
For two days Reyna couldn't go to the dungeon, guilt wouldn't let her,even though she had access to the dungeon whenever she went for training. But Reyna didn't. Chloe's and the girls were more excited about the training considering they were all closer to graduation. Reyna watches the girls practice between themselves for whatever reason Reyna was the only one who was allowed to touch the men she, Sabrina and the other rose trainer.

Reyna had always wanted to ask why the girls are not allowed to touch the men. But she hadn't gotten the chance and right now she didn't care to know.

They kissed and touched each other which Reyna was never allowed to do with the girls, it didn't mean the girls were interested in each other, though she wouldn't blame them if they were. To them it was just training. Reyna watches as Olivia sucks on Chloe's nipple first one then the other.

Chloe arch her back in ecstasy clutching Olivia to her- Olivia then releases the pink nipple and goes back to kissing her again, another girl had her tongue between Dani's legs licking her while Dani writhed.

The other girls were all in different levels of intimacy with each other. Others practice with a fake penis which Sabrina had told them was a dildo. Sabrina had also later joined playing with John and explaining more about sex to the girls. Reyna was grateful to Sabrina, she is more lenient than Reyna had thought. She knew If her mother knew she was letting her off, they'd both be in trouble.

To Reyna the lessons weren't as interesting as they used to be, all she wanted was to see her beast but she was afraid to see hate in his eyes that used to stare at her with adoration. On the third day after they had finished their lesson, Sabrina all dismissed them.

Reyna had pretended she was leaving, since the girls were with her. Reyna couldn't hide in her hiding spot and wait for John and Sabrina to finish fucking, as she know it's called before she could get to the dungeon.

Most of the girls don't live in the castle,they live in the village. They all said their byes before they parted ways after they left the village hall. Reyna had to make sure they were all gone, before she turned around and went back inside the village hall and hid. It didn't take long before Sabrina and John also left holding hands, Reyna had long been suspicious of their relationship.

She thinks they are in love which might get them in trouble if they were ever found out. Reyna prays Cassandra never finds out, she likes them both. Reyna took the meat, and cookies she'd brought her beast and the candle she always carries to light her and walked through the tunnel to the dungeon.

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There was no sound, no growling, nothing when she arrived at the dungeon. No Kitten uttered in that deep guttural voice that used to make her wet. Reyna thought he was sleeping. Then she remembered what Cassandra had said, he was to be interrogated, in other words tortured that too by none other than Doctor Elizabeth who is a scalpel happy witch.

Her stomach sank with dread, horrible images of doctor Elizabeth digging her scalpel deep inside her beast stomach came to her mind but Reyna quickly banished it. She rushed to the barred iron of his cell. She exhaled, relieved that he was here, not with Lisa and Elizabeth getting tortured.

"I didn't take you for a lazy beast you know. I'm leaving if you don't wake up." Reyna teased waiting for his familiar growl, but unfortunately it never came. She bangs the barred door of his cell but he doesn't move.

Reyna stood deliberating whether or not she should just leave. She lit his prone body with her candle and saw that there's something black on the cobblestones. She squinted her eyes and they widened when she realized what she had thought was black was actually red. It was blood! Her heart squeezed with terror.

Without thinking of her safety, Reyna squeezed in her body through the barred iron. She was surprised her body was able to fit in between two of the long iron rods, it was her butt that gave her a hard time, as it was thicker than the rest of her. Reyna placed the lit candle on the cold stone and tried to turn the beast around. Damn he was heavy. A freaking building.

It took her a while before she could turn him sideways, he gave a pained groan/moaned. Reyna sat down, panting and huffing, then grimacing when she finally saw his face completely caked in his blood. Tears sprang to her eyes, there were cuts all over his body.

Even his beautiful golden hair was dyed in his blood, but the worst was the crudely long gash as long as her hand from wrist to fingers-that had been sewn with thread neatly it looked like a letter Y had been carved out of his body. His upper body wasn't glowing like it should, his inner glow has dimmed. Unbidden Reyna tears fell. Her beast is going to die just like the other one.

She put her ears to his chest and felt his chest rise, his heartbeat was slow, his breathing was uneven and sounded strange, more rattling. He needs a doctor, but Reyna was sure a doctor had a hand in this state he was in.

The cuts and neatly sewn flesh were doctor Elizabeth handy work. Reyna didn't like this new Elizabeth; she hated her. Has she always been like this? Or did what the beasts did to the guards changed her? Reyna needed water to clean his wounds to make his death a little less painful,since she couldn't help his brother.

An image of her smashing doctor Elizabeth's brains out flash in her mind. Reyna should have been appalled by her violent thoughts, but surprisingly she wasn't the thought pleased her because if her beast really died there was a chance she could kill doctor Elizabeth. A growl sounded deep inside her. Reyna startled, her eyes darted quickly to her beast but he was still comatose. Then where did the growl come from? She shook her head and concentrated on her beast.

