
The first thing he noticed when he finally came to was the pain he felt behind his right ear. It wasn't intense or overwhelming and definitely not even close to the excruciating pain of being tasered or being shot with silver bullets. What made Cas acknowledge it was because he hadn't had an injury behind his ear when he'd blackout from the tasered. He always kept inventory of his body.

Which made him conclude the cut was made when he was unconscious and couldn't fucking killed whoever did this to him. But Cas would have to personally give his thanks to that person when he finally got out of here.

Cas raised his hands to brush his long golden hair out the way, but the rattling sounds of the chains reminded him that he was chained and shackled—which brought to his attention the red burns marked around his feet and hands caused by the fortified silver chains. Cas laughs out loud when he remembers Kayak when he'd warn him to be careful not to harm the little women as he likes to call them.

Cas would like to see his face when he realizes that the little women were more dangerous than they had thought. Those women want nothing to do with them beasts, but the irony is they needed each other to survive. The beasts need them to be their anchors, at least before he came here his people did, now he's one of them. Without the women the savage and violent nature of their beasts would take them over. They would be nothing but the animals they were accused of being.

But Cas knows they also need them. Humans are weak and fragile; they need their protection. All these years the humans thought they were the bad guys, the beasts. And maybe they are, but they mistake Cas and his people for their lykae, although they have some similarities, there's a vast difference between the two.

As the King, his people were dependent on him to protect them and find a solution to their most pressing problems. Beasts had been going rogue changing into their animal forms and never changing back to humans. Others have gone berserk in their human form. Killing everyone and everything in their path, like his brother Herak.

So far this has happened to a few dozen beasts. But Kayak thinks the human women would be able to calm the beast's volatile nature. It's after all how it was with the women of their race, the human women are different though. Kayak had wanted to come for this mission in his stead, but as the king and his older brother Casvan couldn't let him put his life in danger while he stayed behind in his castle, that is not the way of his race and definitely not the way he works.

They have always suspected there were more women from the time the women began to steal from them and running away before they could catch and interrogate them. For years they'd tried to follow them but they were so well hidden that they'd lost them,every time even with the beast's superior heightened senses, until his vision finally came through for them.

Cas had always find It surprising and impressive how well the women have managed to hide from everyone. The fake trails they leave behind always lead them to the far east. Cas suspect they'd used some chemicals to camouflage their scents and confuse their beasts. That or they had the help of witches.

It's the only explanation that makes sense at the time, turns out he was right. All this time they were running helter skelter searching for the women, they were right under their noses, hidden deep in the northern mountains and not just a dozen women, but more. More than he and his men had thought. Even If Casvan didn't know the exact numbers he knew the women are close to a few hundred, from what he had seen, in his vision and earlier today.

Casvan had chosen to take a few of his beasts to negotiate a peace treaty with the women. His and his sentinel protection in exchange for the right for his warriors to search for their mates among the women, but he should have known the queen would never agree. His kind were hated not just by humans but also by the rest of folklores.

They were aliens that invaded a planet and were at the top of the food chain, of course they were hated. Casvan wasn't the one who had made the decision to come here, but he felt responsible. After all it was why he'd killed the previous king and taken his throne.

The fool did not care that his people had lost everything, in part because of their loyalty to him, which had resulted in a failed coup, followed by war that destroyed their planets. When they'd landed on earth his King had made bad decisions after bad decisions until Casvan lost all respect for him. As the general of war he took it upon himself to take charge and save his people from their idiotic King.

Now if only he could convince the queen, he would be able to achieve that. But Casvan had a suspicion he had to follow through with plan B. Which means taking the women captives. He'd already set everything in motion,if the time came Kayak knew what to do.

His warriors would be difficult to control when they finally see the women. For years they lived in solitude, their lives incomplete without their anchors.

With few women who'd survive the destruction in their home planet and some of the human women saved throughout the years from the ghouls, women were a rare commodity and more precious than gold or diamonds.

Some of those beasts haven't seen women in years and all of a sudden, it's raining women. It going to be a fuck feast for months. They are going to be in a frenzy If they were let free.

But Cas would never let the beasts molest or lay claim to any of the unwilling women, he's the exemption to the rules. He's the fucking king. The beasts are going to be raging mad they would try to challenge him Cas knew that, thinking they could win, that they could best him. But they won't.

Their disrespect is only going to make him extremely pissed. Which might result in some of them having some broken bones. He might even kill a few beasts to make an example of what would happen to anyone who tried anything stupid. Kayak as his brother and second in command would side with him.

After all they'd made the rules, and rules are to be followed otherwise the consequences might be too extreme a price. Most of the beasts aren't brave or crazy enough to defy the Mad King of the beasts,as Cas had been whispered about behind his back. It would be suicide to attempt to fight him.

