Queen of Darkness

Chapter 18 - Knowledge

Alex: “Okay, so let me get this straight... You’re a vampire and a witch?”

Me: “A Vampire Queen who held on to my Magick from when I was a witch, after I was turned...yes. I don't belong to coven anymore and I don’t really practice Magick because of personal reasons.”

Alex:” I’ve sat here for days, listening to all this... Do you honestly want to tell me you’re a vampire who does magic?”

Me: “No...I don’t do magick, not anymore. Did you not listen to what I just said? It’s not because I can’t... It’s because it’s just better for every that I don’t”

I hand my aluminium tumbler to Alex “Here, take a sip, I know you’ve been curious about it since we met”

Alex removes the top lid to reveal the dark red thick liquid inside, the distinct odour, able to escape now once the lid has been removed.

Alex: “What the hell... Is this... blood?”

Me:” O positive to be exact... The most delicious of all. People believe it’s the most scarce of the blood groups because it’s in high demand due to the fact that it can be used in emergencies with all other blood groups, but the real reason it’s scarce is because the vampires prefer the taste above all others and people that’s O positive is likely Vamparic to a vampire somewhere and therefore not so willing to donate their precious life Force. ”

Alex:” Okay first of all, drinking blood you got God knows where, does not proof you’re a vampire... It only proofs you are completely insane! Do you know what types of diseases you can contract from consuming this? ”

Clearly Alex wasn’t going to be easily convinced, after everything I have already told him, he still didn’t believe me. I needed to prove it to him.

Me:” Okay, calm down... Let’s go for a drive, I want to show you something... Oh and go to the bathroom first, it’s a three hour drive and I’m not doing bathroom breaks”

Alex: “What makes you think I’ll go anywhere with you... You are insane!”

Me: “Curiosity... You will come with me because you’re curious and you want proof, even though you’re looking for proof that I’m not telling you the truth, where as I will show you proof that I am”

Alex: “No biting me?”

I don’t know if he was being sarcastic or joking or if he was genuinely worried that I might bite him.

Me: “Have you given me your consent?”

Alex: “Of cause Not!”

Me: “Then no, I won’t bite you... You’re perfectly safe with me, don’t be such a wuss”

Once ready we head downstairs to the basement. Alex is clearly in awe with the selection of cars in my private collection and even more surprised when I get into a black 1967 Dodge Challenger Rt.

Alex: “Wow what’s this... Your batmobile?”

Me:“Ha! Funny... Like I haven’t heard that before”

Alex: “I was expecting a limo seeing you’re a Queen and all... With a chauffeur" he states sarcastically.

Me: “I’ve got a limo asswhipe... But I enjoy driving myself, I love classic cars”

The Dodge looks original on the outside and even though the interior looks original, I’ve added a few modifications, I like comfort... The windows are electric, the sound system has been upgraded, some minor cosmetics.

Alex: “Where are we going?”

Me: “You’ll see once we get there”

I only have one night left to persuade Alex... If after tonight he isn’t convinced, he will walk away and the past two and a half weeks would have been a complete waste of time.

We drive in silence leaving the city lights behind and soon we’re on a long winding road through a forest of trees and mountain passes.

After about one and a half hours of silence between us, just the radio softly playing, Alex falls asleep, only to wake as we reach our destination and I switch the ignition off.

Me: “We’re here”

Alex looks around, still trying to fully wake after the long drive. We are in a bustling city, parked across the street from a night club, the loud bass of the music faintly audible. It’s just after one in the morning and it was raining not too long ago, the neon lights of the club as well as that of the lampposts' reflection Glistening on the wet surface of the road.

A few intoxicated people are standing around on the sidewalk, mostly smoking and chatting. Outside the door stands a large muscular guard crossed armed.

As we get out I notice Alex shake his head as he reads the glowing light with the night club's name VAMPIRE’S KISS.

Alex: “We drove 3 hours to go clubbing?

Me:” No, we drove 3 hours because you want proof”

Alex: “A club called Vampire’s Kiss is not what I would call proof”

Me: “Urgh... Just stay close”

We walk across the street up to the guard who without hesitance greets me with a stern nod “Your highness” and opens the door for us to enter.

Alex: “That still doesn’t proof anything”

The music instantly becomes almost deathly loud as the door opens. Beyond the door there is no talking to one another, if you want someone to hear you, you have to shout at them over the loud music.

