Property Of The Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 1)
Property Of The Mountain Man: Chapter 14

I’m losing my motherfucking mind!

My dick is still hard, even though I know I can’t touch her again tonight. She was so fucking tight I didn’t know if she could take me, but her pussy was the perfect fit, strangling my dick so every thrust felt like heaven.

The need for her hasn’t lessened at all, in fact I think I actually want her more now I know how it feels to be inside of her. She was a virgin when I carried her into my bedroom tonight, and now she’s indisputably mine, claimed in the most carnal way that makes my chest swell with caveman pride.

Her body is the most perfect sexual playground imaginable, and my dick’s excited to get started teaching her all the ways she can give and receive pleasure. She keeps telling me this thing between us is too much, too quick, but for me it’s not moving quick enough. I know she’s it for me, so what are we waiting for. I want her in my life, in my bed. I want to marry her and breed her, I want her belly swollen with my kid, and I want to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

I meant it when I warned her I wouldn’t allow any space between us once I’d fucked her, she’s a compulsion, my obsession, and I have no intention of allowing any distance between us. I want all of her time, all of her attention, I want all of her and I’ll take it, because she gave herself to me willingly and I own her now.

Huck raises an eyebrow at me when I pad barefoot and naked, except for my loose shorts, into the kitchen.

“Don’t say a fucking word. You didn’t hear anything; you have no fucking clue what me and her were doing. If any of you fuckers make her cry, I’ll make you bleed,” I warn in a low voice to make sure she can’t hear.

“Then we need to sound proof your room,” Huck says with a knowing smirk. “She’s loud.”

“Cody, what do we need to do to soundproof my walls and door,” I ask, turning to look at him.

“I’ll find out,” he says. “Can I go apologize for today?”

“Hell no. No one goes anywhere near my room when she’s here. She’s for my eyes only. You can apologize in the morning,” I snarl, a little louder than I intended.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re really gone for her, aren’t you?” Penn asks, his eyes wide with shock.

“Course I am, she wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. I’m going to marry her, she’s gonna be the mama of your nieces and nephews,” I say with complete confidence.

My brothers all fall silent, varying degrees of shock etched across their faces.

“I’m happy for you, bro,” Teddy says. He might be the youngest, but he’s also the least jaded by women.

“Thanks,” I say, grabbing two bottles of water from the refrigerator. “Have we got any Tylenol anywhere?”

“There’s a bottle in my bathroom cabinet,” Granger says, jumping up from the couch and crossing to his room. He returns a moment later, and I take the painkillers from him and offer my shellshocked brothers a wave as I head back to my bedroom and my girl.

When I slide back inside, my eyes go immediately to the bed and I scowl when I see she’s wearing clothes. “Why have you got dressed?”

“Because it felt weird to be in here naked with your six brothers on the other side of the door,” she says with a shrug.

Rolling my eyes, I climb into the bed next to her and immediately start pulling the clothes she’s put on, off.

“Beau,” she giggles.

“No clothes, I want nothing between us.”

“You have shorts on,” she argues, as I pull the panties she’s now wearing down her legs and fling them across the room.

Pulling my own shorts off, I fling them in the same direction as her panties. “Now we’re both naked,” I say with a smirk.

“You’re crazy,” she giggles.

“Here, take these,” I tell her, shaking two Tylenol into my hand and holding them out to her.


“Because you’re gonna be sore, baby girl,” I tell her, offering her one of the bottles of water as well.

“Oh.” Her cheeks turn pink as she takes the tablets from me and swallows them, washing them down with the water.

“Why are you embarrassed?” I ask, pulling her into my chest. Her naked breasts are pressed against me and I breath out slowly, thinking about everything except Bonnie to stop my dick from getting enthusiastic. I’d love to fuck her again, hell I’d like to gorge on her, but if I do I’ll hurt her, and I promised her nothing but pleasure.

“Because you cleaned me up, told me to pee, and now you’re bringing me pain killers. It’s embarrassing how clueless about all this stuff I am,” she says quietly, her arm sliding along my stomach until it’s curled over me.

