Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Ashton’s POV. 

My voice echoes in the quiet pub as I sing the lyrics as they play in the jukebox sitting on the counter, 

I didn’t just pick the song, no. It’s Josie’s favorite song. The one I hear her sing so longingly while sitting under the pine tree in the pack house. 

I always watched in secret, basking in the smoothness of her voice and the lyrics rousing deep feelings inside me. 

Every night. 

Every day that she was there, I watched her, craving to reach out but she never noticed me. 

Josie never for once noticed me even though I’ve always wanted her to. 

Memories in mind, my eyes search until they fall on hers in the dimly lit room. And I notice how her eyes glisten, a knowing look on her face. 

“Yes. Yes. Keep singing it. My lycan urges me. As if on cue, all my workers here begin a pristine ovation at every lyric I sing 


All except Josie. She’s in a trance, a special trance I created for her. 

In a moment’s time, I finish singing every lyric of the song. 

Standing erect on the stage, my heart sings at the sight of my mate. She looks baffled, confused and most of all, relaxed. 

The song was her best back then, she finds solace singing it, I guess that’s why she’s relaxed now. I know certainly she’s baffled by how I got to know about the song 

It’s a secret of mine, one I’m willing to share with her one day. 

le of red as she 

“My goddess, alpha Ashton!” Sandra jumps to her feet, clapping more loudly than others. Her face is a shade stares at me. “For one, I never knew you could sing and secondly, your voice is superb!” She claps, giggling. 

“Thanks, Sandy. I chuckle, stepping down from the stage. 

“Doc. Doc. You are really going home with a trophy tonight. Your song toppled others!” Cronus chimes in, giving me a side hug. 

This gathering is turning out more fun than I thought it’d be. 

Can’t  remember the last time I had such fun. That must be the night before I left the pack when my guys were chanting my name and drinking on my head. 

It was fun that night but something soiled my mood and that was seeing Josie running out of the restroom, panting while man was moaning  in there. 

That damn night, I decided to trash all the shit people have been saying about her being a whore secretly and confess my feelings. 

 , that night, my lycan was restless, punishing me with howls and roars, telling me to go meet her. 

1 did, I  did, but my heart broke when… 

I shake my heart, pushing the image aside as well as the thoughts. 

Josie she was the only girl I wanted despite having hordes of others. 

I tamp down my jerking heart, snapping back into the present, only to hear Cronus’s words. 

“Never knew you’re the romantic type.” 

I chuckle, then. “I am when I choose to be. Well, especially when I’m around someone special.” 

I always knew he’s romantic, Cronus. Sandra butts in, looking at her quizzically, she winks at me seductively. 

Man, this woman again? I actually thought she’s changed by now. 

I take a seat in the empty space seven meters away from Josie. Unlike everyone chattering and clattering, Josie’s quiet.  Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

A peek her way and our eyes meet again. Hers glisten, mirroring mind. 

Before I can enjoy the weight of her gaze on me, she snaps her eyes away, lifting the glass of wine to her lips, she slugs. 

 , I’m so  aware of every movement she makes, every breath she takes escapes into my ears, and every roar of her. heart against the wall of her chest thud into my cars. 

I begin sizing her up in the dress she’s wearing. Thinking about how I could easily tear through her dress and skim my fingers over her soft body. 

Dammit! The thought of such a light yet intimate touch lias lit my body on fire, my dick rousing. 

The boner in my pants makes it uncomfortable, so I push my hips away to the edge of the seat, my back relaxing. 

With my hands nestled beside me, my breathing cut short as all the blood in my body rushes south. I’m horny. So hard, I can use a touch on Josie’s arms. 

“she smiling too much with that doctor! My lycan echoes my thoughts. I don’t know what Mark is whispering to her that’s making her laugh so hard. 

My brows arches as I try to tune in to their conversation but Josie only burst into laughter then. 

 ! I curse, balling my fists slowly. I don’t want her laughing too much at someone’s joke. Someone that isn’t me! 

“Singing done..we’re going to do play suck and blow. Who’s in?” Cronus’s voice rings out. 

I’ve played that before but it was way naughtier when we did it. 

Back when we did it, if anyone fails to pass the card successfully to the other person, the person will suck the neighbor’s pussy or dick

The day we did it, we 

were at Jay’s house back then. We all gathered in his courtyard and sat in a circle, 

We played the game while talking in between. That was when they brought up the topic about Josie and how she claims to be innocent but a whore behind our backs. 

Jay was the one who said it, a furious look to his features. I didn’t believe them at all. 

Then Lena chimed in about Joste having fantasies about me. I doubted that too because she doesn’t look like it. 

“That’s only one way we can find out.“Jay had suggested that night. 

My heart had prickled, my ears standing erect to hear what he had to say. 

