Property Of The Mountain Man (Montana Mountain Men Book 1)
Property Of The Mountain Man: Chapter 20

From the booth I’m sitting in, hidden in the corner, I watch as she walks in through the door. I’d expected the red dress she’d taunted me with, but the outfit she’s wearing stops my breath in my lungs. Her legs are bare, the skin smooth and tempting. Her skirt is gold and shiny and so fucking tiny it’s almost indecent. But my eyes almost fall out of my head when my gaze lands on the black top. It’s like a second skin, hugging her curves as it wraps over the swell of her tits, dipping into a v and giving the world a glimpse of cleavage. Thin straps are hooked over her shoulders and the top is entirely backless, the fabric dipping beneath the waist of her skirt and revealing her entire back, her skin smooth and creamy and tempting.

Her hair is loose, but it does nothing to distract from the fact that she’s half naked with far too much of her beautiful skin on display for anyone to see. Anger and lust swirl together in a myriad of emotions that makes my dick hard, and my fingers form into fists at exactly the same time. I’m rising from my seat before I even realize I’m moving, until Penn’s huge hand lands on my shoulder, pushing me back down, a stern expression on his face. “Calm down, you know storming over there isn’t going to help matters right now,” he says reasonably.

If it was his woman dressed like that without him, I seriously doubt he’d be so fucking calm.

A feral growl escapes from my lips, but I sink back down, hidden once again from her view. I can’t hear what she’s saying to her friend, but I watch as she downs first one shot, then another, smiling and laughing in a way I’ve never seen before.

The girls grab their martini glasses from the bar and make their way to a small table almost directly opposite us, giving us a clear view of them. Thankfully it’s almost impossible to see into the booths we’re sitting at, which is why we chose to sit here in the first place.

All six of my brothers are with me, some of them would have been here anyway, but after seeing how pissed I was when she left me hanging earlier, they all decided I needed to be supervised if I was coming down here.

A normal guy would just let his woman enjoy her girls’ night, but when it comes to Bonnie, I’m not a normal guy. She provokes a reaction in me a thousand times more powerful than I’ve ever experienced before, and I’m not even attempting to fight it. Bonnie Williams is mine, completely and utterly mine, and what kind of a man would I be if I didn’t protect what belongs to me.

I watch as the girls chat, wishing I could hear what they were talking about. Bonnie’s expression changes from happy, to concerned, to embarrassed, rolling through a series of emotions that make me hope to know her so well that one day I can tell what she’s thinking from across the room. The band starts to play a set, and Bonnie and Cora finish their drinks and quickly move to the dance floor. My girl sways her hips to the music, her ass moving in a sensual grind that makes my hard dick even harder.

A waitress brings us another round of beers, and for a while I just watch Bonnie dance, content knowing that I can keep an eye on her without her knowing I’m here. She’s pissed at me, but I’m not sure why and I don’t like how it’s making me feel. The texts we were sending back and forth turned her on. My baby girl has a dirty mind. I wouldn’t really call myself strictly vanilla, but I’ve never been with anyone I was interested in exploring my kinkier side with, before her.

Now though, I want to do every filthy, depraved thing my mind can think of with her. Spanking her ass and seeing how turned on it made her has flipped a switch somewhere deep inside of me and I don’t just want to fuck her, I want to pin her beneath me and ruin her for every other man in the world. I won’t let her leave me, but even if she wanted to, I want to ruin her, break her so her pleasure is wound so tightly that I’m the only one who can get her off.

The thoughts swirling around my head are wrong and messed up, but I just don’t care, she’s mine. I’m the only one to feel her cunt from the inside, the only one who’s ever slid my fingers, tongue, and cock into her sex. I took her virginity, I claimed her and now she’s unequivocally mine, in the basest way imaginable.

A waitress arrives at Bonnie and Cora’s side with four more shots and two more martinis. Cora leans in and speaks to the waitress, who gestures to Eric Mathieson and Brett Hanson who are leaning up against the bar and watching my girl and her friend dance. They raise their glasses to the girls and it’s clear that those motherfuckers just bought my woman a drink.

The girls take the shots and raise them in toast to the guys, quickly throwing back one, then the other, before they each grab a martini glass and continue to dance. I reach out and stop the waitress as she’s passing. “I’ll cover the cost of those drinks,” I say, motioning to the girls.

