Pinkie Promise (Carter Ridge Book 1)
Pinkie Promise: Chapter 29

Damn if I didn’t wait it out as long as I could.

But after two hours of having Fallon’s perfect tits pressed up against my pecs, and slow-drinking my way through three bottles of beer, I have well and truly reached the end of my rope.

My dick is in physical pain and this whole cute girl-next-door thing that Fallon has going on really is not helping my situation.

“Baby,” I murmur, re-hoisting her up around my middle.

Her cleavage breaches the surface of the water and her breasts are so full and wet that I momentarily go fucking blind.

“Yeah?” she asks, smiling excitedly up at me.

She’s been so sweet today – doing this for me, being here with me – and I can’t believe how damn lucky I’ve become. Her eyes are all sparkly and her cheeks are flushed. I guess it won’t be from the alcohol because Fallon has had a grand total of four sips of beer, so I’m hoping that it’s more a sign that she’s as ready for some alone time as I am.

Seeing the heavy pump of my chest Fallon drops her chin to her clavicle and, looking up at me from under her lashes, she whispers, “Is there something that you need?”

I jerk my chin at her, my biceps flexing. I didn’t expect myself to still be kind of shy when broaching the subject of needing Fallon physically but here I am, my throat so damn tight that I can barely choke any words out.

“Yeah,” I rasp.

“And what exactly is it that you need?” she asks, trailing her fingertips teasingly over my shoulders.

Hell, there’s no point denying it. I lower my mouth to her cheek and murmur, “My girl, on her back.”

Fallon blinks quickly, her legs fumbling on my waist.

“Can I take you away now?” I ask, wincing slightly when my dick slaps against her inner thigh. I let out a pained laugh and admit, “I’m dying here, baby.”

Fallon glances quickly to our group and I follow her gaze.

Originally it was a game of water volley but, with Aisling and Tanner taking on the positions of team captains, it has since descended into a game of goddamn murder ball.

Fallon’s roommate fires the ball straight at Tanner’s skull, and he curses and dodges it before shooting her a burning glare.

Then he starts striding towards her.

“Oh Lordy,” Fallon says, immediately trying to swim over to Aisling. I grip my hands around her hips and heave her back against my abdomen.

Tanner is not about to hurt Aisling O’Malley. If anything, he’s probably about to tell her that he wants to kiss her. But seeing as Fallon is clearly concerned I shove her up the side of my body and intercept Tanner’s steps, pushing my palm against his shoulder so that he backs up.

His eyes snap straight to mine before they lower down to Fallon’s.

“What?” he asks her, before glancing briefly back over to Aisling.

“We’re about to go,” she explains, “but I can’t do that if I think that you’re about to… I don’t know, commit homicide? I can’t tell if you want to murder Ash or marry her and, honestly, both of those options are a little disturbing given the circumstances.”

Tanner levels her with a look. “Fallon, I want to fuck her brains out. Can’t put it any more simply than that.”

Fallon looks up at him open-mouthed, before flushing red and twiddling nervously with her blonde bun.

“Well, I… I’m not sure that this is the time or the place to… well, to f-word her brains out.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Tanner glances around at the pool filled with all of our friends.

“You think?” he asks dryly. “I’m not gonna do anything dumb, Fallon. Just… when it comes to meeting someone… sometimes it’s instant. And for Ash and me…” He glances in her direction and takes a deep calming inhale.

Fallon’s breathing pauses, taken aback. I rub my palm over her hip and give her a reassuring squeeze.

“Just ease up on it,” I tell him finally, because I can’t afford one more detour away from Fallon’s bedroom.

Tanner gives me a nod, mainly to placate Fallon. Really we both know that he’ll be tailing Aisling all night, trying to understand why she won’t give him another shot.

Tanner and I smack our shoulders together, and then I’m carrying Fallon out of the pool, grabbing her towel from the pile of my clothes and holding it around her as she walks to the chicks’ shower room.

