Pinkie Promise (Carter Ridge Book 1)
Pinkie Promise: Chapter 18

I’m a damn idiot, that’s what I am.

I sit with my elbows on my knees, hands raking through my hair as I stare blankly at the hockey game that’s quietly playing on the screen. Fallon has been in my bedroom for what feels like hours and I’m so strung out for her that I can barely sit still. I’m dying for her to come out here so that I can give her an apology. If not for the fact that there was a fucking porno lying around our living room, then at least for the fact that I just mounted her from the back while she was wearing a damn cheer skirt.

I glance at the beer on the coffee table that I grabbed from the fridge, wanting to take a damn long pull on it but knowing that adding alcohol to this already fragile situation will only make things worse. Only make me want her more. Then I look over at the one Star Wars movie that we had in our stack, that I’ve positioned in the centre of the table just in case Fallon does come back out here, and I get a sharp stab in my gut over my lack of self-control.

I try to refocus on the game and not think about the beautiful girl alone in my room.

A door opens quietly behind me and my shoulders immediately swell. I drop my head down and stretch out my hands, waiting for her to come over here instead of rushing her like I want to. When the room remains quiet, the only sound the muffled noise coming from the game on the box, my breathing starts to get a little heavier, coming in faster deeper pumps. I wait her out for another ten seconds but then I can’t take it anymore and I finally turn around to look at her.

My blood throbs faster.

She’s wearing a Carter U cheer team jumper that’s slipping down one of her shoulders and a pair of joggers, but really the one thing that I can’t stop staring at is the get over here and undress me bra strap that’s holstering her tits up and peeking out from her top.

My knee starts jerking up and down as my cock thickens in my boxers.

“Hey,” I rasp, trying not to swipe my tongue over my lower lip as I give her a once-over for the fifteenth fucking time.

“Hi,” she says quietly, glancing briefly at what’s on the screen.

I want to stand up and go over to her but I also don’t want to freak her out any further, so instead I grip my right fist in my left hand and say, “I’m not watching the game. You can change it if you want. I, uh…”

I breathe out an embarrassed laugh as I lean forward and pick up the Star Wars DVD that I’d left out for her. I don’t even know if it’s the one that she likes but I face it towards her anyway, just in case.

“I found this in the pile… I don’t know if the little Yoda’s in it but…”

A small smile appears on her face and my heart skips a beat.

“Little Yoda,” she repeats, one of her dimples popping.

“Uh, yeah,” I say, throwing the DVD back down and moving over to one side of the couch so that I’m not positioned right in the middle.

She sees my silent invitation and starts padding over to me, so light on her feet that I can’t help but stare.

I spread my knees a little wider.

Fallon lowers herself to the cushion on my right and tucks a curl behind her ear before glancing up at me. My pupils expand like crazy and her beautiful eyes get even wider.

“I’m sorry,” I say hoarsely, “for being such a dog. I think about you all the time, so when I finally get you alone I just…”

Fallon laughs and shakes her head, her soft curls bouncing around her perfect face.

“Hunter, I should be the one apologising. I’m the one who was pushing you. I don’t have much experience with other people and sometimes I guess I take things too far.”

I stare at her intently, disbelieving what I’m hearing. “Fallon, trust me, it wasn’t you who took that too far. If things were different I would… I would be encouraging things to go even further.”

She takes a little swallow, her chest pumping almost as fast as mine. My mind is racing. I can’t tell exactly what she wants and I need solid confirmation before I take this to the next level.

“I hate communicating my feelings,” she confesses, watching as I splay my thighs even wider, wanting her to straddle up on me like a little cheerleader cowgirl.

I take one of her hands and lace our fingers together, tugging her gently so that she scooches closer. “You’re good at communicating,” I tell her, loving the way that it feels to have her knees pressed up against my quad. “You don’t need to be hard on yourself.”

A small crease appears on her brow. “I find it really hard to be open with people, to be normal with people. I’ve never wanted to let anyone in before and I’m worried that I’m doing it all wrong.”

I look deep into her eyes, heat spreading through my chest.

“You haven’t done a damn thing wrong,” I tell her, but suddenly her hands are on my stomach and my mind is going blank. I inhale fast and sharp as she delicately presses her fingers against my abs, and I swipe my free palm over my forehead as she roams them up to my pecs. I groan and add, “Everything you do is perfect.”

“I thought maybe you didn’t want to do anything with me anymore ’cause of what I said today,” she winces.

I tug hard at my hair as I watch her palm my chest. “Hell no,” I say breathlessly. “I want you too fucking much. And I want you to love it, that’s why I’m pacing it. That’s why I need you to be sure. And, uh… I need us to go slow with it so that I don’t… so that I can…”

She blinks up at me with those big sparkly eyes and I drop my hand to her collarbone, tucking my digits beneath her bra strap. I wrap my other arm behind her and shove her up onto my lap, my jaw turning rigid when she settles down exactly where I need her to.

“Fallon,” I say, my voice way too deep. She nods up at me with a nervous expression and hell if that doesn’t make me grip her tighter, press her down harder. “Remember when you came over here a while back, when we were throwing a house party? I had you in my room and I told you that there was something that I needed to tell you?”

“Yeah,” she says, her hands resting on my shoulders.

I splay both of my palms against the small of her back, pressing her warm body up against mine.

Then I bite the bullet.

“I haven’t done this before,” I murmur. “Not just the dating thing, or the girlfriend-boyfriend thing. I’m talking about…” I take a hold of her hips and gently force her down into my lap, rubbing her up and back over the thick length of my dick. She swallows quietly and her lashes flutter closed.

