Property Of The Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 1)
Property Of The Mountain Man: Chapter 10

She looks like a sleepy little kitten all curled up against me, her hair messy and sexily rumpled against my arm as she sleeps draped across my chest. I fucking love this. I can still taste her on my tongue, the smell of sex still clinging to us even hours later.

I’m forty-three years old, tonight wasn’t the first time I’ve eaten a woman’s pussy, but fuck I’ve never experienced anything like watching Bonnie come for me. She’s loud, so fucking loud, screaming my name when she came, her face so fucking glorious in that moment that I almost shot my load just from watching her.

My dick is still hard from wanting to slide into her hot, tight, wet cunt, but I need her to be all in before I fuck her. She’s mine already, but the shit she pulled tonight proved that she’s going to test me and my patience until she’s one hundred percent confident that we’re permanent, and I suppose I can understand that.

Or maybe, I can tolerate it might be more appropriate. I wasn’t lying when I told her was possessive and unreasonable. I’m the eldest of seven siblings, I learned a long time ago that if you don’t want to share something you have to keep it close and hold it tight, and that’s exactly what I intend to do with Bonnie. She’s my property now and I won’t let her go, even if she thinks she wants me to.

The urge to fuck her until she screams that she belongs to me and only me, is fighting for supremacy. My inner caveman is craving her submission, not in a fifty shades way, I don’t want her to call me sir or get on her knees—unless she’s sucking my dick. But I want her to understand, to really know and feel that she’s my woman, and if I have to do that with my cock in her virgin cunt or a ring on her finger, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to own her completely.

The sun will be up in a few hours, but I promised Bonnie I’d take her to work, even though all I want to do is keep her here like this for the rest of the day. We didn’t really get a chance to settle anything last night. She wanted to leave, and I made her come until she was nothing but a boneless mess, then I stripped her and put her in my shirt, and we slept. We still need to talk; she still needs to understand the rules of being mine and she needs to tell me if she has any rules for me. I’ll do whatever she needs, as long as it’s not staying away from her or not touching her, those have become impossible for me now.

Pushing back her hair from her cheek, I allow my hand to slide over her ass, loving the way I can cup her cheek in my palm. “Baby girl,” I whisper against her hair, as I let my thumb dip between her cheeks, gliding over her asshole and down to her cunt that’s slick and hot.

“What are you dreaming about?” I ask, stroking my thumb through her wetness and then dragging it back up to squeeze her cheek a little.

She stirs in my arms, a small sound escaping her as she moves her hips, lifting her leg and curling it over mine, parting herself and offering her pussy to me while she sleeps.

I shouldn’t, but I can’t help but push my hand between us, cupping her cunt, loving how she moans with pleasure the moment my fingers part her sex.

“Beau,” she gasps, her eyes flickering open.

“Good morning, beautiful girl. Your cunt is so wet, tell me what you were dreaming about?” I rasp, pushing one finger into her. She’s so tight, so fucking tight that if I didn’t already know she was untouched before, I’d have known the moment I touched her last night.

I’m not going to lie, I fucking love it. I want to be the first, I want to be the only one to see her and feel her. My dick will be the only one she knows, the only one she’ll ever know, and damn if that doesn’t make me desperate to take her, to claim her.

Gently, I slide my finger slowly in and out of her, circling her clit with my thumb. Her hips roll and she pushes me in deeper, riding my finger with tentative movements. Lifting her chin with my free hand, I lead her lips to mine and kiss her, swallowing her gasp. Her hips instantly still and I leave my finger buried in her cunt, but stop moving.

After a second’s pause, she stops kissing me and I pull back, smiling down at her as her eyes fully open.

“Good morning.”

Her eyes go wide for a second, and she glances around, taking in my room. Unable to resist, I rub her clit and she moans. “Your cunt is so hungry for me; it knows who it belongs to. Were you dreaming about me?” I ask, continuing to slowly fuck her with my finger while I rub at her clit.

“Beau,” she pants.

“I love the way you say my name when my fingers are in your pussy. Tell me what I was doing in your dreams to make you this wet and I’ll do it for you now. Was I fucking you with my fingers, my tongue, or my cock? Was I in your pussy, your mouth, or your ass? Tell me and I’ll make your dreams come true, baby girl.”