I lean my bicep against the wall without breaching the entryway, my eyes raking up and down her beautiful body.

“I’ll be two minutes tops, and I’ll wait for you by the exit doors. Take as long as you need, baby.”

Fallon looks behind her, checking that we’re alone, and then she pushes up on her tip-toes to kiss me, gasping as soon as I slide my tongue inside of her.

I walk her backwards against the inside wall, my hands cupping her cheeks as I fill her up with my tongue. I lick her in a frenzy, groaning hard when she tries to meet my firm strokes with little sweet ones of her own.

“Not here,” I grunt, as she tries to push my hand down her panties. “I need to see your bedroom. Need to have you in there, baby.”

She huffs dramatically before she finally relents, shoving me roughly in the chest to try and get me to back up.

Awesome. I’m gonna die from this hard-on.

“Two minutes,” I repeat, before heading to the guys’ shower room.

I give myself the fastest hosing of my life, yank on the jeans that I came here in, and then I gather up my shit before standing at the doors like a bouncer, ready to toss Fallon over my shoulder and haul her ass to her bedroom.

To say that I’m excited to have her after our stint of no sex is the understatement of the damn century.

A minute later she leaves the girls’ shower room with her big towel wrapped around her body and a secret smile on her lips.

It’s only when I notice that her bikini is dangling from her fingers that I understand why she’s smiling like that.

My eyes almost bulge out of my head.

She’s wearing nothing beneath her towel right now? In front of my whole damn hockey team?

I close the distance between us, lift her up, and then thunder out of the room, my eyes sniper-focused on the silver lift in front of us.

She giggles quietly against my ear. I give her a nice firm spank over her towel.

“Technically, wearing a towel is more covered up than wearing a bikini,” Fallon says in that sweet voice of hers, looking up at me with her sparkly eyes before squishing her cheek against my shoulder.

I swallow hard and try not to let my palms slide any higher up her thighs.

“I hear the logic in what you’re saying, baby, but I’m finding it really fucking hard to think clearly right now.”

Fallon smiles cutely before giving me a playful bite on my pec.

My chest puffs out like a damn animal.

The elevator dings at Fallon’s floor and I punch the open button like my life depends on it.

“You’re excited,” she smiles.

“You’re telling me,” I grunt.

She hums contentedly as I walk us to her door.

“Key?” I ask her as soon as I remember that we aren’t at my place.

Seeing as she doesn’t have any clothes on I’m guessing that she’s forgotten her key, but that’s not a problem because I’m more than happy to bust her door down.

“On top of the sconce,” she murmurs sleepily.

My breathing pauses in my throat.

“What’s that now?” I ask, leaning back so that I can see if she’s joking.

She meets my eyes and instantly realises that that was the wrong answer.

“Uh…” she breathes shyly, dropping her gaze down to my chest.

I don’t want her to feel bad about it and no way am I going to lecture her on it, but I’m not exactly jumping for joy that she left a spare key outside of her front door.

I reach above the sconce, swipe the key, and let us in.

“Please don’t do that again,” I murmur, using the key to re-lock the entry from the inside. Then I toss the key on the kitchen counter and set Fallon down on her feet so that she can choose our next move.

“I won’t,” she mumbles, looking sulky.

Her expression makes me laugh, causing her to look up at me like a wounded kitten.

“Hey, I’m not mad at you, baby,” I tell her, dropping my clothes on the side of her couch as she carefully walks backwards. I put my hands back over her waist as she takes us closer and closer to her bedroom door. “I want you safe. You’re my priority.”

She nods her head, one of her fists toying with the front of her towel.

“Have I pissed you off?” I ask her, as her back thuds against her doorframe. I want her so badly right now but her little flash of shyness has me thinking that I should ease up. We don’t have to do anything if she doesn’t want to. I’d be the happiest man on the planet if she’d just let me hold her.

“No,” she says, quiet and slow. “I’m just… nervous… about showing you my room.”