It’s a typical night club. A few tables and chairs line the walls, a huge dance floor in the center and a bar lines the far wall. Florescent UV lights ensure that white and other florescent colors glow in the dark. The dance floor is packed with people dancing to the beat, most are drunk or high on ecstasy, mesmerized by the neon glow sticks, neon jewellery, neon hairspray and neon body paint.

We walk past the dance floor, next to the bar is a passage that leads to three doors. Two doors are separate sets of toilets and the third has a private sign on the door with another guard in front of the door. As soon as we get close he greets the same as the guard from before “Your highness” and opens the door for us to pass.

We step into a lounge area. A couple of private booths with dark red leather seating couches. A few scatter cushions and bean bags in the center of the room.

The walls is thickly padded to make the room more sound proof, both to keep the loud music from the club out, and to silence the noise from what happens in this room, in.

In one of the booths a couple is making out intimately, in another booth a guy sits almost passed out, without a shirt on while two girls are kissing and sucking his neck and lips. He clearly has cuts all over and the girls are licking and sucking blood from the lacerations.

In the center of the room, another two pairs of people are also intimate, each with one person having cuts while the others person lick and suck the blood.

Alex: “What the hell is this?”

Me: “They are called cutters... Or as society likes to label them, depressed, rebellious, suicidal young people looking for attention. Desperately seeking attention, love, affection, to feel a connection or feel purposeful”, I said it in a sarcastic tone like a psyciatrist would explain their improper behaviour...“whatever their reasons, they cut themselves mainly to take the pain away from whatever it is that’s causing them pain and conflict and focusing the pain on something that can heal, or turn into a feeling of pleasure. ”

Alex:” Are they Vamparic? ”

Me:” No definitely not, a vampire chooses their Vamparics carefully... Strong willed and enthusiastic, after all there’s a possibility that Vamparics be turned to vampires...the one's s feeding of the cutters are the vamparics. Remember I told you the vamparics crave the taste of blood and the rush and the pleasure just as vampires do, so they need to get blood from people willing to give it”

In a corner hidden away is a staircase to an upper level, at the top of the stairs the sign above the door reads Office. I pull a security card from my pocket and swipe it through the card lock system, a beep sounds when the door unlocks and I push it open.

We step into the private area, the one wall is entirely made of tinted glass and overlooks the bustling dance club below, enabling us to see out but no one in the club can see us. A small private bar on the opposite side with a barely dressed waitress behind the counter, a lounge suite in the center of the room occupied by 3 armed muscled guards and a desk on the far end filled with security screens and two more guards watching the screens intently.

Alex: “What is this place”

Me: “Well isn’t it obvious, it’s my club... well, Partially, I Co-own it”

The guards just greet me as the others did, but none of them get in our way. Behind the security desk, the wall is lined with a book case filled with books, in the corner is a door camouflaged as part of the bookcase, I pull it open to reveal another room, an extension to the first.

As we walk into the room a good looking young man, looking to be no older than twenty two jumps up from behind his desk “Aurora! My dear Sister... How I’ve missed you”

He almost runs to embrace me.

Me:“Hey Sabs... This is Alex” I gesture to Alex and then back to my brother “Alex, this is my little brother Sabastian”

Alex: “I know you... I mean, I don’t know you but I’ve seen you... You look so familiar” Alex just can't help but babble.

Sabastian just gives a flattered fake laugh “I guess I just have one of those faces” and return to his desk to fetch his glass of whiskey, only quarter full, the ice sounding as it hits the glass with every move he makes.

We all sit down on the lounge chairs Sabastian gestured to us to take. He hasn’t changed from the last time I’ve seen him. He still looks like he just stepped out of a magazine shoot. Perfectly styled dark brown hair with just a touch of highlights here and there, dark brown eyes, Square jaw line. I’ve always thought he was a most handsome young man, and in more modern times the most stylish too. Even when he doesn’t even try to be he still looks impeccable. He is wearing loose but comfortable black pants almost like yoga pants and a suit jacket with 3 quarter sleeves, closed in the front. No shirt underneath and barefoot... And still he looks hot.

Alex: “Aurora, you told me you were an only child?”

I sigh deeply... This is going to be a harder task than I anticipated, Alex just won’t accept what I’ve been telling him. “I am an only child Alex... with my slave family, didn’t you listen to what I told you?!”

Alex: “So, Robert turned him?”