Her hips roll and she pushes herself onto my finger a little deeper, but she doesn’t speak, her lips parted in a silent gasp.

“Did you dream about me being hard and rough, or soft and slow? Are you a dirty baby girl who wants to be spanked and tied up? You deserve a spanking after what you did last night.”

Her eyes sparkle a little, and a smile forms on my lips. “Sweet Jesus, you like the idea of being spanked, don’t you? I like it too,” I whisper, a moment before I take her lips with mine.

She kisses me almost desperately, and I suck on her tongue and bury my fingers in her hair. Pulling back, I cup her cheek softly and smirk at her. “Roll onto your front.”

Pausing, she sucks in an audible breath and then moves, turning slowly onto her stomach.

My dick is so hard I swear I go lightheaded from the sudden rush of blood to my groin, all I want to do is part her legs and slam into her. But I know I can’t. Instead, I climb over her, straddling one of her legs. Running my hands along her thighs I squeeze her ass cheeks, then push the shirt she’s wearing up onto her back, exposing her ass to me. I swallow thickly at the sight in front of me. Smooth, creamy skin, and just the hint of her pink pussy between her thighs.

Grabbing one of her cheeks roughly I squeeze hard, cupping her pussy with my other hand, before sliding two fingers gently into her. I wait for her to tense, or tell me to stop, but instead she moans and lifts her hips off the bed begging for more.

“Your cunt is so fucking tight. Do you like being full of my fingers?”

She doesn’t speak, and I release her ass cheek and slap my palm down onto her experimentally.

Her moan is almost pornographic.

“I asked you a question,” I say, spanking her again a little harder this time. “Do you like the way it feels when I fuck you with my fingers?”

“Yes,” she gasps.

I spank her again and she jerks, pushing herself deeper onto my hand and moaning loudly.

“Does this spanking feel like a punishment, or pleasure?” I ask, spanking her other ass cheek this time.

“Both,” she pants.

“You’re my dirty baby girl, aren’t you? Tell me what you were dreaming about,” I demand, fucking her a little faster with my fingers, curling as I try to find her g-spot.

“You were…” she trails off as I hit her again, her skin tinged pink in the spots I’ve struck.

“I was what?”

“You were fucking me.”


“Bent over the bed,” she cries, her hips moving and lifting, seeking more of either my fingers or the spanking, but I’m not sure which.

“That’s how you want me to take you? Bent over my big bed while I slam into you from behind?”


“Was I spanking you too?”

“No, but I want you to,” she gasps, her fingers raking at the sheets.

“Get onto your knees,” I order.

Pushing onto her knees, she rests her elbows against the bed to support her.

“Good girl,” I praise, my thumb finding her clit as I continue to fuck her pussy with my fingers.

“Ahhh,” she cries, her hips jerking as I push her towards an orgasm that I wish I could watch.

“That’s it, baby girl, you know what I want.”

“Beau,” she rasps.

She’s close to release, I can feel the way her cunt it tightening around my fingers, so I press against that spot deep inside of her, rubbing and pinching at her clit as I smack her ass with my open palm.

When she comes, she screams my name so loud there’s no doubt that if my brothers weren’t awake, they are now. Her breathing is nothing more than panting gasps, and I smile, sliding my fingers out of her and lifting them to my mouth as she collapses back to the bed.

Reaching down I spank her ass three times in hard succession and she mewls, part pain, part pleasure. Laying down beside her, I run my palm over her pink ass and chuckle. “I’ve never spanked a woman in my life, but I gotta say if you’re into it so am I, seeing your skin all pink like this is making my dick even harder than it already was.”

“Oh god,” Bonnie groans and it’s not a sexy groan, it’s worry, or something that sounds a lot like it.

Grabbing her around the waist, I roll to my back and drag her on top of me, shuffling up the pillows a little so she’s straddling me. She buries her head into my shoulder and I pry her up, forcing her to look at me.

“What’s the matter? Did I hurt you?” I ask, horrified at the thought.

“No, you didn’t hurt me.”

“Then why are you hiding from me?” I ask, cupping her chin.

“Because you just spanked me.”


“And I really liked it,” she says, cringing.

A soft chuckle escapes from my lips. “I liked it too,” I say with a shrug.

“I’m a freak.”