My eyebrows rise because that is not the response that I was expecting.

“What’re you nervous for?” I ask, pressing our foreheads together. Her bedroom could be a moat-guarded vampire lair and I’d still be stoked as fuck for her to let me inside.

She must be able to sense my thoughts because she gives me one of her dimply smiles.

“You feelin’ shy about showing me your Baby Yoda shrine or something?” I ask her teasingly, and she laughs out loud, turning in my arms so that she can push her door open.

Her room is beautiful. It’s a perfect continuation of the living area, with mauve walls and warm sconce lights, a plush little bed in the centre of the small space, making it look cosy and full.

There just isn’t much of Fallon in here. There’s a tidy stack of school work on her desk, next to a small pile of paperbacks, but she doesn’t have an excess of clothes spilling out of the dark cherry-wood dresser or pictures from home taking up her windowsill.

She wasn’t kidding when she said that school is her life. One look at her room and it’s as clear as day.

“What size bed is that?” I ask, looking for something neutral to talk about as she tentatively steps inside.

Fallon turns around and tugs me in by my hand, making my chest swell victoriously with the knowledge that she needs this as much as I do. She gently pushes the door shut behind us and I feel practically high.

“It’s princess size,” she admits, brushing a little curl away from her temple. She wraps her free arm around my neck so that she can drag me down to start kissing her.

“Fitting,” I murmur. Then I growl out, “Show me the shrine.”

Fallon practically falls over laughing and then, to my absolute fucking delight, she actually pulls me over to her wardrobe, opens the door, and there at the back is a small collection of Baby Yoda pictures, grainy as hell because she obviously printed them on a college printer.

“Can’t deny it. Knowing that you’re a secret nerd gets me fucking going, baby.”

I slip my hands beneath her towel so that I can start rubbing my palms over her belly.

“D-do you have… you know… protection?” she asks shakily as she closes her wardrobe door.

I smile smugly against her cheek, one of my palms still underneath her towel, and I dip my other hand into my front pocket as we move over to her bed. I pull out a handful of rubbers and toss them down onto her sheets.

“Told you I’d keep you protected,” I remind her as I pull back her quilt cover so that she can climb up underneath it.

My eyes suddenly land on the jersey that I gave her for Christmas, stashed half-hidden beneath her pillow. My dick immediately grows heavier, the muscles in my legs becoming tense.

“Do, uh…” I clear my throat hard, my voice so deep that it makes Fallon squeeze her thighs together. “Do you sleep in my jersey?” I ask her, my irises now completely swallowed up by my inked-out pupils.

“Maybe,” she whispers.

Hot fucking damn. I think I just grew another five inches. “Tell me that you wear it every night,” I demand.

She gives me a sweet little smile and then she whispers, “Make me.”

I groan long and low as I shove Fallon’s towel from her body. My dick swells painfully as I stare down at her breasts and she lifts her arms in the air as she unties her little bun.

Her hair cascades over her golden shoulders and she almost ends my fucking life when her curls bounce against her nipples.

“Fallon,” I rasp, my fingers instinctively unzipping my jeans. I kick my pants off my legs and fumble blindly for one of the condoms. Fallon sits daintily down in the centre of her bed, her feet tucked under her ass and her arms braced in front of her, squeezing her breasts together.

I quickly blink away from them, dropping my eyes down to my dick as I roll up the rubber, trying not to pre-come before I’m even inside of her.

I drop the foil packet to the floor and heave up onto Fallon’s bed, the springs groaning loudly beneath my knees.

Looks like this soft princess mattress isn’t used to taking the weight of a six-foot-four hockey captain.

Pink-cheeked and giggling nervously Fallon clambers over to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and her thighs around my groin.

Holy fucking shit. I push her onto her back and fall heavily on top of her, and my brain damn near explodes as my cock slaps against her belly.

“You’re not tipsy, right?” I ask her breathlessly, scanning her eyes to make sure that she isn’t inebriated. “Like, you can still consent? If you can’t, just say so and I’ll stop right now.”

