Queen of Darkness
Called out

Chapter 24 - Called out

We lived in a beautiful stone house nestled deep in the forest. It was one of Shadow’s favorite homes and I could understand why, I also fell in love with the place as soon as I laid eyes on it.

The home had a warmth and romantic feel to it.

Creepers had grown up the sides of the house, reaching the second story windows. There were actual flower beds and rose bushes, giving color to the place.

The grounds surrounding the house had been cleared to let the sun through, the trees of the forest only starting a couple of yards away.

It was easy to lose track of time and one’s problems in a such a peaceful place, if it wasn’t for the fact that I needed human blood every so often, I could easily had stayed there, contently for the rest of my life.

The nearest town was about an hour away if we took a shortcut through the forest.

It wasn’t too long before there was an altercation in town with one of the business owners who wanted cheap labor, which he got from some of the pack members, but then didn’t want to pay them once they did the work.

It had gotten so bad that he had beaten some of the younger men and they wanted to retaliate.

Shadow however did not want a fight to break out so he told his pack to let things go causing animosity between some of the pack members and Shadow.

Being by Shadow’s side, I had listened to all the bickering, I heard the stories the wolves came to tell Shadow, how they had to work in harsh conditions only to be beaten and treated like crap, all for a little money which they desperately needed but most of the time they never even got.

This guy was abusive and was getting rich off their backs. It had gotten to a point where they wanted to kill this man out of anger, which gave me an idea.

I suggested they allow me to use my seduction on this man. This would be a beneficial situation for all of us, I needed human blood and if he was Vamparic, I could have a constant blood supply. This would also allow me to change the way he treats his workers, which meant no more bad treatment, no more beatings and no more withholding of their wages.

Surprisingly Shadow actually agreed with my reasoning but not everyone did. There was still this handful of anti-vampire wolves that was led by non-other than Wildflower, who was oppose to anything that involved me.

They were just waiting for me to mess up, or to catch me feeding on a human so they could use it as an excuse to end my life.

They were quick to bring up the wolf rules and it caused me, for the first time to have an outburst in a fit of anger, calling them hypocrites.

A few minutes ago they were so angry that they said they wanted to kill him, now I give them an alternative without killing a man, and they want to make me out as the villain.

The fight quickly escalated and most looked to Shadow to resolve the problem.

The one thing I’ve learned while living with the wolves was that they were a physical lot, if there was an argument that couldn’t me settled, it got settled with a one on one fight.

Each party stated their case and what they want after the outcome, the winner got his or her way.

I’ve seen two guys fight over something as trivial as what they wanted for breakfast, so it wasn’t an uncommon way of settling things among them.

I knew if I was going to keep living with the wolves I needed to fit in, and what better way than to adopt adapt and participate in their ways... besides they all had this illusion passed onto them for generations that werewolves were stronger than vampires...well that might be true in most instances but I’m Aurora, Queen of Vampires and unlike other vampires.

I’ve had it with Wildflower and her comments, shit stirring and her little anti-me group of followers, this was a chance to settle things once and for all.

Me: Shadow, I call to settle this one on one! ”

Shadow looked at me surprised that I would even say something like that “One on one is for wolves Aurora, you’re vampire... It’s hardly fair”

It had already caused the pack to start talking among each other, low hushes and even betting games ensued, but of cause the anti-me club had an issue with me doing a wolf thing, which annoyed me even more.

But what pissed me off most was Shadow’s comment, like he thought I wasn’t strong or good enough.

Me: “Well then your precious wolves have nothing to worry about, do they?”

Shadow looked at me, studying me, he picked up that I was serious and pissed “Very well, call out an opponent” he said with a sigh.

I gave a slight smirk “I call out... Wildflower”

There was a few gasps here and there and I could hear another deep sigh from Shadow as the muttering flared up again.

Wildflower came to the front with a huge grin on her face : “I accept”

They didn’t call her wild for nothing, I’ve seen her fight, I’ve watched her practice, amongst the she wolves she was probably one of the toughest and strongest.

Shadow shook his head, he as most others had already predicted the outcome, and it was not in my favor.

Shadow: “Wildflower... State your outcome?”

