Owned By A Sinner (The Sinners Series)
Owned By A Sinner: Chapter 32

Kiara moans as she tilts her head, her hair forming a curtain of silk around us while she finally kisses me without any restraint.

She starts to move, rubbing her body against mine, and it takes more strength than I knew I had to not take over and fuck her raw.

Jesus, woman. You’re going to kill me at this rate.

I harden at the speed of light, my cock threatening to tear through my pants to get to her heat.

Then she takes hold of my shirt and starts to drag the fabric up. Out of habit, I wait for the dread to rear up in my chest, but there’s nothing but burning desire. She tosses the shirt to the side, her eyes lowering to take in the triquetra tattooed over my heart.

With the tip of her finger, she traces the three interlinking loops before moving on to the words tattooed across one of my ribs. “What does this one mean?”

“Tada gan iarracht,” I read the words before translating, “Nothing without effort.”

Her lips curve up, then she lifts her eyes back to my face. Titling her head, wonderment fills her breathtaking features. “So grumpy with others, yet you’re gentle with me.”

“Not without effort,” I repeat the words, earning a chuckle from her. Then I add, “Everything is different with you.”

She stares at me as if I’m some miracle that happened to her and not the other way around. Shaking my head, I whisper, “You’re the miracle, baby.”

Flattening her palms against my chest, she drags them down to my abs while watching my reaction.

Jesus, that feels good.

Reading the question in her eyes, I answer, “Yes, you’re the first woman to touch my chest.” I look at her with every ounce of the obsession I feel for her. “Everything with you is a first for me.”

Her eyebrows draw together as if it saddens her, then she leans forward and presses a kiss to my shoulder. “Tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

I let out a chuckle. “Not possible.” Then I tease her, “Have your way with me.” I grip her hips. “Please.”

Letting out a burst of laughter, her breaths fans over my neck as she kisses her way up to my jaw. Suddenly she asks, “Why do you have a right to claim me?”

“As the head of the mafia, I get first pick.”

“No other mafia princesses ever piqued your interest?”

“No.” Our eyes meet again. “Your dad knew what he was doing when he hid you. There’s no way you would’ve made it past nineteen without me claiming you.”

“So that’s it? You decide I’m yours, and that’s the end of the story?”

My mouth curves up. “No, it’s the beginning of the story.”

My words make a beautiful smile spread over her face. She leans into me again, her mouth skimming over my throat and jaw. Her hands keep exploring my chest, a satisfied moan drifting over her lips before her mouth latches onto mine.

Fuck this shit.

Gripping her tightly, I twist her around in a single, fluid move, her back hitting the couch. Crawling over her, I shake my head. “Enough teasing.”

My mouth claims hers with the wild desire stripping me of my sanity. My hands push beneath the fabric of her shirt, feasting on the feel of her skin until I cover her breasts, massaging them with barely restrained control.

When I thrust against her scorching heat that I can feel through our clothes, her back arches, a pleading moan spilling into my mouth.

I tear my mouth from hers and take in the desire on her face, making her look angelic. “Are you sure, Kiara? Once I cross this line, I’ll own every inch of you. This is the last chance I’ll give you to back out.”


I’ll lose my fucking mind.

She stares at me for a moment. “You’ll never hurt me.”

It’s not a question, but still I vow with everything that makes me a man, “Never.”

“You’ll protect me from your world?”

It will become your world too.

“With my last breath.”

I see the moment she submits, then she nods. “Own me, Liam.”

Resting an arm next to her head, I press a tender kiss to her lips. My other hand brushes up and down her side, memorizing the curve of her body. When I kiss her again, her hands move to my back. Her fingers trail over my skin, goosebumps spreading over my body.

Wanting to drive her as insane as she’s making me, I begin to rock against her. I push her shirt up, and this time she doesn’t stop me, but instead helps to get the fabric off. My eyes lower to the fading bruises on her breasts and side, my fingers gently caressing them.