She pulls me down for a kiss, moaning when I slip my tongue inside of her.

“I’m not tipsy,” she whispers. “I barely had a sip.”

I grunt, pleased, and after a moment she asks nervously, “Do you?”

“Do I what?” I rasp.

“Do you consent? Are you… tipsy?”

I pull back for a second, surprised by her question. I’m a little buzzed but, at my size, three beers barely scratches the surface.

“Baby,” I pant, “I consent so fucking hard.” To emphasise my point I wrap her fist around my definitely-sober rock-hard dick. “The only thing that I’m drunk on is you. Let me have you,” I say gruffly, hunching low so that I can kiss my way down to her tits. I push them together with my palms and suck roughly at her nipples.

Her back arches off the mattress and I look up to see her nod.

I release her with a pop and push her all the way to the top of the bed, getting her nice and comfortable on the pillows as I align myself up with her heat. Leaning on my left forearm I look down at her body, her hair spilling all around her face and her pulse fluttering wildly in her neck.

Keeping her in place, I start to slowly push inside.

“You don’t have to admit it, Fallon,” I murmur as she moans beneath me, “but it’s satisfying as hell to think about you wearing my jersey while you’re in bed. Knowing that my name’s on your back during the nights that I’m not.”

I breathe out a laugh and thrust roughly inside of her, ripping a grunt from my chest as she gasps and writhes beneath me.

“Your future name,” I rasp out as I drop my forehead to her temple.

“You c-can’t say things like that,” she whimpers, digging her nails into the thick muscles of my back.

I reach behind me to grab the quilt cover and I shove it up over the top of us, blocking the rest of the world out. It’s just her and me, one-hundred percent focused on each other.

I hear the condoms that I’d tossed onto the quilt splatter down to the floor and I shove my tongue in my cheek, trying not to think about what my brain is conjuring up. Namely, the idea of forgetting all about those condoms after we finish this round, and then spending the rest of the night going at it bare.

I lean down so that I can kiss her, exhaling roughly as I slide back inside.

“I’ve missed you so much, baby,” I groan, one of my hands tangled up in her hair. Her thighs fall slack from around my middle and my abdomen swells. I’m always going to be hungry for the feeling of her body going soft beneath me.

I withdraw slightly and then thrust it in a little deeper, keeping a few inches back so that I can tease her pussy.

“This is all for me, isn’t it baby?” I ask, squeezing at her waist and building up a little tempo. “Every inch of you, Fallon. This beautiful body is all mine. And now you’re going to take every inch of me.”

Fallon digs her nails hard into the back of my neck, moaning for me as she pulls me down and communicating to me in kisses. Soft gentle ones that tell me she is all mine, followed by her pained little sounds telling me to give her what she wants, this damn second.

With shaking fingers she pushes up my hand to her breast and before I can think about it I’m shoving myself inside to the hilt.

“Hunter!” she whimpers, and a growl leaves my chest.

Hearing her gasp out my name is the best sound in the goddamn world.

“Can’t believe I’m having you in your bed,” I rasp, rolling my hips into her again. I knock her knees wider apart so that she can make more room for me and I thrust harder between her thighs. “Can’t believe you’re letting me pump this perfect pussy.”

Fallon makes an anguished sound, barely able to keep her thighs around my hips as she moans, “I’ve m-missed you s-so much, Hunter.”

“God, I love hearing that.” I try not to grunt as I slant my mouth over hers, licking our tongues firmly together. “Might be the last day I let you spend in this condo, baby. After tonight, we’re moving you into my place.”

“Hunter,” she laughs, but then she’s moaning again as I shove her thigh backwards and begin pumping her faster. Her heat makes wet little sounds that have me groaning into her hair.

“This is everything that I think about, Fallon,” I rasp, massaging firmly at the back of her knee. “You taking me. You being mine. I’m gonna look after you, Fallon. You know that, right?”

