Chapter 104 

Are you all right?” 

Chapter 104 

Henry had recovered and also walked to the mansion entrance. He looked at Elizabeth, sitting on the ground and crying uncontrollably, and felt somewhat uncomfortable. He wanted to reach out to help her

Fuck offElizabeth shook off his hand and glowered at him fiercely. This is what you want. Are you happy now?” 

Henry even nodded. Of course I am

You were my girlfriend, and Andrew had stolen you from me! Am I wrong to get you back with me?” 

We broke up a long time ago.” Elizabeth suddenly laughed

Henry, just drop the act

You are pestering me not because you are still in love with me but because you want to upset Andrew

You just want to show everyone that Andrew married a woman you didn’t want anymore. You are humiliating me and Andrew. You don’t have the deep love for me you pretended to have

I’ve known you for ages, Henry, but your acting skills haven’t improved. I can still see through you at a glance.” 

Henry watched as Elizabeth slowly stood up with tears on her face. He said, You mis” 

He wanted to say that Elizabeth had misunderstood him and wanted to continue acting as if he was crazy about Elizabeth

However, looking at Elizabeth’s cold eyes, he could not say anything

His silence helped Elizabeth confirm her speculation even more

She let out a long breath and tried to stand 

  1. up

When Elizabeth fell, she scraped her palm on the asphalt road, causing a large wound. There were even small stones embedded in her flesh. She gasped for air out of great pain

Don’t force yourself.” 

Henry went forward to help Elizabeth up

But Elizabeth dodged his hand, determined to anger him. Don’t you have any selfesteem?” 

No.Although Henry’s expression did not change much, he squeezed Elizabeth’s arm and forced her to stand up

Let go of me!Elizabeth’s bones were hurting from his grip. She exerted her strength, trying to push him away

However, she was not as strong as a man

Henry pulled her to the parking lot instead of the small mansion

Let go!Elizabeth struggled

She dared to enrage Henry because she believed in her professionalism and knew she could do it. Then, she would see his weakness and take the opportunity to worsen his condition

Elizabeth did not expect that Henry did not go according to her plan

Elizabeth was a little afraid sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

She was thinking fast about how to defeat Henry in one move

Hey! Let go of Elizabeth!” 

Brandon, who had gone to buy afternoon tea for the others, appeared very timely

He even put the afternoon tea aside before running over to them and beating Henry away

Elizabeth was still in shock. She watched Henry run away and then followed Brandon

Brandon returned to the company and started sharing the cakes, while Elizabeth went directly back to her office

Not long after Elizabeth sat down, Brandon came in with a first aid kit

I just saw you get hurt.” 

He walked straight to Elizabeth and pried her fist open. Looking at her bloody palm, he furrowed his beautiful brows. Hands are a woman’s second face. Why don’t you cherish them

*I have to disinfect you with alcohol. Bear with it.” 

When the alcohol touched her wound, it hurt so much that Elizabeth wanted to whip her hand away


Chapter 104 

Don’t move.Brandon moved the cotton swab slowly and carefully to remove the gravel from the wound. He asked, “I heard that you quarreled with Andrew?” 

I don’t want to talk about this.Elizabeth was resistant

Brandon nodded but still said, After treating your wound, go find Andrew and apologize to him

Since it’s a misunderstanding, you have to resolve it. Otherwise, if you bury it in your hearts and turn it into a thorn, you will not be able to pull it out in the future.” 

What if he doesn’t believe me?Elizabeth’s voice was hoarse from crying. He didn’t stop the car when he saw me fall, did 


You should allow him to take some time to subside his wrath.Brandon rolled his eyes at Elizabeth. Don’t overthink it. Hurry up and apologize to Andrew.” 

Half an hour later

Elizabeth had packed a few of Andrew’s favorite takeout food and stood in the lobby of Hayes Group

Since she was going to apologize, the sooner, the better

Elizabeth encouraged herself for a while more. Just as she was about to walk toward the elevator, her phone rang

Elizabeth looked at the number on the screen, glanced at the elevator, and walked to the side to answer the call

Robert had just returned from sending off his client. Coincidentally, as soon as he walked into the lobby, he saw Elizabeth standing in the corner

Thinking how depressed Andrew was upstairs, he was secretly delighted to see Elizabeth. He carefully avoided Elizabeth and rushed upstairs to Andrew’s office

Boss!Robert rushed in without knocking. Guess who I saw downstairs

It’s Mrs. Hayes! She came to the company to look for you. Do you think she is here to apologize to you?” 

Andrew was looking forward to it, but he maintained a straight face. Who told you that I’m angry at her? Get out!” 

AlrightRobert laughed dryly, feeling that he had flattered his boss at the wrong time. Okay, Boss, I will leave now.” 

While Robert was slowly exiting the room, he felt the depression on Andrew dissipate

Robert chuckled

As expected, the person who could soothe Andrew the most in this world was Elizabeth

Meanwhile, downstairs, Elizabeth was in a dilemma

Elizabeth, you should come back now.Eva’s voice was tired and troubled. You know that the little girl only trusts you

Besides, her new bodyguards are even more overbearing than those before. They’re causing a fuss here, and we don’t dare to provoke the little girl. Only you can settle it.” 

Can’t you ask the security guards to drive the bodyguards out?Elizabeth was agitated

In fact, she was already considering letting the little girl go to a professional sanatorium for treatment

The little girl’s condition had improved much after the previous few psychological counseling sessions. However, every time 

the girl came to counsel after returning home, there would be a more severe rebound than the last time

It was evident the cause of the little girl’s illness was not what Elizabeth had guessed but because of the girl’s family

Elizabeth even suspected that someone in the little girl’s family wanted to use anorexia as an excuse to get rid of the girl

That was no longer a problem that she, a psychiatrist, could handle

No!Eva sounded even wearier. When they make a fuss, the little girl will scream

We really need you here.” 

But I…” Elizabeth eyed the food in her hand and thought for a while. I will go back as soon as possible.” 

She decided to coax Andrew at night

Elizabeth stared at the warm food and gave it to the two receptionists before returning to the psychology center

One of the receptionists looked at Elizabeth’s back and then at the food. She pursed her lips

Ithought she was some amazing person, but it seems like she’s just another woman who wants to hook up with Mr. Hayes.” 

That’s right. She probably was not allowed to go upstairs after the call.” 

But the food she bought is quite nice. Let’s eat it.” 



Chapter 104 

Right! Come on!” 

Not only did the two receptionists hide the news of Elizabeth’s arrival, but they also ate all the food she brought

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