“No, you’re not. It’s not like I tied you up and burnt you with candles or anything, it was just a bit of harmless fun. It was hot, baby girl, and if you’re up for it, I want to do it again. Hell, I might even take you over my knee next time. Fuck, the thought of you naked, over my knee while your ass turns pink and your pussy drips with how wet and turned on you are is fucking hot,” I rasp, my dick somehow getting even harder with the image that just flashed into my mind.

“Beau,” she says, with that edge that I’m starting to learn is the prelude to her saying something I know I’m not going to want to hear.

“Bonnie, I want you, I think it’s pretty fair to say you want me too. Unless you’re married, or taken, I can’t think of a single thing you could say to me right now that would make an ounce of difference to what’s going to happen between us. I’ve never claimed a woman as mine, but you are. I can’t have it any other way, I won’t have it any other way.”

“This is just too sudden. I need some time, some space,” she says, moving to climb from my lap.

“No. You don’t need time, or fucking space, what’s the point in fighting the inevitable?”

“You don’t just get to decide you want me and I don’t get a choice in it.”

“Maybe if you didn’t want me just as much that would be true, but this thing that’s happening between us, neither of us get a choice in that. It’s fate or destiny or fucking kismet, I don’t know. But whatever it is, it’s real and raw and happening. We should have talked about this last night and I wish we had more time now, but I promised I’d get you to work,” I tell her, hating that I don’t have time to make her come again, to make her realize that we’re perfect for each other.

“What time is it?” she asks, panic lacing her voice.

“Just before five, we’ve got time, you won’t be late,” I assure her.

When she climbs off my lap, I reluctantly let her. “This bed is ridiculous,” she snaps as she slides to the floor dramatically.

Following her off, I grasp her around the waist and pull her back into my chest, banding my arm across her stomach and pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. “You won’t think it’s so stupid when you’re naked and bent over it.”

“I can barely climb on, it’s so high,” she snaps, pushing at my arm.

Lifting her, I cross to the bed and bend her over it, her feet almost off the floor, only her toes still touching. Parting her legs, I press my hard dick against her cunt and grind a little. “I think it’ll work perfect, baby girl,” I growl against her neck, then bite her.

Her moan is low and a little desperate, and I love the fact that I made her sound that way. Sex is usually always fun, but sex with her is going to be mind-blowing I can already tell.

As fast as I got her into this position, I release her again, lifting my eyebrows in challenge as I grab the hem of my shirt she’s wearing and slowly start to lift it.

“What are you doing?” she questions, slapping at my hands and trying to pull the fabric back down.

“Helping you get ready, like any good boyfriend should,” I say with a wink.

“I’m naked under this shirt, although I don’t remember getting undressed,” she says with a pointed glare.

“Did you want to sleep in a bra all night?” I ask smugly.

“I can get undressed all by myself. In the bathroom,” she snaps.

“That’s not happening,” I laugh.

“Beau,” she hisses.

“Not happening,” I say, shaking my head.

“Why do I have to get naked when you’re wearing pants?” she shrieks.

Pushing my pants down, I kick them to the side, feeling her eyes on my rock-hard dick when it bobs up and hits my stomach.

“Holy fucking shit,” she whispers, her gaze fixed on it.

“It’ll fit, don’t worry,” I smile, reaching down and grabbing my cock in my hand, giving it a little tug.

“I’d heard the rumors, but still,” she gasps, staring at it.

“There’s rumors?” I ask amused.

“You’re huge, like huge. I’m tiny, that’s just not going to work. No,” she says, finally lifting her eyes from my cock and staring wide eyed up at me, her head shaking slowly.

“It’ll fit, baby girl, I promise. I’d give you a demonstration but we need time for that, time that we don’t have right now.”

This time when I grab the hem of the shirt she doesn’t protest, just lets me pull it up and over her head leaving her completely, perfectly naked. Like this she looks even tinier, full breasts, a tiny waist and a round peachy ass, still pink from the spanking.

A bead of precum drips from the head of my dick and I grip my length, fighting the urge to rub one out and coat her perfect skin with my seed. “You want to shower here or at home?”

“Home,” she says, spotting her clothes that I folded and placed on the loveseat and rushing over to them.

Amused, I watch as she searches for her panties that aren’t there.

“No panties, I ripped them and your pantyhose last night. I chucked the hose, but I’m keeping the panties as a prize,” I smirk.

