Pinkie Promise (Carter Ridge Book 1)
Pinkie Promise: Chapter 25

I reach up with a groan, tucking one of my hands behind my head and tangling the other up in Fallon’s soft hair. Her flushed pink cheek is squished against one of my pecs and her arms are draped loosely over my shoulders.

I stroke firmly at the back of her neck and she releases a tiny moan, making the muscle between my thighs thicken and throb.

Easing my hand from its position between me and the pillow, I take a quick peek under the covers and bite back a smirk.

Fallon’s legs are wrapped around one of my thighs and her little ass is out, looking all round and tempting.

She’s soft, spent, and totally fucking naked.

I drop the quilt cover back down so that it’s covering her up to her chin and I fumble quietly on the dresser beside us so that I can grab my cell. I need to order her breakfast from the local Door Dash service before we get an Uber back to the coach.

I remember what she liked when we were snowed in at the hockey house so I order two coffees, both for Fallon, and then I browse the food options, searching for something that looks good enough for her. The delivery time is fifteen minutes so once I’ve sent the payment I toss my phone back onto the cabinet, and this time I slip my hand under the sheets, getting a handful of Fallon’s behind, and then scooping her up my body until she’s close enough for me to kiss.

I press a long kiss against her forehead and she’s immediately stirring, her nipples rubbing up against my chest and making my cock flex against her thigh. I palm firmly at her cheeks while stroking my other hand up and down her throat, pressing a series of kisses down her face as her arms begin tightening around my shoulders.

“Hey, beautiful,” I murmur, breathing out a laugh when she starts rubbing herself against my abdomen. My testosterone levels are suddenly off the damn charts.

She peeps up at me with her big sparkly eyes and I cup my hands around her jaw so that I can kiss the life out of her. A deeply satisfied sound rumbles in my chest as she palms at my pecs, getting me even hotter for her than I already was.

I roll her onto her back and her hair fluffs up around her face.

“Best night of my life,” I grunt, as I give her a savouring once-over. I give her waist a little squeeze before rubbing at her jaw again. “Tell me how it was for you. I gotta know, Fallon.”

She does a belly-quivering half sit-up to reach my mouth making me smirk a little as I let her kiss me.

“So so so good,” she whispers, her lashes fluttering like crazy and one of her hands moving between us to try and get me back inside of her.

I drop my face to her neck and take a big shoulder-swelling inhale.

“Condom,” I remind her, reaching blindly to the dresser for the only condom out of the nine that we didn’t use last night.

Yeah, it’s been a long night.

I grab it between two digits and then slap it down onto the bed beside us, trying not to get even more excited as I think about all of the stuff that we did in the last twelve hours.

One of Fallon’s hands cups my jaw and suddenly she’s kissing around the cut on my cheekbone, making me groan at how damn sweet she is.

“Baby,” I murmur, pulling away to stop her. I press my knuckles against the cut and flinch slightly, although the pain is barely there and it’ll fade in a day or two.

I go to shift off of her so that she doesn’t have to look at it but she pulls me down hard, making me huff out a laugh. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

“Is it bruised to shit?” I mumble as she goes back to kissing around the area.

She pauses for a beat before she answers. “It’s a little bruised,” she admits quietly, “but the cut has pretty much healed. And, you know, it looks kinda…” She shrugs her shoulders coyly and then starts squirming when I raise my eyebrows at her.

She’s into how I look when I’m roughed up?

“You like that?” I ask her, smirking when she starts laughing, covering her blushing face with her hands. “You like your man a little rough around the edges, huh?”

I bite my teeth into her neck and she squeals with laughter, kicking playfully at my back as I rub my big palms around her tits. I squeeze her roughly, the way she’s wanting it right now, and she moans in delight, making me thrust up against her thigh.

I release her throat and tower over her. I jerk my chin and ask, “One more round until we go get the coach?”

But before she can answer there’s a sharp rap at the door, and her eyes fly up to mine, another giggle slipping past her lips.

