Chapter XVIII

Two months had passed and both casts had been removed and the scar on my stomach from surgery completely healed. I was in fantastic shape according to my doctor. Also, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, I’d been attending school with Claire and the boys and we had formed a new group now, one that Katherine wasn’t a part of. I’d found out that Ash had broken up with Katherine a month ago because she’d cheated on him. Maybe he saw now who she really was inside.

I didn’t really care though since someone else now had my eye and we’d been playing a stupid game for two months now pretending that the feelings weren’t real. I’m not sure what we were doing, whether we weren’t ready to admit it or we weren’t sure what to do if we did. We acted like a couple but we also fought like cat and dog every day. Claire had told me we were both stupid and that’s how we ended up right here, at school with Cameron sitting beside me at the lunch table elbowing my sides to piss me off.

“I will literally shove your face in this mashed potato if you don’t stop boy.”

“Oh I’m so scared, Claire help me.” He whined mimicking a damsel in distress. I punched him in the arm and continued eating my food. It was maybe thirty seconds of peace before I felt a piece of cold ice go down my back and I jumped hitting my knees on the table. I glared at Cameron as he laughed like an evil clown.

I shrugged my shoulders, bent down lifted his legs up and pushed him off the table. The surprise on his face as he hit the ground had the whole group laughing in tears. Claire high fived me and I looked down at him in victory until I felt a hand on my arm bringing me down. I landed right on top of him and the smirk I got when I pushed myself up on his chest was golden globe award winning.

Ace poked his head out from around everyone else, “You guys are suffocating me with this shit.”

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth Ace?” I whipped back at him.

“We should be in this position more often Princess.” He whispered. He'd figured out I was Royal all on his own after the crash and I'd just confirmed it.

“Watch it King or we’ll never be in this position.” I smirked getting up and walking towards Claire just as the bell rang for last period. Tuesday for me meant free period with all the boys and I’m not sure if I was in the mood for an hour of Cameron. Claire walked me to the door since she was now in my class per request from me, the boys trailing close behind. I laughed softly as I looked at the steel door, peeking through the windows. The boys had already walked in and it was just me standing outside with Claire.

“I can’t believe how different everything was four months ago. I pissed Cameron off here for the second time and met the boys for the first time and oh god used to hide here from Cameron for some reason.” Claire smiled at me reminiscing everything that happened when I got here.

“We graduate so soon.” She almost whispered, a smile growing on her face. I grabbed her hands in my own, “That doesn’t mean you’re leaving me anytime soon, you’ll be my First Lady Claire. I couldn’t bare life without you by my side.”

She embraced me in a hug, tears running down both our faces. It’d been a tough few months even if it all sounded okay right now. No one had found any trace of Victor after the crash, it was like he’d gone into hiding and Claire had done everything she could to track him down but came up empty handed. She got so frustrated she locked herself in her room for weeks. I didn’t blame her, she did everything she could.

While I had to deal with not being able to do anything for a month and a half it was. Everyone was tired doing the things for me that’d I’d usually do. I was home schooled for the time I was bed ridden and I did get fat and frustrated with myself as well. But I guess that’s what happens when you have surgery and four broken bones. It was just an exhausting two months.

The second month was spent on growing ourselves since no sight of Victor or Cameron’s dad had been spotted so we slowly tried to forget and focus on ourselves, graduating and my coronation. My parents had been in contact with Pete and they were extremely unhappy that I didn’t come home immediately but since no sign of Victor had been seen for months they decided to let me stay till graduation and we were so close.

We fixed ourselves up, smiled at each other and headed in to deal with the boys, they looked concerned as we walked in and I guess we could get rid of the tear stains or red faces but they didn’t pry and just continued to chat amongst themselves.

They had sat at their own table and Claire and I decided to sit at an empty table beside them since we knew none of the boys would get their work done even though they were all passing with at least B’s and A’s. “I’m going to go grab something to read for an assignment, I’ll be back.” Claire nodded her head and started pulling out her work.

I headed towards the back of the library and was looking in the history section when I felt a hand slide around my waist. The familiar hand sent tingles around my entire body and my breath hitched in my throat when we flipped me around to face him. “You really do frustrate me sometimes.”

“And you don’t think you do the same?” I managed to muster out trying to plan my escape route.

“You don’t know how badly I wanted to kiss you today.”

My brain did a three-sixty and I looked him straight in the eyes, “Well why didn’t you?” I challenged.

I didn’t get an answer since his lips were on mine, soft but demanding as if he wanted to be gentle but he wanted to get all of me. It took me a few seconds to react but before long my lips were moving in perfect sync with his. His tongue kept poking my lips asking for entrance but I kept them tightly shut until he pinched my butt and I gasped allowing him straight in.

Don’t get me wrong this wasn’t my first kiss but this was the first one that had my knee’s buckling and I knew he was holding me up, I could feel his hands around my waist. I scrunched my hands up in his hair and he let out a small moan. Something tightened in my stomach at the sound of that and I was starting to run out of air. The battle for dominance in my mouth was slowing down and when he pulled back we were both panting, his pink lips having me in a giggle. He smirked and his beautiful grey eyes were the calmest I’d ever seen them.

