“Damn it Alaric! Answer me, why isn't she awake yet?” Casvan growled impatiently at his friend, running a wet cloth over his Kitten's face, neck and shoulder. Reyna has been in this inbetween state neither awake nor asleep for two days. Her body was hotter than the sun itself. She has been burning up with a fever for two days now.

They've tried everything to bring her temperature down but all have failed to help her. Casvan is besides himself with worry. He could feel her pain like it was his own, several times, he'd seen her almost change, only mid shift. Casvan wasn't surprised about this. He'd always sensed something special in her, a wild otherness that called to his own.

“I don't know why she's not awake yet Casvan, as you can see there's no visible scars or bruises on her body. She's completely healed. And the laceration in her chest is completely gone, though the meds helped with the pain it wasn't by much.”

“Then what am I supposed to do? She's not waking up,” he sounded so helplessly. Alaric had never saw this side of his king and they had been friends for a long time.

“I suggest you keep doing what you are doing. It's helping her, it's like when you are sick and you need a good deal of rest to heal, though her body has healed, her mental health needs to heal too. You did say she was tortured and drugged. When the result of the tests we conducted is out we will know how to proceed from there. I've already taken the sample of the drugs they injected her with to the lab, from all indications it's some kind of poison but we wouldn't be sure until we finish the investigation,” Alaric explained his findings.

“Call me when she wakes.”

Casvan only nodded, his entire focus on Reyna, he didn't even know when Alaric left the room. He kept vigil over her, changing the water when it became warm to cool water and rubbing her down, it was sometimes around dawn that Reyna's temperature finally normalized. Which was the only reason he gave in to his body demands.

He'd been locked up for weeks, drained of his blood, tortured and experimented on. He needs rest but with Reyna's condition he couldn't allow minor issues like that deter him from taking care of his own mate. However now that she's okay he could take a small nap.

Tomorrow he had to face the consequences of his actions. Casvan knows his mate would be angry with him. She might even feel like he'd betrayed her by attacking Marlenia. A little part of him held hope that she would understand why he did what he did.

He lay down close to her, being close here like this back in Dakhur with his mate on his bed. He felt satisfaction unlike any other, he felt like everything had settled in its rightful place. His eyes were fixed on her when he finally drifted off.

Something was poking him, shaking him. Casvan quick reflex kicked in, in a flash he held the hand poking him, instantly electricity crackled between them. His mate Reyna, she's awake.

Reyna had just woken up her body feels weak, but there was no pain. Her eyes trail down to the soft silky robe she's wearing, it was cool and so soft. Her mouth gape open when she saw the huge gaping wound on her chest right below her ribs had completely healed.

Shock stole her ability to speak, her eyes roam the room expecting to find herself still in the infirmary with that psycho dr Elizabeth and her minion Mark. Even as a vague memory of Casvan saving her flash in the back of her mind. That thought was eclipse by the sight of Casvan lying on his side on the same bed as her.

Reyna breath hitched, she had never seen him like this before, he had no shirt but a leather pants rode low on his waist, his long golden hair was clean and shone brightly though it was plaited, the tip tied with a strip of leather. That inner light illuminates the dark blue intricate tattoos in his arms, shoulders and chest.

He looks so big and fucking gorgeous,her heart ache just seeing him like this, free of his chains and shackles. He obviously bathed his natural scent was even stronger than before, making her want to lick his skin. Her stomach flutters with something wild, her heart pounding with that feeling she gets whenever she's with him.

The loud sound of water crashing against shore snapped her out of ogling Casvan.

Reyna's brow creased in confusion when she saw the view outside through the huge windows of the large lavish bedroom they were in. A waterfall was directly right outside the window though it was a fair distance away. A couple hundred feets maybe. Reyna was awestruck by this beautiful sight.

Instantly she realized she was no longer in Marl, there's nothing like this place in Marlenia, she would know, she'd snuck out more times than she could remember and roam the Queendom, and if it was in the place they weren't allowed to go Reyna could have heard of it. She decided to wake Casvan and ask him where he'd brought her. She poke him when her slap and pat didn't work.

“Where am I,” she said and watched as his eyes fluttered open, then widened with joy.

“Kitten, you are finally awake! How are you? How do you feel?” Casvan was excited, he couldn't hide his happiness, the sleep in his eyes was instantly gone. He touched her neck and forehead checking her temperature. He sighs relieved she doesn't have a fever.

“I feel…fine, just a little weak,” she tries to sit up, Casvan quickly helps her up, propping soft pillows behind her so she can lean on them comfortably.

“Where am I?” she asked again, her voice hoarse, her throat scratchy, she was suddenly so thirsty.

“Here, you need to drink some water, you have been unconscious for three days. You must be parched,” Casvan said, carrying a jug from the bedside table and pouring water into a cup then he gave it to her. He refused to let go of the cup, so Reyna drank from his hand.

“Drink slowly Kitten,” he warned, not wanting her to choke, when Reyna drank greedily. Reyna tried to control the urge to finish the water in a gulp, when she was finished, Cas placed the cup back on the table.

“Where am I Casvan?”

