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Supernatural creatures exist only in stories, in fables and legends, but never in real life. As long as all humans believe that, the World Alliance for Supernatural Protection—or WASP, as it is more commonly known—is accomplishing its mission. Historically, in countless instances over thousands of years, humans cannot be trusted not to kill supernatural creatures when their existence has been proven; one has only to look at the global near-extinction of dragons and unicorns to see the truth of that. However, despite the best efforts of WASP and the supernatural creatures around the world, accidents do happen, and when they do, it is the job of WASP special operatives to clean up the accident, to make it seem like nothing ever went amiss. WASP special operatives are highly trained in the various arts and methods of making accidents disappear. Different special ops teams tend to get sent on different jobs, based on their talents and skill sets. My team, Special Ops 13, is WASP’s secret weapon, the proverbial do-not-touch-except-in-case-of-emergency red button. When WASP calls on Special Ops 13, something has gone very, very wrong.

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