He kissed the side of my lips and started walking away our hands slowly sliding apart until it was just our fingertips and then he was gone. I didn’t even know if I could go back and stand sitting near him with the sexual tension going on but I had so much work to do. I groaned internally and grabbed the book I’d dropped on the floor in our little ‘moment’ and walked out of the isle and back towards my seat next to Claire and put my head to work.

I felt Cameron’s stare on me the whole lesson and it did not help that he lived with us, Claire made him sit in the front though and there was a body guard next to me and I was in the middle. I didn’t like it because Claire could get hurt this time but I didn’t argue. It wasn’t long before we reached the house and everyone tumbled out, exhausted after a long day. Guards opened the doors to the house and guards inside closed them once we were all in. My parents had sent over extra protection for me and everyone inside the house since they could spare it. “Hey Pete,” I yelled once I got in the door. He came around the corner with no surprise three bowls of spaghetti in his arms. “How did we ever get someone as good as you Pete.” I asked rhetorically.

Pete laughed and starting heading towards the dining room, “Well count your blessings, it won’t always be me when we get back.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Oh no way sir, I’ll make sure it’s always you making and serving me food. Not much will change here.”

We all took a seat and dug into our meals completely content at filling our growling stomachs. “So how was school?”

“Same old, same old.” I told him.

“Nothing new.” Claire said.


“Well that’s not surprising coming from you dear.” Martha said as she popped around the corner. Cameron gasped in fake hurt placing a hand on his chest. “How dare you insult me like that.”

We all giggled at his behaviour, “You’ve got lessons with me upstairs in your room in ten Princess Isabella.”

“Of course Martha,” I said still trying not to choke on my spaghetti. Cameron kicked me underneath the table for still giggling and I laughed harder at that.

“That’s it child.”

“Oh shit.” I could hear Claire dying from laughter as I ran down the hallway from Cameron, I think I lost him by the time I got to the lounge room but nope. Arms grabbed me around the waist and I squealed in laughter. “Okay but what are you actually doing to my best friend?”

“Don’t make me come over there and grab you too.” He threatened, a twinkle in his eyes. “I don’t think Seth would appreciate that boo.”

“Oh really now, I don’t think he’d mind if I just...” He dropped me on the couch and ran towards Claire picking her up and throwing her on the couch beside me.

“Now what do you girls say to apologise to the King?” He said puffing his chest and putting his chin up proudly. Claire and I both looked at each other before pouncing on him and knocking him to the ground, “That’s what you get ‘The King’.” I mocked once we’d pinned him by all fours. I knew he could easily get up but he was playing and this is the kind of fun and games I missed out on as a child. I couldn’t appreciate the people more in my life right now.

“Okay fine I give up.” He said going limp and sticking his tongue out. We scrambled off him and continued to laugh at his idiocy. “Okay guys, after my lesson, movies and snacks?”

“Sounds good.” Claire sung back to me and I got a groan from Cameron on the floor which in turn meant yes.

“Okay fantastic, I’ll see you guys in forty minutes.” Which seemed like forever in my mind. Cameron got up and followed closely behind me, while Claire had gone off to do her own thing. “Why are you following me?” I asked as we walked up the stairs. “You wish I was following you, I’m going to the gym gorgeous.” My heart fluttered at the name gorgeous. He’d been calling me it a lot lately.

“Walk me to my room.” He looked at me with a calculating face before grabbing my left hand with his right and slinging his left arm around my shoulders.

“MARTHA!” I yelled back down the stairs, causing Cameron to detangle from me and rub his ears, giving me a glare. “I’M READY WHEN YOU ARE!” I yelled again.

I heard a slight yeah from the kitchen where I’m sure Pete and she were still finishing up from dinner and having their own conversation. Cameron and I got closer towards my door, that breeze was there again. That cold breeze. I shivered and Cameron looked at me, “Are there not guards stationed at your window around the clock?”

“There should be.” I whispered.

Cameron pushed me behind him and walked slowly towards the door, he grabbed the handle and as soon as he twisted it a ticking began. He pushed open the door and the ticking got louder and louder. I looked towards the balcony and the guards were on the floor, pools of blood surrounding them. I choked on tears gathering in the back of my throat and shoved my hands over my ears to get the ticking out of my head.

I looked at Cameron and something seemed to have dawned on his face, “Get out, now.” I looked at him in confusion. He obviously didn’t have time for me to connect the dots since he picked me up and ran to the doorway. He put me down and looked back, fear now on his face. “We don’t have time. GET DOWN!” He yelled as the ticking then turned into a beeping and a great flame came out from behind my bed head.

Cameron had curled his body around my own but I still heard the explosion, I’d seen it and I could feel the floor under us start to shake. I spun to look at Cameron, his grey swirls filled with anger and fear, then we fell.

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