

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