“They’ve already been paid for, Beau,” she laughs.

“That’s my fucking woman and no one but me is gonna pay for her. Put all their drinks on my tab and make sure you tell anyone who asks to buy them a round that they’re taken,” I growl.

Marnie or Marissa or whatever the fuck the waitress’s name is nods, sensing my barely restrained anger, and scurries off to the bar.

“Bro you need to relax, there’s a vein pulsing in your head right now that looks like it’s about to explode,” Bay says, trying to soothe me. “She’s only dancing with her friend; she’s not flirting or looking for another guy. This crazy is all you right now.”

“Is that little Cora Cunningham she’s with,” Granger asks.

“Yep, only she’s twenty-one now, just like Bonnie is,” I growl, my eyes fixed on my woman’s ass as the tiny skirt she’s wearing barely hides her smooth, round ass cheeks. My legs start to push me upright, but another firm hand on my shoulder pushes me back down again.

“Don’t be an idiot,” Huck growls, not looking at me, his eyes firmly fixed on the girls.

No, not the girls, Huck’s eyes are on Cora, watching as she laughs and throws her hands up in the air as she dances.

Fuck, I think my brother just found out he has a thing for my woman’s best friend.

An hour passes and I watch, my gaze never moving from Bonnie as she laughs, drinks, and dances. Every male eye in the place is fixed on her, even though there’s plenty of other women in the bar. Bonnie and Cora are by far the youngest, sexiest, and most appealing, and my blood boils knowing others are seeing her like this, so free and relaxed. I want to keep everything about her to myself because I’m a jealous, possessive asshole, just like I keep telling her I am.

After another thirty minutes I start to relax, she’s drinking a little too much, but she’s not sloppy drunk, just giggly and enjoying herself. My brothers are chatting, but I’m not engaged, all of my focus is on watching her. I’ve never seen her like this, never seen her relaxed and silly. I like it, and for now I’m happy to keep her safe without her ever knowing I’m here.

“You finally chill the fuck out?” Penn asks, the amusement obvious in his voice.

“You just wait till this is you,” I say, flipping him the bird.

“Oh hell no. I’m not as crazy as you, bro. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and enjoy the sex without the hassle,” he says confidently.

“You planning to keep three girls in rotation forever? Just waiting till one of them comes knocking on the door telling you she’s making you a daddy?” I ask.

“I’m just having fun; they all know it’s not serious,” Penn says dismissively.

“Roxanne sure agreed it was casual, that’s why she was poking holes in the condoms,” Huck says, his expression as serious as mine.

“I always take my own condoms and double wrap,” Penn says.

“Dude, women like that are vipers, no pussy is worth ending up with someone like her as your baby mama,” Bay says.

“Fine, I’ll find someone else to fuck,” Penn rolls his eyes.

“Why don’t you start looking for more than a fuck. I had no clue what I was missing until I finally admitted how much I wanted Bonnie. She is everything to me, just like Mom was to Dad,” I say, turning my gaze back to Bonnie, only to find her and Cora dancing with Eric and Brett. “What the fuck?” I snarl, up and out of my seat before I can think about what I’m doing.

I feel, rather than see my brothers follow me out of the booth as I storm across the bar to my woman and the guy who’s trying to grind on her ass. A red haze descends across my vision and I pick Mathieson up and throw him across the bar, my chest heaving up and down as I slowly turn to look at my woman.

My woman, mine.

“Baby girl, you want to explain why the fuck you’re letting some other guy grind all over your ass?” I growl menacingly.

“Beau, what the hell did you just do?” she cries, her hands covering her mouth as she looks towards where Mathieson is just pulling himself up off the floor.

“Don’t look at him, look at me and answer the fucking question, Bonnie.”

“He asked me to dance and I said no, then he tried to pull me back against him, I was pushing him off when you attacked him,” she shrieks.

“You’re my fucking woman, mine. No one else gets to touch you,” I snarl.

“I told him no, I didn’t let him touch me,” she shouts back at me.

“Bro,” Granger says, his hand resting carefully on my shoulder. “Cage the beast dude.”

“I’m fine,” I say, shrugging his hand off me. “I just need to have a quick word with my girlfriend.”

“We’ll keep Cora company, you go do your thing,” Huck says with a smirk, sliding his arm across Cora’s shoulders and guiding her away from me and Bonnie.