“I love that I’m your first. The thought of anyone else touching you makes me so fucking crazy,” I confess, holding her a little tighter as a wave of jealousy ploughs through me.

“You’re so weird. Surely it’d be better if I had some experience and knew how to make it good for you.”

“No,” I snarl. “I don’t fucking want that. I don’t ever want to imagine you with someone else. You’re mine and I don’t share, ever. I’ll lose my mind if anyone ever touches you.”

“Calm down, you just took my virginity, you know that you’re my first,” she laughs.

Rolling her beneath me, I rest my hands on either side of her head. “I’m serious, don’t even joke about belonging to anyone else.”

“I’m yours,” she says, smiling as she rolls her eyes.

“Yes you are,” I growl, pressing my lips to hers.

Waking up with her tempting body pressed against mine is both a blessing and a curse. I love that she’s here with me, that her body has sought me out in her sleep, but my dick wants inside of her tight pussy again and it’s taking everything I have not to part her legs and take what’s mine.

“Morning,” she murmurs sleepily, her arms stretching as she unfurls from beside me.

“Morning baby,” I whisper, pulling her back to me when she tries to move.

“I need to use the bathroom,” she whines, wriggling against my hold.

Reluctantly I release her, watching as she rushes to grab the shirt I pulled off her last night, dragging it over her head before scurrying into the bathroom and shutting the door. Unable to resist, I wait a second, then stride naked to the door, pushing it open and walking straight in, smiling to myself when she shrieks at me.

“Beau, I’m peeing, get out.”

“I already told you, no space, no distance,” I warn seriously, leaning in and turning on the shower to heat.

“This is ridiculous,” she hisses.

“No, this is us,” I laugh, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her scowling lips.

“This is you, you weirdo,” she sighs.

Her expression is full of resigned amusement, but she doesn’t protest when I pull the shirt she just used to hide her body from me up and over her head.

“Hurry up, we need to shower so we have time for breakfast before work,” I say, turning and leaning against the counter to watch her.

“So shower, I can be done quick,” she says.

“We’re going to shower together,” I tell her, my eyes heating as she stands, her perfectly naked body on display.


Crooking a finger at her, she quickly flushes and washes her hands, then slowly moves toward me. I reach for her the moment she’s close enough and lift her, placing her under the stream of water, then follow her in, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her back against my chest.

Again, I notice how tiny she is, her head only coming to my chest. Sliding my hand up I watch my huge palm cover her breast, cupping and gently squeezing her. “Are you sore?” I rasp a little desperately against her ear.

She shakes her head without speaking and I slide my hand down between her breasts, over her flat stomach, and between her legs, cupping her mound as I enjoy the sight of my hands on her sex. Her pussy is covered in a neat patch of dark hair, but I’d love to see her bare and exposed to me. Parting her folds with my finger, I slide it down to her entrance and carefully push just the tip inside of her.

“You’re wet already. Did you dream about me touching you again?” I purr against her neck, pressing my lips to her wet skin.

Her legs part a little but she doesn’t speak. Pushing my finger in a little deeper, I try to read her body, feeling her tense a little, before she relaxes. “Does that hurt?”

“A little, I’m tender,” she answers softly.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I say, slowly pulling my finger out of her.

“No,” she says, her hand covering mine to stop me. “It’s a nice pain.”

“A nice pain?”

“Yeah, like when you spanked me,” she whispers, her cheeks coloring pink again.

I slide my finger slowly back into her until it’s completely inside of her velvety soft heat and she groans slightly, lifting up on her toes, before she settles back down onto her feet fully again, her pussy clenching around me.

“Tell me what you dreamed about?” I order, slowly fucking her with my finger as I part her sex with my other hand and rub at her clit. Her head falls back against my chest, her lips parted as barely audible pants come from her.

“I…” she starts, trailing off when she moans softly.

“Did you dream about me?”

She nods.

“Was I touching you?” I ask, allowing my movements to become faster and more intense as her arousal coats my hand, and her pants and moans become more audible.

She nods again.

“Was I fucking you?”