Biting back her smile she gives me a mock-scared wide-eyed look and gasps, “Oh no, do you think that it’s the pyjama police?!”

I grin down at her naked body and roll her onto her belly, yanking her hands behind her back as she howls with laughter.

“Better not be,” I growl, “otherwise you’d be under arrest.”

“You wouldn’t allow it!” she squeals. “I have the right to remain panty-less!”

I bury my face in her hair, addicted to how cute she is, but suddenly I’m groaning because my cock has slipped right between her thighs, and now the head of my shaft is getting a good taste of just how wet she is.

“Damn right I wouldn’t allow it,” I murmur, pressing a hard kiss against her cheek before heaving myself off of her. I need to pull back before we actually do start getting hot and heavy without a condom.

She peeks up at me from over her shoulder, all sparkly eyed, and I give her ass an affectionate spank before I climb off the bed and toss the sheets back on top of her.

“Ordered you breakfast for before we head back to Carter Ridge,” I explain, pulling on my boxers and jeans and then yanking one of my white vests from my gym bag.

“What’d you order?” she calls out as I pull the vest down my chest, taking the stairs to the bottom floor two at a time. I jog to the front door, probably looking like I’ve just been doing exactly what I have just been doing, and I thank the guy as he passes me a cardboard cup-holder and a rolled-top brown paper bag with Fallon’s breakfast in it.

I jog back up the stairs and hold them up to Fallon once I’m back in the entrance to the bedroom.

Our future bedroom.

That realisation hits me like a damn truck.

I clear my throat as I take in the sight of Fallon half-sitting in the plush red blanket fort, her hair messy from getting fucked all night, and completely unaware that I’m over here borderline planning the rest of our lives together. With my neck turning crimson, I look quickly away from her, and place the cups and the take-out bag on the dresser by the jamb.

Then I close the door behind me and flick open the top button on my jeans.

“Coffee,” I tell her, pulling down my zipper as I make my way back over to her, “and I got you a stack of pancakes. That sound okay?”

She nods her head as I slightly lift up the quilt cover, hunching down beneath it and then settling myself between her thighs.

“That’s really sweet of you, thank you,” she says quietly as I begin kissing my way up her throat.

“No problem,” I murmur, my hands squeezing eagerly at her sexy hips.

“It’s a big bag though,” she whispers. “That’s got to be a lot of pancakes.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNovᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I smirk against her skin and say, “Yeah, probably.”

“I, uh… if I can’t finish them all please don’t think that I’m being rude.”

I pull back so that I can look down at her and she genuinely has a nervous expression on her face. As if it would bother me if she didn’t finish the whole damn box of pancakes.

It’s the strict parents thing, I can tell. I don’t even want to know how overbearing they were when she was living at home if she’s worried that her boyfriend will be angry at her if she doesn’t finish a meal.

“Fallon, have as much or as little as you want, okay?”

I brush a thumb over her cheek, wanting to ease the concern in her big eyes, so I try to take a more teasing approach to lighten up her mood.

“And, hey, I’m not gonna complain about you leaving me your leftovers.”

She twists up her lips, trying to hide her small smile, and she scrunches her nose as she prods at one of my biceps.

“Really?” she asks.

I give her the cockiest grin that I can and lean down so that my mouth is against her cheek.

“I’ll lick your plate clean, baby.”

She laughs and grabs my face so that I can crush my lips down on hers.

I shove my jeans and boxers down my thighs as I fumble for the condom. I grab it, spread out my knees and sit back on my haunches, towering over Fallon as I rip open the foil and begin rolling the rubber down my length.

She makes a hot little fuck me moan as I slide one hand beneath her hair, my other fist gripped tight around the base of my cock.

“You want it?” I ask her, loving the way that she can’t stop staring at my pecs, pumped and swollen beneath the vest.

“Please,” she whispers. “Please, I want it, yes.”