“Come on,” I say grabbing Bonnie’s hand and towing her away from the others. “Barney,” I say when we get to the bar. He throws me a key and I keep pulling her behind me, ignoring her protests until we’re in Barney’s office with the door locked behind us.

“Beau, you’re being an asshole right now,” she snaps, yanking her hand away from me and crossing her arms across her chest.

“I don’t like seeing some other fucker thinking they can touch you,” I growl angrily.

“I was pushing him off, I told him I didn’t want to dance with him. This isn’t my fault.”

“I know that,” I shout, grabbing her and pulling her into my chest. “But you’re mine.”

“So, you keep telling me,” she says, her voice slightly muffled against my shirt.

“This fucking skirt is impossible,” I growl, running my hand over her ass, sliding my palm up her skirt until my fingers are running over the swell of her sex. “Are you fucking serious?” I cry, stepping back from her and pulling her skirt up. “Are you looking to get fucked by someone other than me tonight?”

“What? Of course not,” she says incredulous.

“Then why the fuck are you wearing a skirt this short and no panties?” I demand.

“It’s a body suit, Beau, wearing panties with it is uncomfortable and the suit covers everything.”

“It’s a scrap of fabric and some poppers baby girl. I can see your pussy,” I tell her, running my fingers across the black material that’s barely hiding her cunt from my view,

“You can not,” she says dismissively, pushing her skirt back down.

Pushing it straight back up again, I pull the two sides of the fabric until the poppers separate and her cunt is out and barely an inch from my fingertips. “Who does this pussy belong to, baby girl?” I ask, running my finger lightly over her smooth skin.

“Me,” she replies, lifting her hips slightly and pushing her sex towards me.

“Wrong answer. This pussy belongs to me and I won’t allow anyone else to see or touch it. I’m possessive about the things that belong to me, I don’t fucking share,” I whisper, parting her folds and dragging my finger through her wetness. “Are you wet for him? Did you secretly want him to feel how he affected you?”

“No, I don’t even like him.” Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Then who is all this cream for, baby?” I ask, dipping just the tip of my finger inside of her cunt.

“You, I’m wet for you,” she admits, moving her hips and pushing me further into her.

“Do want me to touch you?”

“Yes,” she pants.

“Do you want me to lick you?” I ask, pushing my finger a little further into her.

“Yes, god yes. Please,” she begs.

“Do you see now why this pretty pussy belongs to me?”

“Beau,” she rasps. “I need more.”

“Who owns this?” I ask, pulling my finger free and cupping her sex in my palm. “Tell me and I’ll give you what you want.”

“You do, now touch me,” she pants.

“Say the words,” I taunt, grinding the heel of my hand against her clit.

“My pussy belongs to you,” she gasps.

Blinking slowly, I look down at her and smirk. “Spread your legs.”

She parts her legs without thought and I remove my hand, taking in the view of her pink pussy lips all wet and glistening. Bending down, I lick at her clit and shove two fingers into her cunt at the same time, smiling at the shocked, squeaking noise she makes.

I fuck her roughly, flicking my tongue over her clit as she pulls at my hair, barreling towards an orgasm that ignites, making her cunt pulse around my fingers and a strangled cry fall from her lips. With my fingers still inside her, slowly pumping in and out, I rise to my feet. “Take my cock out,” I order.

Her hands fumble with my zipper for a second, until she manages to lower it and my dick is free of its confines, precum leaking from the tip. “Wrap your hand around me,” I order.

Covering her hand with mine, I guide her palm up and down my dick as I keep my fingers still buried deep in her cunt. My dick is weeping as she jacks me slowly at first. “Grip me tighter,” I tell her, and she immediately complies, her fingers tightening as she moves faster, her pussy still fluttering with the aftershocks of the orgasm I gave her.

“So fucking good, baby girl. Lift your skirt,” I order.

Still jacking me she pulls her skirt up and I shoot my load across her sex, lines of white cum dripping from her pussy lips and thighs.

Chest heaving and panting, I pull my fingers out of her pussy, combining her arousal with my cum as I rub it into her skin. She moans as I collect some of my cum with two fingers and push it deep inside of her, then I collect more and rub it all over the tight ring of her asshole. Then I refasten the poppers around her soaked sex and pull it tight, so the fabric presses against her cunt and clit.