Her shoulders tense and her cunt clamps down on my finger as she comes on a silent scream, her body convulsing as shudders wrack through her, her fingers griping my wrists tightly as she rides out her orgasm with my finger still deep inside of her.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” I whisper against her ear. “I want to force you to bend over while I fuck you hard from behind. I want to make you so wild that you beg for it harder, beg for me to make you scream.”

Her body trembles as her chest hitches up and down with ragged breaths. “Yes,” she breaths.

“Not right now, baby girl, I don’t want to hurt you and if I take you like I want to, I will. As soon as you’re healed up I will though, I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll feel it with every step you take. You’ll feel my claim every time you move.”

Inhaling slowly, I force myself to calm down. I could take my dick in hand and rub one out, I could get her to do it for me, but I want the next time I come to be inside of her. So instead I grab the body wash, squirt some into my hands and slowly wash every inch of her, taking my time cleaning her pussy and ass while she blushes a beautiful shade of pink. “Tip your head back,” I order as I grab the shampoo she bought from her house and lather some into her hair, guiding her head to wash it out before adding conditioner and doing the same again.

“Let me do you,” she says, turning around until we’re chest to chest.

“You have no idea how much I want your hands on me. But if you touch me right now, I’m not going to be able to stop myself from fucking you and I can’t, so next time, next time you can touch as much as you want, but for today I just can’t,” I rasp, grabbing the shower gel and washing as quickly as I can, while the devious little witch smirks at me, her eyes watching my hands move over my arms, my chest, my dick.

Once I’m done, I turn off the shower and quickly wrap a towel around my waist, then hold out one for her. She goes to take it from me, but I wrap it around her, then pull her into my arms and kiss her. “This is how I want every morning to start,” I tell her, reluctantly pulling away from her mesmerizing lips when the alarm on my cell phone starts to chime. “Come on, baby girl, we need to get ready for work.”

Sighing, she tucks the towel around her more securely, then takes the one I offer her for her hair, twisting it up into a pile on the top of her head. She follows me when I pad back into the bedroom, using the towel to dry her wet skin as I head for my dresser.

Drying myself, I pull a pair of black boxers from the drawer and pull them on, tucking my semi hard dick inside and willing it to calm the fuck down. I grab some socks, pants, and a thermal top and throw them to the bed, then open the drawer I put all her underwear in. “What panties do you want? Cotton or lace?”

“You know it’s weird you rooting through my underwear, I can get it myself,” she says, looking at me like I’ve actually gone crazy.

“Cotton or lace?” I ask, holding up a pair in each hand.

“Cotton,” she says, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

“Which bra?” I ask.

“The white one,” she answers, not bothering to argue.

Closing the drawer, I start towards her and she holds up her hand, a stern expression on her face. “If you try and help me put those on, I’m going home. I’m serious.”

“I’d hunt your ass down and drag you back here over my shoulder,” I smirk.

“You’re a barbarian.”

“When it comes to you I am.”

Snatching her underwear from my hands she drops her towel and quickly pulls them on, looking unsure before she opens my closet door and peers inside. “Jesus, Beau, did you even look what clothes you grabbed before you shoved them in the case? You bought me two work shirts and the tiniest pair of shorts in my closet. Any chance you picked up any pantyhose when you ravaged my underwear drawer?”

Fastening my pants, I open the drawer again and pull out a pair of black pantyhose, holding them out for her to see.

“Thank god,” she says, taking them from me and sitting down on the loveseat to pull them on.

Pulling my thermal over my head, I take a sweater from the closet and turn back to find her doing up the shortest pair of booty shorts I’ve ever seen in my life. “What the fuck are they?” I snarl.

“These are the only bottoms you packed me,” she hisses.

“You can’t wear them. Hell fucking no.”

“It’s these or panties, because this is all you packed when you decided to shove random stuff from my closet in a bag,” she says through gritted teeth.

“There is no fucking way I’m letting anyone but me see you in those shorts, you can almost see your pussy they’re so small,” I shout.

“You cannot see my pussy and I don’t have a choice. This is all I have and I have to be at work in thirty minutes.”