“Yeah?” I ask. “Eyes up here.”

Her eyes fly straight up to mine as I nudge the head of my shaft against her heat and then I’m slowly pushing my cock inside of her, making her back bow off the bed.

I drop my forehead against hers, breathing heavily as I slide it in.

Before we reach the last few inches I pull back again, teasing her with long languid strokes so that she can get used to the size before I start actually giving it to her.

She reaches up to press a small kiss to my cheekbone and I’m instantly fighting a smile, ducking down to take her lips with mine as I run my fingers through her hair.

“Was last night really the best night of your life?” she whispers, pink cheeked and panting, and I breathe out a laugh, nodding my head at her.

“Yeah,” I murmur. “It was the best night of my next life, too.”

She laughs happily and I encase my palms around both of her hips, starting to thrust it a little faster, a little deeper.

“Is this the vest that you wore w-when… when I saw you working at your daddy’s garage?” she pants, clinging onto me tighter as I pump her harder against the bed.

“Yeah,” I grunt, my eyes dropping to her bouncing tits. Holy fuckin’ shit. “M-maybe don’t use that word right now though,” I add, well aware that she knows which word I’m talking about.

“You like that?” she whispers, the smile evident in her sexy voice.

I laugh and then groan, my hands gripping harder to hold her in place. “I definitely fucking like it,” I murmur. “That’s why I’m beggin’ you not to say it right now.”

I pull up onto my haunches so that I can watch my girl take my pumps.

“Did you like that thing that we did last night?” I ask, jerking my chin at her.

She looks up at me with wide eyes, her cheeks turning red when she realises what I’m talking about. I’m saying it without saying it, because I want to make sure that she liked it just as much as I did before I do it to her again.

She grips her fists into the front of my vest, twisting it in her hands to make the dirt-stained cotton lift higher up my abs. Her lips pop open as she looks at the dark hair running down from my naval to my shaft and I thrust into her faster, my cock growing heavier by the second.

“Yes,” she whispers finally and I groan in relief, dropping down so that I can pin her to the bed with my chest. I capture her lips with mine before filling her up with warm strokes of my tongue.

She whimpers into my mouth and her body is instantly clenching, her thighs tightening around my middle as she ascends into her orgasm.

“Gonna let me do it again?” I ask, pumping her faster as she moans against my neck. I push one of her knees up against the pillow and she cries out my name, making me grunt and thrust messily, my sac smacking loud against her ass.

“Yes,” she pants. “Please, yes.”

I slip my tongue back inside of her mouth, rubbing her up as I finish her off, only pulling back to look at her when she falls limply against the sheets.

I pull my vest over my head and toss it beside us, knowing that we’re gonna need it on hand in less than a minute. Fallon’s lashes flutter sleepily as she lets herself stare at my chest, her hands reaching out tentatively as if she wants to touch me.

I grab her wrists in my fists and shove her hands right against my pecs, letting her grip and massage at me, my cock still wedged deep inside.

She moves her hips slightly and I smirk, rubbing my hands up and down her forearms.

“You sure?” I ask her, slow-pumping it in and out, keeping myself right on the precipice.

“Yeah,” she whispers, one of her hands stroking up towards my stubble.

I ease my cock out of her and Fallon immediately moans, struggling beneath me because she hates being empty.

“I know, baby,” I murmur as I roll off the condom, and then I sit back so that she can get a look at me bare.

I wrap my fist around myself and grimace as I look down, my shaft thick and heavy, the head already leaking.

I take one of Fallon’s hands and pull it down to my cock, wrapping her around it and gripping my fists over hers. Then I pump my dick against her belly and she bites her lip, whimpering loud.

“Keep making those sounds, baby,” I tell her, my voice deep and demanding. I shove our fists down to the base and piston my hips forward, my jaw turning rigid as I find a rhythm and start thrusting.