Shoving my dick back into my jeans I look up to find her eyes are wide and lust filled. “Go back to your friend, dance, drink, whatever. But don’t forget who you belong to, baby girl. Feel it every time that fucking fabric rubs against your wet cunt that’s covered in my cum. Then when you’re done, I’ll take you home.”

Her lips part and I can see the argument forming, but I arch an eyebrow at her. “If you argue I’ll take you home now. Either way, whatever happens you’ll be sleeping in our bed tonight.”

She glares at me for a minute, then nods. “Fine, but no more attacking people.”

“Don’t let anyone touch you and I won’t have to,” I say simply.

Unlocking the door, I hold it open for her, taking her arm to stop her from running from me. Locking the door behind me, I wrap my palm around the back of her neck and guide her back into the bar, throwing the office key back to Barney as I escort her back to where Cora and my brothers are drinking shots in our booth.

Sliding in next to Bay, I ignore his knowing smirk, taking a shot from the tray and hand it to Bonnie. She takes it and drinks it, her eyes narrowed, her smile still lust drunk but now showing a hint of annoyance.

“You’re back,” Cora shouts, taking a shot and downing it as she clambers out of the booth. “Come on, let’s dance,” she cries enthusiastically, grabbing Bonnie’s arm and pulling her behind her as she stumbles over to the dance floor again.

With a smug smile I turn and watch her, making sure she knows I have my eyes on her. Turning my way, she catches my eye and tries to scowl, but it never makes it to her eyes. Cora leans down and whispers in her ear, then pulls back and laughs loudly while Bonnie looks scandalized.

Bonnie’s attention never strays far from me, even as her friend encourages her to dance, always whispering in her ear and laughing. Catching the waitress’s eye, I motion for her to come over, and order a round of beers for me and my brothers and cocktails for the girls, when she delivers them a few minutes later I wait until Bonnie looks at me and motion her over.

She comes slowly, her toned legs striding across the dance floor, the hem of her tiny skirt swaying from side to side as she closes the distance between us. Lifting the two martini glasses up, I hold them out and her guarded expression softens a little. “Thank you,” she says, looking at me from beneath her long lashes.

“You’re welcome. Did you eat already?”

“Yeah we went to Giorgio’s before we came here.”

“Okay, well I’m gonna order some sides for the table so they’ll be here if you need to soak up some of those shots,” I say, reaching out and rubbing my thumb over her exposed thigh.

“Okay,” she whispers, sucking in a sharp breath as I allow my hand to slide up her leg and beneath her skirt.

Crooking my finger at her, she leans in a little closer, and I turn her face so I can run my nose up her cheek and press my lips to her ear. “You smell fucking delicious.” Her pupils dilate and I smile. “Go dance, baby girl, I’ll be watching.”

Two hours later the girls are still dancing, their hands thrown in the air, as the band plays its last set of the night. Barney’s shuts at one, but the band plays till the very last minute, letting the patrons close down the bar until there’s no more beer or fun to be had.

After several more rounds of beers, I’m a little buzzed and glad Granger offered to be DD and take us all back up the mountain. My eyes fall to Bonnie again, watching as she reaches for Cora when her dancing become a little too enthusiastic and she stumbles to the side. Bonnie’s laugh rings through the sound of the music and the girls end up hugging, then swaying from side to side in a weird sort of hug slow dance.

There’s only me, Bonnie, Cora, Huck, Granger, and Teddy left, the others all found women to hook up with and left a while ago. When the drummer hits the final note of the song, the music ends and a round of applause fills the air. Standing, I drain my glass, then stride purposefully across the bar to my girl, wrapping my arm around her back the moment I’m close enough and pulling her into my body.

“Awww,” Cora coos drunkenly. “You two are so darn cute together.”

“We’ll give you a ride home, Cora, Bonnie can grab her stuff before we go home.”

“Ohhh, no we’re having a sleepover?” Cora pouts.

“Not anymore, I’m taking her home, I want her in our bed where I can keep an eye on her,” I say, leaning down and nipping at Bonnie’s ear as my palm grabs a handful of her ass.

“Schpoil schport,” Cora slurs.

“You’re drunk, Peaches,” Huck says to Cora, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Am not,” Cora petulantly retorts.

