
Firstly, however, it is very important to note that there can be no possibility whatsoever, that there truly are ‘ET aliens’ that are either evil, or ‘demonic,’ or anything like the so-called ‘fallen angels’ idea. This was because, as you have read earlier here, of the time-space wall having to be breached, and that necessitated a much much higher, indeed a paramount (literally, ‘Divine’) moral code intrinsic to the beings, really, any beings, who were able to traverse through ‘space-time.’

This does raise the other important question though, of ‘diabolism’ – that is to say, the Devil, and we hold there is such a being. But this being is neither a permanent entity, nor an enduring sentient identity – and this is because the nature of Evil, conceptually, guarantees that it cannot be permanently enduring since this facet alone would have it fall into the category of all things which are Perfect because perfect endurance alone meets such a definition. Thus it simply is not the case that in reality, the Cosmological Universe is one of actual diametric ‘poles:’ a black extreme on one end of the spectrum, and a white extreme on the other end. Freemasonry, which does have this concept of opposite poles to the nature of ultimate reality, is another false antithesis concept structure and it is itself diabolic in nature because of that.

What ‘Satan’ or the Devil (as the title pertaining to that particular being who is the peak enemy of Mankind – as is the standard common narrative; which we say is the correct one) is, can really only be properly understand when we consider actual experienced Cosmology from the human standpoint...

Let’s state the frame of reference like so:

There are human beings, which is a species of sentient life on the planet Earth.

There may be (there is, in fact) a number of other intelligent species scattered through the many galaxies of the Universe.

But according to our axiomatic understanding, no intelligent species that is so advanced that it is able to breach the time-space wall, can operate outside of a blanket, amorphous, uniform moral harmonic.

Nevertheless, we can grant that it may certainly also be the case that from time to time, albeit rarely too, a species will have possibly reached the technological level at which it can break through the time-space wall, but that it has reached that level through species moral structures and characteristics that do not harmonise with obtaining Universal moral codes. In this situation, we have conflict forming.

The human race is not yet at the level of being able to technologically breach the time-space wall. Thus it is not in the higher K-Scale levels. But we may grant that it is somewhere near there, and perhaps it is at the middle ranks. It is from these ranks that a species with malevolent Universal motives, could theoretically recruit from, in order to mount substantial assaults on the higher levels that will not ‘let it in,’ so to speak.

That outlines the actual position.

In terms that we are better able to understand now, in our modern vision, the situation is nothing but that at some time in the human past, such a malevolent species interfered with the progress and development of human beings and installed highly problematic yet also very sophisticated ‘late unfold’ variations into the base DNA gene code here. These installations have been designed to provide physical ‘drone vessels’ on a mass scale that will take over the entire original human species once the technology status on the planet is at the time-space wall breach capability level. A strong positive divergence is readily seen over sufficient iterations of DNA in human population growth. Overlaying this, is the existence of quite preternatural actual beings here, ‘directing’ as many things as they can, regarding the accomplishment of their own agenda, so to speak.

And there is no ‘outright’ overt confrontation at any too early moment because this would alter the natural arc of human development; a thing which is not at all desirable.

In Today’s Human World.

In the human world, at its current stage of existence, there still very definitely is an entire very large group of diabolic individuals present, a structure of contrived preternatural diabolic forces at play, and things going on of a preternatural kind involving actual sentient beings right at the apex end of such groups of ‘people’ – most of which matters would not at all be credited as in the slightest realistic by normal mainstream humans.

There are absolutely no such beings or groups of beings or ‘other species’ beings of this malevolent, or malignant kind existing in space, whether near-to-Earth or in far distant space anywhere. Instead, they are right here existing on this planet. On our planet; on the planet Earth.

There most certainly can be, however, all kinds of ‘faked’ incidents, events, and attempts at mirroring or mimicking true power and actual real ‘Universal’ supernatural powerful beings – and no such masquerading ‘powerful’ beings are able to break through the time-space wall. Such beings are preternatural, not truly supernatural.

We advise, that those who, in reading this, are intending to use some knowledge they find here, must under all circumstances, have a religious belief system of some kind (and we think we have given adequate practical reasons why), which makes room for and accepts an outright ‘ideal perfect’ as well as uniform moral code personal identity ‘acceptance’ in the societies they are going to encounter subsequently. And this may be something as seemingly ‘silly’ as a science fictional ‘Federation Prime Directive’ concept, but in all events, you are going to find that real ‘ET aliens’ are no more and no less than what the standard Western Bible calls ‘angelic beings’ and the Vedas also call them the same kind of thing -, in fact the Vedas use the same word that is in the Book of Genesis, which is ‘gan.’

And interestingly, one standard title for Jesus Christ, is – ‘Lord of Angels.’

You will find that it is by no means at all, a silly thing to bring with you and to include in your mindset, an authentic genuine commitment to a spiritual protection that you are comfortable with from out of your own normal life’s habit and history... It is one thing to pretend in Hollywood and television entertainment, and make fantasies about ‘ET aliens’ and that sort of being, and to meet one – when it comes to the real moment of it, is a truly shocking thing and one that will rock you to your core and raise lots of questions and fears about what it is you are seeing.

