Omega Mine
Chapter 15 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Josie didn’t know how long she spent hiding within her nest, her entire body shaking. She was too cold, shivering even though sweat dotted her brow. It felt as if a fever was burning her alive from the inside out. It hurt while at the same time driving her desire higher, with flames that licked incessantly all over her. Whatever pains she had been feeling earlier from her beating were gone, completely wiped away as a fire spread throughout her womb. Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It was too much. Unbearable. She needed relief. Him. How long had Grayson been gone? It felt like hours, maybe even the whole night, but she knew that was absurd. He wouldn’t have left her like this for so long, even if he was a prisoner.

An Alpha never left an Omega in pain if it could be avoided. Not only was he an Alpha, he was her mate. Her mate. Fuck, she needed her mate.

“Grayson,” she whimpered, rolling onto her stomach to hopefully alleviate some of the pressure spiraling through her insides. Instead, the pressure caused more slick to spill between her thighs and drip onto her nest. Her pussy was soaked, a constant flow of slick that would have been embarrassing if she wasn’t so horny she couldn’t think straight.

The slick coating her thighs and spilling from her entrance was designed to allow for rough penetration, as Alpha were almost always massive in size. Thick, long cocks that would knot at the base when they ejaculated, leaving them locked inside their mates for minutes on end.

Alphas weren’t known for their gentle handling during a mating heat, and the slick afforded the Omega the luxury of not being ripped to shreds while fucked into oblivion.

She moaned softly, her pussy clenching at the thought of Grayson shoving his cock deep inside her. She’d seen him without clothing. She knew he was well endowed, and the way her body hurt, she knew he’d be able to alleviate every pain and turn it into pleasure.

Slowly, her hand dipped between her thighs, brushing over her clit in a pitiful attempt to ease some of her anguish.

It was foolish, she knew it would only heighten her pain, but doing nothing was even worse. She needed, and there was no one there to help her.

Her ears twitched, and she dropped her hand back to the cloth beneath her as she heard movement from the hallway, fisting the fabric. Her hearing was so much better than before, allowing her to pick up individual footsteps, discerning easily that Grayson, her mate, was coming.

Mate, mate, mate.

A low whine poured from her throat as she caught his scent. Musk, sweat and the outdoors, all wrapping together in a heady concoction that made her pussy ache with need. There was a jingle of keys from the hallway, followed by the sound of the prison door unlocking and then opening and closing.

Grayson’s presence was immediate, nearly overwhelming, but she welcomed it, needing it. Needing him. She hurt and he was the only one who could help her.

Before, she wouldn’t have been able to pick up on the subtle sound of his boots brushing against the concrete floor; he was that quiet. But now she could just barely detect the slight noise, her body tensing as he approached.

“Omega,” Grayson whispered gutturally above her, inhaling deeply. He groaned, and that was all it took for her thighs to clench together in a desperate attempt to keep more of her slick from dripping down her thighs.

Josie turned toward him, her gaze blurry from her tears. She could just make out Grayson’s form, his bright red eyes, and a face so filled with lust that it made her heart pound. Undressing quickly, he knelt down at the edge of her nest, hands finding her knees and squeezing. She must have looked crazed, with her face flushed with lust and her eyes wild from the torture she’d endured without him, but she didn’t care. He was here. He was going to take care of her.

“Grayson,” she cried. “It hurts.”

He growled and her pussy spasmed in response, seeking something he hadn’t provided her yet. An enticing warmth spread from his touch, skating over her body until she was writhing beneath him, needing him to do more than graze her legs with his palms.

“My Alpha,” she whispered hoarsely, pushing her hips toward his face, hoping he would fix her. “I need you.”

“Part your thighs, sweet Omega,” Grayson ordered, voice thick with desire. “Let me tend to you, Josephine.”

With a whimper, she relaxed, slowly doing as he instructed. Immediately, Grayson dropped his head, his mouth finding her pussy. His tongue darted out, lapping up the slick that spilled with a harsh groan that shook her to her toes. Josie jolted when his hands found her hips, sharp nails digging into her flesh as he pinned her down. His mouth worked lower, the bridge of his nose brushing her clit as he found her entrance.