“You’re slurring your words and swaying, you’re a hot fucking mess.”

“What the fuck does it have to do with you? If I want to get sloppy drunk that’s my choice,” Cora snaps angrily.

“Does your daddy know you’re behaving like this? Why the hell isn’t someone making sure you’re behaving yourself?” Huck hisses.

“I’m an adult, I don’t schanswer to schanyone,” Cora says slowly, obviously trying to enunciate her words, but still slurring. She wags her finger at Huck, but the movement rocks her balance and she stumbles to the side, almost falling off her high heels.

“Jesus, Peaches,” Huck says, rushing forward and scooping Cora off her feet and into his arms bridal style.

“Hey, you big oaf,” she shrieks, bucking and almost toppling herself out of his arms.

“Behave,” Huck snaps, throwing the girl up and over his shoulder, wrapping his arm over her thighs to stop her from thrashing around.

Bonnie starts to giggle, slowly at first, then louder and more intensely, as Huck storms towards the exit, Cora, pounding her fists against his back.

Pulling her cell out, she starts forward and I follow as she snaps photos and video of Cora going wild as Huck ignores her.

“Enough,” he snaps, slapping his hand against her ass. “Behave yourself, woman, I’m taking you home so you can sleep off all the martinis.”

“Did you just spank me?” she shrieks, then giggles. “Bonnie, he spanked me. I get why you like it.” Then she bursts into drunken laughter.

I can feel the blush that fills Bonnie’s cheeks as I grab her ass and squeeze. “You been talking about all those things I promised to do earlier?” I whisper against her ear.

The pulse in her neck flutters faster beneath my palm and I smile to myself.

“I can walk,” Cora screams, thrashing again, her laughter faded.

“Peaches, you can’t stay upright standing still, now get your ass in the van,” he says, opening the door on the Escalade and lowering Cora into the rear seats.

There’s, a huff from inside the car, but Huck follows her in and I guide Bonnie into the middle row, dragging her onto my lap as Granger and Teddy get into the front seats.

Silent and still blushing, Bonnie settles against my chest, not even protesting about me insisting she come home with me, as Granger starts the van and pulls away from the curb. Cora guides us to her apartment and Huck walks her in, returning five minutes later with a scowl on his face and Bonnie’s bag in his hands.

“That fucking girl is a walking disaster, who the hell is watching out for her? She left her house key under the doormat for fuck’s sake,” Huck growls as he climbs back into the van and slams the door closed behind him.

“Her brother’s apartment is in the same building,” Bonnie says.

“Then he should know how fucking stupid it is to leave a key so exposed, anyone could break in,” he huffs, then falls silent, a scowl etched across his face.

I glance down at my girl, then back to my brother, he’s staring at his cell, his fingers moving quickly across the screen typing a message. Teddy and Granger are chatting quietly in the front, not paying us any attention, so I slide my hand along Bonnie’s leg, being sure that I don’t lift her skirt enough for anyone to see.

Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t speak, as I finger the wet fabric that covers her pussy. Sliding back and forth along her slit, I caress her through the fabric, teasing her but not giving her enough friction to do anything but wind her up.

After a minute of me stroking her, she parts her legs, giving me more room to play, and I smile against her shoulder. Not giving her what she wants, I slide the hand that’s around her waist beneath the top of her skirt, fishing the material of the bodysuit and pulling it taught, feeling how it tightens against her.

With my fingers I trace the side of her sex, feeling how the fabric has separated her folds, then I slowly rub circles against her clit. My finger, combined with the constant pressure of the fabric pulled tight over her pussy has her breathing becoming labored and I kiss her cheek, coaxing her to turn her head so I can swallow any noises she makes. Her hands are gripping my wrists tightly and her hips start to roll, but I don’t give her any more friction and by the time we pull to a stop outside the house, her legs are trembling.

I carry her from the car and she doesn’t protest, burying her face in my neck and holding on as I march us into the house and straight into our room. Lowering her to her feet, I take a step back and cross my arms over my chest. “Strip,” I order.

“What?” she says, blinking out of the lust filled haze my teasing in the car has given her.

“You heard me, baby girl, strip.”

She stares at me for a minute, then her hands move to the zip at the side of her skirt. She undoes it and I watch as the tiny skirt falls to the ground.

“Lose the heels too,” I tell her.