Fallon wraps her naked legs over the backs of my calves, spread wide in my jeans, and my eyes drop to her big breasts, those soft peaks driving me crazy. I immediately hunch down and take one of them in my mouth, tossing harder and faster as I suck at her sensitive pink nipples.

I move over to the other side, sucking at that one too, and I release one hand from my length so that I can palm her at the same time.

“Almost there,” I grunt, squeezing her tits while I toss myself. “You took it so well last night, all over these beautiful tits.”

“Hunter, p-please,” she moans, tugging at my hair and clawing at my back.

And I can’t take it anymore.

I groan hard, my thrusts pause, and then I’m jerking onto her belly in warm thick spurts.

She gasps and moans and writhes like I’m still inside of her.

My vision blurs as I start shooting it over her breasts, one hand pinning her down by her shoulder and the other frantically tossing my shaft.

“Baby,” I grunt, and she instantly pulls my face down to hers, letting me slip my tongue inside while I splatter the rest of my load against her pussy. “So good to me, baby,” I groan. “You’re so damn good.”

With one last tug, I drop heavily against her side. I wrap one arm under Fallon’s head and use the other to hold up the thick quilt cover, a satisfied sound rumbling up my throat as I look down at her beautiful body.

She looks up at me with those big eyes and I start pressing kisses against her forehead, wanting to reward her for being so good to me.

’Cause she’s covered in me. My girl is downright covered in me.

I lower my hand to her belly and rub my fingers through the mess. She tucks her face into the side of my neck and I roll heavily on top of her.

I’m aware that the coach leaves in just over an hour but that’s plenty of time for me to clean Fallon off and get her fed. I bury my face into her hair and feel my shoulders relax as I wrap my arms behind her back.

“Been wanting to ask you something,” I murmur, laughing as pushes my jeans all the way down my calves with her toes.

“Yeah?” she asks, her voice small and breathless.

“Yeah,” I say, kissing at her cheek.

This year is really important to me, and not only because it’s my final year at Carter U. It’s the year that I’ve been assigned as my team’s captain, it’s the year that I’m gonna get signed, and, to top it all off, it’s the year that the Carter Ridge Rangers are finally the favourites to win the NCAA Division I championship.

And I want Fallon to be there to watch it happen.

“Last night’s game was an important one for us. Not only because Larch Peak’s NHL team is where I want to get signed to, but because, uh…”

Shit, I’m nervous. I lean up on one of my elbows so that I can look down at Fallon’s face, scraping a hand down my jaw and willing my neck to not flush red.

I don’t exactly love the idea of telling Fallon about our team’s previous fuck ups, but in this instance it’s kind of intrinsic for what I want to ask her.

“Last year, Carter U got to the NCAA Frozen Four finals,” I tell her, brushing a curl away from her face. “And it was fucking amazing, baby. Our whole team was in shape, on point, and ready to go. The only problem was the team that we were playing against.”

I breathe out a laugh, shaking my head at the memory.

“Larch Peak U was the team that we were up against and they put on the dirtiest game that we’ve ever played. Tanner was our captain last year, and the only reason why he didn’t keep the post this year is because during the final game he ended up getting sent off. The Larch Peak U guys were fucking filthy and they fouled their way to a last second victory.

“We were pissed the hell off but shit happens, so we took the loss and decided to focus on next year – this year – which is why beating Larch Peak U’s ass last night was damn significant. With the Conference tournament games done and now that we’ve got those Larch Peak U fuckers out of the way, we’re the favourites to win the championship. The final is in March, which means that we’ve got just over a month to hold onto our position, but there isn’t a doubt in our minds that this year is our damn year. Which brings me to what I wanted to ask you.

“Last year the tournament’s Frozen Four – the semi-finals and the finals – were held here in Larch Peak. The rink that we lost the tournament on last year is the same one that we won the game in last night. But this year, we’re hosting. On our home turf, in Carter Ridge. You know how good that’ll be for us, baby?”