Sabastian jumps up from his seat “Don’t say that horrid man’s name!” then walks over to where Alex is sitting and plonks down next to him, his one leg on the couch pulled up to his chest, so he faces Alex, while being able to be really close to him. Holding his glass only by his thumb and middle finger, he gently runs the back of his pointer finger along Alex’s cheek “What are your intentions with this one Aurora?”

I notice Alex shift uncomfortably but it’s not because he feels threatened, it’s because he feels attracted to Sabastian.

Me: “Sabs... Don’t. I need him”

Sabastian rolls his eyes at me and gets up. “Urgh Aurora... You’re such a spoil sports... But I know you better... What are you up to now?”

Alex shakes his head as if he tries to regain focus “What the hell just happened?!”

Me: “That my dear Alex, was what it feels like when you fall for a vampire’s seduction... You lose all self-control or sense”

Alex: “But I’m not gay... How?”

Sabastian laughs amused “Well if my sister didn’t ask me not to use my seduction on you... You would be very gay right about now”

Alex jumps to his feet, blushing and embarrassed “No, no this is some trick I don’t know how but...”

Me: “But typically, you need more proof... And proof is what we are here for. I haven’t used seduction on you Alex but Sabastian gave you a feel of it”

I stand up and walk to the tinted windows, overlooking the dance floor and just stare down for a few seconds before calling Alex over to join me.

I nod to Sabastian who knows exactly what I’m up too and he calls for one of his guards to join us. “Alex, I want to proof to you that I have been completely honest with you, you’ve felt the power of seduction for a mere second and you still don’t believe... So now I will proof beyond a doubt to you that vampires do exist... Choose someone”

Alex: “Excuse me?”

Me: “I want you to choose a random person from down there... Anyone you wish”

Alex: “Why would I do that? I don’t want to drag anyone else into this.”

Me: “But you don’t believe... So what does it matter?, if you are right than nothing will happen and no harm will come to whomever you choose...”

Alex keeps silent for a few seconds, processing what I just told him while studying the people below. It is a big crowd, there must be at least a hundred people down there. Dancing, drinking, flirting, having fun...but I notice Alex eyes suddenly lock on someone and narrow to focus. I follow his gaze and see a couple arguing. The girl is young and pretty, long brown hair. The guy is tall and clearly had too much to drink.

Me: “Do you want to safe her from him or do you want him never to hurt her or anyone else again?

Alex looks at me, surprised that I was able to know what he was looking at. " Both I guess... Mostly I want to save her from him” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Sabastian motions to the guard with a nod, who has been standing with us and also saw who we were focusing on.

A minute or so later we see the guard moving across the dance floor with another guard behind him. Reaching the couple just as he grabbed the girls arm, lifted his other hand to hit her. The one guard grabbing his lifted arm and pulling his arm down behind his back, enabling him and escorting him out. The other guard comforting the girl and escorting her back towards us.

Alex: “What is he telling her?”

Sabastian: “He is assuring her that she will be safe, the guy is taken outside to cool down, and she will be taken to the VIP office where she can calmly sit while we call and wait for a cab or someone to come collect her”

Alex: “It sounds like it happens a lot”

Sabastian and I just smile at each other. “Now Alex, when she gets here I need you to stay out of whatever happens... I will give you your proof and she will be safe as long as you keep quiet”

The guard opens the door and the slightly intoxicated and scared young woman enters the room shyly. Immediately Sabastian is at her side and takes her hand kissing the top of her hand. “Hi, my name is Sabastian... The manager of this club, I believe you just had an unfortunate event but you’re safe now, I won’t let anything bad happen to you” he swoons with an alluring voice.

The girl immediately relaxes as she is flattered by Sabastian “I’m Sarah”

Sabastian: “Sarah... What a beautiful name, for a beautiful lady” he smiles slightly, stil holding her hand while softly running his fingers of his free hand up and down her forearm.

She giggles as she falls under his spell. She doesn’t even notice the other people in the room. Alex just watches in silence as Sarah becomes more and more flirtatious towards Sabastian in response to his seduction. Soon she has her hands all over him and it’s clear she wants to get physical with him.

I whisper to Alex “She is now under his seduction, he can carry on with this game or he can ask her to do anything for him and she will most likely comply”

Alex looks astonished at the two “Yes but, he had that effect over me too, but you didn’t... How do I know it’s just not him?”