Reyna mentally makes a list of things she would need. Clean clothes, medicine, food and drinking water, also an extra candle. She stood up and scooted her butt out of the barred iron and hurried back to the servants quarter. She was light on her feet as she went to the kitchen and got everything she needed, except for the medicine.

Reyna know had some left in her room, but she was afraid of getting caught by the guardians. She hid all the things she had gotten under the stairs and ran up to her room, hiding whenever whenever she heard people coming until she finally got inside her room.

She was lucky her Nana had gone to sleep in her room. Reyna got the medicine from the shelves, it was a little plastic container with big rounded pills inside, she took one of those whenever Cassandra punished her and she was beaten within an inch of her life or when she had a fever. The other container has an ointment for wounds, burns and bruises.

She was lucky enough to not have gotten caught on her way back to the dungeon. Reyna used the clean clothes and water to clean up his face, hair and body by the time he was decently clean. The water has turned pinkish red. With the blood gone Reyna could see the extent of his injuries. It was much worse than she had first thought.

Reyna hand shook as she applied the ointments on the worst of his injuries including the slight bruise caused by the chains, the ointments weren't much. Her tears fell as growls kept rumbling inside her. Reyna didn't even seem to notice, she put half of the fever pills into clean clothes and grind it with a little rock.

Then she opened the cloth and poured the now powdered medicine inside a cup she had smuggled, and added in water. Reyna tried to force his mouth open, he growled low but was still weak.

She scrambled back cautiously and when he didn't make a move to grab her. She moved closer and he growled again. Reyna tried to be brave and didn't move back.

"Listen beast, I can't help you if you keep growling at me. Frightening me. I only want to help,okay?" she reached out to smooth his soft hair back from his face.

Luckily he didn't growl at her again, it was like her voice soothed him. She pried his mouth open and fed him the medicine, then leaned against the wall just watching him and growling, when she noticed his color was starting to go back to normal she sighs relieved and begins to pack everything she brought inside the bowl.

“Kitten?” It was a weak growl, Reyna felt her stomach fluttering when he said the name,he'd been calling her. It means he's coming around.

"Good beast, you're getting better." Reyna said, wincing. She was definitely lying, he's not healing, not even close, but she doesn't want him to feel bad about his health. If that makes sense. His mouth moves, he's saying something but it's so low it sounds like he's growling, she crouched closer to his mouth, and tucked her hair behind her ears.

"Not beast, Casvan. My name is Casvan." Oh! Reyna's heart skipped a beat. He's telling her his name. After weeks of asking him his name he'd finally told her. Casvan! Reyna smiled. It's a nice name, strange but nice. He didn't say anything more, Reyna decided she would stay with him just a little bit longer, then she would leave.

Casvan was truly gorgeous even wounded, he has massive shoulders and broad chest she wanted to stroke, even from where she was sitting she could see the bulge in his pants though unaroused was thicker and longer than John's. It frightened her as much as it made her curious, she wanted to see it and touch it maybe even suck on the head. Reyna quickly shook her head to dislodged that thought, her poor beast was wounded. Reyna close her eyes. I will only take a short nap. That was her last thought.


Fuck he hurt all over. He tried to open his eyes but they were heavy, the amazing smell of berries filled his nostril. He must be hallucinating to smell his mate's delicious smell, it's been three days since he'd last seen her. Did she think he would be angry with her for Javan's death? Casvan didn't blame her. He blamed her mother and the council though for their ignorance.

Casvan sat up wincing when his stitches pulled tight. Maybe he shouldn't have pushed that sadistic bitch of a doctor too far by calling her a quack who had no idea what a real doctor really is. Nah! He enjoys poking her. They thought he would bow down to them.

He was a king for fuck sake he wouldn't bow down to anyone, only his mate had the power to have him groveling on his knees, not that old bitch. He knows that not cowering or succumbing to his torturers methods of torture had made them extremely angry.

It was probably why they had killed Javan, they were different creatures, though from the outside they look humanoid and function the same way. They really weren't from the inside. Their life essence-what the human called the glow is proof of that.

They should be grateful he didn't want to harm them. His reasons for that were because women were already scarce and because of his mate. He didn't want to hurt her feelings in any way or form. And killing them will definitely hurt her.

Casvan was beginning to get his strength back. Soon he would be as good as new, he forced his eyes open, then they widened when he realized his mate was really here. That was why he smelled berries,she was sleeping, her back against the wall. His eyes fell on the things she had brought with her.

Things she used to care for him. Love for her swells in his heart. He remembers how she had spoken to him with a soft lilting voice and how he told her his name. It was long overdue.

She was close enough for him to touch her without the chains pulling at him. He carried her and hugged her to him,burying his nose in her hair and smelling her delicious scent. Casvan cock shot hard instantly he wanted to claim her so badly. To kiss her, lick and suck on her mouth before burying his tongue in her cunt and feasting on her, lick her until she comes for him again and again sating his hunger.

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