One thing about the word ‘beauty’ that few understand because we have a ‘sinusoidal’ experience of it on this planet – these beings are frightening to look at and you cannot look deeply into their eyes at all without having the sensation of awe and of fear, not from something ugly, but from the subtlety of the very word ‘grace’ but also of the depth of its true meaning when it is expressed in the features of extreme high and superbly intelligent sentient consciousness and in a being representing all of that.

The First Usable Hypothesis:

As a human child grows, what happens with all of its sensory inputs when taken into the neural systems of the developing human being, is that these form an active dynamic part of an organised arrangement of chemical drivers and reward processes, which are complex, self-modifying, responsive and reactive protein propagation links to pre-set feedback loops, and which include back-propagation of signalling pathways and structures (neural synaptic linking networks), and a varied suite of different levels of ‘cascading’ electro-chemical signals. Sometimes the pulsations are strong and the cascading of signals produces a long-lasting signal, sometimes these are weak or only of short duration.

But in all cases, there is a pattern of ‘reaching out’ and making many different links – which is characterised by scientists of neurological systems as having the same type of structure as certain kinds of plant growth, and root extension; by name it is a dendrite-like growing system but with human nerves instead of ‘plant roots and vines.’

Although there are many many ‘neural transmitters,’ some of the more well-canvassed ones in popular scientific studies and literature include ‘Dopamine’ and ‘Serotonin,’ and these have been implicated in what we readily can say form our feelings of pleasure and our responses to those.

Yet – the feelings experienced and coming from the actions of these fundamental ‘pleasure neural chemicals,’ change as humans mature into adulthood and onwards thereafter towards old age.

Really, we don’t get the same chemical pay-off as we grow older.

And why?

Nothing is exactly wearing out, as such. So why do we feel not as powerful a neural-chemical ‘hit’ from so many things, indeed, from virtually everything – as time goes by? The whole issue with addictive behaviours, is that there is a sequentially declining registering of pleasure in the brain, from the targeted objectives, of whatever it was the individual had initially attained pleasure from – and so the addictive pathology seeks to ever increase the frequency, or the volume, or the ‘strength’ from whichever chosen stimulus they were employing, until some catastrophic moment.

The young neural physiology has brain chemical pathways that lead fairly directly to chemical ‘pay-offs.’ And then, as the developing human neural network structure deliberately and productively makes as many inter-connections as possible, so that a broad over-view of the person’s ‘global’ (in the widest sense of the word) environment is attained – neural-chemical streams become diffused by having to spread out into the associated nodal linkages. This is part one of the lessening of the biochemical/neural-chemical ‘hits.’

Part two comes from the fact that attained objectives also begin failing to deliver. The expectation is still there, the somatic work still undertaken, and the objective even still reached – but the ‘delivery’ is not made. People feel ‘let down’ in their lives, and they are let down. Friends are fickle, family ‘goes away,’ desirable objects lose their lustre.

Some individuals succumb badly and fall into the condition known as ‘depression.’

Although there is really no such thing as too many, but where there are ‘too many’ neural network connections made over time, and all of these contain ‘anticipatory expectations’ that lead only to failure and/loss, then, one is indeed quite easily apt to end up having ‘depression.’ There are situations in which real loss itself becomes addictive – and this is for example in the situation of so-called ‘problem gamblers,’ where it is the heightened anxiety during the wagering, and the relief when the loss is realised on the turn of the card (or other denoting point: winning post, resting of the roulette ball...), which become neural-chemical pay-offs. This form of addiction is an adaptive behaviour which accommodates the inevitability of loss.

Indeed there are a number of variations of ‘adaptive failure’ pathologies – people who are ‘shop-a-holics’ subconsciously have feelings of lack of control in their lives, and they substitute this overall painful enduring reality with the temporary sensation of being able to exert control over service staff during the act of retail shopping.

But underlying all of these pathologies lies not just the human real-world conditions containing wide prospects of ‘loss,’ but also, the inability of the human brain at this adult stage, to again experience the high threshold levels of actual brain-chemical rewards that were earlier felt over what you might say were only some simple things of childhood: like a favourite toy, or playing a game, climbing a tree, running and jumping. Notwithstanding that as people get older certainly many do not run as hard or jump as high either...

Depressives will themselves accurately report: ‘I do not get pleasure from much any more.’

They are telling the truth.

The Ebers Papyrus – a medical scroll written in Egypt around 1150 BC, contains a description of the composition and uses of a substance called kyphi, which is a type of incense made from various plant, flower, resin and mineral ingredients. Popularly, this description contains the phrase ‘the brightening of dreams’ and on account of which many people suppose that Pharaoh himself employed drugs – that is, chemical substances – on people in his court that he wished to influence.

This is certainly one possibility of course. In fact, let’s say it’s more than just a possibility but that it is bound to have been the case. (We are not actually going to promote narcotic use of anything here; it is just the direction of the discussion for the moment, and that is going to serve for the case example for something to consider that is much more significant than drugs and chemicals).