Me: “I didn’t use seduction on you”

Alex just looks at me with a blank look on his face.

Me: “Urgh.... Fine” I get up and join my brother, immediately smiling and flirting with Sarah. At first she is surprised with my presence but once Sabastian introduces me as his sister and approves of equal affection she has no problem with me joining in. Soon Both Sabastian and I take turns in kissing and physical exploration of the girl. She is equally affectionate towards both of us, wanting both of us.

Me: “Who would you like to have her Alex?”

Alex is at a loss for words. It makes it easier for me... I stand up to join Alex. At first Sarah doesn’t want me to leave but soon enough she is so occupied with Sabastian that she forgets all about me.

Within minutes they are both naked and having sex. Alex is red with embarrassment and tries not to look at them. Sabastian asks Sarah permission to bite her and drink her blood, as casual as you would ask someone how their day has been, she happily allows it as she is smitten with him and her lust and desire has taken over, unable to think or focus on anything else.

I whisper to Alex: We have to ask permission, don’t know why because no one can resist a vampires seduction”

Alex: “You did”

Me: “Yes,... Yes I did, but it didn’t help me what so ever..., why does this embarrass you so much? The naked body is a human’s natural form, no one should be ashamed of it... And sex is natural too. You don’t see animals get embarrassed by it, when they get the urge they have it, vampires are sexual by nature... There is no meaning to it other to give in to one’s natural desire and lust”

Alex: “But what about respecting the other person or love?”

Me: “Vampires don’t care about such trivial things, don’t get me wrong, we do fall in love, when we love it’s more fiercely than you could even imagine... It’s just easier not too”

Alex’s attention is brought back to Sabastian and Sarah as she suddenly lets out a loud scream, surprised by the pain of Sabastian’s bite, but soon enough she starts to moan with pleasure which erupts In an orgasm that cannot be described in words.

As Sabastian stands up from Sarah, leaving her gasping for air before passing out, he wipes the excess blood from his lips, disappears through a door to the side for a few seconds, returning with a blanket to cover Sarah with, picking her up off the ground and gently laying her down on one of the couches before joining us with a smile.

Alex: “Dude... Can you put on some pants, it was bad enough having to watch you fornicate, but this is a bit awkward”

Sabastian laughs as he fetches his pants and pulls them on. “Aurora... Want a drink?” he asks while motioning to Sarah.

Me:“O gawd yes... I’m starving” I walk over to Sarah and sit down next to her, bringing her wrist to my mouth”

Alex: “Hold on! You have been going on and on about not taking blood without permission but you don’t have her permission”

Sabastian gently grabs Alex’s shoulder and playfully shake him before putting his arm around Alex’s neck “She gave me permission Alex, which means she is now my Vamparic, my property to do with what I want, when I want... That includes sharing her.”

Alex looks disgusted at this but doesn’t say anything else.

Sabastian: “What about you Alex... Do you want to have a go at her?” Sabastian asks as he gestures a back and forth movement of his hips. I just smile at Sabastian and bite into Sarah’s wrist, lapping up her blood before any of it can escape.

Alex: “That’s disgusting... And rape, punishable by law”

I drop Sarah’s hand and walk towards Alex. “Listen Alex, I get you don’t understand things, but in our world, we have done nothing wrong, in fact Sabastian has been very hospitable, offering you his latest Vamparic, and you’re not even a vampire... He is being very generous”

Alex nods and looks over to Sarah “how long before she wakes up?”

Sabastian: “It depends on her system, she seems healthy and fit, by the taste of her blood she didn’t have too much to drink, and she didn’t take any drugs either... About two hours”

Alex: “You got all that from the way her blood tastes?”

Me: “Well... Yeah, Alex blood is our main intake. We can tell from the taste if the person is healthy, drunk, on drugs, sick, young or old and even male or female.

Alex:” No way is there a difference between male and female blood”

Sabastian: “Of cause there is, woman has always been the preferred victims of vampires... It’s because they have a sweeter taste, a man’s blood has a more dominant metal-like after taste.”

“Aurora... Why are you telling him all of this, do you plan on turning him?, he doesn’t seem to be all that special... Umm no offence Alex, but you’re not the vampire type”

Me: “No Sabs, There will be no turning him. I need Alex just the way he is”

Sabastian nudges Alex in the ribs with his elbow “Got to love my sister... Always up to some devious plan”

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