Lowering my head, I take her right nipple into my mouth. My tongue swirls around the hard bud.

“God, Liam,” she moans, arching her back.

Pushing myself up, I take hold of her leggings and drag the fabric down her legs. I stand up, my eyes taking in her naked body.


Removing the Glock from behind my back, I slide it partially beneath the couch, so it’s within reach. I take hold of the waistband, noticing Kiara’s lips parting, her eyes focused on me as I push them down and step out of the fabric. For the first time in my life, I stand naked in front of a woman.

“You’re perfect,” Kiara whispers, awe in her voice.

Crawling over her, I settle my body against hers, her skin touching every inch of me. There’s no way to describe how it feels to have her beneath me. Heavenly doesn’t get close to it.

“I’m taking you bare.” There’s no way I can have anything between us. Ever. Not with this woman.

Her eyes search mine, then she lifts her hips, pressing her heat against my cock. “I’m on birth control.”

I’m hit with unrelenting need, so fucking hard, I lose total control.

My mouth slams against hers, the kiss instantly filthy, dominating, and possessive. Reaching between us, my fingers explore the valley between her legs, and feeling how wet she is for me, only drives me wilder.

I’ve never done slow before, and unable to do so now, I align my cock with her entrance. In a single, hard thrust, I drive inside her tightness, my vision blurring from how incredible it feels.

“Oh God,” she gasps.

I groan, my body hit with an intense wave of pleasure. “Jesus, Kiara.”

I have to keep still, so it’s not over before I’ve even gotten started. Lifting my head, I lock eyes with her.

The moment registers as I look into her amber irises while she’s breathing through the discomfort of having me inside her. “You okay?”

She nods. “Yeah. Just a tight fit.”

Slowly, I pull out of her, my eyes closing from how fucking deliriously good it feels to have her wrapped around me.

Kiara’s hands frame my jaw, pulling me back to her mouth. When I enter her on a hard thrust, her breaths burst into me. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

My entire being transforms as if I’m being reborn. I begin to worship Kiara with my mouth and hands, my cock taking ownership of her pussy, stroking her so fucking hard, she will only remember me being inside her from this moment on.

I lay my soul at the altar of her body, and she reshapes me into a man who will burn the world down for her. A man who loves her. Only her.

I give Kiara everything I am.

My wealth.

My heart.

My body.

I give her the blood staining my hands. The loyalty of every man who works for me. Over a hundred last breaths who will die for her.

Kiara accepts my offering as her mouth devours mine. She’s in complete sync with me, her moans and my harsh breaths blending with the sounds of our bodies connecting.

“Christ, I get to love you,” I breathe against her mouth. “Only you.”

We’re wrapped in a cocoon of ecstasy, Kiara’s eyes misting until they look like sparkling stars. “Liam,” she whimpers before pure bliss washes over her face, her body convulsing beneath mine.

Her tight walls grip me so fucking hard, pleasure shoots like a bullet down my spine, my balls tighten, and I explode, my pace faltering as I jerk inside her.

Mother of God.

My vision goes black, and I become as vulnerable as I’ll ever be from the powerful orgasm paralyzing me.

Aftershocks of pleasure electrify us, our bodies spasming until we’re both gasping for air. Slumping over Kiara, I can barely lift my head. “Jesus, woman,” I breathe. “Pretty sure you’re going to kill me.”

“Uh-huh.” Her tongue darts out to wet her lips. “But what a way to die.”

Finally, strength returns to my body, and I’m able to pull out of her. Kiara spasms. “Good God, Liam. I’m so sensitive.”

Satisfaction fills my chest, and I grin like an idiot. “Still feeling me inside you?”

She nods.

“Good, the second you no longer feel me, tell me.”

She lets out a chuckle. “Why?”

“So I can fuck you again.” I press a kiss to her parted lips. “I want you to feel me every second of every day.”

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