If we consider that the standard religious narrative about the Hebrew ‘Ark of the Covenant’ is really a description of the transferring of power from the court of Pharaoh, to that of Joseph, and Moses, and David – we will readily see too, that exactly as is the case with the court of Pharaoh, the ‘Ark’ itself is to be surrounded by a sacred ritual smoke, which is the same kind of composed ‘incense’ and either it is indeed precisely the same as kyphi, or that small variations were permissible to the actual special composition... ...on account it was not the incense itself that was the key matter! Or at least not a specific recipe or even special active ingredient, that mattered – but something else altogether, and the sweet smelling vapour simply a way of priests being able to identify that a crucial ‘state of mind’ was being reached either by the hierophant, or in fact, the person wielding the pre-eminent and supernatural power, that is namely, the religious king in this case.

At this juncture, those of you reading this, and who are quite aware of what is being said, are going to realise that what we are saying is something that has never previously been said or mentioned even in any of the Hebrew religious exegetical writings and teachings, nor anywhere else, not for many thousands of years – yet which is again, almost certain merely from logical proposition alone; it is certain to be true.

And we will tell you, that we have gotten this information literally from an unimpeachable source which for the purposes of lurid frisson, you are quite free to think here is from ET aliens who possess that knowledge and information. (And it will also be explained in here later on, why we maintain a certain kind of vagueness about ‘ET aliens’).

...for you see, it is not the fact of a ruling king being in any substance-induced state that the religious literature itself makes any importance of, but instead, of some actual supernatural thing present there itself: ‘the power and the glory,’ which is residing inside the mysterious ‘Ark.’ It is this ‘mysterious presence’ which grants actual power to the leader, or to the priests there.

So the case is not that someone imbibed a special kind of vapour (as in, for instance, the kyphi thing) and then they gained power, and nor is it conveyed in any narrative at all, not even any Egyptian one, that some apex ruler gave a substance to someone they wanted to influence or to have influence over, and then, that person succumbed.

Instead, the incense vapour is something to be there attendant upon the opening of the Ark, and necessarily imbibed by the religious ruler/king before the Ark was to be opened and the power within used or interacted with in some essential way.

Those who were not prepared in some ‘religious ritualistic’ way, died(!), upon opening the Ark.

The human mind needs to be operating at a certain level that is able to harmonise with whatever the mysterious energy field thing is, that is apparently contained, inside the Ark. And when the human mind is operating that appropriate way, the body follows suit and becomes impervious to the potentially deadly energy field in the Ark.

All of us who live in the real daily world, however, will be well aware that we are faced each and every day with external projections into our lives, and into our own sense of and feelings of well-being, through urgent demands made by so many external things, some of which really are matters of necessity to attend to, and others that are merely the violent explosions of the egos of out-of-control people -, and this includes today’s identifying social characteristic of social media technology and the general news and entertainment media world that envelopes all individuals.

If we characterise the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ as a box containing the only television set around at the time, and through there was only one broadcast being made and only one channel, you could say well, for sure the person looking at it’s glowing screen would be influenced by that!

The converse is the case today, where we are all bombarded with many screens and see many ‘broadcasts’ virtually all of which seek to influence our thinking, our attitudes and our behaviour – especially in terms of what we are then psychologically obliged to buy, and how we are psychologically obliged to act, and what things we are psychologically obliged to do.

No one goes through any process of ‘attuning themselves’ first, to whatever is going to come from out of any television screen or off any computer screen or through any smart phone – instead, rather, they are forcibly made to become attuned because of what is coming out of those things, first.

...From which point indeed it will be impossible to ‘meet with’ any actual numinous or genuine advanced futuristic intelligent pattern of thinking granting personal agency.

You will nevercannot – be granted the power and the personal agency to destroy ten thousand people, by effect of any right, knowledge, or special power advanced by anything coming from your computer or television screen.

Yet that is the power Pharaoh had, and it is the power given to the Hebrew religious kings and rulers, by virtue of their being able to solicit the assistance of what are called ‘destroying angels’ in one case, the Assyrian army was slaughtered to the tune of a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in one night.

What is seldom explained regarding the sight encompassed by the ‘shepherds out in the fields guarding their flocks by night,’ in the Christian Gospels, was that multiple hundreds of thousands of the might armies of the heavens... ...were seen hovering in the sky overhead. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

This is a ‘Star Wars’ scene, it’s not any kind of languid shepherd’s idyll depiction. Indeed so much so that the next expression about the state of mind of those shepherds doing the witnessing of it all, is that they were ‘sore afraid.’ Which, in modern millennial-speak, means that they were very fucking frightened at what they saw.

The rest of the account, given that it has come from such a vision of heavenly grandeur at its opening – until the Apocalyptic final prophecy – runs through a very disappointing carnal ordinary mortal ending of a putative God-king and the virtually charnel house endings of various remnant followers; the whole entire history of the Judaic-Christian thing since then in fact, is anything but some overwhelming victorious ‘Space Opera.’

And that’s because real things are being ‘cloaked’ and it is the very reason of the use of the word ‘Apocalypse’ at all – which means to uncloak, to unveil.

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