Casvan's the most dominant beast, an Alpha he came from a long line of battle hardened warriors. There aren't a lot of alphas as strong as him, Kayak is a close second and some of Cas sentinels are alphas in their own right.

Casvan is not being arrogant, everyone knows he's a scary motherfucker, when enraged. He was the only one who could shape-shift into more than one beast, he's an anomaly even among his kind back in their home planet. It made even his most loyal subjects wary of him. They respect him, but they are also scared of him in equal measure. It's made Casvan a little lonely sometimes.

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The beasts think he's a ruthless fucker who's is unhinged. They aren't entirely wrong. Casvan didn't come by his throne by being weak and merciful. With the help of Kayak and a few beasts loyal to him.

They'd laid waste to a lot of beasts after he'd killed their king. Vampires,lykae and warlocks had tried to used their infighting to their advantage, but Casvan had seen them coming, he'd go to war with all of them, it wasn't easy he's foes weren't weak, they were formidable warriors in their own right, but Casvan had over a few hundred years over them, he was ten step ahead of their every move.

They had warred for years killing each other, until the earth was soaked with the blood of the dead from all factions. Finally they came to a temporary truce and had claimed territories, Casvan had closed off his territory and had turned it into a small version of his home country back on his planet.

He'd built a kingdom worthy of people and his line and ascended the throne. Kayak had automatically become his general of war. And the rest of the warriors had become his sentinels.


The rules are there for a reason, when the beasts finally see the women their animal instincts will try to take over. Urging them to claim the women. It's going to be chaotic, but they already have a plan in place. Cas was the only one who didn't have to follow the rules. Unfair, he knows. But he's the fucking king and he'd already tethered himself to his fated mate.

That thought brought up the image of the most beautiful woman Cas has ever laid eyes on. She's such a small Kitten, while she looks so beautiful and innocent. She has a fire beneath her aura that made his gums ache, and his balls to draw tight with the need to claim. That flawless soft skin needed his bite to decorate it and leave his brand.

Casvan knew she didn't know what he had done, but she would find out soon. Even now he could feel the fluttering of a new consciousness tethered to his. The lust and attraction he felt towards her is just like he had heard about from the elders before they left their planets.

Not once in all the time Cas had taken to prepare for this journey, did he ever hope or even dreamt that the fates would bless him with a mate of his own. And what a mate she is, beautiful, strong and a sexy little thing. And she felt the attraction, from the scent permeating the air from her cunt. Cas knew she was wet for him. It was only natural, he remembered the confusion written on her face when he had growled and her body had responded.

Fuck the delicious scent of her pussy juices even now makes him rock hard. He adjusted his painfully hard cock, so it would face down. He's fucking looking forward to tasting her, get her taste engraine in his very being. She smells like ambrosia and he was sure she would taste like it.

Fuck! Kayak would mercilessly tease him, when she finally got him wrapped around her little finger. But Cas didn't think he would care. He couldn't believe just a few days ago he didn't really want or need a mate. Cas didn't even believe he would ever have one, with his temperament and dominance it would take a great woman to balance him out. Cas had really thought the few whores that he frequently get to fuck—which services are expensive and has more clients than the vaults in his planets where gold are kept. Not that he was ever charged or anything—were more than enough to sate his lust.

Although some of the females aspired to be his queen, his bed had never lacked a female or two ready to sate his lust. Casvan knew he wanted none of them as his permanent pleasure or chosen mate. And he'd made sure all the ambitious females knew that too.

But now that he had seen his fated mate, with her beautiful blue gray eyes. Long silky light brown hair that he was beginning to imagine his hands bunching and sliding into her wet heat at the same time, not to mention that sexy as fuck lush body. Cas had never wanted anything or anyone as much as he wanted her, his alien mate. She makes him want to purr for her which was something he had never done for anyone.

Cas wonders when he will see her again. Not soon If her mother has any cell in her brain that is. At least If he was her mother that's what he would do. But he's not. His a selfish fucker to want to see her, and he would definitely make her come to him. If everything they were told about the mating and attractions between true mates was true. Then he knows just how to lure her to him.

Cas reached his hand behind his ear making the chains clang and rubb irritating the skin beneath. Fucking silver, where did they even get it, he growled angrily. His hand came back bloody. They'd fucking cut him, Cas wondered what they hoped to find behind his fucking ears.

The silver around his skin is just an irritant, it will burn the skin where it touches and he couldn't break it off. As long as he wasn't beheaded, a silver knife, or dagger coated in wolf's bane or shot with silver bullets wouldn't kill him or his kind. It would fucking hurt, but he would survive.

Casvan hopes Jak is okay. The only warrior who hadn't lost his cool and had killed the women, even after Cas told them not to. The attack from the women had angered them, making them lose control. Jakos was the only one who hadn't hurt them. The guy is hard and can't be broken. His level of endurance and control is impressive, that is the reason why Casvan had chosen him to come with him.

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