Fallon drops her eyes, looking shy and a little flustered. “Um, yeah… I mean, wow. I, uh… I actually kinda… I actually already knew about all of that.”

My eyebrows fly up and I blink down at her.

“Huh?” I ask, unable to stop myself from smiling. “You been researching us or something? How’d you know all of that?”

She meets my eyes, blushing, and warmth rips through my chest.

“N-no, not exactly,” she stammers, looking nervously to the side, but I swoop down and crush a kiss to her lips anyway, loving the idea of her keeping tabs on us. I’m not sure how Fallon will have gotten her hands on all of that inside information but I decide to push that thought to one side so that I can just relish in the idea of her being as into me as I’m into her.

I pull back panting and Fallon looks up at me with dazed eyes. I smirk down at her and then readjust my position between her thighs.

My shaft is ready for another pumping but with no condoms in arm’s reach I need to not press myself against her.

“Do you know where I was going with this?” I ask, stroking tenderly over the side of her belly. “Do you know what I was going to ask you?”

She shakes her head, still with that slightly nervous look on her face.

“I’m asking you to make sure that you’re free that night so that you can watch your man win the hockey championship, at home in Carter Ridge.”

I smile down at Fallon but she just stares up at me, unblinking.

After ten full seconds of her not giving me the confirmation that I wanted, I feel my cheeks beginning to burn, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot.

Have I read too deeply into this relationship? Am I coming off way too strong right now?

Fallon starts nibbling on one of her fingers, evidently a nervous tick.

The fact that she’s doing that now, when I’ve just asked her to come support me at the biggest game of my college career? Not a good sign.

She must realise from the way that I’ve turned rigid on top of her that I’m embarrassed as hell and feeling like a total idiot because she quickly stops biting on her finger and cups my jaw in her hands.

“Sorry, that was a weird reaction,” she says quickly, pulling my face down to hers so that she can press a few little kisses to my mouth. I close my eyes briefly, savouring the sweetness of her affection. “I would love to come to watch your game but I just… it might not be in the way that you think.”

I have literally no idea what that means.

Failing epically at not frowning I pull back from her and ask gruffly, “You think we won’t make it to the final or something?”

Her eyes go huge and she shakes her head. “No, of course not! I definitely, definitely, definitely think that you’ll make it to the final. That’s not it at all, I…” She suddenly smacks her palm down hard on her forehead, the sound so loud that my eyes go wide.

I pull at her wrist, forcing her hand away so that she can’t hit herself again.

“This isn’t coming out right,” she mutters, more to herself than to me. Then she looks deep into my eyes and says, “I will definitely come to your game, but I don’t want to say anything about it yet. Just… trust me, okay?”

She’s smiling up at me now, which makes me think that whatever is going on in her head is a good secret, not a bad secret, and I’m dying to know what it is, not wanting anything kept between us.

I stare down at her for a few long beats and then drop my head to the pillow, breathing out a nervous laugh.

“Okay,” I say, holding her tighter, even though I’m still a little unsure by her hesitant response. I trust Fallon completely and if she says that she’ll try to make it to the final, should we get there, then I’m going to choose to believe her, even if there’s obviously something that she’s thinking about that I’m not currently in on.

And from the way that she’s pushing my hand up her body, over the soft curve of her waist and up to her beautiful breasts, I know that she’s trying to reassure me. Trying to tell me that she’s mine, even if she’s got some kind of secret that she doesn’t want to tell me about right now.

“I trust you,” I murmur, before hefting my body off the bed, pulling Fallon right up with me, and then grabbing the box of condoms that we knocked off the dresser last night.

She lets out a happy squeak as I haul her lap up my abs and I suck hard at one of her nipples as I stride down the corridor and into the bathroom.

I kick the door shut and ease Fallon down my body, so that I can get the shower spray running and the foil packet torn open.

Then I smirk down at her and jerk my chin as she wraps her arms back around my shoulders.

“Get up here, baby.”

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