He was wiping the water that spilled on her clothes and body when she repeated her question. Casvan tucked away her light brown strands behind her ear,dreading what was to come. Hoping she wouldn't hate him for hiding the truth from her.

“My kingdom.”

“What? Where?”


“What happened? I remember the alarms, fire and people…fighting? Our guardians fighting with beasts…” suddenly her eyes widened, her brain replaying the images she saw days ago. The males her people had been fighting with were like him, Casvan.

Reyna's eyes narrowed with accusations. Emotions bombarded her, hers and his,a growl sounded in her head.

“What have you done Casvan? Did you attack my Queendom? Did you hurt my people?” she asked, even as she his eyes told her everything she needed to know, she could feel how remorseful and sad he was but she didn't understand why? Why did he attack her queendom if he hadn't wanted to?

“You lied to me. You attack my people, you didn't just want me. You wanted everyone!” she said getting out of the bed, and almost stumbling down, Cas quickly held her up, she smacked his hands away and glared at him.

“For my people, yes! I did what I had to do to save my race Kitten…” Reyna's hand flew smacking his face hard leaving a trail of blood from her fingers. No, not fingers claws, her eyes momentarily glowed a light blue before going back to their normal grey. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Stop calling me that!” she yelled, staring at the blood on his face, her heart twinged with what she did, hitting him. Because she really could feel that what he told her was the truth and he hadn't meant to hurt her, but her anger was very much there. Her emotions were all over the place, so she lashed out and strike the one person she never wants to hurt.

Casvan didn't even bat an eye though his cheek sting from her slap, his mate hadn't held back, he was proud of her strength, his tongue darted out and taste his blood that slid down to the corner of his mouth. He also knew she was angry he hadn't told her everything though he'd had many opportunities to come clean but he hadn't, he'd disappointed her and that was on him.

He should have told her his plans earlier on, who knows she might have supported him. He covers the space between them and tries to touch her, she sends him a dark glare with her beautiful gray eyes, that he translates as “touch me and lose the hand” Casvan wisely drops the hand. He rubs his tired face.

“You have to know Kitten that I never intended to hurt you. I'm sorry I couldn't be honest with you about my plans. I did tell you we needed the women when you first came to me. I promise you the women and children are all safe, some of them are even happy to be here,” he told her honestly.

“That would be for me to judge.” she spat, rummaging through his wardrobe to find something better to wear than what she have on.

Casvan knew Reyna would learn that he was right. Even he was surprised to see most of the women weren't as heartbroken and dejected as they should be. The children looked happy and excited. They weren't hurt, mistreated or starved,they had all accepted the fact they no longer have to live in Marlenia.

Except for the guardians who are having a hard time accepting the reality but even they are coming around. The stubborn ones are the three women with the red clothing. The Roses, they are a vicious lot and refuse to give up their pointless fight for their lost Queendom.

“What are you looking for? I can help you find it,” Casvan said, when Reyna kept throwing clothes out of the closet to the ground. She was upset. He knows that, but she also looks so pale. Reyna completely ignored him but something occurred to her just then.

“Where is my Nana? And my mother? Did you kill her? I know Cassandra would never let you take away her people if she was alive. Fucking answer me Casvan!” she screamed her body shaking so badly, then she suddenly cough spating out dark blood. She reach out her trembling hand and touch the blood on her dress her eyes wide with panic, then her face scrunched in pain.

“Kitten? God no! What the fuck had they done to you?” He was there in a moment swooping her into his arms and taking her back to the bed. Casvan shouted something in his ancient tongue. Two hulking giant beasts barged in.

“Get Alaric now!” he barked, he hugged her, as though he could take away her pain. Rage and concern for his mate turned his eyes into that glowing red. He regretted not making Dr Elizabeth suffered, torture her until she begged for death. If only he had the power to bring the dead to life.

“Cas, what is wrong with me?” Reyna whispered in pain though it wasn't as intense as before, sweat dotted her forehead, her skin a green shade of color. Casvan swipes away her sweat and tucks her hair behind her ears to better see her face, whispering words of comfort. Her eyes were closed, more blood trickled out of her nose. Then she went out cold and pallid.

“Alaric!!” Casvan bellowed, about to go hunt for the poor scientist and his friend. The door bang open, Alaric and the two guards rushed in. Carry several medical apparatus in their hands.

“What happened?” the doctor asked preparing a syringe. Casvan move, giving the doctor space to check on Reyna, still unconscious.

“She woke, we talked. She got angry, then she cough and started bleeding, from both her mouth and nose,” he replied wretchedly.

“She's going to be okay, Casvan. She really was poisoned, the shot I just gave her would help with the pain. We're trying to create an antidote for her, she's a fighter and her animal spirit is already trying to it best. She wouldn't have stood a chance without it, so take it easy, she would will wake up healthy and strong.”

Casvan nodded and thank Alaric without correcting the assumption that Reyna was the same as his race who had different animal spirit and could change occasionally. He knew his Reyna was a hybrid . Born of human woman and lycan father, his queen is stronger than she looks. Alaric and the men walked out and left him alone. He quietly watched her as she slept, hoping and praying for once in his long life for Alaric to succeed in making the antidote.

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