Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 80

Chapter 80 

Ashton’s POV. 

A silent knowing look passes between Mr. Warren and Josie and it confuses me. 

What is it about the two of them? 

Mr. Warren looks more shocked knowing she’s alive. Of course, he’s among those that rumored Josie was dead. 

He personally told me she was struck dead by the moon goddess the moment judgment was passed on her. 

Right now, the man finds it hard to breathe, staring at josie. 

Apart from the obvious fact that he’s surprised to see her alive, something else lurks in the depth of his stare. 

And that thing is what’s making Josie uncomfortable. 

Or should I say scared! 

The thoughts of that make my lycan growl inside me… 

Did he do something to her we don’t know?” My lycan echoes my thoughts. 

I stare wonderingly at the two people before me. 

Josie’s face is pale. Warren’s lips are pursed in a line, a muscle ticking in his jaw. 

Something is definitely wrong. I just need time to unravel the puzzle. 

Fierce possession fills my heart and I quickly clasp Josie’s hand in mine while staring at Mr. Warren. 

His eyes drop low and he stares at our joined hands. 

Actually, Mr. Warren, I’m glad to meet you after ages.” I spit, burning my eyes on his slightly wrinkled face

Mr. Warren has been the pack’s barrister and one of the important men in the council. 

Fortunately for him, he wasn’t among those I changed to appoint young pack members. 

I guess because he’s still relevant and strong, unlike others. 

“Of course, alpha. Being away in Asia robbed me of years of meeting with you. He gushes, laughing lightly. 

1 manage to smile but on the inside, I’m at war with my Lycan who wants to tear the man into pieces. Reason unknown. 

“I presume your stay there was meaningful?” 

While discussing, Josie squirms her hand in mine, wanting to get free. 

Turning, I give her a look, brows raised. 

“I need to wet my throat if you don’t mind?” She says breezily, gesturing at the 


A glimpse there reveals men of different caliber, laughing while downing their drinks. 

I want to protest but I keep my cool. I’d rather she go there than be in front of Mr. Warren. 

“Okay, I’ll join you soon. I remark 

Josie’s already halfway across the bar before I can say my next words. 

I watch her retreating back, her sashaying ass and hips. 

Cutting my eyes from her, I look back at Mr. Warren, and a dark look flashes through his face. 

What’s going on

What is Mr. Warren hiding? 

And Josie? 

“I heard you’re planning on meeting with the beta of Double Moon pack, alpha. Do you think it’s wise?” 

I cross my hands over my chest, listening to his tirade. 

What makes you think so?” I breathe out 

“Alpha…there’s a possibility this will bring about war!” 

“War can only be sparked when someone breaches a law. I believe if we all maintain the law specified after the bloody war. we’ll be good with the ordinary wolves.” 

I don’t need to explain these to him. He’s older and knows more about the mystery of the war between lycans and ordinary 


However, I spit that out because I know his spite against Josie’s because she’s an ordinary wolf. 

Perhaps, that’s the reason he’s angry, seeing me with an ordinary wolf. 

My stepsister. 

Even though I try to force myself to believe that, it’s impossible. 

I know more than anything that something went on between him and Josie. 

A truth I have to dig into and reveal. 

I walk away, approaching the bar where I see Josie rattling something off into her phone pressed on her car. 

She drops the glass of wine she’s holding while answering the call. 

“Yeah, I’m cool babe. I’m just here to say thanks to my helper..” I hear her say into the phone. 

My helper? 

Is that what she sees me as? I think to myself

That’s better than being unnamed: My lycan snickers, making me fuse my hands together into fists. 

I tamp down on the wave of jealousy, crossing the remaining distance to the bar. 

Josie’s already ending her call by then. 

“Alright then. Sleep tight…” she finally whispers before cutting the call. 

Playfully, I grab her wine glass, gulping a large portion. 

“Ahem!” She clears her throat and I turn, looking her in the face. 

“I’ve overstayed, Mr. Ashton. It’s time to head home already. Her tone returns back to that formal one that I hate. 