“Great, so I’m doing the walk of shame in a short skirt and no panties. Perfect,” she sighs, quickly pulling on her clothes.

“No,” I growl, closing the distance between us and yanking her to me. “There’s no shame in staying at your man’s house and him taking you home to get ready for work. Don’t make what happened between us last night and this morning sound fucking cheap,” I warn.

Staying silent, she stares up at me and I can’t help it, I lean down and kiss her, not caring that I’m still naked and that my dick is trying to work its way up her skirt.

Melting into me, she kisses me back like she’s as desperate for me as I am for her and after too long, but nowhere near long enough, I pull back, sighing. “I don’t want to stop, but we have to, baby. Let me get some clothes on and we’ll go to your place so you can get ready.”

Releasing her is harder than it should be, but eventually I move, pulling on boxers, then my work clothes. When I turn back, she’s completely dressed, her legs bare beneath her boots. “Did I tell you how beautiful you looked yesterday? I love those boots, but next time you wear them for me, not some other fucker with a death wish.”

She opens her mouth to talk, probably to argue, but I don’t let her, grabbing her hand in mine and towing her from my room and into the living room. My brothers and I are all early risers, so the kitchen and living room is full, and all of them turn to look at us as I lead Bonnie to the kitchen.

“Morning Bonnie,” Teddy calls.

“Morning Teddy,” Bonnie says quietly, her gaze fixed firmly on her feet.

Lifting her chin, I kiss her softly. “No shame, baby girl,” I remind her. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Here you go,” Granger says, sliding two brown bags towards me, one says Beau on it, the other Bonnie.

“Thanks,” I say taking them.

“Why does that bag have my name on it?” she asks.

“It’s your lunch.”

“You made me a bagged lunch?” she asks incredulous.

“No, Granger made you a bagged lunch, it was his turn,” I say, handing her a thermal cup with her name on it too.

“Do you do this for every woman who sleeps over?” she asks my brother.

Granger glances at me, then to Bonnie, his brow furrowed. “Bonnie, you’re the first woman who’s ever slept at this house apart from our mama.”

“What?” she asks, confusion lacing the slightly shrill word.

“We don’t bring women to our home,” Teddy says from where he’s eating a bowl of cereal at the dining table.

“I don’t understand,” Bonnie says.

“This is our home, not some fuck pad. We wouldn’t disrespect our mama’s memory by bringing home any random woman we wanted to screw. We all agreed a long time ago that we’d only allow the women we were planning forever with to come here,” I tell her simply.

“But, I’m…” she trails off.

“Forever, baby girl,” I say, pressing another too quick kiss to her lips. “But we gotta go, else your gonna be late for work.”

“See you later,” my brothers chorus as I pull a very shocked Bonnie from the house and out to my truck.

“You okay?” I ask, as I lift her into my truck and buckle her seat belt, ignoring her when she tries to push me away so she can do it herself.

“No, I’m not. Your brothers made me a bagged lunch with my name on it.”

“One of us makes a bagged lunch for everyone, every day we work,” I say with a shrug, smiling to myself as I pull onto the road and head towards her house.

“This is all too much.”

“It’s only lunch, Bonnie,” I chuckle as I turn onto the ranch’s driveway, the sun just starting to creep over the horizon.

“It’s not just lunch,” she shrieks, her eyes wide and full of panic as I pull to a stop outside of her house.

“Calm down, you need to get ready for work.”

Her eyes flash to the house and she nods, fumbling with her seatbelt, then bolting from the car the moment she gets her door open. Calmly I follow her, letting myself into her house and heading for the kitchen.

“Morning Hal,” I say, as I slide into the chair opposite his at the kitchen table, my thermal coffee mug in my hands.

“Morning Beau,” he says with a nod.

We both turn as a flustered Bonnie bursts into the room wearing only a robe tied tightly at her waist. “I have to put dinner on, she says, rushing from one side of the kitchen to the other.”

“What you making?” I ask.

“Err,” she says, shoving her head into the refrigerator. “Daddy do you want pot roast or short ribs?”

“I can sort dinner later, sweetheart, you go get yourself ready for work, you seem a little fraught this morning,” Hal tells her.

“No, I put on dinner every morning, that way if Owen doesn’t bother to show we have dinner ready for when I get home,” she snaps, pulling a rack of ribs out.

