One Fateful Night
Chapter 16

After three days of doing the same thing over and over, I thought I was going to go stir-crazy. Finally, my Mother and Madison kicked me out of the room so I could take a well-needed break. Josh grabs me, pulls me to the kitchen, and sits me on the island while he makes me a sandwich and some lemonade. I thank him and happily begin to dig into the first non-hospital food I have had in three days. I couldn’t help but feel strange when suddenly, an image passed into my mind. An image of Rogues and Midnight Rain Border Guards locked in battle.

I must have been zoning out because I came to with Josh waving his hand in my face. “Hellllooooo Earth to Emily!!”

“Josh, where is Richard or Hedrick? I think we are under attack” I get up to get to my room when Richard runs past us.

“We are under attack!”

I look at Josh. “They are after those we saved from the caves; get them to safety. Don’t leave their side; you must protect them and ensure they aren’t retaken. After he nodded at me, he ran out of the room, which brought me to another thought.

Roberto, I need you to go to the dungeon and protect that Rogue prisoner. Take him out of the cells if you have to, but he does not get harmed.

Yes, Luna!

I sprint to my bedroom, grab my daggers, and sprint back downstairs. There is no one around, so I begin to head outside.

Emmy, they are in the infirmary!! Josh links me panicking.

I’ll take care of it. Do not leave those pack members!

Switching toward the infirmary, I almost run face-first into a Rogue. Dodging quickly to avoid running into him, I throw a sweep kick, knocking his feet out from under him. Next, I roll over and straddle him to land a few direct punches to his face and finally use the butt of my dagger to knock him unconscious.

Jumping up, I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. Seeing a dagger sticking out of it, I look at the Rogue next to the pharmacy entrance sneering at me. Grabbing my dagger, I throw it at the Rogue making contact with his heart. As he falls dead, I pull his dagger out of my shoulder and sprint for Maddy and Matt.

“Are you ok in here?” I asked her as she looked at me, petrified. “Lock this door, and don’t come out until Josh links you!” As soon as I begin backing out of the room, a Rogue grabs me from behind. He tries to draw a dagger across my throat. Grabbing his hand, I managed to hold the dagger away from my face and throat, but his grip changed, causing it to slash down my already injured arm. Knowing I’m almost out of strength in my injured arm, I close my eyes and braced for the knife to be redrawn to my throat. As a lone tear falls down my cheek, I suddenly hear a crack and feel his grip loosen, and he falls to the ground. Turning around, I look into the eyes of a fear-stricken Madison.

Gripping her tightly, I hug her. “You saved my life... Thank you so much.” We just sat there hugging, letting the tears fall. She may have saved my life, but a part of her innocence was gone forever.

“Are you all alright?” Richard came in, looking around at the dead Rogue bodies.

“I think they were going for the medical supplies. We are ok.”

“It was a small army, but we seemed to have run them off. Then, nodding my head, I went back to hugging Maddy again.

Josh, you need to come to get Madison. She saved my life by killing a Rogue, and she needs her mate.

A few minutes later, he came running into the room. Madison broke the hug and ran to him, crying. He picked her up and carried her out of the infirmary.

Wiping my eyes, I decided to check in on Roberto. How did the Rogue protection go?

He is fine, we hid in the pack house, and I will escort him back to his cell.

Thanks, I will talk to Hedrick about possibly moving him out of the cells soon.

Walking back into Matt’s room, I grab another shirt from the bag and go to the bathroom to clean my cuts. I could call a nurse, but I’m sure they are needed elsewhere. Trying to clean the cuts down my arm, I felt light-headed.

“Let me clean this, sit down.” Mom said. “Josh told me what happened. How are you holding up?”

“I’m ok, Mom; I’m just mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted.”

Well, my Luna, take the evening off, curl up next to Matt and get some sleep. You both could benefit from healing each other. She sent me a wink and got up to leave the room. “Don’t let me see you again until tomorrow, and I will check on you later, so get some sleep.”

I nodded, thanked her, went into the bathroom, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. Then, after putting on some pajamas, I curled up next to Matt and fell asleep, letting the extremely sharp tingles between us soothe me to sleep.

Waking up from the most peaceful sleep I have had in weeks, I sat up and stretched my stiff muscles. Then, as I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand up, I hear the soothing voice behind me.

“Good Morning Sunshine.”

Jumping out of bed, I turned around, ready to attack. Suddenly I looked at the bed as Matthew stared at me with a huge smile.

“Good Morning yourself, welcome back to the land of the living,” I smirk at him.

“What happened?”

“Well, would you like the full or cliff notes version?” I sat down next to him on the bed.

“Your choice,” he says as he scoops me in his arms. “Before you tell me, I do want to clarify something. You never gave me a chance to finish before you took off. I wasn’t rejecting you at all. I wanted to prepare you that I had Madison with me though I didn’t want you getting all jealous and attacking her or something,” he informed me as he snickered at his statement. “We both knew that if we found our mate, the other would not interfere.”

“Umm. I’ll get to that in a few,” I said as I began explaining the Rogue attack at the party, the fact that I fled to my uncle’s pack and came to the Midnight Rain pack, and finding Lucas on the way. I told him the story about finding my mom and my father passing and being deemed the new Luna/Beta by my mom. I was interrupted when I began to explain the battle between Josh and me and the Rogues.

“OH MY GOODNESS, MATTHEW, YOU ARE AWAKE!!” A thrilled Madison runs in to hug him, followed by a short growl. “Shhh, Josh,” she said.

“Josh is Madison’s mate,” I explained.

He smiles brightly. “That is great. I’m so glad you two found each other.”

“Oh, and I sorta named Josh temporary Beta.” I couldn’t handle everything while sitting with you, and I needed help.”

“We will let you two catch up,” Josh said as they left the room.

“That’s fine, and I have no problem with it. If you want to make it permanent, we can talk about that too.

I smiled and went back to my story. I explained how I had a strange dream which led me to him and all of the events after then, and he smiled at me. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Wow!” He laughed. “You have been doing a wonderful job.”

As I turn to thank him, he grabs my head and tilts it to face his; as we begin to move in closer, our eyes begin to close.


We quickly separate to turn and look at my mom entering the room.

“Oops, sorry,” she said as she hugged him.

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