Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

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Third Person POV. 


sarap brown eyes clipped onto Josie’s, tentativel 

She was uncertain, dangling on the thin line 

of uncertainty. 

Her thoughts? Could the girl she heard about be Josie’s daughter? 

Since she found Ashton had a thing for his language teacher, Sandra had been caught in the whirlpool of jealousy—one she knew her only way of dousing it was getting Josie away from Ashton’s life. 

For five For five years, Sandra had been a secret lover of Ashton wanting ways she could entice him into her nest of love. 

Too bad, Ashton hadn’t paid her any heed. That was as frustrating as could be. 

The love she had for Ashton had pushed her to find out more about that popular alpha of the Yellow River Pack. Results showed he was unmated, which pronged her mind endlessly on why the doctor still hadn’t pick interest in her. 

Spending nights alone, trapped in her cold sheets, longing and feeling restless had pushed Sandra into trying Seduction techniques on the alpha doctor. 

She had thought maybe the alpha needed a little nudge which pertained to her revealing her assets. Still, that hadn’t worked. 

Ashton remained detached from all the advances she had made. Though it was that way before Josie started working here, but it surged to a pinnacle now that she was here. 

A look at Ashton and one would know his mind and be thought about Josie and nothing else. Sandra had. wanted to find out what was so different about Josie that she was able to gain the alpha’s attention so quickly. 

Only if she knew their history. 

In the rearing desire to find out all she could about Josie, she had employed a secret pack spy, charging him with the role of finding out more about Josie. 

This secret spying sure had been going on for weeks now, with the spy delivering messages at the end of the day. 

At first, the spy had told Sandra the crumpled state of Josie’s finances, her mortgage, and how it was paid up by alpha Ashton, he mentioned her side work in a restaurant which she did once in two weeks or when she was off job. 

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 51 


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The list of information went on but just yesterday evening when Sandra was lounging on her apartment couch, the spy had called just to deliver a message to her. 

That was when he mentioned something about Josie having a daughter. The spy had admitted it was a mere speculation because he didn’t 

see the girl’s face, only her back. 

What even made his assumptions disputed was when he saw other two kids launch out of Josie’s house and play. together 

Sandra had wanted to use that against Josie but this morning, the spy called again saying the child was no longer in the house. 

All that made Sandra dangle at a crossroads of confusion as Josie glared back at her. 

Since today, she had rummaged the depth of her mind, thinking of how best to approach the situation and make Josie leave Ashton’s sight for good. 

Fortunately, the idea of giving Josie some money seemed best and she had clutched her chequebook, scrolled to the last page, and wrote the ample amount she wrote on the cheque. 

Her aim was to make Josie fall for it, take the money, and leave to never show up again in Ashton’s presence. 

The plan seemed like a prospective one until she beheld the disgusted look on Josie’s face. 

Sandra felt the walls of her heart breaking into pieces. She had rejected her true mate for Ashton hoping he would love her just the way she loved him but…it didn’t look like it was going to happen. 

At least not when Josie was in the picture. 

“What do you mean by ugly secret?” Josie’s words pulled Sandra away from her train of thought. 

“You know what I mean.” Sandra shuffled on her feet, uncertain. 

Josie ensured to steel her surprised look. Her wolf had smelled the scent of Sandra’s fear. It was clear the woman wasn’t sure what she had stated. 

The last time 

time I checked, you know nothing about me. Neither do you know about my ‘ugly‘ secret.” Josie said in air quotes, narrowing her eyos at Sandra. “Besides, that lover of yours you’re struggling to keep to yourself. have no business with him.” 

At the drop of those last words, Josie sneered and dashed away from the restroom. 

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Chapter 51 


Some minutes after Josie left, Sandra still couldn’t find it in her to leave. By the time she moved her limbs, her 

phone beeped with a message. 

“She has a boyfriend The message read 

If Rose has a boyfriend, why is Ashton still so interested in her? Sandra thought but nothing was making sense to her, especially what Ashton was preparing outside there for Josie 

Josie’s POV. 

Heft the restroom in a haste but one thing kept nagging at the back of my mind. 

Sandra was up to something. How did she even find out about my state of finance? Plus from whence I got the 

clothes! wear? 

Tremors shot through me at every nip of the thought. If anyone around Ashton finds out about my daughter, then the stakes are so fucking high that Ashton will know about her sooner or later. 

Tears prong my eyes at the thought of Ashton finding out about Aria and taking her from me. 

I can’t let that happen. Ashton must never find out about her. This only meant my daughter wouldn’t be safe staying at the house again. 

I slammed my eyes closed at that reminder. If I seriously want to keep my baby safe and away from her father or any other prying eyes, she shouldn’t be staying with me back at home. 

Ideas reeled in my mind as I gaited with elegance down to my new office. The last thing I want is to let Sandra know I was shaken by her words. 

A sound echoed around me but it took seconds to realize I was the one scoffing as the cheque Sandra had offered me crossed through my mind again. 

She really is pathetic! Giving me money just so I’ll leave Ashton? Regardless, my heart singe at the thought of me leaving Ashton. 

By the moon, this was crazy. How do I unravel this feeling I felt for him? Hatred and love clashing at once? 

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 51 

I don’t know… 

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Mindlessly, I swing my office door open and venture inside, surprised to see Ashton looming over the space with his magnificent figure. 

For a while, I lost my ability to breathe just gazing at the man, All sinewy arms, chiseled jaw, full kissable lips, and a hair I would love to slide my fingers in. 

He clears his throat, bringing me away from my reverie. 

“You finally decided to show up?” Lasked, pretending not to be affected by his closeness. 

“I was busy Ms. Rose, Was that why you called earlier?” He asks, wrinkling his brows.  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Oh, I already forgot I called him. 

Yes, actually.” Lintone. 

“I see,” Ashton says in a hushed whisper before taking a seat. “Go ahead, Ms. Rose.” 

At his commanding words, I fiddle a bit with my notebook before we go into learning the secondary level of the language. 

Ashton has been quiet all the while we run through our lessons for the day. In fact, his quietness at some point 

made me uncomfortable. 

His hard gaze was fixed on me as if aiming to unravel me. 

It’s all I can do not to snap and beg him to touch me because every inch of my skin his eyes touch flames as if I’m 

on fire. 

The past hours have been torture so right now that we’re on the brink of finishing, I reel in joy. 

“That will be all for today,” I state, watching as he rises to his feet with a regal aura to his gait. 

“Have a nice time then, Ms. Rose,” He says, baritone gravelly. 

Hearing the door slam close behind him, I exhale, rubbing at my temples. 

Emergency calls only OK 

Chapter 51 

This minute I was in my office and the next, I was tottering down the empty hallway 

The place is eerily quiet, I realize, throwing my eyes around. 

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of the hospital. 

This moment makes me remember that night from years back when I was walking through the floors of the 

pack zeta’s house only to be bullied and shamed afterward. 

Bile lumped my throat at the bitter memory and I found myself wincing as if I was stung. 

Decidedly pushing the thoughts aside, I match the hallway, passing by the indoor patio. 

There’s an exit through the patio, so I decided to use it. 

However. The moment I step foot there, all my breath escapes my system as the bright lights come on while my eyes take in the scene before me. 

Oh, goddess, what is going on? I thought as a shiver slid through me at the sight before me. 





Emergency calls only 

Chapter 52 

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