Wildflower: “If I win, the Vampire leaves our pack immediately and permanently! ”

No surprise there.

Me: “Agreed! ”

Shadow looks at me and I swear I could almost see sadness in his expression, I didn’t understand it... was he sad because he thought she’d beat the crap out of me or was he actually sad that I might have to leave?

Shadow: “Aurora,... State your outcome?”

Laughing ensued, the wolves had no doubt that I would lose, so me stating my outcome was a big joke, it was just adding more fuel to the fire within me.

Me: “If I win... You allow me to follow through with my plan so that the wolves get their wages and get treated better and I get to feed.

It is one human and a bad one at that, it will be a change for the better and no wolves will be killing anyone” I said it as if I found it stupid that they couldn’t see I was trying to make things better for them... But I was not finished yet

“There’s more...” Everyone, including Shadow looked at me surprised. “If... No, When I win, it will be the end of this anti-me club and division amongst you... I’m here to stay for as long as Shadow allows it, I will leave whenever he requests.... Furthermore, Wildflower will stop her personal vendetta against me, and she will stop pursuing and following Shadow around like a love sick pup! ”

The last Comment I just threw in to embarrass her but I did notice Shadow’s amused look as he raised an eyebrow at me. There were a few giggles among the pack which caused wildflower’s face to become as red as her hair.

Wildflower:” Agreed! “She was fuming and already had her hands balled into fists, ready to attack.

The wolves had moved into a circle around us to give us room as well as be a barrier so no one could escape from the fight.

There were only 3 ways to end a fight. Giving up, being knocked out or death, the latter was never an option amongst the wolves but I knew this was not going to be the case now. Wildflower wanted to kill me above anything else.

She threw the first punch, catching me of guard, I wasn’t expecting her to outright attack, I figured she was going to size me up a little first.

As she hit me the crowd bursts into cheer, but as soon as I tasted the blood on my bottom lip my eyes change colour, glowing white... Oh it’s on!

A full on fight followed, I dodged most of her hits but the one’s that did land on me, I took without much pain being inflicted, on the other hand I give her more hits than she did me, and my punches showed, to the surprise of every one. I was pretty sure wolves were under the impression that as Queen I did nothing but sit on a throne all day... They were in for a surprise.

Within a few minutes she tired and had a bloodied and swollen face, blood seeping from the corner of her eyebrow, her nose and her mouth. Her breathing was loud and her pain evident.

I yelled at her to call it but she didn’t, she kept going, her pride and stubbornness was getting the better of her. She stumbled forward again to attack and again I hit her and yelled at her to call it with the crowd cheering on, and yet again she didn’t.

It was getting ridiculous, she couldn’t possible beat me, but she didn’t want to give up even though she was fighting to stay conscious. The only other choice she left me was to kill her and I wouldn’t do that, that would only cause more issues between the wolves and me.

I looked over to Shadow who just shrugged his shoulders, he knew what I was worried about, he knew I was looking to him for help, help he couldn’t give me at that point.

That’s when Wildflower yelled out to me in anger “Go ahead... Kill me, that’s what you want. Show everyone what vampires are... Killers!”

As soon as she knew she was never going to beat me, she decided she would get me to kill her instead... That way she’d still win. The wolves would be pissed that a vampire killed one of their wolves and they’d kill me or if by some miracle I survived, I’d still be banished...either way she win. She was willing to give up her live to make sure I was killed or banished.

I saw right through her little plan, I had a plan of my own but I wasn’t going to play my card unless she didn’t stop this stupid game of hers, so I decided to give her one more chance to end it all.

Me: “I’m not going to kill you... So just give up!”

Wildflower: “I’ll never give up to the likes of you... So just... Kill me!”

We exchanged a few more punches, me more than her and she was spitting so much blood, I figured she was close to really getting hurt so I needed to stop her before it was too late for her.

Me: “Stop your childish grudge against me and just give up already... I’m not gonna kill you!”

At that point even Shadow had yelled to her to give in but she was not going to stop.

Wildflower:“Kill me, you bloodsucking piece of shit... Show your true colors... Kill me, I know you want too!” She kept taunting.

