Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 64

Chapter 64 

Josie’s POV 

With a blinding speed of light. Ashton pushes himself before the barreling bullets. My mouth hangs open as he lifts his hand, collecting the three bullets into his hand. 

On catching the bullets, a wince leaves his lips but he presses his bloodshot eyes in the direction the bullets were released. 

I’watch with horror as Ashton crunches the three bulleted in his palms, roaring. 

My heart stops working for the moment as I watch the whole scene unfold like a movie before me. 

After releasing that roar in a half–shit form, Ashton looks towards the impending danger, waiting for more challenges. 

I look down at him and gasp when I see the blood trickling down from his palm

“Oh, goddess. He’s bleeding” The words escape my lips before I can stop them. 

Another shots of bullets darts into the air roaming and looking to pierce its prey but Ashton charges at them in a dead run. 

My eyes are wide, my heart in my throat as he begins to sprint toward the bullets. 

With expert fingers. Ashton catches all the bullets but instead of crunching them, he turns them all back to the shooters. 

I watch, my heart skipping several beats as Ashton catches the first bullet and swipes it through the air back to the shooter. 

Surprisingly, the bullet hits Ashton’s target. 

The others all went back the same way

A newfound respect for Ashton grows inside me. No ordinary wolf or lycan can do what Ashton’s doing holding a bullet and crunching them with his fingers. 

This shows he truly has alpha blood inside him. Wait. does that mean? 

The string of thought makes my 

eyes go round in horror and surprise. 

Ashton is the lycan king! 

Oh, goddess, I can’t 

breathe. It’s impossible! Very impossible! I shriek in horror. 

I watch the man still fighting off the invisible attackers with their bullets. He moves with regal speed and effortlessly, pushing their attacks back to them and warding off the enemy

The realized thoughts make it impossible to think of anything else. 

There are unique things about a true lycan king. Their strength overpowers that of every ordinary wolf or lycan. 

It’s been over five thousand years since someone manifested as the lycan king as I heard. It’s been so long. 

But here tonight, Ashton Creed, my ex–mate is manifesting the true powers of a lycan king. 

That makes him the leader above every other alpha. 

Ahhh!” Someone cries out, snapping me out of the den of my thoughts. 

I look into the distance and see Ashton’s figure toppling over someone’s. 

The man has his hands in the air, thrashing. 

“Please, please spare me, alpha!” The unknown voice cries out

Ashton mutters something low in his voice before smashing his feet over the person’s face.. 

The force of that snaps the person’s life away. 

Ashton slowly emerges from the distance, coming into view. 

Before he reached my spot, the people I thought had all run away returned. 

Every one of them drops on their feet before Ashton, chanting 

“Oh, hail to the Lycan king.” 

Ashton was speechless, watching the respect the people–offered him. He never saw that coming. I saw the way he watched in bewilderment. 

But that cloud of confusion that hovered around him was cleared when one of the older ones in the throng of people told Ashton, he had displayed the skills of a true Lycan king. 

All the while, I watched Ashton with a heavy heart, my emotions swirling nonstop inside me, driving me crazy. 

I can’t stop 

op what I feel for him even when I want to. 

When our eyes interlock amidst the noise and crowds of people, shivers find their way down n 

my spine. 

Now, he’s back on the bike, serving as my driver as he maneuvers through the graveled roads, dangerous paths and people to get me back to my apartment. 

My hands are back on his wait, serving as my anchor. My head on his back gave me comfort. His scent then works as a soothing balm as it ventures into my nose. 

I feel at peace but also guilty. 

I shouldn’t be too relaxed with him even after saving me, the voice in my head says, contradicting the emotions of my wolf. 

If he could reject me before, he could do worse than I imagine, I should be careful. I think to myself. 

The words help to steel my heart again for the rest of the ride. 

Eventually, Ashton pulls into my quiet neighborhood— the only sound that can be heard is that of the roaring bike’s engine. 

I direct Ashton to the building that’s mine. 

“This one!” I hum, pointing my finger at the cream–colored building. The darkness seeping out from the windows shows no single soul is in the house. 

“Here?” Ashton asks. 

Yes,” 1 murmur, waiting for him to kill the engine. 

He finally stops the bike in my driveway and I climb down. 

The street light shines down on us as I work on removing the helmet from my head, 

Ashton watches me with curious eyes. It’s as if he wants to say something but he can’t bring himself to do so. 

