Princess of Faerl
18. Forgiving Ourselves


Everything was happening so fast. Alisee was fated to Scott. Not only was Elentari blessed with the powers of the Lunar Guardian, she was the reincarnation of the Goddess herself. It made me think that maybe, just maybe this is the lifetime Endymion would wake and take his place next to Selene instead of being trapped in eternal slumber, only able to live in the astral plane, the existence between life and death that can be accessed through meditation or sleeping.

Alaric and I dismissed the staff that followed us when we exited Stacie’s room. We simply wanted time to ourselves and not worry about who might be listening. We retired to our room, our bond filled with excitement, hope, and fear. It was worrisome being the parent of a Princess and Lunar Guardian. There were always people who wanted an audience with Selene. When a Lunar Guardian came into being they were the most sought after person. Those who were desperate for a miracle flocked, hoping their pleas might be heard. Those who were drunk on the idea of power wanted to enslave the Lunar Guardian and abuse the connection to Selene. This was the blessing and curse of the women in my family.

My mind was restless and troubled due to all of these racing thoughts. My fated, the beautifully thoughtful man he is, pressed his lips to my mark, licking it, pulling me out of my thoughts. A soft sigh left my lips. He knew I needed something else to focus on and we needed to reconnect with each other after this rollercoaster of a day. Part of us felt more free than we had since we found out we were expecting Elentari. That weight being lifted ignited a fire inside both of us. His touch amplified my desires and I turned to face him, pulling him to me, initiating a fiery, passionate kiss. His nails extended to a claw, sliding under my dress and tearing it down the middle. The sleeves started falling from my shoulders, my dark skin covered by a cream colored bra exposed.

“You brute!” I laughed. I couldn’t remember the last time he desired me enough that he destroyed every shred of my clothing. He smiled, his canines on full display. His tongue trailed down my neck, past my collar bone till he was in the center of my breasts. His fang caught the center of my bra and he bit the fabric destroying it as if it was clasped at the front. His hand roughly explored my breasts, cupping them and pulling them up to his mouth one at a time. He took his time to pay homage to each one slowly. Sensually he let his licks surround my areolas, my nipples standing at full attention as he blew his warm breath over them, once in a while trapping each one between his teeth. His methodical exploration is the sweetest torture I’ve experienced since the first time when we marked each other.

I pulled his shirt roughly, the buttons popping off it, his chiseled chest exposed and strong back exposed. My sharp nails trailed over his shoulders making him shudder. A smug smile of satisfaction spreads across my lips, tipping my head back. One of his hands moves lower and his claw then tears my panties away and he roughly rubs my core, his fingers toying with my slit. Neither one of us wants to speak, simply moans of pleasure filling the room.

Our arousal could probably be smelled outside the room and down the hallway, but we don’t care. We had dismissed the staff so if they wanted to disrupt our time, it would be their own fault. His large finger slipped inside me and I pushed my hips up against his hand. I was panting and all I could think about was every delicious inch of his body. I hadn’t been this intoxicated in years, and I hadn’t even drank.

While he assaulted my core with his fingers, his fangs extended and he grazed my neck. “Will you let me taste your sacred sweetness, my love?” His velvet voice reached my ears as I bit my lip. All I could muster was a moan. I didn’t know if he wanted the juices of my excitement or to feed from me while we made love. Either way, he could have whatever he wanted. “I’ll take that as a yes, my bride.” His hand moved down and smacked my ass eliciting more explicit sounds from me. “Lay on the bed.” He instructed me, of course I obeyed. My chest was heaving as I imagined everything he would do.

“It’s been so long, Alaric.” my mind on cloud nine as every dirty thought flowed through my mind. I wiggled my hips wanting to feel friction going crazy in its absence.

“And what has it been so long since, my little fae?” His eyes held a devilish glint as his hand came down on my core, the sting giving me a mix of pleasure and pain, “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

I could barely muster words as I reveled in the feeling. I wanted more of his rough touch, taking me to heights we haven’t reached in years. “I want you to dominate me while you make love to me.” I managed to get the sounds out with a ragged breath.

