Princess of Faerl
15. Our New Beginning

*Scott Sr*

When we left dinner, my mind and body were on fire. I never understood the fate bond as Belle didn’t teach me about it. She had always said she couldn’t see a bond for me. I always assumed I was a normal human, and most humans don’t have fated mates. I’m not sure why I suddenly had a fated, but I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Lyssandra never loved me. I was a tool to her. Someone to use and throw away. This woman is breathtaking. Her doe-like eyes have me in a trance. Her smile warms my heart. Her smooth skin draws me in. I follow her as she reaches for my hand. My body reacts with a fiery need that I am convinced will consume my body. ‘It’s okay to want her.’ I thought to myself, but I didn’t initiate that thought. I bit my lip trying to figure out where it came from as the voice didn’t sound like my own. When people have thoughts, it sounds like themselves, right? At least mine always had.

She turns toward me, smiling all the way to her eyes, but I feel a bit of hesitance on her part. It gives me an odd feeling of disappointment. “Do you understand our bond?” She asks me in a very quiet voice, almost whispering. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“I can’t say I do, but I feel incredible.” My honest answer sends a wave of relief through me that wasn’t my own. “Am I feeling your emotions?” A sarcastic laugh echoed in my head, and I almost felt dizzy. I stumbled slightly, catching myself at the bottom of the railing.

She nodded gently as we ascended the stairs. “That is part of the fate bond. We will be able to feel what the other is feeling and mind-link one another once we mark each other.” We stop at the top of the stairs, “Unless you decide you do not want to be my fated. You do have the ability to reject me and take your chances that the moon goddess will give you a second chance fated.” A horrific sadness floods me as she informs me how all this works.

My heart breaks for her. “Why would anyone reject you?” I take my free hand and run it through her long, silky hair. “You’re perfect.” I move down the hallway trying to remember the way to my room, catching her beautiful blush out of the corner of my eye.

“I just…” She stutters a bit, “With you being human, I didn’t know if it would feel the same for you. It’s rare for a human to have a fated and most are already married, unwilling to separate from their chosen.” This made sense to me but I laughed a bit, mirroring the sarcastic laugh that was in my head moments ago.

“If you knew who my soon-to-be ex-wife was, you’d understand I am more than happy to be rid of her.” I paused a moment as I opened the door, “Hell part of me wonders if we ever got married or if she simply tampered with my memories and made me believe a wedding happened.” The voice pipes up again, ‘Now you’re starting to get it, Scottie boy. You never married that bitch. I wouldn’t let you.’

Another wave of conflicted emotions flow from her to me. “You’re married? Who were… or are.. you married to?” Her confidence was shaken.

“Not that it matters as she will be on trial soon and if I understand anything about the laws and customs here, she will be executed. If you really want to know, though,” I give her a moment and she nods, “It’s Lyssandra. The woman that was imprisoned today.” My tone was of complete disgust, disliking having her name in my mouth, righteous anger flowing from me. Alisee touches my cheek, sending more pleasant sparks through my body. I don’t know what this feeling is, but I’m addicted to it. The smell of lavender and vanilla gets more intense, and I breathe it in as if it’s a drug. Instinctively, I press her against the wall, my hands finding her hair. The smell gets stronger and my ability to think is clearly fading fast. “You have nothing to worry about. I am yours, and yours only.”

“As I am yours until the end of our lives.” Her voice is almost a moan, the sound driving me crazy. I am drowning in a sea I’ve never been in, my senses on overload already.

“I’m not the type to kiss at first sight,” I start to explain, “But you are driving me crazy.” My erection aching, confined in my clothing. ‘You prude…’ I was starting to despise that taunting fucking voice.

“I am your fated, this is natural.” The words sounded so strange to me. “I want you too.” Her skin was warm beneath my fingertips. I move to kiss her sweet cherry lips and my mind goes blank. All of my senses are focused on her. The feeling of her hair and skin. The taste of her sweet lips. The sound of her muffled moans as we kiss. Her smell makes me delirious. I moved my kisses to the crook of her neck. Licking and gently kissing the tender spot. I couldn’t understand this feeling that was coming over me.

Her hands move to remove my shirt, her fingertips moving against my torso, the sparks shooting again and a shiver going down my spine. I don’t have washboard abs or anything, but I’m not overweight either. Most would refer to my build as a fit dad bod. It’s now my turn to moan loudly. The thought hits me that my kids’ rooms are not far away. I silently hope the rooms are soundproof.

“Don’t worry,” She reassures me. “No one will hear us. In our culture, high libidos are normal, especially for the first month after a fated pair meets.” I feel slightly more comfortable after hearing this. I lead her over to my bed, removing her dress delicately to discard it on the floor. A set of bare, large breasts greet my eyes and I hungrily take in the sight. Her fingers nimbly release my belt, moving to the button and fly. Kicking off my shoes, I step out of my pants now only in my boxers, which does not leave much to the imagination at all. I sit her on the edge of the bed and kiss down her leg, starting within an inch of her core. I can smell her wetness. She is going to make me drunk off her arousal. Once I get to her ankle, I remove her wedge shoe and repeat the process on the other leg from thigh to ankle. I stand up placing myself between her legs, letting my hard member rub her core.

I lean down to her ear, our naked chests press together, sparks flying through my body. “Are you sure you’re okay with being this intimate so soon with me?” I know she said this was natural and she is insanely aroused, but I needed a verbal confirmation that this is okay.

She moans and smiles, “Yes, I want you. I want your lips all over my body, I want you inside me. I want you to mark me and claim me.” Her eyes were wild with desire. The second the word mark left her lips I start kissing down her neck, her collar bone, and finally over her perky, perfect nipples, taking each one into my mouth. After paying special attention to her amazing mounds, I kiss slowly down her breastbone. Licking and sucking. I want her to scream like she never has before.

I finally reach the band of her beautiful, lacey, lilac panties. I inhale deeply through my nose. “My gods you are perfect, Alisee.” My own voice comes out as a moan full of desire. My fingertips slip under the band, and I repeat my new ritual of kissing down her legs, making her silver. Once her panties are removed, I press my nose to her clit. She’s so wet. My tongue snakes out to tease her lower lips. “Delicious.” I exhale heavily. My finger moves to rub her bundle of nerves in a circular motion. My member is throbbing with desire for this delectable female. “You are dangerous,” I growl lowly. A sound I can only describe as a giggle-moan escapes her and is music to my ears. I tease her for as long as her body can take it. She’s shaking below my fingers and tongue. She keeps moaning my name, motivating me to work her more. I want to taste her when she explodes.

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