Is he hiding something from me? I think to myself as I hand him the helmet. 

“Thank you, Ashton, I say, voice barely above a whisper. 

“Nothing to thank me for. It’s my duty to protect you.” He affirms, burning his eyes on me. 

I breathe a ragged breath as I watch him watch me. 

Our fingers brush each other’s as he takes the helmet from me. 

“I’m glad you’re safe.” He whispers into the night, 

In response. I say. “I’m glad you were there to keep me safe.” 

At my words, my eyes dance to his palms that blood’s still gushing from 

I gasp a breath. Then. “Why don’t you come inside! You need a first aid care” 

I know it’s meaningless because his wounds will soon heal unless… 

“The bullets have wolfbane?” I utter in sheer urgency. 

“Yes, it did.” He says tiredly, showing the wolfbane is getting to him. 

That has my eyes going wide. That meant the attack wasn’t random…it was aimed at… 

Who? I can’t think of anyone in particular because the bridge was crowded then. 

Who were those attackers aiming to kill? I wonder but no answers COM 

Because of the wolfbane in the bullets, Ashton’s wounds won’t heal quickly. 

“Are you sure you want me inside!” He asks uncertainly and I nod my head

I want to treat his wound. That’s what I keep trying to convince myself with as I usher him into the house. 


we cross the porch and into the dark lobby, I find the changeover and switch on all the lights in the house. 

“Come. This way.” I say, padding further into the house. 

Ashton shut the door behind him, walking inside with me. I can hear the heavy thuds of his footsteps. 

“Here. Sit down.” I offer him a seat. 

Running off, I rush to the sink fill a glass of water for him, and bring it to him. 

“You need to wet your throat,” I murmur

Smilingly, he takes it and downs the water in three gulps. 

I’m already in my bathroom looking for my first aid box in the cabinet. 

On seeing it, I hurry back into the living room, and seeing the man sitting in the same spot. 

I clench myself into his side, perching the box on the small coffee table before me, I fling it open. 

Ashton watches me in silence’as I dals the cotton board in a saline solution. 

Wet enough, I take his left palm in mine and begin to gently apply the solution to the dripping blood. 

Silence encapsulates us but amidst that is thick tension. 

The apex of my thighs is still wer and slippery. 

Every touch of my hand in his adds to the slickness I feel between my legs. 

 ! The arousal comes back more forcefully than it was before, 

Tean’t help it 

“Ouch…” Ashton breaks the silence with his wince. 

Painful?” I ask, peering at him. 

“Not that much.” He says. Silence. Then he adds. “It’s not as painful as the one I feel in my heart.” 

My eyes go owl–wide at his words. 

“The bullets hit your chest?” I ask, my hands skittering over his shirt. 

“No…it didn’t..it’s just emotional pains.” 

As he said that, our eyes interlocked and my heart leaped from my chest. 

Goddess, he’s undoing me but I’ve got to stand firm. 

I don’t respond to his question. Instead, I switch to something else. 

“So you always had alpha blood in you?” I ask. 

I drop the cotton that’s now a shade of red, indicating Ashton’s wound. 

“My dead father was an alpha. But what I didn’t know is that he’s a true lycan king.” He says. 

My breath catches in my throat at his words. 

“It’s still a surprise though,” I mutter, drenching another cotton. Then I grab his other hand and begin the same process. “Never thought the playboy alpha stepbrother of mine could be so many things.” 

Quickly, Ashton grabs my left cheek with his good hand. Right then he begins spilling endless words. 

“I’m no longer that playboy you knew then.” He says and I scoff 

The urge to pull my gaze away from his is there but his firm grip won’t allow it. 

“I know it sounds lame but that’s the real truth. I changed after I bonded with my mate.” He says.  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

No.that’s a big lie! 

“Ashton please, spare me those lies…” 

“Josie…I mean everything I say. I can never lie to you. Not anymore.” 

I try to pull myself away but he holds me still, killing me with his eyes, touch, breath, and scent. 


“Josie, I’m empty without you. I want you back in my life. Back as mine…” 

“Ash…” A sigh leaves my lips. I try to protest again but what meets my mouth is Ashton’s possessive, hungry lips. 

In a twinkling of an eye, Ashton swoops down on me and claims my lips in a searing kiss… 

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