Chapter 17 

Chapter 17 

Andrew held Elizabeth in his arms tightly with their faces very close. Their beautiful lips were covered with their saliva, and an ambiguous atmosphere appeared around them

With just one glance, everyone present could imagine how intimate this couple’s behavior was when the lights were just 

turned off

Seeing Andrew not only look as usual but also in the mood to flirt with Elizabeth, Henry’s face turned black with anger. He could not wait to rush forward right away to separate the two, who were hugging each other

Andrew, Elizabeth, you’re a bit too zealous. You’re hugging and kissing in public. Aren’t you afraid of being laughed at?” 

Henry opened his mouth to tease them, but he said those words with his teeth gnashed

We’re a couple, and we love each other. What’s the problem? Henry, you should get used to it.” 

Seeing Andrew was in a stable mood, Elizabeth was relieved

She curled up her pretty lips, looking at Henry with a smile

I was just kidding. You guys can do whatever you want.” 

Seeing the two of them hugging each other without any intention of parting, Henry’s inner restlessness filled him. Due to the presence of so many people, he couldn’t vent his anger directly

Andrew squinted his goodlooking eyes and looked at the little woman in his arms. There was a flash of meaningful emotion. at the bottom of his eyes as if he was still reminiscing about the unfulfilled kiss in the dark

At this moment, soothing music was playing in the hall. The people who were originally watching the scene started talking to each other again when they saw that nothing special had happened

Everything returned to normal gradually. Andrew walked slowly around the hall with the woman holding him in his arms. When he met familiar partners occasionally, he would part his lips and say a few words to socialize

Some people even tried to test Andrew’s condition deliberately, but Andrew and Elizabeth handled it with ease

Throughout the whole evening party, the two of them attracted everyone’s attention like beautiful scenery

About halfway through the party, Andrew had a few more conversations with important partners. Elizabeth checked the surrounding area vigilantly to make sure there were no accidents before releasing Andrew and heading for the restroom

Just then, a pair of strong hands tugged her wrist tightly, pulling her away to the outside

Elizabeth fixed her eyes and found that it was Henry, who was really haunting

Henry, what are you doing? Let go of me.” 

Elizabeth frowned a little impatiently and tried hard to break away from Henry

But the strength between her and Henry was disparate. Henry pulled Elizabeth to the empty back garden

Liz, now that there’s no one else here, can you take off your guard and talk to me?” 

Henry fixed his eyes on the woman in front of him. A touch of deep affection appeared in his eyes. He reached out a hand to touch Elizabeth’s hair, trying to soften her heart with such a warm movement

There doesn’t seem to be anything to talk about between us, does there?” 

Elizabeth sneered and pushed his hand away when it was about to touch her bangs. 

Turning around, she tried to walk toward the hall

But Henry would not let her go so easily. He had longer hands and feet than Elizabeth. He quickly rushed forward to block Elizabeth’s way

Liz, can you not be so heartless? Have you forgotten all the happy times we had abroad before?” 

Henry’s tone was full of anxiety. As soon as he thought that the woman who once belonged to him was snatched away by his most hated cousin, Andrew, he couldn’t help but use all means to break the two apart with his heart filled with hatred

Why? Why did Elizabeth marry his archenemy

Henry, you are really thickskinned! How dare you talk to me about things abroad?” 

Elizabeth was fine before Henry mentioned their affairs abroad. But as soon as he mentioned it, a cold hatred immediately appeared on Elizabethi’s face

She had almost taken off all her guard to be ready to accept Henry back then. Unexpectedly, the next thing this scum man did was like a hard slap on her face

She did not even want to recall the specific details. She just hoped to never see this disgusting man again in her lifetime


Chapter 17 

I was young and immature at the time, but didn’t I also bring you a lot of pleasure at that time? Can’t you use the good I did for you to cancel out the bad I did for you and start over with me?” 

Elizabeth almost laughed with anger when she heard Henry’s cheeky words. Without thinking, she slapped Henry hard. As expected, no matter how long it had been, Henry was able to disgust her accurately within three sentences

I’m so disgusted by your words that I’m about to throw up the food I ate tonight. If you don’t want to be slapped by me. again, you should behave yourself and stop hanging around in front of me!” 

She turned away again without mercy after she finished saying these words coldly

This slap was a bit heavy and caught Henry off guard. A bright red slap mark soon appeared on his whiteskinned left cheek

He was repeatedly humiliated by this woman that night. The anger suppressed by Henry in his heart finally broke out

He felt that he would simply not be able to dispel his inner grievances if he didn’t teach this woman a good lesson

Thinking of this, he strode after Elizabeth again and used all of his strength to force her against the cold and hard wall

You would rather marry Andrew than look back at ine. I’m afraid his frail body won’t satisfy you at all. Let me satisfy you.” 

Henry spoke and lowered his head to kiss Elizabeth. He believed that as long as Elizabeth felt the difference between him and Andrew, that sick man, she would change her mind

Just then, there was a sudden commotion in the hall as if something had happened

The unsettling emotion surged in Elizabeth’s heart. She pushed Henry to the ground violently, ignoring the high heels she was still wearing, and ran into the hall

As soon as she ran into the hall, Elizabeth noticed that the center of the hall was filled with people. She struggled to push through the crowd to move forward to the center of the incident

Andrew was standing there with a grim look on his face. Behind him was full of glass shards, indicating that he had knocked down several champagne towers

The champagne drenched his clothes. The white shirt inside his suit was wet and clung to his chest. His toned muscles were exposed, making the female celebrities in the audience flush

They were surprised to see that the socalled sick man of the Hayes family was in such good shape. There was no trace of weakness in his body at all

Mr. Hayes, are you okay? Do you need me to help you go upstairs to the dressing room to change your clothes?As soon as a celebrity said that, she went forward to help Andrew S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

No, go away,Andrew said in a tough and stubborn way. The tone of his voice was with a hint of coldness

Mr. Hayes, how about I help you wipe your clothes first? It would be bad if you catch a cold.That celebrity picked up her handkerchief and tried to wipe it on Andrew’s body immediately after she said those words

Get lost!” 

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