Josie let out a small wail as he began to eat her pussy. Deep, hard strokes of his tongue that she swore she could feel everywhere. The chills consuming her were swept away with each plunge of his tongue, heating her body until she was certain he was made of fire, designed to burn her from the inside out.

It was too much and not enough, and her aching cunt clenched around him. He groaned again, devouring her with a savagery that was all Alpha. She began panting his name, chanting it over and over like a prayer. Callused fingers moved to her ass, clutching her cheeks and lifting her pussy to his face. She rocked against him; quick, jerking motions that had her lips parting on a pleasured moan, taking his tongue deeper. More slick spilled, which he eagerly lapped up, sipping from her cunt like she was providing him with the finest wine.

Grayson pulled back and nuzzled her, kissing her pussy lips softly. “I’m going to lick every drop from your tight little cunt, Omega. I’m going to gorge myself on your taste.”

“Grayson,” she whined, writhing against his face. “I need–I need you to fuck me.” Already, her womb was cramping again, her body demanding he give her more than just his mouth. She couldn’t orgasm without penetration, not in a mating heat. But he wouldn’t know that. Not yet. “It’s not enough. Please.”

The word had barely left her mouth before he flipped her onto her stomach, his hips pressing against her ass. His thick cock nudged her entrance. In desperation, she arched her back, thrusting against him in the hopes that he would slip into her pussy. She’d never needed a male like this before, and she needed Grayson. Spiritually, physically. She needed everything he could give her.


Grayson snarled in warning when she managed to line his cockhead up with her entrance, a large hand finding her upper back and pushing her down. Her breasts hit the clothing beneath her, ass high in the air as he snarled again. “You have to relax,” he bit out harshly. “I need to go slow.”

“I don’t want you to go slow,” she cried, rolling her hips. “Fuck me, Alpha. Take me.”

Grayson released a harsh curse. “I’ll hurt you.”

Josie shook her head, her cheek brushing a towel. “It’ll hurt so good, Grayson. Don’t you want to claim me? To make me yours? Alpha–oh, God!”

Grayson pumped his hips, his cock sinking slowly into her weeping cunt. Her pussy stretched to accommodate his impressive size, widening to the point of sweet, delicious pain. She clutched at her nest, crying out when he pushed in further, filling her another few inches.

Josie’s eyes rolled back as he thrust hard, bottoming out inside her. She was so full, his cock so deep that he brushed her cervix. It felt so right, so perfect that she nearly began crying, relieved that he was finally here with her. She’d had lovers before, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing like this at all, and her and Grayson hadn’t even done anything yet.

The reprieve from the fire was short-lived, and she sobbed his name as that same familiar burn began anew, begging him to fuck her. Her core spasmed around him, clamping down and milking his shaft. She needed his release, and her body was determined to get it as soon as possible.

“Fuck, Josephine. Fuck,” he breathed, wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her to him. He pumped into her once, a shallow thrust that had her panting, her head spinning as he teased her with pleasure. “You’re so tight and wet. And your scent… You smell like you belong to me,” he growled, the admission making her body heat further, her pussy drenching him as if in agreement.

“I do belong to you,” she gasped, rocking her hips to take him impossibly deeper. She needed him to move, to fuck her, mark her. Claim her. “Make me yours, Grayson.”

With a tortured groan, Seven leaned over Josephine, pulling almost all of the way free of her snug cunt before he slammed his cock home. He filled her to the brim, hips slapping against her ass as whatever finite control he had broke. He chased the sound of flesh slapping together, and the feel of her hot, wet pussy clinging to him for dear life, as he began pumping into her.

He’d never felt anything like this, nor had he ever been so fucking hard in his life. As soon as he’d stepped back into his cell, the scent of her wet cunt had called to him, causing his balls to ache and his dick to turn to steel in an instant. And seeing her like this? Her eyes wild, pupils blown and her skin flushed with desire? All he wanted to do was fill her up with his cock and his cum. To coat her insides with his release as she cried his name.