“It’s not happening, baby girl, change,” I order.

“Into what exactly?” she demands, turning to glare at me, her arms crossed across her chest.

“What about those leggings you wore last night?”

“You can see straight through them in the daylight, I only wear them around the house where no one can see me.”

Shaking my head, I look her up and down again. “Bonnie if anyone sees you like that, I’ll lose my fucking mind. I’ll kill someone when I cut down the wrong fucking tree because I’m so distracted thinking about assholes staring at your ass all day. Call in sick, I don’t normally work on a Sunday anyway, we can take the day off and spend it naked in bed,” I coax.

“I can’t call in sick. I’m not sick, plus who would open the shop? I doubt Owen would even answer his cell if I called him this early on a Sunday morning. They’re not so bad,” she says, tying a knot in the back of her shirt to stop it from covering her ass and making her look like she’s not wearing anything at all.

“Turn around,” I demand. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“What? Why?”

“I want to see how bad it is.”

Shaking her head, she turns around and looks back at me over her shoulder. The shorts are fucking tiny, so small I can see the curve of her ass cheeks.

“Hell no. Get your shoes on, I’m taking you home so you can change, we’ll eat at the shop again,” I growl, snatching one of my hoodies from the closet and pulling it over her head. The fabric swamps her, the arms dangling several inches past her fingers, the hem almost to her knees.

“I’ll be late if I have to go change.”

“I’ll drive fast,” I hiss, shoving my feet into my boots. “Come on.”

With a scowl etched across my face, I barely acknowledge Penn, the only one of my brothers who’s up this early on a weekend, as I stalk through the living room, snatching our bagged lunches from the counter and towing Bonnie along behind me, my hand gripping hers tightly.

“Hey Penn,” she calls in greeting as I march us towards the front door, needing to get her out of those indecent shorts and into something that’s not going to haunt me for the rest of the day.

“Get in,” I snarl, lifting her into my truck, when she hesitates.

“Beau, you’re being ridiculous,” she laughs.

“Do you want to be the reason someone dies today?” I growl.

“No,” she giggles.

“Then you need to change.” Circling my truck, I climb into the driver’s seat and crank the engine, launching us down the driveway far too quickly, leaving a hailstorm of gravel in our wake. Bonnie’s still giggling when I skid to a stop outside her house. “Go change quickly and burn those fucking shorts, if I ever see you wearing them anywhere except our bedroom, I’ll spank your ass, and not the sexy fun kind of spanking, the kind that hurts,” I hiss, my fingers gripping the steering wheel so tightly my knuckles are white.

Shaking her head and still laughing at me, she slides from the truck and rushes to the front door disappearing inside the house. I know I should go in with her, but we just don’t have time for her to be naked around me. I won’t be able to resist laying claim to her and leaving her smelling like sex and me with how riled up I am at the minute.

I’ve never felt jealousy before and it’s a weird fucked up sensation. Dan isn’t a threat anymore, but the idea of anyone seeing what’s mine, of a guy looking at her and wanting her, wanting to take her from me. The idea makes me feel violent.

When the door opens again, my gaze drops to her legs and a relieved breath bursts from me when I see she’s in tight black, ripped jeans. They still show off her toned legs and perfect ass, but I can’t dress her like a nun just because I hate the idea of anyone wanting her.

She’s still wearing my hoodie, her hair twisted into two braids that make her look even younger than she really is. My dick is hard again, or maybe it just never went soft, and I’m out the truck and moving towards her before I even realize what I’m doing.

“Thank you,” I say against her lips as I lift her off the floor and kiss her hard. She wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me back as if she’s as desperate for me, as I am for her.

Groaning, I reluctantly pull away. “Sure you don’t want to call in sick, I could have you naked and in our bed in less than ten minutes?” I ask, rolling my hips and pressing my rock-hard cock against her core.

“I can’t,” she says with a sigh, running her fingers through my hair.

“You are a fucking siren, you’re far too tempting,” I rasp, opening her door and placing her gently onto the seat of the truck.

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