Me: “My true colours?...Fine... If you insist!” I had enough, it was time to put her in her place.

I used my magic to stop her in mid attack, lifting her into the air and slowly levitate her towards me.

She was unable to move or speak but the fear and shock on her face spoke for itself.

The once cheering and the loudness of the crowd had turned to dead silence. Shock and disbelieve was the only expressions visible.

Me: “Get it into your thick head, If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago you silly, pathetic little girl!

You want to see my true colors, well here it is... I’m not just a vampire.... I’m a vampire like no other.

You are all delusional to think a wolf is stronger than me... I’ve put up with your silly games for long enough... All of you... You think you’re stronger than me... You think I should fear you?

Your strength is nothing Compared to the power I hold, you treat me as if I have a plague, if I was here to harm any of you, I would have done it by now, I’m trying to help you!”

With a movement of my wrist I bent wildflower over backwoods until her back cracked, I didn’t break her I just caused her backbone to make the sound.

Shadow jumped forward “Aurora!”

He didn’t have to say anything else, his voice and tone of authority snapped me back and I seized the magic causing Wildflower to drop to the ground with a thud.

No one spoke, no one moved, no one knew how to react. It was not only the first time I revealed that I could do Magick to the wolves but it was the first time they saw or knew of a Vampire capable of doing magic. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I hated doing magic since I became a vampire. In the beginning I thought it was a huge deal that I still had the gift, one of only 3 vampires ever known to have had the ability, and apparently the gift of magic was strongest with me out of the three of us...

But it was not as great as everyone assumed, I soon realized that whenever I did Magick, I lost myself. A darkness in me took over and the longer I used magic the more evil I became, and the harder it was for me to snap out of it, often I couldn’t remember what I did. I was not in control of my actions once the darkness took hold.

Shadows voice however snapped me right out of it, I was sure it had something to do with the authority in his tone, the same tone that he had been able to make me feel submissive to him since we met.

I suppose everyone was waiting for some kind of explanation “Yes I was a witch before I became a vampire, and somehow I kept the ability... That’s the reason why Robert hunts me. It’s not because I’m his queen and he loves me, I didn't just took off because I’m spoilt and throwing a tantrum, or because I betrayed him somehow... Yes I’ve heard the rumours going around and you’re all wrong. He wants me because of my abilities... He wants me for his own selfish power games, and if he can’t have me, or control me, he would rather kill me but he will never let me be free.

I ran because I would rather die than for him to keep using me for his pleasure and power trip... He is evil, scheming and ruthless, and I wanted no part of that”

I walked off feeling ashamed for what I did to Wildflower and the way it made me feel. I was still getting the silent treatment and decided to go pack my things before having to feel the shame of Shadow telling me to go.

While I was getting my things Shadow came into the room, standing in the doorway as per his usual, arms folded, leaning against the door-frame. I had my back towards him, but I knew he was there, I could sense his presence, I could also smell him... His blood, his manly odor, it was unique. A mixture of musk and oak.

Me: “You don’t have to say it, I’ll save you the effort, I’ll go”

Shadow: “I wasn’t going to tell you to go,... but I do have questions”

Me: “Does it really matter?... I don’t want to explain anymore... I’m tired of explaining myself.”

Shadow: “You may not want to talk about things, but I would appreciate it if you did, just to give me clarity...I think you owe me at least that curtisy. ”

I sat down on the bed with a huff and looked at Shadow, waiting for him to start questioning me.

Shadow: “Before we get into things, I’m curious, why did you request that Wildflower not persue me?”

I look at him confused... Of all the things he could have possibly asked me, that’s the question that comes up first. “I don’t really know, I guess I wanted to embarrass her... You said it yourself, you are not interested in her, it’s kind of sad that she follows you around.”

I found it strange that he asked me that... I found it even stranger that he seemed to expect more of an explanation than what I gave him, so I decide to turn the tables.” Why did you look sad when she said I had to leave if she won?” not knowing if that was even the reason why he had that expression.

Shadow: “I don’t really know.” He used my exact same words... He liked to do that and it annoyed me, but if I wanted a real honest answer from him I had to give him real honest answers. He was not going to be the first to open up.