“Hmmmmm, you are in a mood tonight.” His cold fingers pinching my sensitive button. My upper body moves as my feet brace against the bed. A chorus of screams fill the room. “That’s it, my Queen. Your wish is my command.” My eyes devour him. His erection bulged in his pants, knowing how badly we want each other. The restraint he has is unimaginable. My fingers try to move down to touch my button while one hand grips the nub of my breast. He stops my hand, and holds it over my head. A pathetic whine escapes me. “No, I didn’t say you could.” His tone changed from kind and caring to demanding. My entire body shook. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

He rummaged through the nightstand and pulled out two sets of handcuffs. “Are you sure you want this tonight?” He asked me, amusement in his voice. My mouth is salivating looking at the restraints and I nod. “No, my Queen. Words.” He commands.

“Yes, my King. I do.” I make myself sound confident. If I don’t sound confident he’ll keep teasing me with the idea until I’m near tears. That’s the sadist I love. He carefully cuffs my hands to the bedpost, taking a riding crop out of the closet, tracing it over the front of my body.

“Is this what you’re thinking? Is this what you’re salivating at the idea of?” Each slow syllable, a tease. His voice seems to drop an octave and my core starts to drip and he hasn’t even begun.

“Yes, my King. Please my King.” I see his members move in need. I bite my lip again as the leather traces over my breasts. A gentle slap hits the top of my nipple and I arch my back. “Yes…” The moans start with every slap of the crop. After thirty minutes of sweet tortuous pleasure, he releases my wrists and puts me on my stomach with my feet on the floor. The crop lands squarely on my ass. My body jumps as I grip the blankets lost in subspace. My head was swimming, I almost couldn’t tell when he stopped and stepped behind me. His hardness pressed against me, his nails running down my back almost feeling like blades. Who needs knife play when you have claws?

“You do not orgasm until I say you can.” He demands, pushing his fingers inside me again and then wetting his thickness before pushing deeply inside me. “Goddess you’re so tight and feel so good.” His words bring me almost as much pleasure as his penetration. “Good girl… that’s it.” He coaxes me with a gentle voice. My body knew what was next, even though it had been so long. He slowly, but firmly moved, pushing a small vibrator against my sensitive button. I screamed into the bed. His other hand pulled my hair, yanking my head up, “I want to hear each delicious scream and moan. You do not muffle them. They belong to me.” My legs shake as my core tightens around him. I’m trying so hard not to climax, taking deep breaths and squirming under him. He keeps me like this until he starts to throb slightly.

Pulling out and turning me over, he pushes back in without warning. It hurts but feels good. “Now I get to taste your sweetness…” His eyes are hungry as he slaps my breasts till they are red. My nipples ache from the pain until his tongue sweeps over each one as his lips travel to my neck. His fangs extended, he whispered in my ear, “Now you can…”

I moan out in ecstasy as his teeth puncture my neck and my orgasm is magnified by his bite. After hours of being dominated and making love, we both spasm together, ending up in a sweaty exhausted mess on the bed. He licked the wound on my neck, closing it and licking his lips. “My favorite drink.” His smile is so sexy. He looks at me thoughtfully, “When is your next heat?” The question surprises me.

“I’m not sure. It’s been so long since I’ve had one. The stress messed with the cycle and the doctor didn’t tell me if I would ever be able to go into heat again.” My lips find his and kiss him softly, “In that much of a hurry for another one?” I ask him shyly.

“I would like to have another before our daughter finds her fated and makes us grandparents.” His words made me laugh. I hit his shoulder as we slink under the blankets.

“Our future is bright, my King. Let’s see where Selene takes us and what our blessings may be.” He smiles and nods, wrapping me up in his strong arms, laying my head on his chest. I nestled in, feeling more connected to him than I have in years. I thanked Selene for allowing us to bring our daughter home and giving me this amazing man for my fated.

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