A dirty look crossed Jay’s face as he said, “Let’s bet see if she’ll fall for me.” 

My lycan reared inside instantly as Jay said the words. Quickly, I butted in. “I’ll do it, Jay.” 

He had shot a fiery look at me but I added. “Lena said something about her having fantasies about me, right? Then I accept to do the bet.” 

Everyone didn’t counter that and I accepted that bet because I didn’t want another man’s hand on her body. I also accepted. it because I didn’t know she’d turn out to be my mate the next day she turned eighteen 

“That means, we all are in?” Cronus’s voice comes back into my car and I push my thoughts away. 

Let me get lost in this 

“Alright. Let’s start!” 


At Cronus’s words, the ladies chirp, giggling. The men have smiles on their faces. 

Cronus picks up a card and perches it on his lips. The instant he did that. I remember how we played ours back when we 

were younger. 

He starts moving right, passing the card along. With ease, we all pass through the first round, taking a drink and giggling. 

“I’ll definitely fail at this, so bad,” Mark states and I peer over at him. 

My eyes widen when my brain processes what Mark means. 

Of course! Because Josie’s the one beside him! 

I work my brain to think up of a way to stop this game.  , I can’t let that dude put his mouth on my mate, ever! 

Thinking hastily, I fail to come up with one as the card perches on my lips. I carefully pass it to the person beside me. 

“Oops…guess we have to..do it.” A voice echoes and I turn to my left and see one of Cronus’s friends telling Sandra. 

Before she can retort, the man already presses his lips on hers. He churns his lips over Sandra’s for three minutes before he pulls away. 

Sandra’s face is a shade of red as she tries to steady herself. 

Hell, I imagine this happening to Josie and it makes all the blood in me boil. I can’t let anyone have a taste of her. How much I’ve craved to have those lips on mine. 

 no, I can’t allow someone to  her or her getting to  another person. 

At that firm decision, I watch as that card gets to Cronus and I let out. 

Cronus, I suggest we play another game. This one doesn’t hold much interest.” 

“Oh, really, alpha?” Cronus asks, pulling the card from his mouth

I nod at his question, then. “Let’s dance in pairs but the men will get to choose a partner with closed eyes. 

Everyone cheers at my suggestion as Cronus chirps. “Dance it is.” 

We all begin choosing. The men pick the person they want to dance with turn by turn and to my shock, Mark still chooses Josie. 

Be my dance mate, Ms. Rose?” He asks her offering his hand

Josie clamps her slender hand over his and he ushers her to the dance floor. 

I watch him saying things to her while she laughs lightly. Watching his hands over her waist and shoulder, I growl lowly. 

Fortunately, after about five men chose and danced with their partners, it got to my turn. 

Eyes closed. I point in Josie’s direction as I open my eyes, she has a shocked look on her face. 

“Be my partner on the dance floor, Ms Rose?” I ask, standing before her. 

She watches me closely, and a strange expression crosses her face. 

Her hand in mine, we tread to the dance floor and I rest my hand at the small of her back and then on her shoulder. 

In unison, we begin to sway to the music. 

“You’ve been avoiding me, Ms. Rose,” I say cutting through the silence. 

She abruptly brings her gaze up to mine and a lie tumble from her lips. 

“No, I’m not. There’s nothing to avoid you for.” Her eyes waver from mine. 

“Don’t lie to me, Ms. Rose,” I say flatly. Then, “Why were you panicking earlier? Did you remember a horrible event?” 

“It’s nothing you’d love to know…” 

“Hell, I want to know everything about you!” I growl in the air between us. “I want to know all there is to know and I  want to protect you from your nightmares. Josie..” I call slowly. Perching my finger on her chin, I hitch up her head. 

Looking into her gorgeous hazel eyes, I feel a swarm of emotions. Guilt Pain. Love. Frustration. Confusion. 

They all battle for dominion inside me.. 

I watch Josie shake her head continuously. 

Silence. Then, “I wish it’s that easy but it’s not. There are some nightmares that ain’t easy be let go of…” 

Pain sear through me and I hold her chin firmly, bringing my face a hairsbreadth away from hers. 

Eyes to eyes, I mutter over her lips, the music a dull sound to our cars, “I know it’ll not be easy to defeat those nightmares, Josie..” My voice cracks. “But I only ask that you let me share in them. So that you push them away to the abyss they belong in.” 

“Ashton…” She calls quietly 

as if tasting my name on her lips. 

When she looks up again, her eyes are glassy. 

I feel the strongest urge to kiss her. 

And I do. The moment I say the words…. 

“Take me back Josie I love you…” tears roll from her eyes and I latch on it with my lips. 

Our lips closing in on each other as our heart roars… 


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