Biting the inside of my lip, I nod 

“If you say so, Ms. Rose.” I hum, guiding her out of the vociferous club. 

I insist on dropping her back home. After moments of refusal, she gets in the car with me. 

The drive back to her house is a silent one. Only the soft harmonious sound of the jazz music coats the air. 

I still feel her tension. The way she’s wringing her fingers is also a telltale sign that something’s wrong. 

The color is yet to return to her heart–shaped face and it makes me and my lycan restless. 

What is it that she isn’t telling me? 

The ride finally comes to a stop in front of her building. I kill the engine, watching as she skitter around to gather her purse and phone. 

My eyes mistakenly drag over her boobs and every blood in me rushes to my groin, reminding me I’m a man with carnal 


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Too bad, she wouldn’t lay a finger on me, much less pleasure me. 

Thank you, Mr. Ashton. It’s been a wonderful night..” 

My eyes glue to her plump pink lips as she talks. It’s taking everything in me not to push her against me and suck her mouth 

into mine 

“My pleasure. Ms. Rose. I breathe out after a while. “So, we go again! Same time every day?” I ask referring to her job of teaching me. 

“Agreed. However, I’m taking a free day tomorrow.” She bargains. 

A muscle tick in my jaw. She’s been away too much already. I  want to have her around! 

At long last, I nod. “Free day, it is.” 

She smirks, turning to open the door. 

She’s almost shoving out of the car when I sling my hand into the loop of hers, dragging her back inside. 

She gasps at my sudden movement. Bringing myself into her space, I growl out. 

Tell me your fears. Why do you seem restless after dancing at the club?” 

“What?” She squeals, wrinkling her brows. “I’m okay. Nothing happened, Mr. Ashton…” 

She looks down at my hand holding hers and adds. “You’re a bit too close. Move an inch, please…” 

Reluctantly, I release her grip and shrug. Without another word, she exits the car, running into her porch. 

I wait in my car until her front door slams closed and fish out my phone, calling my beta. 

If there’s someone who can sniff out people’s past, it’s Ben. 

“Alpha king. Ben calls the moment he picks up

“More work, Ben, I announce. 

I’m at your disposal, alpha king. He says. 

“Find out all you can about Mr. Warren’s relationship with Josie Ward in the past. Give me feedback on whatever you find. 

Ben hums at my instructions and I hang up the call. 

There are so many things about my mate I still don’t know. 1ll start unraveling them, starting with Mr. Warren. 

Third Person POV 

Mr. Warren thuds the last glass of wine he gulped from the table before him, 

He stares into space, still disbelieving the fact that his fantasy girl is still alive. 

It had hurt him when Josie suddenly disappeared from the pack. His belief is that the moon goddess struck her dead after she stole her father’s moonstone. 

But seeing her tonight, he was speechless. 

Aside from that, that hunger he has for Josie returned tenfold. 

She looks prettier now. More than she was then and the urge to have her life in his mind and cock. 

Mr. Warren has been a pervert secretly. He had slept with most women in the pack. 

Regardless, Josie was who wanted most. 

The arousing thoughts make him slide his hand under the table. He finds his throbbing cock and starts jerking, humming at the bliss and the tempting image of Josie in her dress tonight. 

Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the club, Sandra sat down, gnawing her lips in anger. She had been in the club since and she saw everything that occurred between her crush, Ashton, and her enemy, Rose. 

She watched them holding each other tightly as they danced. That’s what she wanted for herself but Ms. Rose took it from her. 

Sandra monitored everything until Ashton and Rose left the club. 

She knew something was up. 

She saw the look on Rose’s face, telling her that she was keeping a secret. 

When Sandra’s eyes land on Mr. Warren, something in her tells her that the secret Josie’s hiding has to do with the man. 

Sandra reaches the rail of the section, looking down at Warren as he jerks off under the table. 

A smile coats Sandra’s lips as an idea fills her mind. 

Something must be done if she truly wants Ashton for herself, she thinks to herself 


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