Princess of Faerl
55. Moving Forward


The next few weeks flew by. It was almost as if Aphrodite never showed up in front of us. Selene was taking a lot of time for us to train in our gym space while Aran joined us sometimes. We were working really hard on hand to hand combat, sparring and getting up to physical shape needed, just in case. Lily and Eliza seemed to be becoming better friends while Stacie seemed to be shunned by her female mate. Aran was almost always in a state of conflict because of this. We talked often about the girls and the issues going on. I told him I wasn’t the greatest to get advice from as I’m far from unbiased. I knew Stacie deserved him and Eliza seemed to be a status grubberto me. I didn’t like her. She was also denying part of herself and seemed to be trying to create a hierarchy in their mate bond. Little did she know she was the one that was for a lifetime, not for eternity. But, I hadn’t been asked, so I wasn’t giving that information.

Hephaestus and I have been spending a decent bit of time together. He’s an odd man. Sometimes he’s warm and romantic, other’s he’s off putting and callous. I never know how to interact with him. It’s almost like guiding a child through their first courtship. I read as many history books as I could about my future husband. The depictions of him in some books were awful. And I mean horrifically awful. They stated he was deformed, ugly, hunchback, with features not even his mother could love. This was nothing like the man that stood before me daily. No, he wasn’t prince charming, but that was okay to me. He had a rugged charm that made me happy to smile at him. Now if I could just get him to understand that I do not take well to a cold shoulder, even if you don’t mean it, that would be great. He tried so hard though. Over the next few weeks my training room ended up full of various bloodline bound weapons. He even made numerous for my brother, as he is my twin, to try and win me over. Weapons seemed to be all he thought he was good for.

One day after training, Hep showed up to surprise me. Instead of a weapon this time, he had a blown glass long stem rainbow rose. It was beautiful. I teased him a bit about starting up a new hobby. His blush looked like a school boy getting a kiss on the cheek from his first and only crush. I shook my head with a smile, taking his hand. I was completely sweaty and need a shower, desperately. We doubled back to my room so I could make myself presentable. He told me he was taking me out, and I needed to be dressed for an adventure.

I let my hair down, it was to my waist at this point. Selene and I had an agreement that I could cut it and do whatever I wanted with it as she could change the color and make it grow as she wanted when needed. I hadn’t bothered to dye it in some time, so the first three feet of hair were all white with faded color on the ends. I thought it looked pretty cool. I had forgotten Hep was in the room with me and I started pulling out clothes to change into, setting them on my bed and starting to undress. I turned on my music and walked into the bathroom, but quickly realized I forgot my towel on the bed. That’s when I realized Hep was in my room. His eyes were tightly shut and his chest heaved as he took deep breaths. I giggled a bit, slightly embarrassed. We hadn’t been overly physical, as we both wanted to wait for the wedding before we gave ourselves to each other. For me, it was what I had wanted since I was a small girl, to have the only man to ever be with me, see me, or anything of the likes be my husband. He hadn’t fully told me what his reasoning was. It seemed like there was something that deeply affected him, but he wasn’t ready to relive it yet.

Since his eyes were closed, I tiptoed over to him, sitting in the armchair and stood behind him for a moment, taking in a deep breath. His scent always drove me crazy. Then again, that’s a short trip. He was still choosing to keep his head clean shaven, even though he was away from the forge enough that his hair was starting to grow back, so his dome was smooth and shiny. I keep trying to imagine what he would look like with hair. Maybe I wouldn’t like it, who knows.

I leaned down, wrapping my arms around his neck, whispering in his ear, “Keep your eyes closed… I’m still not decent.” His breath hitched and his hands balled up into fists gripping his pants. I knew I was teasing him horribly, but this was too much fun. I nibbled his earlobe as I removed my hands from him and started to slink away to the shower. I didn’t make it very far though.

*Hephaestus* Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Her lips on my earlobe sent shockwaves through me. She was so innocent but was pushing the envelope. My body was aching for her, but I couldn’t give myself to her again before I knew she would remain mine. I couldn’t let her be taken away from me again. I groaned internally. She was moving away from me and my hand instinctively grabbed her wrist and I pulled her into my lap, my eyes still closed, but I could feel her weight on my hips. Even if I couldn’t take her, I would give her the same frustrations I dealt with. Her giggle reached my ears and my groan was no longer internal.

“Love, if you were serious about wanting to wait until the wedding to lose your virginity, you might want to be a bit more proactive in protecting your virtue, instead of flaunting the tastiest meal. Do not mistake my respect for your wishes as a lack of desire,” I pushed my hips up against her, letting her feel what she does to me, “Because I completely desire you.” Her moan filled my ears, making me want more. “Go shower, please, before you regret what we may do next.” I let her wrist go and sucked in a deep breath, my eyes never opening.

Fuck, she wasn’t moving, but adjusting on my lap, straddling me. “Just because we can’t go all the way yet, doesn’t mean I don’t desire you, as well.” She whispered softly against my lips, her perky nipples grazing against my skin, setting me on fire. I had spent hundreds of years without the touch of another, without release, and she was here, naked, in my lap, teasing me. My resolve wasn’t strong to start with and it was crumbling quickly. Our lips locked into the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. My hands moved to her hips, pushing her down onto me. I needed her. She broke the kiss and put her hand on my chest, “Please, look at me,” Her soft words opened my eyes so she could see the love and lust mixed within, the longing and desire of hundreds of years. She looked the same, as if no time had passed. Her hips, sun kissed skin, beautiful eyes, her moans, her touch. It was all the same, it was all her. Thankfully I was still dressed, my body released as her hips moved along my lap and I groaned thinking of the first time we ever made love. I couldn’t wait to share my most cherished memory with her. “Seems like you need a shower as well.”

She moved off my lap, giving me a last kiss, as I tried to calm myself down. No one has ever made me feel the way this little minx has. Our future was going to be different than the last life she had with me. I was going to give her children. I would find a way to give her immortality. She is my queen. My forever. “Yes, yes I do, but you best get yours and get dressed, or else I will not be able to hold in my desires, my little wife to be. I’ve been celibate for hundreds of years waiting for you. Do not think one small release will be sufficient for me to be able to be around you while naked.” Her cheeks flushed as she ran to the bathroom, a teasing smile on her lips. I shook my head and sighed. She would be the only one that could kill me.

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