My eyes rake over her body, the black body suit hugs her tits, and my breath stutters when I see the fabric pulled taught between her legs. It’s dark, with moisture clinging to her cunt and barely covering the pink, wet flesh beneath.

“Take it off,” I say.

She pulls the poppers apart, then peels the fabric up and over her head, dropping it to the floor leaving her naked. I feast on the sight of her, her skin smooth and creamy, her tits full and perky, tight, tiny nipples pebbled and begging to be bitten. I leave her pussy for last, letting my gaze finally dip between her legs, biting my lip when I see how wet she is. The folds of her pussy are glistening and I can see the arousal on the insides of her thighs.

“Touch yourself, show me how wet you are,” I tell her in a taunting tone.

“Beau,” she whispers shakily.

“You let someone else touch you tonight, baby girl, I need to know you belong to me right now,” I rasp, the words forced from my dry throat.

Placing her hand on her stomach, she slowly allows her fingers to slide between her thighs, barely touching herself.

“Push two fingers into your cunt,” I order.

She faulters again, then does as I ask, gasping slightly when she penetrates herself.

“Come here and show me.”

She moves to me quickly, holding out her hand to me. Taking her wrist, I pull her fingers to my mouth and suck on them, tasting her pussy on her skin.

“You taste so fucking sweet. Who’s all that delicious cream for?”

“You,” she whispers.

“And why is your cunt getting all wet for me?”

“Because it belongs to you,” she tells me, her gaze steady as she stares at me, daring me to take control.

“Good girl,” I whisper, then I snatch her into the air and throw her down onto the bed, following her down as I strip out of my own clothes.

Her giggle is music to my fucking ears, and I lean in and nip at her neck as her arms wrap around mine. Kissing her, I push a hand between us and play with the wet folds of her cunt, teasing her entrance, barely dipping my finger into her, only to move away and play with her clit, and stroke her lips and her ass.

I don’t stay anywhere long enough to do anything but tease, and she squirms, writhing for more.

“Beau, please,” she begs.

“You want me to fuck you, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she gasps, parting her legs wide and inviting me in.

“Tell me what you want,” I taunt.

“I want your cock inside of me,” she tells me, all hint of shyness gone as she wantonly begs me to fuck her.

“Like this, with me over you, your legs wrapped around my back?”

“Yes,” she groans, throwing her head back as I circle her clit with the tip of my finger.

Grabbing her, I flip her onto her stomach and part her legs, spreading her wide for me. “Or is this what you want, what you dreamed about, you on your stomach, ass and cunt in the air for me to eat and fuck while I hold you down, helpless beneath me.

Thrusting two fingers into her sex, I groan when she’s even slicker than before. I know she’s fantasized about me taking her like this, but my words are affecting her too. My hand is soaking and I pull it free of her pussy and slap her ass cheek. “You’re dripping, naughty girl, you like being on display like this for me, don’t you?” I taunt, filling her with two fingers again, rubbing my thumb over her clit as I keep her pussy filled, and I spank her with my free hand, leaving a handprint that immediately turns pink on her perfect pale skin.

Adding a third finger, I push her up the bed a little, so only her toes are touching the floor, and fuck her with my fingers. “ls this how you want me to fuck you, baby girl?”

“Yes,” she moans, the single word guttural and desperate.

“Then come for me. I’ll fuck you as soon as you come for me,” I taunt, plunging my fingers into her deeper and using my free hand to pinch at her clit. She screams my name, her body shaking with her orgasm. Pulling my fingers from her cunt, I replace them with my cock, filling her while her muscles are still fluttering from her orgasm.

“Oh god,” she pants when she stretches to accommodate my dick that’s now fully sheathed inside of her.

“Mine, Bonnie, you’re mine,” I growl, sliding my arm beneath her stomach and pushing her up the bed so her legs are hanging over the edge, her body beneath me, completely at my mercy.

I’m not gentle with her as I pin her down, her cheek pressed into the mattress while I hold her down with my palm around the back of her neck. I’m careful not to hurt her, but firm enough that she can’t move. I slam into her soaked pussy again and again, while she comes on my dick, one orgasm barreling into the next as her cunt tries to strangle my cock.

“One more, baby girl, scream my name, tell the entire fucking world whose property you are,” I snarl, slapping my hand against her ass cheek again and again until she’s chanting my name, screaming and panting as she convulses beneath me.