Shadow:” Why didn’t you tell us... At least me or Joshua about your abilities?”

I explained to Shadow about the darkness in me, about my fears, about me not using Magick anymore unless I had no other choice, and even about his voice being what had snapped me back and how his voice made me feel submissive.

I was being as honest with him as I could possibly be. In return Shadow had some honest thoughts of his own.

He came to sit cross legged on the floor in front of me and told me that the authority in his voice was a wolf thing, it was because he was the Alpha and it was what made the other wolves submissive to him... He however was surprised that it had any impact on me as a Vampire.

He also admitted to me that he had a good understanding of the darkness and the evil I was telling him about, he also felt a darkness in him, if he got too angry he lost control and also lost himself, it started when his father was killed and he had to take over the pack.

He had never told anyone out of fear as to how they would react and being seen as a failure or unworthy leader. It was also what stopped him from allowing himself to get too close to anyone or involved with anyone, out of fear that if he was to get angry, he wouldn’t be able to control himself and he would end up hurting the people he cared most for.

That is why he would try and keep to himself, try and keep calm and was always seen as a loner more as part of the pack.

I started to feel that I understood Shadow and I liked the idea that he was opening up towards me, it made me comfortable enough to open up towards him in return, and seeing how I was going to leave soon it didn’t really matter if he knew my life story or not, so I told him... everything.

Shadow sat listening to my entire life story without saying a word but I could often see him clenching his teeth, which I’ve learned over time is something he did when he was angry.

When I finished, he got up and stood in front of me with clenched fists, I didn’t know if he was angry with me or what he was thinking because of his silence throughout.

Shadow: “If I ever get my hands on him, I will tear him limb from limb... I already hated him for killing my father and what he did to my pack... But now... He needs to pay for what he’s done to you.”

That was actually kind of sweet, the way he wanted Robert to be punished for what he did to me but I wasn’t expecting Shadow or anyone else to go head to head with Robert for my sake.

I stood up not thinking about my proximity to Shadow and found myself standing very close to him, and then for some reason I froze. He didn’t move either, we just stared into each other’s eyes for a minute or so.

Shadow finally broke the silence “I don’t want you to go”

Me:” If you’re still worried about a debt being paid, it was settled when you came to find me in the Forrest and... You know...we’re even”

Shadow gave a step back as if my answer hurt him.

Shadow: “Be honost, Do you have feelings for Joshua?”

Woaw where did that come from my mind yelled out at me

Me: “I care for him, he’s a sweet guy”

Shadow frowned and I could see he was getting agitated. He was about to turn to leave.

Me: “Oh... You mean romantically? No of cause not, you don’t have to worry about me leading a wolf down the wrong path”

Shadow: “I see... Well, at least stay the night, we can discuss things in the morning.”

When Shadow left, I suddenly felt lonelier than ever before. We were awkward around each other but I would rather take the awkwardness than being away from him, the feeling was strange to me and I didn’t understand it.

It wasn’t long before Joshua in all his loud goofiness came barging into my room without wearing a shirt.

Joshua: “So... Have you guys sucked face yet?”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Joshua: “You... And Shadow?”

I looked at him confused, trying to make sense of what he was saying.

Joshua flopped down on my bed, outstretched with his hands behind his head and his one leg over the other as he stared up at the ceiling “Please tell me you aren’t that daft... Or are you guys to stubborn to admit it to each other?”

I was still staring at Joshua but my mind was no longer focusing on him, instead I was replaying conversations between Shadow and I, in my head... Could it really be that Shadow had feelings for me, was I really that blind?

I guess the idea that he might be into me never crossed my mind because of the whole werewolf-vampire thing... More importantly, I recalled the strange feelings I’ve been harbouring... Was I blind towards my own feelings?

I was so busy contemplating and processing all this new information and feelings that I didn’t notice Shadow walk back into the room, only noticing him as he apologized for interrupting and excusing himself to leave again.

As I looked up at him I saw that familiar tell-tale sign of his anger as he clenched his teeth so hard that his jaw was twitching.