My cheeks have turned ruddy, nervous about how she’s gonna respond to what I’m silently telling her, but she wraps her arms tighter around my neck and buries her face into the side of it. I roam my hands down from her hips so that I can grip into her soft behind, taking a deep inhale of her hair as I begin palming her more firmly.

“Are you being serious?” she whispers, her fingers leashing into my hair. “You’ve never been… physically intimate before?”

I nod against her before pressing a kiss to her temple. “Yeah, baby,” I murmur back. “I told you. I’m traditional.”

She nuzzles into me harder, her full breasts squishing against my rigid pecs. “That’s why you’ve been wanting to go slow?” she asks. “Not because, like, you don’t want me?”

I huff out a laugh and then shove her down harder against my cock, rubbing us together at a quicker pace than before.

“I don’t wanna go slow,” I pant quietly. “I want you in my bed, right now. But I want our first time to be real special, and I don’t wanna ruin it by needing to spurt my load after the first three thrusts.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Fallon whimpers and drops limply against my pecs.

“Jesus,” I mutter, swiping my wrist over my forehead. “If I find out that you like it when I say stuff like that, I’m fucking done for.”

She releases a tiny pained laugh against my throat. I stroke my palm over her jaw and she leans into the warmth of my touch.

“I also, uh… I want you to be mine before we do it. I don’t want this ‘no labels’ shit. I wanna put labels all over you.”

She peeks up at me with the cutest smile that I’ve ever seen.

“What kind of labels?” she asks.

“Girlfriend, fiancée, wife – you know the sort.”

She laughs in delight and I flip her down onto the cushion beside us, pinning her on her back as I push my groin against her lap.

I jerk my chin at her as she struggles playfully. “You gonna be my chick or what?”

She throws her head back and laughs uncontrollably, her eyes squeezed shut, and her cheer jumper rides up right beneath the cups of her bra. I get one look at her smooth belly, her tiny waist, and I sit up between her thighs, pressing my palms into her naval.

“You want kids?” I ask her, and something excited flashes through her eyes. She bites into her smile as she looks up at me towering over her.

“I’ve never thought about it before,” she admits in a happy breathless whisper.

I rub my thumbs into her harder. “I think about it all the time.”

I smirk when I see her pulse fluttering like crazy in her neck and, unable to stop myself, I lean down to kiss it.

She wraps her arms around the breadth of my shoulders and whispers, “How many babies do you want?”

A silent laugh rumbles through my chest as I start slowly kissing my way across her collarbone. “You don’t wanna know.”

She shivers hard and this time I laugh out loud.

“I’m one of six, Fallon,” I remind her quietly, leaning up on one of my forearms so that I can look at her pretty face. She looks like she’s on the brink of passing out. “I’ve grown up with baby after baby after baby. I’m real good with kids.”

She swallows and asks, “So you want… six kids?”

I grin down at her. “Why limit ourselves?”

Her eyes widen and I press my face against her neck, laughing quietly.

“I’m only kidding, baby,” I murmur, even though I literally want as many babies as she’ll let me pump inside of her. I kiss at her cheeks and then, when I reach her mouth, she leans slightly up for me, wanting it as much as I do.

I kiss her gentle and chaste until she starts rubbing her lap against mine, making my swollen cock even harder than before. I slide my tongue slowly into her mouth, groaning when her fingers slip their way up my shirt. I pull back, gratified as fuck to hear her panting, and then I rip my shirt clean off over my head. I stuff it down the back of the couch before pressing my full bodyweight on top of her.

“I can’t have you on the road when the weather’s like this,” I tell her as she grips at my pecs, her cheeks all pink.

“I already said I don’t mind staying on the couch,” she whispers, pulling me back down so that I can fill her up with my tongue again.

“Not happening,” I murmur back to her. “You know you’re taking my bed.”

She clutches me tighter and her jumper slides up over her tits again. Without looking, I yank the hem back into place, my neck burning red.

“Your bed is big enough for the both of us,” she points out, before whispering tauntingly, “and I am very small.”

I tuck my tongue in the side of my cheek, knowing damn well what she’s doing.

I snicker and shake my head, running my palms along the waistband at the back of her joggers. “Yeah, I bet you’re real small everywhere.”

Then she lets out a shriek of laughter as I shove my hands down her pants, giving myself two big handfuls of her sexy cheerleader ass. Her thighs fall wider around my hips as I knead her soft little mounds and my eyes drop to her chest, knowing exactly what I wanna get my hands on next.

“You wanna share the bed?” I ask her, palming my way up to her waist.

“We don’t have to do anything,” she whispers. “Just this. Just kissing.” She brushes the backs of her fingers down my abs, all the way to the drawstring on my joggers.

I stifle a low groan.

“It’s been a long day, we probably both need time to think through what we’ve told each other. And” – she shrugs – “I kind of like that you want to go steady with me.”

I stare down at her, my breathing uneven, before finally nodding.

It’s hard to want to go steady with Fallon when her little pussy has been warming my cock for the past ten minutes, but I nod anyway because I want to make our first time together special. Binding. Not on the spur of the moment on the couch while I’ve got a game on in the background.

Although, being honest, fucking her on the couch is definitely on my to-do list.

“Okay,” I rasp. “We’ll both sleep in my bed, but we’ll take it steady.” I press a firm kiss against her cheek and a shiver runs through her body. “Should I get my laptop so we can download a movie?”

She shakes her head and glances at the hockey game still playing on the box.

“I don’t mind watching this. I mean, I obviously have no clue what’s going on,” she laughs, “but that’s okay. I’ll need to, uh… I’ll need to get my glasses though.”

Every drop of blood in my body rushes south.

“Get them,” I say hoarsely.

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