I come with a roar, my dick twitching as I fill her with my cum, branding her from the inside out. She screams her release, her fingers desperately grappling for purchase on the comforter as her cunt clamps down around my cock so hard it hurts. Gradually slowing my thrusts, I let her milk my dick, feeling her muscles flutter around me as she twitches, shivering and moaning as aftershocks consume her.

Once I’ve spilled every drop, I still, my dick still hard inside of her, not spent even after I just came. Her body goes lax beneath me, and for a minute I think she’s passed out, until she turns her sweaty face to me and smiles.

I pull my dick slowly from her pussy, placing a palm on her back to stop her from moving while I watch my cum drip from her well used cunt. My dick twitches and I swear I almost come again just from the sight. “Fuck, baby girl, can I take a picture of you like this?” I ask, only half joking.

“No,” she laughs, her voice raspy.

“I want you again, my dick’s still hard,” I growl, flipping her onto her back and moving her up the bed until her head’s in the pillow. “Reach up and take hold of the headboard, don’t let go.”

Her hands stretch above her head and she curls her fingers around the wooden spools. Pushing up onto my knees I grab her legs and split them wide, giving me the perfect view of her cunt, her lips a little puffy and coated in a mixture of my cum and her own arousal.

“Lift,” I tell her, grabbing one of the pillows and shoving it beneath her ass, as I cup her pussy and slide three fingers straight into her sex, pumping in and out with ease. “Dripping wet and ready to be fucked again, aren’t you?” I growl, lining my dick up with her entrance and slamming all the way to the hilt in one thrust. Grabbing her legs at the ankles, I hold her as wide apart as I can, thrusting into her relentlessly.

Her hand lets go of the headboard and I reach down and slap her clit. “Hands back on the headboard,” I hiss through clenched teeth, slapping her clit again when she moans indecently loudly.

Spreading her legs a little wider, I lean forward, fucking her harder while she mewls and moans, thrashing her head back and forth, her tits bouncing as her chest heaves up and down.

“You’re such a dirty, baby girl, aren’t you? Your cunt’s already full of my cum and you’re begging for more. Come on my cock, I want to feel you milk me again.”

As if I’ve flipped a switch, she comes, her whole back arching up from the bed when she cries out, moaning and panting through her release. Unable to last a minute longer I slam into her once, twice, then explode, my dick twitching as I come inside her again.

Finally spent, I release my hold on her legs and fall forward, kissing her and swallowing her whimpers. Her skin is damp, her pussy still fluttering around my dick, and I pull back, caressing her cheek with my fingers. “Jesus, baby girl.”

“Oh my god,” she gasps.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m not sure,” she says, her eyes unfocussed.

“Fuck I didn’t hurt you, did I?” My heart stutters in my chest, she was with me the whole way through, wasn’t she? Fuck, If I misread the signs, if I hurt her.

“That was unbelievable, oh my god, I lost count of how many times I came,” she giggles.

My heart starts again, a staccato thud that threatens to make my chest burst.

“Was it everything you fantasized about?” I ask cautiously. I want her to say it was, but I don’t want this to be a one-time thing. Exploring this side of sex isn’t something I’ve done in the past, but I love it. I love being in control of her, I love talking dirty to her, and I fucking love spanking her ass. If this was just a one-time thing I’ll survive, but I really don’t want it to be. I want to help fulfil every dirty thought my baby girl has.

“God, my imagination had no idea how good that would be. That smashed my dream out of the water,” she giggles, the sound so free my dick tries to twitch back to life. “How can you still be hard?” she asks.

“Because my dick’s still inside of you. If you give me a minute I could probably go again, that’s how crazy you make me.” I’m full of shit, I need at least half an hour, but I’m not gonna tell my woman that.

“No, I need a break, my clit has a pulse and I’m not going to be able to walk in the morning,” she giggles.

Rolling us both to the side, I settle her against my chest, my softening dick sliding out of her, our cum slowly dripping onto my thigh. She sighs happily, curling into my chest, her arm wrapping around me as she rests her head against me. For a moment I just enjoy the silence, listening to the sound of her breathing, and she’s asleep before I have a chance to speak again. Dragging the comforter over us, I fall asleep with my woman, my Bonnie in my arms.

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