I followed his gaze and Shadow was glaring at Joshua stretched out comfortably on my bed, if Shadow did have feelings for me, I could understand how the sight of Joshua on my bed, half naked may give the wrong impression.

I needed to be sure of Shadows feelings, but he already flew around and stormed off so... I ran after him, calling for him to wait. I caught up with him halfway down the hallway.

He was clearly upset as he just stopped in his tracks but didn’t bother to turn around or look at me, instead he just stared out in front of him, waiting for me to say what I wanted to say.

Me: “That wasn’t what it looked like... You know Josh, he’s like an irritating little brother, there to annoy me”

Joshua obviously listening to our conversation decided to yell out from my room “I’m not irritating!”

Me: “Shut Up Josh!... You see what I mean?”

Shadow finally turned around to face me, he seemed a little less upset.

Me: “Tell me why you don’t want me to go?”

I wanted Shadow to confirm it, I wanted some kind of assurance that he did have feelings for me without having to embarrass myself.

Shadow: “I told you... I don’t know why, I would just prefer if you stayed”

He wasn’t going to make the first move, or give me anything to work with... I still didn’t know if he did actually have feelings for me or if it was just Joshua’s imagination.

Joshua, who was peeking his head out from my bedroom door suddenly called out in frustration “Oh for goodness sake Shadow, just kiss her already!”

Shadow snapped his head towards Joshua “Shut up Josh!” Shadow was actually blushing at Joshua’s comment, causing me to giggle.

Shadow: “Yes well... Uhm... I” He didn’t know how to respond or what to say... I thought it sweet and just smiled.

Shadow was always a leader and in control but when it came to woman and matters of the heart, it was clear he had no clue...or maybe he did, maybe the werewolf-vampire thing was also what held him back.

After Shadow yelled at Joshua, Joshua took off, leaving us alone.

Shadow: “Will you stay?”

Me: “If you give me a reason too”

Shadow looked at me, studying me and unintentionally his gaze dropped from my eyes down to my chest. He swallowed hard, so hard in fact, I could hear it, before he forced himself to look away “Can’t you just be happy with I want you to stay, and leave it at that?”

He was getting uncomfortable and that made him irritable, if I wanted to give him any kind of assurance, I needed to make the first move, so I reached for his hand and held it in mine “If you want me, I’ll stay”

I deliberately said if he wanted me instead of if he wanted me to stay, I was half expecting him to pull away and tell me that’s not what he meant at all, but he didn’t, in fact it seemed like he didn’t want to let go of my hand.

As per the outcome of the fight between Wildflower and I, the wolves stayed out of my way. Some were even more friendly and accommodating than before.

I wanted to apologize to Wildflower but couldn’t find her, Joshua told me that she and some of her friends just couldn’t make peace with the outcome of the fight. Shadow gave them a choice, either they keep to the pack rules and keep to the fight outcome or they leave the pack and go join one of the other packs... So they left.

I kept to my part of the outcome. As always Shadow and Joshua accompanied me to town. I asked them to stand guard outside, but the truth was I didn’t want Shadow to see me seduce and take blood from someone.

The whole idea of me seducing a man had already worked him up, the last thing I wanted to do is push him away. Remembering how he reacted the first time he saw me drink blood, I never wanted to see him look at me with disgust like that ever again.

I went into Andrew’s office, flirted a bit, using my seduction on him, gotten him so hot and bothered he would crawl through the coals of hell’s fire just to be with me, and then got his permission to bite him and drink his blood. After I fed, I manipulated him, telling him if he wanted to see me again he had to be a better man, he needed to pay his employees and treat them better.

Only after I finished with him, I noticed Shadow had been standing in the door.

Shadow: “Is that what happens every time?”

Me: “Pretty much...I didn’t know you were watching... I’m sorry you had to see that”

Shadow: “No, it’s fine. I expected... I don’t know, I guess I expected it to be worse”

I laughed at Shadows Revelation “You expected me to have sex and force myself onto him, or force him to give his blood to me?”

Shadow: “Something like that, yes. It wasn’t all that bad, but I can’t say that I enjoy watching you flirt and seduce a man.”

Me: "It's not like I enjoy it, it doesn't mean anything... Just a survival tactic"

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