“Stop,” I say, jumping up from my chair and going to her. Reaching around her from behind I take the food from her hands and place it on the counter. “Go get ready for work and I’ll sort dinner.”

“I…” she starts.

“Just calm down,” I say pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. “I know how to prep ribs for the crock pot, we have it all the time at home, so let me take care of this for you.”

“Are you sure?” she asks, turning to face me.

“Absolutely,” I say, dipping my head to kiss her.

“Okay,” she says, glancing at her dad, then back to me before she scurries out of the room.

I busy myself pulling out a pan and searing the meat while I chop some onions and add stock, sugar, garlic, and all the other ingredients into the crock pot, then place the ribs on top and put the lid on.

“You’re good for her,” Hal says, shocking me by speaking when he’s stayed silent until now.

“Good at pissing her off at the minute,” I laugh, filling the sink with suds to wash the pan, knife, and chopping board I’ve used.

“She’s trying to do everything her mama did, she won’t let me help and she’s working full time as well. She needs someone to take care of her,” he tells me, his eyes shrewd.

“Okay, I’m ready,” she announces, as she marches into the room in skin tight jeans with her work t-shirt tied in a knot at her back so it leaves an inch of skin between her jeans and shirt that I have the overwhelming urge to lean down and lick with my tongue.

“See you later, Hal,” I say, waving at the man whose eyes warm with love the moment they fall on his daughter.

“Bye Daddy, don’t work too hard,” Bonnie says, pressing a kiss to her dad’s cheek before she turns and heads towards the front door. She’s in my truck with her seatbelt buckled before I have a chance to get my hands on her again.

“What time are you supposed to finish work today?” I ask, as she unlocks the door of the coffee shop.

“Three in theory, but more than likely close. Owen doesn’t enjoy working and his dad won’t fire him, even though he knows he’s a waste of space,” she says absentmindedly.

“Text me and let me know.”

“Why?” she asks, turning to look at me for the first time since I climbed out of my truck.

“So I know if I need to come to the shop or straight to your place.”

“Why would you do either?”

“Baby girl, that’s a stupid fucking question,” I say, reaching over and grabbing the back of her neck with my palm. “If you’re closing, then I’ll come wait while you lock up, same as I’ve been doing for the last year. If you’re not then I’ll come straight to you at home.”

Her brow furrows and she look’s both confused and a little annoyed as her lips purse together. “Maybe I have plans tonight.”

“Do you?” I ask.

“I might.”

“What plans?” I ask, starting to get a little annoyed too.

“Cora wants a girls’ night out,” she says tartly.

“After you’ve worked a fourteen-hour day?” I ask with an arch of my brow, a smirk slipping onto my lips.

“Fine, so I don’t have plans, but you shouldn’t just assume I don’t,” she snaps.

“I’m sorry,” I say, barely restraining my grin as we both step into the shop. “What do you want for breakfast. I’m going to order us something from Granny Annie’s and have Herb bring it over,” I say, pulling up the number for the diner on the other side of town that’s open twenty-four hours a day.

“Don’t you have to go to work?” she asks, pausing by the coffee machine she just turned on to heat up.

“Not till after we’ve eaten, you know what time I normally leave. Plus, I need to feed you first, I never thought about us not having time for breakfast. You distracted me with that perfect pussy of yours,” I tell her, rounding the counter and backing her against the wall, claiming her lips with mine.

“Beau,” she whines breathily. “You really can’t keep coming back here and kissing me.”

“Watch me. I won’t let a stupid fucking counter stop me from getting to you,” I say, dipping my head to hers again, my hand sliding along that tantalizing strip of skin at her waist.

She moans against my mouth and I reluctantly pull back. “Let me feed you. What do you want for breakfast?”

“French toast with strawberry butter, please,” she says, her eyes unfocussed, her body soft and pliant against mine.

Stepping away from her, I pull up a stool at the counter rather than sitting at my usual table and watch her as I call through our food order to Granny’s. It comes quickly and I pull up a stool next to my own and make her sit and eat with me.

“I’ve got to go, baby girl,” I tell her reluctantly when we’ve both finished eating.

“Okay,” she says, taking the trash from our breakfasts and dropping it into the can beneath the counter. “Thank you for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome,” I say. “Now come here.”

“Why?” she asks.

“So you can kiss me goodbye,” I tell her, loving how her cheeks pink a little.

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