He didn’t even mind that she kept calling him Grayson. In fact, a possessive part of him enjoyed it, demanding that she refer to him as that or Alpha every time he fucked her. And he would keep fucking her. The way she was making him feel, he didn’t know if his erection would flag after he came. He didn’t think so, and he was determined to fuck her in every position possible.

He thought briefly about flipping her back over, so he could watch her breasts bounce with each thrust, and watch her moan his name as he took her. I’ll do that next, he reassured himself, his palm cupping her ass lovingly before he slapped the firm cheek. Josephine jolted from the contact before releasing a heavy moan. She pushed back against him, fitting her shapely ass to his groin as she met each of his thrusts with excitement. She rolled her hips and his tip hit her cervix, driving deeper as she wailed.

They needed to be quiet, to not draw attention to themselves, but he relished the sexy sounds she made, her gasping breaths only heightening his arousal until he was shaking with the need to cum. Seven licked his lips as he fucked her harder, groaning when he tasted her cunt on his tongue. How would she taste after he came inside her? Their mixed scents smelled fucking fantastic, but he had a feeling their combined arousal would taste even better.

He was dying to find out.

“Gonna fill you up, Omega,” he warned sensually, his claws lengthening as well as his sharp canines. The urge to bite her was nearly overwhelming, but he held back, too focused on the way her cunt hugged his cock, nearly strangling him to keep him trapped inside her. “Gonna lick it up after, sweet Josie. I want to know how you taste when you’re full of my seed.”

“Yes, yes!” Josephine cried, clawing at her nest as he thrust into her tight channel. “Harder, Alpha! Oh!”

He snarled, every primitive instinct inside of him demanding he pin her to the ground and fuck her raw. He wanted to mark her in every conceivable way. He wanted their mixed scent to seep into his very pores. The thought caused a familiar tingling in his lower spine, alerting him to the fact that he was already on the verge of release.

“Cum for me, Grayson,” Josephine cried, reaching behind her until her hand found his hip. She gripped him hard, nails biting into his flesh and holding him steady as she rolled her hips. It was too much, and he was helpless to resist her command.

With a bellow, Seven pushed her flat onto the ground, spreading her legs and pumping into her with a viciousness he’d never known before. She tossed her head back, screaming his name, but he clamped a hand over her mouth.

“You’ll be quiet and take my cum like a good little Omega,” he snarled in her ear, nipping her lobe hard. She moaned into his hand, the sound cutting off as he deepened his thrusts.

She trembled around him, and as her cunt spasmed, he was lost. The mounting pressure at the base of his shaft should have been alarming, but he wasn’t even phased, bucking into her once. Twice. On the third deep stroke, he came, his balls pulsing as the base of his cock swelled, locking him inside her.

Seven growled as hot, thick ropes of his cum exploded from his tip, filling her womb. Her pussy spasmed, taking him in a vise-like grip and squeezing. The sensation was enough to leave him breathing heavily into the back of her neck, practically collapsing on top of her as more of his release was drained from his balls.

“Josie,” he groaned, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her hips to allow him to sink deeper into her as he shook. He felt unsteady, his knees like jelly and incapable of holding him up for much longer as he clung to her, orgasming so hard his vision blurred.

He wasn’t sure how long he came inside of her, only that every few minutes, his balls would pulse and more of his seed would spurt into her womb. It was heaven and hell, all mixed together, and he couldn’t get enough.

Josephine went boneless beneath him, whimpering softly as the swelling at the base of his shaft finally eased, allowing him to pull free of her. Almost immediately, his cum began to spill from her pussy.

On instinct, he scooped it up with two fingers, sinking his digits into her entrance. He wanted to keep his release inside her for as long as possible, though he wasn’t sure why his mind was screaming at him to keep her full and sated. Only that it was imperative that he do so.

“Is it over?” he asked, still breathing hard. His dick twitched as he scented her desire heightening around them. She shook her head, and he turned her gently onto her back, staring down at her as her pupils expanded once more.

“It won’t be over for days,” she answered quietly, her face scrunching in pain. “It’s hurting again already.”

He lifted her hips, pulling her toward him. He was more than eager to turn her pain into pleasure.

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