I’m not the biggest talker in the world and Fallon hates communication even more than I do, but sometimes some things are too important to not be said.

I look deep into Fallon’s beautiful eyes, a resounding sense of responsibility spreading through my chest as she lets me take the lead with her, trusting me to be the kind of man in her life that she’s never had before.

The kind who will put her first and lift her up, instead of holding her back and pushing her down.

“I’d never ask that of you,” she whispers, her voice so light and sweet that I can’t help but kiss hungrily at her lips.

“Don’t have to,” I tell her. “You need cash or another place to stay, you come to me for that. Grant or no grant, once I get that NHL cheque I’ll be the one who can put you through school. And when you’ve accomplished that goal you’ll get your ass back to Larch Peak and start warming our bed. Ours, Fallon. You and me.”

I tower over her, working her pussy, and I allow myself to savour the fact that she already is being taken care of by my family’s money. She doesn’t even know it yet but it’s our money that’s keeping her financed, keeping her fed. I know that I should have told her about it weeks ago but I don’t want to risk her refusing the help when I want to give it to her so fucking much.

“H-Hunter,” she says breathlessly, her breasts bouncing like crazy beneath my pecs.

I jerk my chin at her, my eyes zoned in on those plush tits.

“Oh God, oh God, d-did you just… did you just get bigger?”

My cock jerks, making me slap it in extra sloppy, and I clear my throat hard, not expecting that question. Our gazes lock for a moment before I drop my eyes from hers. My whole face is on goddamn fire.

“…No,” I lie, fucking mortified, because I did not think that she was gonna notice that.

Seeing right through me she pleas, “H-how is that even possible?”

I make a gruff sound, shaking slightly as I reposition myself so that I can take her from a steadier angle.

“You, uh… you sure you wanna know?” I ask, trying to pace my thrusts when really I just want to pound her.

I mean, I’ll happily tell Fallon why she just made my dick get even bigger but I’m not exactly a pro at dirty talk yet, plus I only wanna do it if I know that she likes to hear it.

“Mm-hm,” she nods, squirming when I drive back inside her again.

“Okay,” I say, sitting up and back on my haunches. I look down at where we’re joining and shove a hand through my fringe. “Uh, I get, uh… I get harder when I fully, you know… take in the sight of you. When I lift up and see you panting beneath me, letting me stroke you up with” – I swallow hard, disbelieving that I’m telling her this right now – “with a thick, dirty cock… and you’re so hot and tight and–”

Fallon releases a high-pitched moan, making my eyes flash down to hers like a bolt of damn lightning.

“This okay?” I ask her. “Me, talkin’ like this?”

It’s been weeks since our first… ten times, and I want to re-solidify the fact that she likes me talking like this before I let out any more Carter Ridge country filth on her.

She bites into her lower lip, laughing nervously.

“Yeah,” she says, and now I’m smiling too. Smushing kisses into her cheeks to make her wriggle and laugh wildly. Then she makes a cute little sound, humming prettily for my full attention, and she gives me a shy look before saying, “More, please.”

I grunt and cock up one of my quads so that I can quickly squeeze my balls, my sac heavy as hell after that sexy little request.

“More, huh?” I ask, flashing her a smirk as she giggles beneath me.

Damn, she’s cute.

“Okay, baby,” I tell her. “Gonna flip you over. Sort you out from the back.”

She gasps as I slip it out of her and in the next second she’s pinned down on her belly.

My quads tense and flex as I peruse her bent over position, feeling every bit the two-hundred-and-twenty pound man that I am.

I grip my palms around her hips, rubbing them firmly up to her waist as my eyes rake over her perfectly rounded behind. My pecs swell and heave as I align myself with her pussy, my chest shoving down on her back as she whimpers in anticipation.

“This is all mine, isn’t it baby?” I murmur, driving my hips forward and grunting when my groin slaps against her cheeks.

My whole world splinters.

I withdraw and hit it again.

