Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3
Chapter 7~ We Headed Home

Adrianna’s POV ~

As I dress in my black cargos.. and turtleneck.. lacing up my combat boots.. I look over at Mom. Dressed much the same… as Naomi waltzed in with a duffle bag.. containing all our weapons. I tuck my poinards and daggers into my boots and weapons belt.

Mom slides her knives into the sheaths tucked into her waistband.. her Cinese stars into her pockets. Naomi grins.. looking at us and says “Good times, my persons!” Mom says “Great times” as she smiles at me.

I told them “Time to mount our dragons!” And they both laugh! Yes! I know! We aren’t right in the head.. but it’s payback time! Time to be noticed! Time to be heard! Time to take back our own!

We tried peace. We tried negotiating. We tried pleading. We gave Pogue every opportunity. Far more than we ever think about giving another pack.. pride.. or weyr! Tonight. They took our choice away! Tonight, they forced our hand!

We met Dad and Evander in the clearing. Uncle Caleb was there, with Anderson.. Draco asked if we were ready.. at our nod, he shouted “Dragons ready” and they shifted. As long as I live, I will never get used to the majesty of it!

I climbed on Argon’s back, Mom on Donnaugh’s. Anderson was on Adrian’s dragon Delago.. with Caleb on Naomi’s. The four dragons took to the air in a beautiful dance of synchronicity..with our pack following. We flew in a perfect Vee.. Draco leading.. Argon to his left.. Delago on his right. Anderson’s face was awestruck.. he’d never been on a dragon’s back before.

We landed dead center of the tarmac.. while our wolves took out the guards on the perimeter. The men dressed and we split up. Draco immediately went to the command center.. Caleb and Naomi took the tower. While Evander and I headed to the barracks. As we approached, the barracks door swung open. Dave stood there, smiling. “A liitle later than I expected, but welcome. Two in the kitchen.. everyone else in their bunks.”

Evander said “They took nine.. one was fourteen, Dave!” He sighed, shaking his head “I’m so sorry, man. I tried to break formation earlier, to warn you. Captain ordered me back to base.” I touched his arm “There was nothing you could do, Dave. Pogue is deadset on this suicide mission.”

Evander and I entered the barracks with ten of our men. We took the two in the kitchen down, with little resistance. The twenty seven others we woke, by dragging them from their bunks. Rounding them up and shoving them to their knees in the common area. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Evander yelled “How’s it feel to be killers of children? Aren’t you proud? Following a man with an agenda to end your country.. your government.”

A brave soul said “There are always casualties in war! You aren’t even human! Why should we feel bad?” I slapped him and said “You’re right! We aren’t human! We thank our Goddess every day for that! We value life.. ALL life! Even pathetic human lives! But we value our children’s lives above all else!”

We stood them all to their feet.. marching them to the middle of the tarmac.. Their officers and their NCO’s stood waiting. Draco said “You are not our prisoners. What you did.. you were ordered to do. But hear me now.. this is your only chance! Fly another mission against my people, and you will die. Follow the dictates of Pogue one more time.. I will kill you all!”

Evander told Blake “Take every person’s information. Names.. rank.. MOS.. we will match it with the information in our database.. that way we know their families.. and where they are. Hopefully, Pogue stops his bullshit, so they survive.”

Draco ordered all the service personnel into one hangar.. securing the doors from the outside. Then, we destroyed every fighter jet.. and every building on the base.

Our firebreathers burned everything in their path. Blowing every jet up.. destroying their arsenal.. and their fueling depot. The explosions shook the night. The fire balls could be seen for miles. We left nothing but that single hangar.. housing the military personnel.

By dawn, everything was ashes. The tarmac and launchpads were literally melted from the intense heat. I summoned the earth.. allowing her to heal the scars upon her soil. By the time it was finished, it looked as if, an airbase had never stood there at all.

Evander opened the hangar doors.. allowing everyone to step out. The commander asked “What did you do? Where is everything?”

I laughed “The earth has reclaimed her own. All of you have a long walk ahead of you. When you reach civilization, tell Pogue this is mild.. Next time, we meet violence with violence! You survived today, by our grace! Murder one more of our people.. and you will not live to tell the tale!”

Draco yelled “Dragons Up!” And we climbed on their backs.. Dave included.. they took to the air. Flying a circle around the base and swooping low over the servicemen.. scattering them. I laughed at their antics! And we headed home.

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