“Hunter,” Fallon whimpers breathlessly, and I groan and lick the curve of her neck.

I grab a fistful of her soft hair, tugging her head back, and I almost smirk as she moans for more.

“Our first time fucking like this,” I pant, feeling like a goddamn beast as I jerk her roughly into her pillow. “First time taking my girl on her hands and knees. You like it or what?”

I pull her head back harder so that I can gauge her response and she lets out a whimper so pretty that I shoot out a whole damn spurt of pre-come.

“Yes,” I rasp, dropping my body on top of her, and wrenching her hips back into my lap as I pump her faster. “Not gonna last,” I grunt, my temples pounding. “N-next time, I’ll last longer. I’ll get better, baby, I promise I’ll get better.”

Fallon wriggles her soft tush, silently asking me to lift and let her move, and when I give her an inch of space she turns her face to meet mine. She’s sparkly eyed and moaning, but it’s her beautiful blush that sends me over.

I swoop forward, kissing her, and then I’m grunting down her throat, the pressure in my balls finally snapping and releasing a flood of pleasure-pain.

“Sorry – fuck – sorry,” I groan, burying my face in her neck as my hips pound her fast and furious.

I roam my palms up her front so that I can massage her tits, and her pussy tightens around my shaft, making me curse and rub her faster.

“Told you I was gonna hit it from the back and play with these tits at the same time,” I say hoarsely, stroking gruffly over her nipples, breathing hard against her neck.

I jerk my hips harder, addicted to the feeling of finishing inside my girl, and Fallon’s hands fumble up to meet mine, making me grope her breasts more roughly.

I suck in a sharp breath and finish like a motherfucker, releasing long warm surges as I greedily caress her breasts.

“These tits,” I groan, not letting up my strokes until Fallon is crying out my name and shuddering violently on my cock. “I love everything about you so much, baby,” I tell her, still pinning her body hard against her bed. “I love these tits, and this belly, and these soft spreadable thighs. And – goddamn – your tight little pussy?”

I squeeze her breasts and she whimpers into her pillow.

“I love every fucking inch of you Fallon,” I tell her, kissing relentlessly at her cheeks. “I love you, Fallon. I fucking love you.”


Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I should have said it weeks ago, but now that she knows I can’t stop fucking saying it.

“I’m so in love with you,” I tell her, pressing my forehead against her temple. “Didn’t know what it’d feel like but I know now. You’re the one, Fallon. You’re my girl, you’re the one.”

When I pull back I see that her eyes are shining, wide and sparkling, with surprised tears that are about to overflow.

“Hey, hey,” I murmur quickly, immediately pressing kisses to her lips. “I didn’t mean to overwhelm you. Don’t cry, baby. I love you, please don’t cry.”

She looks stunned. A round tear falls down her cheek as she blinks up at me, her lips parted.

“Hey, what is it?” I ask her, kissing gently at her jaw. “It’s okay, baby. Tell me.”

Finally she whispers, “No one’s ever said that to me before, Hunter.”

It’s instantaneous. As soon as the words leave her lips I’m immediately kissing her, slow and sweet, hoping that she can feel how deeply I love her.

“I’m going to tell you how much I love you every day,” I say to her, “every morning, and every night, baby.”

I lace both of our hands together, hers so small in mine, and I kiss the tips of each of her fingers.

“The second that I saw you in that hallway in October I knew that, really, I was the one who was gonna fall for you. I could feel it in my chest, Fallon, and since that day it’s only grown stronger. It hurts so fucking much, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. You’re the love of my life, and my love is unconditional.”

I feel her fingers twitch between mine and suddenly I’m smiling, lifting her whole hand up to my mouth and pressing an extra hard kiss to her pinkie.

She lets out a gentle laugh, already knowing what I’m going to say, but I say it anyway, because it’s the truest thing I’ve ever said.

“I love you, Fallon, and that’s never going to change.” I squeeze her pinkie in mine and murmur, “I promise.”

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